HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 160ORDINANCE NO. ' NEW SERIES. '~! ........ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A CERTAIN RESIDENCE DISTRICT IN T-HE CITY· OF BAKERSFIELD, PROHIBITING CERTAIN · FACTORIES, WORKS AND BUSINESSES FROM BEING ESTABLISHED, M~INTAINED OR CARRIED ON IN SUCH DISTRICT; PROVID- ING FOR CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE" ~' PROVISIONS OF THIS ORD-.INANCE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF TH~ PROVISIONS HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows :. SECT I 1. .All of the City of Bakersfield is hereby established and declared 'to be a residence district excepting-therefrom those portions of the ~ity included within the boundaries of said industrial district or districts established by this o~dinance and within such fire limits as are now or may be here- after established and 'also excepting such portions off. said city as may be hereafter excepted by ordinance from the said.".-- residence district. SECTION It is hereby declared tO be unlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation to establ'ish, maintain, or carry on within the residence district described in.Section 1 hereof, any'quarry~ stone crusher; rolling.mill; machine shop; plan~.~j m~ll; carpet beating establishment; dye and cleaning establish- ment.; lemndry; public laundry; wash house-; fireworks factory; '.. soap factory; glue factory; tannery; blackem_Ith shop; elaughter~-: house; or place for the slaught.ering':~ animals; reduction..w.o.rk's';: pickel factory; vinegar works; hospitals~ stables, livery stables;.. · wood yards;. lumber yards; 'undertaking establishments; emb&l~ming establishments; 'funeral parlors; 'public garages; stores, mercantile "' "" ,,,.1-. :' : · · " ': "' :'~':' .~j'.'_......u=:~ · wholesale houses, warehguses. or other ?business est.~blish~ents, :~'~ Provided,"::.however~the Building 'Inspector may. grant.. a-.permtt '~to establish and maintain an electric motor in any such works or. ~.~., ·factory where power other than animal power.is used in the oper~ ation of the. sine and where a permit to install and maintain a steam boiler or gasoline motor. has been granted ad.optiOn of this ordinance; but in no case shall a permit to install any eiectric motor in any such place be gr.s. nted except to take the place of a steam boiler or gasoline motor in such place and such permi~~ shall 'be granted only upon 'conditions~.'~hat such steam boiler or gasoline· motor shall _.be. removed from such· place· and the use thereof in such place .l~'e discontinued and abando'ned immediately upon the installation of such electric motor; and in .no case shall a permit be granted to install any electric motor of greater horsepower than the steam boiler or gasoline, motor so to be removed and abandoned; provided further · that nothing in this ordinance~'contained~to be construed to pre- vent the, installation and maintenance of not·more than one elec- tric motor of a capacity of not to exceed five horsepower on any lc~t or premises. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. not The ·provisions of this ordinance shall/apply to any of the businesses or places herein. classified now lawfully estab- lished and license~ therefor~ in the City of Bakersfield. The following described territory shall be and the same i.s. hereby excepted from the residence district of the 'd'i'~y of Bakersfield 'as heretdrore and. in'-Se~C'~dn 1 established, to-wit: All that portion of the City of' Bakersfield within the following described boundarieS: the northerly line of (a)~ CommenciD~.~~-~r~seetion of/lSth..;.St~eet '~d~e~sterl' line off Street ~unning thence northsrly ~Ong the easterly .line F Street to the. southe.fly line.of 20th Street;. thence easterly along the southerly line of SOth Street to the eas~er-ly ~'~-f. G Street; thence northerly along the easterly 'line.. Of'..~G..Street to the southerly line of ~2nd Street; t~ence easterly along the ~/~ southe~!y line of SSnd Street to the easterly line~ of. H Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of H Street to the south- erly line of 31st Street; thence easterly al~Ong ,the southerly· line of 31st Street to the westerly line 'of K .st~.e~et; thence southerly along the westerly line of At 'Street~o t~.,e"northerly line of 26th Street; thence easterly on the northerly line of 26th Street to the westerly line of L Street; thence southerly along the westerly line of L Street to the northerly line of 24tb Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of ~4th Street 'to the westerly line of M Street; thence southerly alon~ the westerly line of N Street to the southerl'y line of 23rd Street thence ea. sterly along the southerly line of ~3rd Street to the westerly line of N Street; thence southerly· along the westerly line of N Street tO the southerly line of ~Oth Street; thence easterly a~ong the southerly line of SOth Street to the westerly line of R Street; thence southerly on the westerly line of R Street to the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue; thence westerly along the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the westerly line of L Street; thence southerly along the westerly line of L Street to t~e northerly line of 14th Street; thence westerly along the northerly line of 14th Street to the. westerly line of G Street; thence southerly along the westerly line of G Street to the north- erlyoline of California Avenue; thence westerly along the north- erly line of California~to the westerly line of Oak Street; thence northerly along the westerly line of Oak Street to the southerly lihe of Truxtun Avenue. thence easterly along the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the westerly line of C Street; er'ly line of 16th Street' to the easterly line ~-f' 'F .'Street;..~-' thence np~therly along the ~aste.rty line of E Street "to the. ' place "of, beginning, ' ' :. (b) -. -: 'Comencing at a point of intersection:' with the south- e~ly line 'of 20th Street and the easterly Bank of the Kern Island 'Canal ruining thence easterly along the southerly line 'of 20th Street to the easterly.. line of union Avenue; ~hence 'northerly along the easterly line of Union. Avenue to the south- -': e.~ly' line of Kentuc~ street; thence east'er~y along the southerly .....~ line of Kentucky Street to the easterly line' of Kern Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of Ke~n Street to the southerly' line of Monterey Street; thence easterly along' ~he southerly line of Monterey 'Street to the westerly 'line of King Street; thence southerly.along the weste~.,ly line of..King Street;. to the northerly line of. Jackcon Street; thshce easterly along the ~.~:; mo'rthe~I'~" line of Jackson Street to the westerly line of Beale Avenue; tzhence northerly along the w~s~erly line of Bea~e Avenue to the southerly line of Kentucky Street; .thence easterly along ... the southerly line of Ken~uc~ Street to the easterly City Limita'; thence southerly along the easterly city limits to the northerly ~ine of East T~tun ~venue; thence westerly along the no~the.rly line of East Trytun Avenue to the northerly. line of Hmboldt Street; thence westerly along the northerly line of H~boldt Street to the easterly line of King Street; thence southerly ~. along the easterly line of King Street to the northerly line of .. Fremont Street.and East Trytun Avenue; th~ce w~.te~ly along ~ the no'rtherly line of Fremont St'feet to the easterly line .of Inyo Street; thence s~therly ~ong the easterly line of Inyo Street to the northerly line of East T~tun .Avenue; thence westerly along the northerly line of Eas't Truxtun Avenue to the ........... , .'..:., 'j".-.,~=:=,:~_. :.... ...... ....:. " 0 f.. '." "{!~' easterly line of Sonora Street to the northerly line ........ :....-" Eureka. 8tPeet; t~ence westerly .along the northerly line Eureka Street 'to the westerly line of Unidn Avenue; thenc~ northerly along the westerly line of Union Avenue· to the north- erly line of. 18th Street; thence westerly along the northerly line of 18th Street to the easterly Bank of the Kern Island' Canal; thence northerly along the easterly Bank of the Kern Island Canal to the ·Point of beginning. SECTION SECTION Any person, firm, company or ·'corporation vio. l~.!n~ .' any of the provisions of this ordinance, or failing, 'ne'gleetimg,.~". "._ ..... ~_.-,:... .... . .... or refusing to obtain the permit as herein pro~i!~Sd:, shall' · .i.'..i;.,~.- · · be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof " shall be punished by a fine not less than fifty dollars .($~0'~'00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($800.00)'or by imprisonment. -in the County Jail of Kern County not less than two days~.(2)· nor more than six months (6), or by both such ·fine and imprison- If.any section, subSection, sentence., clause or .phra. se of this ordinance is for any reason"held to be unconsti .... ~.~.tional· or invalid, such decision shall not a~fect the remaining portion of this ordinance. The Oity Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and' each section and subsection thereof irrespective of the fact' that any or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be 'declared unconstitutional or 'inValid. The provisions of this ordinance~-shali ~ot be. deemed.~L to be nor construed to mean an ordinance abrogating Or repealing any of 'the provisions set out in Ordinance.No. 182 New Series. known as the "Building Ordinance", but this ordinance shall".be .deemed to be a Supplement of OrdinanceNo. 182 New Series of the C~ty of Bakersfield. I' HEREBY CERTIFY that'the foregoing Ordinance' 'wa.s... · regularly p~assed and adopted by the Council of ~he Citiy Of Bakers-'· field, on the day 'of . , 192~, by the following vote: Council. of the. City of Bakersfield. Mayor of the rit~ersfield. .Ayes: C~Hsle, C~th, ~ Hough, Nelson, Robinson, Smith. ":[ .. :' ( '~::.:.[~"." "' ~'' ''''~'' '''''~ . · . ......~. ..~;;...]~.~....~ :... ....... .~ ...:~.~.~,._.~;...~ . .~.. . . . . ..~q...~ C io Clerk of the, .,~, · : ~..... .