HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 155SECTION 1. SECTION SECTION 3. ORDINANCE NO. / NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE EGULATING THE MANNER 0F OF BAKERBFI ELD, AND 'REPEALING' ORDINANCE '.. .. NO. 88 ENTITLED "An ordinance on the subject of incandescent and electric signs; allowing the use and regulating the character and the use of same and, repealing all iparts of other ordinances in conflict With this ordinance," AND .... ALL ORDINANCES AND:PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: "Sign" as used in this Ordinance shall '·F~=~·=deemed to mean any :sign, sign board, or any sign device of any-character, attached in any manner or place in front-of~. or upon, any building, or placed or maintained on or above any .sidewalk,...a~reet~ or public property. . , ' It 'shall be unlawful to erect, place, suspend,. attach..:-'. or maintain or cause to be erected, placed, suspended, attached'~ or maintained, any sign in violation of any of..the provisions this Ordinance.' The Building Inspector is hereby mane.d..'a's .the .proper-..'.Y'..~ ~ ' - ' ""' ~-' · official to enforce the provisions of this 0rdin~Ce and is'~'~{:~i~TY' '.. ' ' ' ' ~~tL" hereby given authority to make such inspections· and take suchj~..~~'" -.',. · .... ~_' -.. steps as in his Ju'dgement may. be necessary Ordi nance,. . SECTION 4. It shall 'be unlawful to erect any sign as" " in Section One (1), or mentioned in any part'.of"thiS .o~dina~.~.. without first obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector, un, less it be particularly stated in this Ordinance that the sign i~L question requires no permit, The fee for such ~permit shall be the same as charged for other permits for work or equal value, as stated in Section of Ordin ce No. SECTION as the Electrical Department Ordinance. Before any permit is issued for any sign, a sketch showing the sign and its proposed location and construction shall be filed with the Building Inspector, and before any permit shall be issued the approval of the Building Inspector must be· obtained., Other than the permit from the Building Inspector, no other permits shall be necessapyunless specifically required by this ordinance. It shall be unlawful to erect signs within the Fire Limits projecting beyond the face of the building not more than six inches (8") without obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector., It shall be unlawful to erect ~:signs outside of the Fire Limits projecting not over three feet beyond the property line over any street, sidewalk, or public property, without obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector. SECTION 8. Any sign projecting ~eyond the property line over three feet (3') must be an electric sign. SECTION 7. Electric signs, in order to be construed as such, must be provided with not less than one lamp of eight candle power for each square foot of sign surface. Smaller or larger lamps SECTION 8. may be used ·provided ~l~L~e~i~.lent of eight ~an~ie .- '..~ ''~ power per square foot of sign surface be maintained.· ·-· ~ -'-~ No si~ whether already in position or hereafter erected shall be placed, maintained, suspended on or attached any manner to any fire escape or stand pipe in the City of ....~e~.~'.' Bakersfield. "'~~ SECTION 9. No sign shall be placed on any building above the level of the first floor windows in such manner as to project in front of any window opening. SECTION 10.. .SECTION 11. No sign shall project over or beyond the property line to' a greater extent than six inches (6") unless so in ·this section. Projecting signs extending six inches or more ove:~ the property line must be hung approximately at right angles with the face of the building, that is, the smallest dimension of the sign must be approximately parallel with the pro- perty line, except at corners, when signs may be humg in such a way a_s to make approximately the same angle with both streets. · When the bottom 'of the sign is more than seven feet '-(~') and lesSi,·'thahi ten feet (lO') above sidewalk grade, projection' must not exceed twelve inches (12") .' When the bottom of sign is ten feet or more and less than twe~lve feet (12') above sidewalk grade, prSjection must not exceed three feet (~'). When the bottom of sign is twelve feet (12'~·~or more' above sidewalk grade the sign may project to curb, provided that Any sign, projecting 'over four feet six inches (4~8'') from the building shall hot have a height, measured from the highest to the lowest point of sign, to exceed four feet six inches except ,...~.. ' .~:, -: .... ' . ,' portion is at least twenty foot (~0~) above the s~dewal~ it SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful to suspend any additional sign.'. below any existing sign or any sign hereafter erected unless · the total height measured from the bottom.Of the suspended sign to the top of the sign from which it is suspended shall ·come within the provisions of this Ordinance as required for single signs,.ar..~d other conditions for single signs a~.,.e complied with, considering the combined sign as a single sign.. " All overhanging signs which project.more than five feet from the face of any building shall be hung by a hinge connection. in such a manner that the sign may be swung back flat against the building. SECTION 12. SECTION Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as prohibiting the use of decorations or temporary banners used furing times of general celebrations; or as prohibiting the use of canvas banners streched across the street for a period not to exceed fifteen days when a permit for the use of such banners is granted by the City Council and a permit obtained from the Build- ing Inspector after such g~ant by the City 'Council. SECTION 14. No sign shall be placed on any pent-house within the City Limits unless such sign shall measure tess than fifteen feet from the i~ighest point of the sign'to the pent-house, and such ..si.gn .shall nO.t. ex~end beyong the walls o.f.. the pent.house. .. ".~'. -.... : No sign shall be placed on the roof or any pa~t of. any building extending to a greater height than thirty six feet suchsease to be taken from the highest point of the sign. A sign placed on the roof of any building shall '..not.-come' nearer · than throe feet (measured horizontally) from the fire-wall., and the lower edge of the sign in any case must be maintained at leas~ six feet '(6') above the roof of that part of the building ~..~ve which the sign is placed. SECTION 18. SECTION 18. ~Wnen any sign exceeds the height of sixteen feet (16~) measured from the portion of the building on which it rests, such sign must be of open work construction. The location of any sign shall be subject to the approval of the Building Inspect~or. SECTION 17. Any sign placed on or above the roof, pent-house or any part of the roof of any building must be satisfactory to the Building InSpector and'constructed of fire proof material. SECTION 18. .Supports for all signs of every description shall be figured with a factor of safety of six (6). ~Wnen guy Wires are used 'on swinging signs, s~ch guy wires must be provided with turnbuckles in order that these guy wires may be properly tightened. at all times. SECTION 19. .._ All metal guys, brackets, and other metal parts' used in"co~nectio~ with signs must be of galvanized or non-corrosive - materials or must be treated with at least three coats of non-cot- rosive paint. SECTION 20. Every sign shall be maintained in good repair subject to the inspection. a~d .a~p..ro~ ....~£.,.the .~ :--:;ld~i~':'-"~~'.~;..~-~ ....:;.::..: <-.. SECTION 21. SECTION 22. SECTION 2S. Where any sign'is not. kept in go6~ repair it may-be ordered removed by the' above.mentioned Inspector, this shall apply to any sign whether already in'.,~osition or hereafter erecte~'~- shall be a misdemeaa-~ not tS'remove such sign within thirty~.~ays after receipt of written notice from the Building' Inspectors.' It shall be unlawful to maintain clocks on ~t~.~.'.extreme ~F~.' ... outer edge of the sidewalk next to the curb line provide~*~he size of the bases of such cloaks do not exceed two f~et in any outside dimensioh. The Bottom of the portion of the clock carry- ing the dials must be at least eight feet above the sidewalk~ and. its supports must be of fireproof and substantial construction. Not~king in this Ordinance shall be construed as to prohibit the painting of any sign on the wall of any building. No sign shall be maintained on any sidewalk except' as provided b~ this Ordinance. SECTION 24. The Building Inspector shall have authority to order the removal of any sign maintained in violation of any provisions of this Ordinance. It shall be a violation of this 0rd~inance to refuss to remove such sign within thirty days after the service of such notice of removal. SECTION All electric signs which are installed in the City Bailersfield after the date on which this Ordinance become~ eff. e_ctive, shall be constructed, wired, ._insta-lled, and maintained' in conformity with all of the requirements of' this Ordinance and with all of the applicable orders of the Industrial Accident COmmission which are in effect at the time the sign is ~n'stalled and with all applicable rules of the National Board of Fire Underwriters which are in effect at the time the ~ign is .:.. ~:;~ ,~ ~:.~'.~!: ~b~ ,. · ~... ....'~ -.'/. ~1. .-.... · ,. . ~- .:..~ ',.. .. ~.. ~ .... ..: ~,: ~.~ !r;,~ ~ ~'.... · . · dent Commission of a copy thereof with the City 6~'.erk of the . y .... of Bakersfield, .take' pre'~.~denee~'~er ~y local .~le or any rule."-' .. ..~...-.. · . . ,.,,, . =. ,. =~ of the Ns. tional' Board of Fire ..Underwriters applying to the " ss~e matter if such rule would'permit of less safe construction; ses which ~s not specifically covered by ~y order o~ the Indust~i.~ Accident...' ~.~.'..~'~ COEission or by ~y ~le of the National Board of Fire Under~... writers or by ~y local rule, the ~ilding'.'Inspector may . -~ . ,...~.~ require such construction as in his Judgement is most suita-b~'~ ..... .... . .. ... .... All electric signs except thea.tre'~.~signs shall be burned at least t~vo hours each ni~t exce. pt~..Sunday; all si~s' '.-.--~..~'.'~'~ not .so burned shall be removed upon order of the ~ilding Inspec' ....'~ ~"'L.~.~: That 0r~nance No. 88 and all ord. in~ces and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby".'.' '-~.~.L~-.~ repealed. ~ · ~y.' person, firm or ~orporation, violation or causing . . to be violated ~y of the provi.~'~6ns 0f this Ordinance shall be~ : ..-.~'~y~.~ deemed ~ilty of'Y.a misdemeano~ and upon conviction shall be ....~.. .... p~ishabiS by' a .'fine not less than twenty-five/' ($~5.00) dollars...'.'. .. ~''. or more than T~ee Hundred ~ llars ($.'3.00.00) or by impr~'~en~ ..-..."' - . .' · -...- .... . .-. · . .,..~ in the Co'~ty jail not more than one hundred ~d eighty days (lso~ or by botih such fine dand impriso~ent. ~ .-~.' I~ any section, sub-section, clause or phrase Ordinance is for any reason held to'be unconstitutional such dec~'~~''' ~'-"'.~'?~ .... sion sha.~l o~f.fect validity clause ~d phrase, thereof, irrespective of the f'ac~ t~a~...'-~ny.-one' or more ot~er sections sub-sections, sente~c~es,.,:e~!a~.a~eS o~ '-phrases' .. I HEREBY CERTIH that the .foregoin~ 0r.dinance...~as,~.. "' passed ~d adopted at' a re~lar meeting'Qf'-:yj~.H~ "Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the ~ da~' ~;. . '...]'.' ."';~:~';:~ by. the following vote: . ".~. '.. .' · .. ~.'.-...~ ~,~.~ Ayes: ~rHsle ~h, N'~re, Hougham, Nelson Robinson, Smirk · ~ '; ~"'Ts~ t · . .: ~' · , ~"~ C~~i ........ ': "' ~.... ~..~ the Council of the City of ~akers-'. ~' .'.~L;-.... ~day of field ': .... . .~. '-"~.~ APP this ...... "~':' .. ..-.z~ . ' -~, .- .. ;.T~, . · ..........~.. · .- ~...-: . '.~ . ;~'~."' ......... . .. .....~ ........ . .-....-~$~ - · ' '- ."'.'~.' . . :.'. ~....;....~,~ ..... .... ~.'.. ~'....:~'. .~..