HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 154AN ORDINANCE CREATING A DEPART~L.ENT.- TO BE KNOWN AS THE "DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY" PROVIDING EOR..THE .. GREAT~.R S~STY. ~0 L:..x.:~: A~D" P~OP~.RTY BY REGULATING THE iNSTALLAT.ION, REPAIR, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS; -. DYNAMOS, MOTORS, OR OTHER ELECTRICAL APPARATUS OR MATERIAL OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, WHETHER INSIDE OR OUT-. SIDE· OF ANY BUILDING OR ON ANY ~'.. STREET OR PUBLIC HIGHWAY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIRa-ITS OF THE CITY OF . BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, - S~ATE 'OF CALIFORNIA, AND PLACING SUCH' ""' DEPARTMENT UNDER THE SUPERVISION: BE I'T ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFELD,' · as follows: APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTORS. SECTION. 1. -' .~-.' The Building Inspector and. such assistants as are from time .to ·time appointed by the City .Ma.nager shall have exclusive super-vision and control over the D.epartment of Elect~.~- city and shall enforce the provisions of t~is ordinance. SECTION 2. '(a)_ RULES AND REGULATIONS. This 'Ordinance Shall apply t-8:-~lt electrical installations in the City of Bakersfield, including those in public schools, which operate at more than 28 volts or which generate, transmit, transform, or utilize more than 80 watts, · except such installations as .come under the .exclusive· jurisdic- · · .' :~.~.~i:~;:.."~,, '..,. ". · L :,.".:: :. !..'.:~ ."' · .-" .. ,- ."" h. . ....; ............"~ ....... .....'-~; -~:.. :z.::~i~X~.:~' · ............... Commission which are in effect at. the :time .~.he'.~i~ork is done and ~"i~~th all of the applicable rules of 'the· National Board of'~ derwriters which a~e in effect at the time the work· is done; SECTION 3. the City of Bakersfield after the Ordin~ce~ shall be const~e~d,. installed, .wired, ~d maintained in confo~ity with· all of the requirements of. this Ordin~ce ~d.... ........ . provided, however, that whenever the Industrial Ac'c~-t"..Oommis- sion shal.1, by order, fix a standard·· of safety applying to any installat. ion which is included within the provisions of this Accldent.Commisalon a copy thereof with the Clerk.. of..the tty of... .... Bakersfie:ld, establish a minimum requirement conc~i~ng the matters ".:' covered by' such..'orders and shall amend o~ mo.dif..y:.. any requirements. in 'a~;~-...local rule or any r~le of the National 'Board of Fire t~rwri'ters applying to the same matter, 'i'f .~s.uch local rules or' rU-l'es' of: the' N'~.tional Board of.'!~Fi~' Underwriters would .... ..: .!--.._-_..~ . . : .. .......~. -.-. permi-~ ~f~ les~' saf. e construction or installation; and provided, ,f..~~'~ that in .any case where the construction employed is' not SPecifically covered by ah.~ order of'the IndUstrial Acqident ~... Commission or~i by...'~ahy rule of the' National Board of Fire' Under-' writers or'by any local rule, the Buildi.ng. I~..n~spector shall require such c~nStruction as in his 'Judgelent is most suitable~. · AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF BUIE~JXM'G.. IN ~SPECT. OR.'...~"~'-..'/~...L:~i~..=~'~:~':{~:~ empowered to.make tests' ·'sn all electric li'ghting and powe~r ·sys' The Building Ins.~e'eto~ iS hereby authorized .and' ~ :: .~:!!-:' ~-~. '. , ...... firm, or corporation furnishing such !electric' service, to provide · SUit-~'ble'methods of making such 'tests as ~nay: be requim~ed by the "" · . . , . ~ ~' ..;.. . · -.... ..f. ..... . , .. ~ ~. .. ~...- . 'ibm"--.:' ...~he Building InspectOr.· is also ai~thorized to.. enter any ·building, strue. ture,. subway, . o~ .subway manhole .i_.~! "' City of BakerSfield, at any reasonable time in.-the.perform. ance :'~+..~ of 'any of the duties specified in this ordinan:c-.ela':."and, upon demand of .-t.he Building ~nspector, the' owner' or.l~is.'rep. resentative shall accompany him or his assistant to inspect all. 'e!ect:rical con.duct tots, g.ene~atOrs, transformers, motors, and 'ot~er' electrical '.'~. . . . .:'~.~ ~: apparatus and materials, which are covered".b.~ · ""' whether in or upon or outside of' any building or '.s.tr~ctnre of in' or under-any street or public highway within· .th;e. Oit~ Sf Bakers'· ~ ... .. ~:..~' .'. · , ... field; and to notify the o~mer or the per. son," firm, or corpor. a- tion concerned or interested in such installation of any and all viol'atf'ons of the provisions of this ordins;~nce and to exam- ine and pass-upon all applications for' licenses and.'permits r. equired by this ordinance. ~.. CONDENNATION .OF DANGEROUS WIRING, ETC. (c) W~x~.en the Building Inspece:t~:~'~.hal! find that...any electricall installation (whether installed pFior to or subsequent".' to the date on which this ordinan0e beCom~ effective), or any ..: part of such installation, is hazardous to. 1.ire or.property, h~..-'. shall notify the owner of, or the person, fi~m,-.or. cor~lOoration _.../ . ..... concerned or interested in, such installation o~ the existance ....... of such hazardous conditions; such notice.shall be in.writing- and shall specify the hazardous condition'.and the changes required to be'made to correct such hazardous condition and shall · specify a reasonable length of time in which such changes. shall ..... ..~ .....~ be made. Upon receiving notice· .Qf the existence of hazar.d. oU~' ..'~"~':' ~.~. ...- - ~ "~?~?' · . . .~ ... .. -~ .~ '........~ .'..'..!~..~'..~ ~.._ · · · ' ' ._"i..-~.'? 'j" conditiSns and.the changes t0. t~-correct such conditioB~.,~"'~... ~ ~he owner.,.. or ~he person, fi~m,-. or' corpora~i'on Concerned 'or Y~ ..... : interested in the installation .in~.questibn Shall cause such changes to be made within the-time specified in such notice..- ,.DISCONNECTION OF CONDEMNED WIRES. '(d) After notifying. any own.or of, 0~ person, firm, or corporation' concerned or interested in, any electrical installa- tion of any hazardous conditions existing therein, as provided in subdivision (e) of this section, it shall be the duty of.the Building Inspector to make a reinspecti0n within the time specified, to determine whether or not the changes specified'. in such notice have. been completed; if such Changes have not been made and the h~zardous condition s~ll exists, it shall be the -· duty of ti~e Building Inspecotr to remove the fuses, lock or seal the switc'h in the open position, cut the'wires,.notify and authorize the serving agency to disconnect' the service or in some ot~er effective manner to interrupt. the supply of. current to such hazardous equipment and to maintain'such interruption of service ~ti~ such hazardous conditions have been corrected. (s) When any electrical installation or any part of such installation has been found by the Building Inspector to be .:. hazardous, and after serving the notice provided for ~,"~in subdi- vision· (c) of this section the supply of current to .such installa. tion has been.interrupted, it shall be unlawful for the owner or any ~ther person, firm, or corporation to in any man~er. reconnect.such installation, or cause it to be'reconnected, to the' source of electrical energy, or to use current in such installation, until the changes specified have been completed and a:~.:ce~?tificate has been i~.s..~.~' h~. the BUilding approving such installation as' ~'~e.' tru~ed," SECURING PERNITS~ SECTION Corporation· to ~ake, or ·cause· 6D~"bs made, ~y installation of '~"""~'~. electrical equipment or material covered by the provisions of '~, ~.~ this ordinance, or m~l alteration in or addition to any such in- stallation, withgut first having· secured from the Building Inspector -~'~': a permit for such work; provided however, that no petit will · '. be required for the ordinary operating-repairs ~equired for the' maintenance of conductors and equipment covered by the provisions of this .ordinance. (b) Permits for the installati'on 'of conductors and equipment covered by the provisions of this ordinance shall be. issued only to persons, firms, 'or corporations-who have obtained ~.:~' the licenses provided for in Section 6 of this Ordinance, and'whO .. have complied wit~. ~ll other provisions of this ordinance ' which imp, ose certain conditions in connections': with the securing of licenses and permits. (c) Whenever any electrical conductors or equipment·- .. ...~ .... .... covered·by this Ordinance are to.be installed, it shall'be the duty of the perSOn, firm, or corporation desiring to make such installation to file with the Building InSpector a statement showing the Smount and character of such work ·.and to pay ~0 the.·· Bui. lding. Inspector the amount of fees for such work, as speCific.d-.' ~n this ordin~de. However, the Building InspectOr will make ~ i'nspection for ~y person, fi~, or corporation of .~y. existing" installations of electrical conductors or .apparatus, provi'~ng such person, firm, or corporation will pay the necessary inspection ..... ~.:,,. .. ,~ .... ... . ~ '...'~ .~ .. · ~-~ ..,. -~.~.f~..~.~ .~. :~:'. ~ ...... . be in the form specified by the~B~'ilding '.~. ..' "(.. :...' '-"L .~:-! - .. ductors oT equipment' covered ~V '.~tht~s orainance without first be issued' Until such person, .f:~.~n.i' or'~cQr~..oj~,a...t:ion shall' have paid double the fee prescribed for-.sUch work. "~z::; . PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. (e) Whenever any electrical work c0ivered b~ the ' ' ~"'r . · provisions of this ordinance i..s to be installed, it:shall be the duty of tlae person desiring to make said installation, to filed character of such work, and he shall at the same ~" ,. eposit" With said Building Inspector the amount. of: the fees prescribed under this ordinance for the inspection o.f' all wo'rk shown on said statement. It shall also, if required b~ the .B~ildin~ · ~n~pector, be the d~ty of said person, firm,. or corporation to submit plans and-specifications of said installation. No permit shall be issued unless said statement .'or'p~ans and specifications' show that the proposed installation-shall be installed in. accordance'with the rules and regulations herein prescribed, and upon .completion of said'installation· it shall be the duty of said person, firm, or corporation ~o notify the Build' . ing Inspector,'who shall inspect the .same as early as convenient;' and if ths installation conforms to the requirementS. of thl~-ordi- nance., he shal issue a certificate'Of approval,: which 'shall :". contain the date and an outline of the re~ul.t of his Inspec~fon. o-. '4:""!~: No certificate shall be issued-unless'~aid installation c'onfo~m;s;..: .... strictly with the rules and regulations herein prescribed, nor. "' shall 'any such installation be. connected to any Source additional fee therefor within...~.ten~days'(lO) after demand there- '~'~ b~ ·said Building Inspector;"and if said person, firm, or · .' . · - . . . . " '2 '. : :. · . an additionalL ins.pec.tio~.,..~he~ ~~,. '.firm, or co~'pe~rati'on~e/~.'.'-~'~L w~om the permi~ is issued ~hal~' p.a.y the Buil.ding Inspector' the corporation shall"fail or reftl~-e~...to pay said additional fee · . '. ~.-...~ ~.. - . . · .. ~ ,.' within .-~the said period of ten days (10), said BUilding Inspector--:-~' ~'~'i'=~' shall not issue to said person, .firm, or .co~poration any permits for the installation of any elec.tri~al work until said fees are paid.· · PERMITS FOR. IIqSTALLATION OF LIGHTING FIXTURES. (f) Independent permit~ shall be necessary for the· installation of electrical conductors and for' 'the installation of lighting fixtures. Combination wirings. and fixture in~talla. tions, where nc~t more than five lights are installed and only one inspection is necessary, may be covered by the permit issued for ~he..fnStallation of the electrical conductors, provided the 'lighting fixtures are installed by the person, firm, or corpora- tion~who is installing the electrical conductors, The term .~:.i~ "Lighting: Fixtures" shall include cords, chandeliers, receptacles, ..'~'~.~L. and brackets. Each pendant switch shall b.e considered the '-: same.as one light fixture. " DECORATIVE OR TEMPORARY 'LIGHTING. (g) Fixture permits wi'll hot .be required for any. temp.orary decorative lighting o~ for other temporary ·lighting. APPROVE~ BEFORE CONCEALtN:G. "' (h) Before any electrical installation is covered a i ._t 'o .. .. .. ....... ..: ....~: . .-- ......,. firm, Or' corporation; to whom a permit has:.'bsen issued ~nder thi:s~. ,....'..~:' o~dinanc~ ·must acC6~any said BuildinE Inspector on-.his. trip of · :~. ~ . ..~ . . "' use eleS~:ric current by means of.any conductors, apparatuS,' or . :~..TEMPORARY PERivYITS. · : ~! .:' .. :~.'!" (j)' B~ore issuing a certificate of approval, the.; i~. g . '~ :. V" · . Bui Ir~s'~ector' may give a temporar'y permit to furnish or ' / :'[i!:~.fixtures, for ~ period not exceeding thirty· days;' if in.his SECTION 'S. .... (s.) The Building Inspector shalI' charge and collect from the person, firm, or corporation to whgm any permit 'fOr in- · "-.-..~ stalling any electrical conducto.rS, dynam'os, motors, or othe. r .... such 'conductors, apparatus, or fixtures ar:e in ·such condition .:.. that same may. safely be used, and.'.there exists an urgent necessity. "..' .... fo.~ ~{i:.ch use. This temporary permit shall expire within .. .- t~y (30) days. Under no condition shall this time be extendedU '.' "'[ unless the Building inspector shall grant· wri~ten permission. ,.-:." for such extension. Before such written permission is issued a new permit shall be secured at the regualr.fee of one dollar·. ($1.00)'~." . (k) ·Notice for any-. inspection required by this ordi~ ~"~":..!.a"' nance must be.'f~!!~ed' ~ith the Building Inspectors' Department at leas. t:"'twenty-fou~ (24) hours before suctt.' inspection is to be i'[";~:'~ PERMIT FEES. -.~..~ FOR THE'INSTALLATION OF. ELECTRIC~kL CONDUCTORS '.~' -.. FOR LIGHTING o'r HE~TiNG '.WEERE 'THE WATTAGE PER .~...: .:... =. OUTLET.DOES NOT' EXCEED 660 WATTS: .... o o'.. ~:.!.~ .~ i to 5 outlets .... - .... $1.00 6 to lO outlets..,- ....... -. ....1.50 11 to 20 outlets 2.00 21 to 30 outlets -- 2.50 · 31 to 50 outlets~. ..... 3.0D Each addition 25 outlets or fr~ction thereof ............. 1.O0 'Where the wattage per outlet for lighting exceeds 880 watts, the charge for each outlet shall ~e .......... .50 (Switches are to be considered as outlets) FOR INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING FIXTURES~ 1 to 5 sockets o~ receptacles..--k$1.O0 '6 to 10 " " " .... 1..50 11 to 20 " " " .... 2.00 21 tO 30 " " " .... 2.50 31 tO 50 " " " --'-- 3.00 Each additional 25 sockets o~ receptacles or fraction thereof --- 1.00 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF DYNAMOS AND MOTORS, (including the wiring and control devices therefo.r.~.. ~ to 1 HP. each $~.00 2 to 3 HP. each ....... 2.00 B HP. each ..................... 3.00 ,a HP. each ---. ........... ~.00 '- Over 7~ ' s HP. each -.- ' ·8.00 Change of motor servi. ce, each -- 1.50. FOR THE INSTALLATIOiq OF ELECTRIC HEATERS, (including the wiring and control devices therefor). Space' Heater over 660.watts, each $1.00 · FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ·MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL' .... .... · DEVICES (including the.wiring and control devices ...L-'~...-'.~':'~ therefor): ., 2- Ceiling fan (less than ~ HP.) each Exhaust or 'venti.la~ng ~' · fan (less than ~ EP.') each $ 0..5o 0.50 NOtion Picture Machine, 'each 1.80 Rec~ifiers, each ................. 1.00 Transformers, each ..... ' ..... Transformer vaults, each .50 1.50 Time switch, each .50 Fire. escape marker light, each --- Exit marker light (exit sign) ea'ch ~ervice permits '.80. .50 .25 (b)' FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC SI. GNS, (includin~ the wiring and control devices therefor):' Electric signs, 1 to 10 lights'.--=- '$1.00 Electric signs, 11 to 25 " -~--- 2.00 Electric signs, ~.6 tO 50 " .... 2.50 Electric signs, 51 lights or more ·3.00 · Permit fees·shall .inclUde ·inspection except when '.'- more than two·inspections are necessary; in which ease, an additional charge of one dollar ($1'.00) per~nspeCtion~all' be made.. For inspection of any electrical. equipment not covered ..... ": ......"' 'OH~"~Oii~i;"'($i.O'O) per inspectibn shall be made.. by this ordinance for which-no f.e.e'is p.r.'.e.s.eribed,.a charge o~ :.:.-:'....-[jLl!.:.,~;~ SECTION 8. LICENSES. manner p_ro__vided for the payme_nt, receipt, and disposition of license fees in Ordinance No. 92 New Series of the City-of Bakersfield; provided how~eve~, that the licenses provided for in this ordinance shall be gra,nted only upon the apprdval of the Building ]inspector. · ' (a) · Each person, firm, or... '.' ."' ~'.~' "!!~"""'/~7'i · . r. ~" any electrical work covered. b~this ordinance shall~ before· · beginning. any such work, procure a-license to do such work and · shall pa~ ~nnually =in adv._ance for such-liCense a fee, based .... · .. upon a-st-ate~ent ~iled by such' person, firm, or corporation ~.~ ~ .', . =. =~.'.~ . covering the amount of business done, as provided in Sect~l'6' -of Ordinance No~ 9~ New Series, of the City of Bakersfield, and.'. in .accordance ~ith '~he provisions of section 46 thereof. (~) "=' Any person, firm, or corporatfon desiring to do electrical work in their own building or group of buildings may secure a license for this wo~k~by paying a fee of ~ dollars and ~ cents ($ "~.~o ) :~.~~~" in advance, to the Building inspector and securing from him a license for this work. Such person, firm, or corpo~.ation shall secure the permits required by this ordinance and shall pay for such permits at the regular schedule rate, as specified in SeC- tion 8 of'this Ordinance. The licenses issued under the provi- sions of this subdivision shall not'be construed to permit the person, firm, or corporation securing such licenses to conduct an electrical business or to do electrical work for others, or to do any electrical work in any building or group of buildings except that specified in the. licenses. (c) The payment, receipt, and disposition of license fees under the provisions of this ordinance shall be made in the SECTION nance; nc, such credentials shall be valid until countersigned :'~ by the BUilding Inspector. ,~"' installation. of any electrical .work covered by'th~s ordi. nance~~' within ~he City 'of Bakersfield, unless he 'cm sh~W'.prop~er .credentis. ls as being the accredited representative of 'a person, ~ · . . .. · - ;~.~.'- f. im., or corporation.holding the licenses required by this ordi- SECTION 8. -APPROVAL NOTICE REQUIRED. No .cennection of addition to' any existing electrical conductors, with the exception of llghting' fixtures, shaii~ be made by any person, firm, or corporation until the.'.:Uperson, firm, or corporation installing.~he or~gina'l electrical conductErs shall have finished his work. and shall have received a certificate of approval from the Building Inspector. THEATRES.' SECTIO~ 9. (a) .It shall be the duty of the Buil'ding Inspector to ~riod~cally'inspect the electrical conductors,' apparatus, and equipment in use at all theatres and mOtion'picture houses- located within'the limits of the City of Bakersfield. Each theatre and motion picture house shall be inspected at least once a"month. The Building inspector will issue a monthly __.~Rpr~l ~notice tO .the owner of said theatr. e:or. mo'tion picture house, provided that, in his Judgement, the electrical apparatus and equipment is'in a safe operating condition. No ~heatre or motion picture house shall be allowed to operate without. said approval notice.' ~O ) charge -shall be -made· fer the i'nspections authorized under 'the provisions of this..sectio. n, unless the inspect.t~o~'-"~L~.~-...i~? shall show that· .~ork co~ing-within the provisions· of this~,,'~dik'? n~ce has been done without~ a permi.t having been~ secur.ed thsre~ -for. (b) All electrical apparatus in a theatre'or...~,.·~ motion·picture house shall'~e_i~ charge of competent electricians .'~nd·opers. torS as provided in this section~ ·An electrician or operat0~ who shall have been'licensed.a~ required by this section shali be at--all times in·'attendan6e at each theatre to operate the .apparatus whenever the theatre is open,· One or more operators may be required for each moving picture house and. one or more stage electricians may be required for each theatre other than a moving picture house. Each theatre using ~he stage for other purposes than motion pictures sha~l have a competent house stage electrician in.addition to the operator; said electrician to be in attendance at all times when the theatre is open for other use than 'the showing'of mov- ing pict'Ures. Before being granted such license each person desiring skm~ shall appear before such examining board as may be appointed by-the Mayor with the approval of the City Council of the. City of Bakersfield, and s~all satisfy said Board that he is ·competent to be in charge of said apparatus. An~'k. annual fe.e 'of-five dollars ($5.00) each, shall be paid for an operator's or stage electrician's license. ... DAE~AGE TO C~NDUCTORS BY PLUMBERS, ETC. SECTION lO. · ~y plumber, steam fitter, gas· fitter, or any other person who shall install any pipe or fixture in such manner so as to Come .into contact with, or be nearer than five inches to, any electrical conductor' used for light or power, shall be gu.ilty of a ·miSdemeanor ;and-p..uh..~!,shable as provided .ix~'thiS: o.r.d..i~" nanCe, unless said plumber, steam.' fitter, .gas fitter,.:.".or~;~ther;;;':'~''' ' person installing said pipe'.or "'~.iEtl~r.e notifies 'the 'Buildi.ng ...:....... Inspector that changes are nece.sS.ary:..to ·keep .the electri. c_..~.'-.~. ~t~. ~ ~w~ ....' ' ' ' '~' ~: """ Such notice :.o'...~'::.i. COnduc%ors. clear of said pipes or fixtures, ~ ..~ ... St be given in writ..i..ng, CAPACITY OF OUTLETS, SECTION 11, .~:,.;... In arranging circuits in dwellings, flats, apartments, hotels, -snd office portions of all buildings, ·each ceiling outlet' shall be ·wired for not less than t~ number and size :Of lamps specifi'ed in the following table: RO0~ N~BER OF 40 WATT LANPS Reception Hal'l ' Library " Living Room Dining Room Den Breakfast Room Kitchen Bed Room · Bath Ro~om Hotel Bed Rooms All '. other rooms Offices 4 4 4 3- 2 2. 1 1.Watt per square foot of floor space, In rooms provided with bracket outlets only, such o~tlets shali be wired for the equivalent wattage as required in' 'the abo~e table, Note: Four one-light brackets or two two- light brackets will be considered as the equivalent of a four- light. center fixture, ~ .. concealed construction will be permitted i/~ ·store lighting, Each show-window' shall be wired for 'not l'ess than 300 watts capacity,, Outlets located above or below mezzanine floors "~-." ..~~..-.~be wired for not less th..a.n.60 watts each,· -' .~ ..... .14.-'. ....... " '~-'."~.'..~!.~.~ ~. ":" .;L ~..'.~.""" .. ,~. ~.... ~:~..~:: .-~..~ ~.~:.' '~ .' ..·-. :L~.~...~.. SECTION 12. RES PON S I B I'E IT I ES .. This ordinance shall not' be construed to..~elieVe from, ~sen, the responsib~litY~'0'~.~Y person, firm, or ~~oration owning, operating, controlling, or installing ~y electrical equipment for d~ages to ~yone inJUr~ .by any "' '~ .defect-therein, nor sb. all the City of Bakersfield be'held as '~'~ssuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein, or certificates issued hereunder. PERMITS NOT TRANSFERABLE. SECTION 13. Any electrical contractor licensed under the provisions of this ordinance who shall allow or permi~ any person ~0ther than himself,.or his accredited representative, to obtain a permit to perform electrical work under said license, shall be guilty of .a misdemeanor and Upon conviction thereof, shall be punished. as herein provided. PENALTIES. SECTION 14. ~y person, firm, or corporation '~hat violates, diso- °° beys, omits, neglects, or refuses ~ comply w~th any of the provisions of this ordinance or that res, ists or opposes the execution of any of the provisions of this or. dinance, shall be deemed guilty.of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Three hundred dollars (.$300.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding. six months (6) in the County Jail of Kern..County,' or by both such fine and imprisonment; and every person, firm, or. corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every' day such violation, disobedience,..~ne_.g..lp.c~, .q~ refusal shall' continue, and shall be. subject to ti~.~Halty of this section for each and'''! se~.~.~.te offense. _:~...,...~.. . '-.-'.~. .'.. ... SECTION 15. CON ST ITIIT IONALIT Y.. If any section, sub-sectioh,' clause,- or .ptl~_.ase of · this ordinance is for any reason held to be uncOnstitional such decision shall not affect·the-v·~idity of the remaining portions -Of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that· it' would have passed' this ordinance, .and each section,.. sub-section,.. s.~ntence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one' or more other sections, sub-sectiOns, sectences, clauses, or phrases be declared constitutional. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted ~t a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the ~'/~ day of~ , 19~, by the following.vote: Ayes: Carlisle, (Iriffith, Hare, Hougham, Nelson, Robinson, Smltl~ ~ays. t ' ~ .......................... ' ~ Absen ~ ....................... ' .........~ · APPRO this ~/day "~ayor o f~~rsfield. City~/dCle~ficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.