HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 169ORDINANCE NO. NEW". 'S ER I ES. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THE ~ETHOD BY WHICH THE PROPERTY OWNERS AFFECTED.. BY AN ACT OF .THE LEGISLATURE OF' T~E' STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, ENTITLED,· "AN 'ACT AUTHORIZING. MUNICIPALITIES'TO DECLARE NOXIOUS OR DANGEROUS WEEDS' · GROWING UPON TtIE STREETS OR SIDEWALKS, OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN 'MUNI- CIPALITIES, TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE, CREATING A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY .... FRONTING ·UPON SUCH STREETS OR SIDE-· WALKS OR UPON ~:~HICN. SUCH NUISANCE '.-.--"~.~' E~ISTS FOR THE COST OF ABATING THE SA~/E',' MAY PAY THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD THE COST FOR DESTROYING ?AND· REMOVING NOXIOUS AND ·DANGEROUS2W~EEDS GRO~ING UPON THEIR PROPERTY, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE ·NO. 560 OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFi}~D, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS an Act of the Le·gislature of the Sta~e of decl~ox...tous or 'dangerous weeds growing up~.~'. the streets · · 'or sidewa-lks, or upon private propert~ withi~ mun'ibipallt'ies .... ... . ... to .be a public n~isance, Creating a lien upon which such · '~X~'~Uis~.nce exists ~op th~'~ost. of abating the .~'~e," approved May 28th, .i918, d0~s not provide the method .by which an owner .. L.'[ - of property may pay the cost of removing· dangerous and noxious .. ..... 'weeds in and upon property before said costs "become a lien ... -'~...~ .:.~.~., ~-]' thereon; .: ... .....:.. ~ND4'WHEREAS, It is the intention o~-'~his Council to a method by ·which property owners .affeZcted by the ab~~'itled ac~ may pay the costs and 'c~:~-~ges 'for ·removing .. · ' L:: "." . ...... · . -- .=. .dangerous and noxious weeds in and. upon property within the City of Bakersfield without the property' becoming burdened SECTION 1. NOW THEREFOR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: That whenever any action or proceeding shall have been commenced under and in accordance with the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of California'entitled, "An act authorizing municipalities tO declare noxious or dangerous weeds growinn upon the streets or sidewalks, or upon private property within municipalities to be a public nuisance, creating a lien upon wb. ich such nuisance exists'for the cost of abating the same," approved May 26th, 1915, and after the Council of the City of Bakersfield shall have received an itemized report in writing submitted by the Street Superinten- dent as provided in said act, showing the costs.of removing weeds~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield 'shall'continue the hearing of said report to a date not less than two (2) weeks nor more than four (4) weeks thereafter~ SECTION 2. The City Cleric of the City of.Bakersfield shall, thereupon cause a "NOTICE TO PAY FOR REMOVING WEEDS", to .b'e mailed to all owners of property mentioned in said report to "thelr-las't known address, which notice sbali' prOvtae that said property owners mentioned in said report shall have at least ten (lO) days .within which time to pay for .the cost of removing said weeds, and .shall be substantially in the follow- ing form: ...-.~.~, .-...i:.. .. : · -. -- 2- ' .......'~. '...-,:" ~:--"'.,~.:..!~-k.... NOTICE TO PAY FOR REMOVING WEEDS~·. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of,~th~T'~LI''''''~ City of Bakersfield did on day of '192 order the Street Superintendent of the City of Bails- field to destroy and rem~v.e all Weeds dec.lared to be a nuisance on the following described property-. You are therefore notified that the charges for the' doing .of said work is the sum of dollars, and that if .said. amount shall not .have been deposited with the City Treasurer of the City of Bakersfield at his office on or before the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. on the day of 192 , said costs and charges will become a lien upo~ said property. DATED this day of 192 ~' Oity Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, Califernia'. SECTION S. · ....."' Any Payments made to the Treasure~ of the City of Bakersfield for the cost of removing weeds, by property owners affected by any Resolution of the Council'of the City of · Bakersfield passed and adopted in accordance..witb the provisions of said Act of the Legislature of the State of' California, .. and made during the time fixed in safd notice shall' be a SECTION full and complete payment for the doing of said work. · . -The Treasurer shall upon the receipt by him ·of such· payments as aforesaid issue to such person entitled thereto a receipt in' full for' the doing of said work and shall thereupon file a true and correct copy of said rec~ipt in the office of the City Clerk and shall' deposit all monies collected · by him into the General b~And of the City of Bakersfield. SECTION 8. It shall be the,duty of said City Clerk-to. infor~,~.~: ..' said City Council at its next regular meeting subsequent to SECTION the time fixed in Said notice for the payment of costs for removing weeds, the names and amounts paid by each of said property owners affected by said report and thereupon .said..~'. Council shall modify said re~ort of the Superintendent Streets so as to show such ~ents. That Ordinance No. 360 of the City of Bakersfield, entitled "An ordinance prohibiting the growth of weeds and pro- viding for the eradication thereof; making a violation a misdemeanor and providing a penalty therefor," .~and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are expressly repealed. I HEREBY CERTIFY' that the foregoing Ordinance" was passed and adOpted-by the Council of the City o~Ba. kerS'~ield, on the ~/~ day of May, 1923, by the following vote: APPROVED this~//~day of the Council of the City of Bakers- field.