HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 167O DI NANCE NO. / NEW' S .RIES AN ORDINANCE PROVIEKNG FOR THE CONDUCT OF PUBLIC BILLARD ROOMS, · PUBLIC POOL ROOMS, PUBLIC BOWL- LING ~LLEYS, AND PUBLIC SHOOTING- GALLERIES, PRESCRIBING ·CONDITIONS UPON WHICH· LICENSES MAY BE GRANTED THEREFOR, PRESCRIBING PUNISHMENT FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF ·SAID ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 185, S48, ·S6g' and 385 OF'THE CITY OF. BAEERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. 'It shall be unlawful. for the owner, manager, proprie- tor or other person having charge of any public billlard room, · public pool room, public shOotin~ gallery or public bowling alley, or other place open to the public where billiards or .pool are played, or target shooting is carried on, to keep the same open or allow or permit the same to be kept open or allow any:of said.games or amusements to be played or carried on therein between the hours of one o'clock A.M. and six o'clock A.M. of any day, or to allow any.person, except such owmer, manager, proprietor or person in charge thereof, or the SECTION .2. . ~.~' servants rSgularly employed in and about the same to' be or remain therein, between the hours.aforesaid. .. .. No license 'to conduct,-manage· Or .car.ry on a billlard .... ro0m,"p6.6'.i table or room, or shooting' gallery, snail be issued to any person, firm or corpora'~ion, untii a permit in .j writing therefor shall have been..granted by the City Council of the Cit'~ of' .Bakersfield, and-. filed with the _Oity O~rk. No '· "'~" 'such p'ermit shall be granted except upon· 'the' Written applica- SECTION 3. SECTION 4. tion of the person, firm or corporation desiring the'same, filed with Said Council, stating the place where such billia~d table or room, pool table or room, or shooting gallery is to be located an~ no permit shall be granted to any person, firm or corporation, for a license to conduct, manage or carry on a .... billlard table or room, pool table or room, or shooting gallery, which is .not established and being conducted at the.~.ime this ordinance shall take effect, unle~ there shall be filed With said Council the written consent to the granting of said permit, of the owners or tenants of a majority in frontage of property .fronting on both sides of the street on which said establish- ment is to be located between the nearest intersecting streets. Should the Oity Council, at any time, determine that any public billiard table or room, public pool table or room, or public shooting gallery, is not conducted in such a way as may be proper and necessary for the maintainance of public order or'that such place is not conducted in a lawful and orderly manner, or that acts of any character contrary to pro- per police regulation are permitted or are not prevented therein, the said Cb,~nc~l m~mj, after notice to the person, firm or corpora- tion so licensed, revoke such permit and cancel the license. Whenever any permit provided for herein is revoked, notice of such revocation must be filed with the City Clerk, and after such notice of revocation is so filed no further li- cense shall be issued to the person, firm or.corporation whose permit is revoked, until a new permit is ~granted to said per- son, firm or-corporation. .-2- SECTION S. SECTION SECTION It shall be unlawful for any person: firm or ~corpora- tion, his or"their employees, servants Or agents having charge, control or management of any public billlard hall or public pool room in the City of .Bakersfield to suffer or per- mit any'person under the .age of eightSen (1S) years, to be in or remainin, enter or visit such public billlard hall or public 'pool room~ I't shall be unlawful for any person, firm. or corpora- t. ion keeping, operating, maintaining or conducting any public b'illiard hall or public pool .room, to have or permit any card tables or card playing of any' description whatsoever, or to have, permit or allow any entrance to or from any place or room where card tables Or card playing is. permitted Or carried One It shall be unlawful for any minor under the ags of eighteen (18) years to enter, remain in or visit any public bowling alley within'the City of Bakersfield, except said minor be and the same is regularly employed in necessary work therein. SECTION It shall be UnlawfUl for any person, firm or corpora- tion, either as owner, agent or otherwise, keeping, operating or conducting any public bowling alley, to. have, suffer or " .........p~rr~'i~"'~'m~o~ unde~ t~ ~g~ of ef~ht~-'(i'8) y~'~"t6 ente~ remain in or cvisit in such public bowling a~ley, provided, ."-."":however, that'this ordinance shall not apply to any:such minor . i .. '[ 'j.'. . ~.~:~:i.' · .~' regularly employed-at necessary work therein. SECTION 9. SECTION lO. SECTION lO. SECTION ll. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion ,.'who either as proprietor, agent, manager, lessee or other~i~e, to permit any minor child under the age of eighteen (18) year~ except when in Pursuit of some necessary business, 'to visit, enter or loiter in or about 'Said public billlard room,' public pool room, or public shooting gallery, within the 'City of Bakersfield.. It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years .':to visit, enter or loiter in or about any public billlard room, public pool room, or public shooting gallery, except when in pursuit of some necessary business. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining por- tion of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section and subsection thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections~.established,.created, declared to be and shall be !declared unconstitutional or invalid. .Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shali.be punished by a fine not to'exceed three hundred ($S00.00) dollars or by impriso.n~.ent in the county Jail of Kern County not exceedin~ ninety (90) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION-12. .' .... . That Ordinance No. 188 relating to the cOnd~ucting .of · public billtard roomS, public ~ool rooms and public galleries, O. rdinance No. 348 ·relating t.o P~b!i.c pool rooms, public billiard rooms and Saloons, Ordinance No'~"~389~-~irelating ~o ·public billiard halls and public pool ha~ls ~d Ordinance .No. ~38~. rela.~ing to public bowling alleys, an~ all othe~ ordinances .and parts of ordin~ces 'of' the City of Bakersfield, in conflict herewith, be and the"s~e ~e' hereby expressly- SECTION lS. ' x~ept " A copy of this Ordinance shall be/.posted i~"at least two (2) conspicuous places in every public billlard hall', public pool room, public shooting gallery, and public bSwling. alley in the City of Bakersfield. · I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and ~adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakers- field, on the 7~4u day of May, 1923, by the following vote: Ayes-Austin, Baer, Carlisle. Carlock, Griffith, tiaberfelde, Stoner Noes ........~ .................................................................... ..............................................- Ab§ent .......~~ .......~ ...................................................................~ .............~._. 'I~~C City C lerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield. . APP VED: thi 7~/L day of May, 1923.