HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 163· WARD. NUMBER TWO OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIRLD'80 AS -,~. TO INCLUDE THE NEW UNINHABITED ANNEXED TERRITORY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF WARD NUMBER TWO OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFiELD. ,..:~ .... ... .. ....~.-:'..u.-'.::~.~-.. Be it resolved that whereas .~here has been duly, regularly and legally annexed to and made a part of and incorporated in..the " Oity of Bakersfield the following described properrye..said property being more particularly described as'follo~'S: Beginning at the intersection of the'center li'~e"of Baker street with the center line of California Avenue and running " thence.northerly along the center line of BakersStreet to its intersection with the center line of Section 20., Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B.'& M.; thence'westerly along its center line ot the westerly line of said Section 20; thence northerly along the westerly line of said Section 20 to its intersection with the extension easterly of the northerly line Of ~4th Street; thence westerly along said extension and along the northerly line of said 34th Street to the' Center line of Chester Avenue; thence southerly along the center line of ' Chester Avenue to the center line of 2~th Street; thence easterly !":'... along the ce~e~ line of 2~th Street to the. center line of L Street;~th~ncefn~r~herl~ .al.o~g"th~ center line of L .Street to its intersection with the center'line of 24th Street between L and M Streets; thence easterly along the center line of said 24th Street to its intersection with the center line of M Street; thence~southerly along.the center line of M Street to its " intersection with the center line of that portion of 24th Street running easterly therefrom; thence easterly along the center line '- of said 24th Street to the center line of the Kern Island Canal; thence southwesterly following .~he-.,center~tine of Kern Island Canal to the center line of 19th ~t'reet; thence westerly along the center line of 19th Street to the centerly line of Q Street thence southerly along the center line of ~ Street. to the center line of Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly along the center line of Truxtun Avenue to the center line of Union Avenue; thence south- erly along the center line of Union Avenue to the center line of California; thence easterly along the-center line of California Avenue to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom the following described portions there- .. of namely: EXCEPTION 1. Commencing at the southwesterly carnet of said quarter" section; running thence northerly'along the westerl bounda~ .. - line--o.f said quart'er'se'c~ion, a ":di:~l~-of ~l~.~'~et'['~'~e · at a right angle easterly 417.42 feet; thence at a right angle southerly 417.~2'feet to a point on the southerly boundary line · of said quarter. section; thenthence westerly, along said last ... named line,.41V.42 feet to the point of be~n~nning. EXCEPTION 2: Commencing at a point on the westerly boundary line of said q~arter section, distant thereon ~2~.13 feet northerly . from the southwesterly comer thereof; ~unning-th, e~Cer~ortherly .... along said westerly boundary line of said quarter section, 41V.42 feet; thence at a right angle.easterly 41?.42 feet; thence at a...'~.-.'~'. right angle southerly 41~!-~42 feet; and thence at a r~ight angle · westerly 41V,42 feet to 'the p'o~.~t of. ~mmencement., ... .......~..~.. .. ...... :~..;.~ That said property was annexed to and incorporated" in the City of Bakersfield in accordanc'e with an act of..=.'~the Legislature o'f the state of California, entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ALTERA- TION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF-INCOR~ORA.~ED TOWNS .AND-CITIES BY THE ANNEXA~ TION. OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY THERETO, AND'FOR THE INCORPORATION OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY IN.AND AS A PART OF SUCH MUNICIPALIty"" AND FOR THE DISTRICTING GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL CON*ROL OF ANNEXED TERRITOHY," approved March 2rid, 1899,-and all acts.am~endatory there- of and supplementary thereto; And 'Whereas the above mentioned act of. the legislature requires the Council of the City of Bakersfield by ordinance to alter the boundaries of the ward of the City of Bakersfield so as to include such annexed territory in one or more wards adjoining such annexed territory; And whereas Ward Number Two Of the City of Bakersfield is the only ward adjoining such annexed territory, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKRRSFIELD DOES HEREBY alter the former boundaries of Ward Num- bet Two of the City of Bakersfield so as to include the annexed territory hereinabove particularly described, and does hereby fix and determine that the boundaries of Ward Number Two of the City of Bakersfield shall be as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Baker Street with the center line'of California Avenue and running thence northerly a long the center line of Baker Street to its intersection with the center line of Section 20, Township 2~ South, Range 28 East,, M. D. B. & M.: thencS. westerly along its center line to the westerly line of said Section 20; thence northerly along~the wes.t.erly line of said ,Section 20=to its intersection with the extension easterly of the northerly line of S~th Street; thence westerly along said extension and'along the northerly line of said $4th Street to the center line of Chester Avenue; thence southerly along the center line, of Chester Avenue to the center line of 2~th Street; thence easterly along the centeri,~line 2~th Street to the center line of'~'L Street';~thence northerly along the center line of L Street to its intersection with the center line of 2~th Street between L and M Streets; thence east- erly along the center line of said 24th Street to its. intersec- tion with the center line of M Street; thence southerly'along the center line'of M Street to its intersection with the' center line of that portion of 24th Street running easterly therefrom; thence easterly along the center~.~'line of said 24th Street to the' center line of the Kern Island Canal; thence southwesterly follow- ing the center line of the Kern Island Canal to the center line of 19th Street; thence westerly along the cen~er line of 19th Street t~ the center line of Q Street; thence southerly along the southerly line of Q street to the 'center line of Truxtun Av.e- hue; thence easterly along the center line of Truxtun Avenue to the center line of Union Avenue; thence southerly along the center line of Union Avenue to the center line of California Avenue; .thence easterly along the center line of Califormia Avenue to the point..of beginning, Excepting therefrom the following described portions there- ef namely: EXCEPTION 1: Commencing at the southwesterly corner of Said quarter section; running thence northerly along the westerly boundary line of said.quarter section, a distance of 417.42 feet; thence at a.~igbt angle easterly 417.42 feet; thence at a right angle southerly 417.42 feet to a point on the.southerly bound- ary line of said quarter section; and thence westerly, along said last named ·line 417.42 feet to the point.of beginning. EXCEPTION ~ Commencing at a point on the westerly boundary line of said quarter section, distant thereon 626.13 feet northerly from the southwesterly corner theregf; running thence northerly, along said westerly boundary line of said quarter section, 41V.42 feet; thence at a right angle easterly 417.42 feet; thence at a right angle southerly 417.42 feet and thence at a right angle westerly 417.42 feet to the point of commencement. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted,by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the ~ day of ~ , 1923, by the following vote: Ayes: Carlisle, Griffith, ~m~, Hougham, Nelson, Robinson, Smith. ................... ~h ~~BL~_~~e~r Council of AP D t~ ~day of ' · 12, · e City sfield. ~ity Cl Clerk of the the City of Bakersfield.