HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/22/1997 MINUTES CC BAKERSFtELD CITY COUNCIL 011 MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 22, 1997 WORKSHOP - 5:15 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CALL ACTIO~ T~!~EN Pres.ent: Absent: Mayor 'Price, 'councilmembers Rowles (seated at 5:24), Carson (seated at 5:33), DeMond, Smith, McDermott, 'Sullivan, Salvaggio None Motion by DeMond to add Closed Session Item 2. that arose after the Agenda was posted and requires action this evening. APPROVED ABROWLES CARSON Bakersfield Convention Center Expansion Project Update. City Manager Tandy distributed written material entitled Status of Centennial Plaza and Convention Center Expansion Update #5; and prov~de'd a visual presentation. City Manager Tandy introduced Jim Swords, Project Manager, HOK Sports, who provided a presentation with pictures; Sue Malik, HOK Sports; Joe Columbo, Colombo Construction; Jim Allison, Turner Construction; Kathleen Scott, Black & Veatch; and Gino Rosetti, Rosetti & Associates, who provided a presentation. City Manager Tandy recommended a Council Delegation visit the arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which depicts anemities of the proposed Bakersfield arena; and requested direction from Council. Mayor Price ~xpressed his desire to attend, along with 2 or 3 Councilmembers. Motion by Rowles to recess to Closed Session at 6:00 p.m. APPROVED Bakersfield, ' California, January 22, CLOSED SESSION i Conference with Legal. Counsel - Potential Litigation. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b). One potential case. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation. Initiation .of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c). One poteDtial case. Motion by Rowies to adjourn from Closed Session at 6:20 p.m. 1997 - Page 2 ACTION TAKEN CITY ATTORNEY RECEIVED INSTRUCTION CITY ATTORNEY RECEIVED INSTRUCTION APPROVED REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ~NVOCATION by Deacon Dave Woodruff, First Assembly of God Church 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Pan Bin. s, Leader, Den 420 3. ROLL CALL ACTION TAKEN Present: Mayor Price, Councilmembers Rowles, Carson, DeMond, Smith, McDermott, Sullivan, Salvaggio Absent: None CLOSEDSESSIONACTION Mayorprice announced Closed Session action as reflected on Page 1.. 5. PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Roy Malahowski Funds. spoke regarding CDBG 7. APPOINTMENTS One appointment to the Miscellaneous Departments Civil Service Board, due to the expiration of term of Kirby W. Embry, term expired December 31, 1996. Bakersfield, California, January 22, 1997 - Page 3 APPOINTMENTScontinued Motion by Rowle~ to appoint Robert Russo, term to~ expire December 31, 1999. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED be Two appointments to the Citizens' Community Services A~visory Committee due to the expiration of terms of Delbert E. Murray and. Leonard J. Schroeder, terms expired January 1, 1997. Motion by. Sullivan to reappoint Leonard J. Schroeder, term to expire January 1, 2001. APPROVED DeMond requested her appointment be deferred to the 'meeting of February 19~ ~ 1997; and directed staff to read, vertise the vacancy. 8e CONSENT CALENDAR a. Payments from December 14, 1996 to January 10, 1997 in the amount of $7,155,407.58; and S:elf Insurance payments from December 14, 1996 to January i0, 1997 in the amount of $173,260.19. b. Min.utes of the January 8, 1997 Council Meeting. Ce Contract Change Order. No. i to Contract No. 96-108 with Turma~ Construction Company, Inc., for construction of Sundale Drainage Improvements, Phase II - Sump Improvements. Resolution of Intention No. 1156 declaring the City's intention to order the vacation of M Street between 102.7 feet north of 14th Street and · the A.T.& S.F. 'Railway. (Ward 2) Resolution adding territory (Area 4- 12, Camino La Paz) to the Consolidated Maintenance District, preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving Public Works Director's Report. (Ward 3) RES 7-97 Bakersfield, California, January 22, CONS£NI CALENDAR continued ~ Resolution confirming assessment to construct curb, gutter and drive approach at 22Q2 B Street; and authorizing collection of assessment by the Kern ~ounty Tax Collector. (Ward 2) 1997 - Page 4 ACTION TAKEN REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION Resolution confirming assessments for sewer connection fees and authorizing collection of assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. (Ward 7) Resolution establishing Maintenance District No. TS-i$ MarketPlace, confirming the assessment and authorizing collection of assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. (Ward 4) Resolution determining that a Document Imaging System cannot be reasonably obtained through usual bidding procedures; authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding; and approving the agreement with RT Lawrence Corporation to purchase the hardware, software ~and services for the Optical Imaging System, not to exceed $47,825. RES 8-97 RES. 9-97 RES 10-97 AGR .97-6 j. Tract Maps and Improvement Agreements: Final Map and Improvement Agreements with. Castle & Cooke, Inc. for Tract 5426, Phase A, located on the east side of Old River Road at Howell Drive. (Ward 4) AGR 97-7 AGR 97-8 Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, Inc., for Tract 5386, Phase D, located south of Brimhall Road and east of Calloway Drive.' (Ward 4) AGR 97-9 Improvement Agreement with Castle & Cooke CaIifornia, Inc., for completion of walI along Spring Creek Loop and Harris Road, Tract 5673. (Ward 6) AGR 97-10 " Bakersfield, California, January 22, 1997 - Page 5 CONSENT CALENDAR con,tinued Re Amendments to Fiscal Year 1996-97 Operating, Capital Improvement Program · and Central *~igtrict Development Agency Budg~e~ for the period of J~ne 30, 1996 through January 1, 1997; and Appropriation Limits: Resolution amending Resolution No. 75-96 for the O~er~ting, Capital Improgement PrOgram and Central District Development Agency Budgets. Resolution amending Resolution Nos. 114-95 and 74-96 for Appropriation Limits for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and Fiscal Year 1996-97. Amendments to Construction Inspection Services Agreements ($100,000 ea) for: Amendment No.1 to Agreement No. 96-85 with AGRA Earth & Environmental. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 96-86 with Porter-Robertson Engineering & Surveying*Services. ~tmendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 96-87 with Martin-Mcintosh. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 96-88 with Helt Engineering. Preparation of the Environmental Impact Report for the South of Brimhall Road Project (Ward 4): Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 96-138 with Castle and Cooke California, Inc. to amend the total contract amount. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 96-139 with Michael Brandman Associates to amend ~the total contract amount. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 96-52 with Kleinfelder Compan~ regarding work at the closed Bakersfield burn dump, not to exceed $200,000. ACTION TAKEN RES 11-97 RES 12-97 AGR 96-85(1) AGR 96-86(1) AGR 96-87(1) AGR 96-188 (2) AGR 96-138 (1) AGR 96-139 (1) AGR 96-52 (1) Bakersfield, California, January 22, 1997 - Page 6 CONSENT CALENDAR continued Amendment No. 2 to Consultant Agreement No. 94L185 With Renfro & Associates ($10~500) for design of the Bakersfield Police Department addition. (Ward 2~ ACTION TAKEN REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION Agreement with Tiburon, Inc. ($23,500) for a California Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (CLETS) software program. AGR 97-18 Commercial Property Lease - Parking, with Lee Development-Group at the City-owned 19th & K Street parking lot. (Ward 2) ROWLES ABSTAINED DUE TO CONFLICT AGR 9'7-19 Accept bid from GCS Western Power & Equipment ($445,594.79) for four replacement diesel-powered street sweepers. Accept low bids from F.B. Hart Company ($53,246.41) for 2-axle replacement dump trucks; and Central Valley Truck Center ($87,011.93)' for 3-axle replacement dump trucks. Appropriate and advance $25,000 Sewer Enterprise Fund Balance to the Capital Improvement Budget in the Assessment District No. 96-2 Fund (Allen. Road Sewer) for assessment engineering services. (Ward 4) Appropriate $75,785 from Sewer Enterprise Fund Balance to the Capital Improvement Budget for Contract Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 96-170 with Turman Construction Company ($31,785) for Ming Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation and Construction, from Castro Lane to South Chester Avenue; and $44,000 for related contract inspection services. (Wards.1 & 7) 1995-96 Single Audit' Report and Management Letter from Independent City Auditors Browq~, Armstrong, Randall and Reyes. Bakersfield, California, 017 January 22, 1997 - Page 7 CONSENT CALENDAR continued w. Personnel changes: ACTION TAKEN Resolution amending Resolution No. 12~96 setting salaries and related benefits for employees of the Blue Collar Unit. RES 13-97 e ' Job Specifications .for Canal Tender I, Sanitation Worker I, Sewer MaintaiNer I, Street Maintainer, Traffi6 Painter I and Tree Maintainer I broadbanded into one Service Maintenance Worker classification. Reclassifications for Canal Tender I, Sanitation Worker I, Sewer Maintainer I, Street Maintainer, Traffic Painter I and Tree Maintainer I to Service Maintenance Worker. Revised Job Specification~ for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator I/zz. Ordinance amending Section 17.60.030 D.1. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to notice for cQmprehensiue sign plans.. (Staff recommends referral to Urban Development Committee) Agreement with State of California Department of Transportation (No. 06= 5109) for traffic signal communication master plan. AGR 97-20 aa. Transfer $130,000 Council Contingency and appropriate $66,737 Engineer's Trust deposits and $679,818 Subdivider's Trust deposits to the Facilfties Replacement Reserve.within the Capital Outlay Fund.. Motion by Rowles to adopt Consent Calendar Items (a) through (aa)! with the exception of Items f. and o; Rowles abstained .oa Item q. due to employer ~articipation in project. APPROVED 0'18 Bakersfield, California, ~anuary 22, 1997 - Page 8 CONSENT CALENDAR continued ~ '' Resolution confirming assessment to construct curb, gutter and drive approach at 2202 .B Street; and. authorizing collection of assessment by the Kern County Tax Collector. (Ward 2) Motion by McDermott to refer Consent Calendar Item f; back to staff to bring back a recommendation to deal with administrative and interest costs included in the Resol'ution. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED Amendment No. 2 to Consultant Agreement No. 94-185 with Renfro & Associates ($10,500) for design of the Bakersfield Police Department addition. (Ward 2) Motion by McDermott to adopt Consent Calendar Item o. AGR 94-185 (2) APPROVED 9e HEARINGS Hearing to consider a Resolution ordering the vacation of the future alley easement reserved in Tract No. 1348 (ROI 1155, Panama Lane). Public Works Director Rojas provided background information. Hearing opened at 7:-16 p.m. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed at 7:16 p.m. Motion by $alvaggio to adopt Resolution. RES 14-97 APPROVED Hearing to consider a~ Resolution ordering the vacation of the superseded portions of public road right of way at the northeast corner of Calloway Drive and Brimhall Road. (Ward 4) (ROI 1154) Hearing opened at 7:17 p.m. No one spoke at hearing. RES 15-97 Bakersfield, California, January 22~ 1997 - Page 9 HEARINGS continued Hearing closed at 7:17 p.m. Motion by 'McDermott to Resolution. ACTION TAKEN · adopt APPROVED Hearing to consider a Resolution updating the Ca, pitalImprovement Plan for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Con.servation Plan and setting mitigation fees. Hearing opened at 7:17 p.m. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed at 7:1'8 p.m. Motion by Rowles to adopt Resolution. Hearing to consider a Resolution for a Conditional Use Permit to expand the existing Bakersfield Convention Center.' (Ward 2) (File No. P96-0910) Development Services Director Hardisty provided background information. Hearing'opened at 7:21 p.m. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed at 7:21 p.m. Motion by DeMond to adopt Resolution, approving the Negative Declaration and Conditional Use Permit, subject to conditions and mitigation. RES 16-97 APPROVED RES 17-97 APPROVED 10. REPORTS Police Department Report No. 1-97 regarding Law Enforcement Partnership with Sou,th High School/SHS Criminal Justice Academy. Police .Chief Brummer provided a presentation and introduced South High School Principal Elaine Jamison, who spoke and provided brochures regarding the program. Motion by Salvaggio to accept Report. APPROVED O2O Bakersfield, California, January 22, 1997 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map No. 123-36 by'changing the z6ning from One Family Dwelling to One Family Dwelling-Church. on 17.30 acres located on the west side of South H Street, 600 feet north of McKee Road. (Ward 7) (ZC P96-0825)(First Reading 1/8/97) Motion by ,Salvaggio to adopt Ordinance. - Page 10 ACTION TAKEN ORD 3739 APPROVED Resolution preliminariiy authorizing the issuance of, not to exceed $4,250,000, Multi-Family Revenue Bonds in connection with the financing of the Camlu R~tirement ~partments located on South Real Road between Ming Avenue and Wilson Road.. Finance Director Gregory'. Klimko provided backgrouDd information. Motion by McDermott to adopt Resolution. CDBG/HOME Funds~ 2e Community Gonzales information. Amendment, }8 to FY. 1993-94, Amendment #6 to FY 1995-96 and Amendmen~ #3 to FY 1996-~7 to the Consolidated Plan (CDBG and HOME). Expenditure of $10,000 of CDBG Funds for consultant services to conduct a Trend Analysis of assessed valuation for East Bakersfield an~ Southeast Bakersfield. (Wards 1 & 2) Development Coordinator provided background Motion by Carson to approve Amendments and expenditure~ RES 18-97 APPROVED AGR 97-22 -AGR 97-23 AGR 97-24 APPROVED Baker.sfield,. California~ January 22, 1997 12. NEW BUSINESS Ordinance amending Section 5.50.290 G. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to taxicabs. be Ordinance amending Section· 16.28.170 0.3. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to elemen~ts unique to the project when developing One Family Dwelling lots of .less than 6,000 square feet in Limited Multiple Family Dwelling Zones. Development Services Director Hardisty provided background information. Staff was directed to prepare a memo addressing the option of. box-size trees arranged in a landscape parkway as satisfying the amenities. - Page 11 ACTION TAKEN FR FR 021 Financing and Purchase of Chamber of Commerce building (Ward 2): Reallocation of CDBG Amendment previously. approved .for centennial Plaza Park. Purchase Agreement with Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce for City to purchase the bui~:ing at 1033 Truxtun Avenue .and authorize Centennial Foundation to proceed with Centennial Plaza. City Manager Tandy provided background information. Motion by DeMond to approve reallocation of CDBGFunds and publish notice for citizen review and comment; and approve Agreement 'and authorize staff to proceed with Centennial Plaza. AGR 97-25 APPROVED 13. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Carson thanked staff and Council for their support this eveningon approving the study for a trend analysis in East Bakersfield and Southeast Bakersfield. O22 Bakersfield, California, January 22, 1997 - Page 1~ 13. COUNCILSTATEMENTS continued Rowles thanked Community Services staff for the quick response in providing the lights. at Yokuts Park. Rowles thanked Public Works, Traffic and Streets Divisions, for their[ timely responses on parking, pothole's, et6. Mayor Price announced the City's birthday next year is on a Sunday; and the churches of the community may want to look at a joint service. %CTION TAKEN 14. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Rowles to adjourn at 7:57 p.m. APPROVED MAYOR 'BOBS/PRICE of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and EX-O~FICIO CLERK of the CouNcil of' the City 6'f Bakersfield,~ CA JAN2297. A 2/26/97 12: 34pm