HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 177 /77 ' ORDINANCE NO. NEW ~ERIES. AN bRDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICIAL CURB'GRADE ON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE EAST- ERN DIVISION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'I~E COUNCIL GF THB CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. The curb grades for all points bet~een...~;~eet inter- sections or terminations shall be in a straight line joining the adjacent grades as hereinafter fixed;except where such'line is '·.~ termination; the curb grades for i e e .. terminations shall be in a straight line joining the adjacent grades, as aforesaid, and the ·curb grades for the alley·in any block are determined and hereby fixed by joining with a straight line the grades at the intersections or terminations of the same 'alley on both sides of such block. ...~..~;!~ SECTION '2. The alley in Block .. 21, Kern:.. · ',?::!-'t~'~'. '. -1- :'~:.'~.,.;:.i.-::""" 7' " The following ~re.the streets and alleys=·On which the· curb 'grades are hereby 'established: ".'.~.ii~:.:' The southerly side of Bernard Street from'Baker StreeT~o Sonora Street; .... Grace Street from Kern Street to Bernard Street; Kern Street from Grace Street to Bernard Street; Tulare S~reet from Jefferson Street to Grace Street; :.. Inyo Street from Niles Street. to Lincoln Street and .from.~'~soh Street.to' Bethard Street; ' '-'- · , Sonora Street from Monterey' Street to Bernard'Stree.~.. Niles Street from Tulare Street to Sonora Street; ..~:": : Oregon Street from Tulare Street to Sonora Street';'~]~a.. . --. .Pacific Street from the easterly ·line of the Alta.~sta Tract· to Sonora Street;. · :.:~'.. · . '...~..>.:-.-':' Quincy Street from t~e easterly line of th~i:Alta ~sta Tract~.~o· Sonora Street;~' ._~. F~ower. Street from Inyo Street to.Sonora.Street; . ......,~.- Lincoln Street from Inyo Street to Sonora Street. ";(:.¥i~.~- . Jefferson Street from !~yo'Street to Son:ora Stre~t;'~"'~i~.'~"~..'- "' .... The alleys in Blocks 1~3~4,8,7,20,30,42,88 and 66 A._ sta Tract; .... The' a'l'le'ys':~'fn-Blocks 4,7'~'8,9 and.i20, Bernard Ad. di~iOn; .- -. SECTION 3. in feet and hundredths of a foot above by an ordinance of the said City of Bakersfield, entitled "An 0rdi- nance establishing a· Datum Plane for the City of Bakersfield,"· which said ordinance is numbered 18, and which figures represent the top of the curb opposite the points hereinafter described, to~wi~: GRADE At the intersection of the southerly line of Bernard Street with the easterly line of Kern Street At the intersection of the southerly line of Bernard Street with the westerly line of Kern Street At the intersection of the southerly line o~ Bernard S'Creet with the northerly line of Grade Street· At the.intersection of the southerly line of Bernard Street with the southerly line of Grace Street At the ~ntersection. of the southerly line of Grace Street with the easterly line of Tulare Street· 1VO.O0 169.00 160.50 162.40 At the intersection of the southerly line of Grace Street with the westerly line of Tulare Street At the intersection of the southerly line of Bernard Street with the. ~asterly line of Inyo ·Street At the intersection of the southerly line of Bernard Street with the westerly line of inyo Street 15 9. O0 158.60 At .,a'.point in the southerly line of Bernard Street 2~0.60 feet westerly from the westerly line of.Inyo StreetlSV.50 At the intersection of the southerly line of Bernard Street wit~ the e~sterly line of Sonora Street 155.53 At the intersection of the'southerly line of ~ernard Street with the westerly line of Sonora Street At the intersection of the easterly line of Sonora Street with the nbrtherly line of Jefferson Street 155.31 154.40 At the intersection of the easterly line of Sonora Street with the southerly line of Jefferson. Str_eet ....... ~-..-~.~.......~ .... :' '~ -~ ':' "" ':' ';:"~:'" :":=" · -. :-..~,:(. ': :.-v:~:~;,:~:~;.~..~i~-;~ ..'.'.':~:.--...~-;.~'~.~: .~.:::~.~':-:'....:'~Z:";~-.~,...;:'~...::,.~ .. At the intersection of the' westerly line of Sonora '.... '-...1....~... ' .. ' · - s- · ; :" :"" :~""~:' '~ "~i "' :' '~~'" "" :'" ": ~: ''':'~ ~': :'::'" ,::;:~ · ""' ....... ~~ .............. : · ,'- ......... "~Y~-'.:'~" '~ .".~'..':::':'::~:"'~"'~'.' '~"..~:' ""' 2' 2'~-~1-· Street with. the southerly line of".Jeffe~son'Street." """'150...~0 At the intersection of the ...e.as.te~.~.-tinsel, of. ~h.o~a~'.~-~R~.~ ...... with the northerly -line o'~. ~Linc~ln 'street.." ~ ~ .. ..~..i'.!.'~ ~'.~L ~.'~.~-'~i At the intersection of the easterly line of Sonora' "' ...... Street with the southerly line of Lincoln Street ' -....~.~k..~. 148.00 At the intersection of the westerl~ line of Sone~'... Street with the northerly line of Lincoln stVee~ 'j /" ""' 146'65 At the intersection of the westerly line .of'Sonora""'~"""'~.~'. Street with the southerly line of Lincoln Street' 146.00 At the intersection.o~.the eastevl. y line'of SOnora ..' Street with the northerly line of Flower Street 144.50 " At the intersection of the easteri line of '=~':i!:~ 143.50 Street with the southerly line of ~ Sonora .~-~ . -. lower Street ~.~ . '. At the intersection of the westerly line.of Sonora ...~...-. ' Street with the northerly line of Flower Street 14.2,23 At the intersection of the west'erly line of Sonora Street with the southerly line of Flower Street.!. 141,43 At the intersection of the easterly line of '~onora Street with the northerly line of Quincy street .. 139,25 At the intersection of the easterly line of Sonora Street with the southerly line of Quincy street' At the intersection of the westerly line. of Sonora Street with the 'northerly line of Quincy Street 138,33 At the intersection of the westerly line of Sonora Street with the southerly line of Quincy Street 137,66 " At the intersection of the easterly line of Sonora Street with the'northerly line of Pacific Street .'~.'~:....~..134,V5 At the intersection of the easterly line of ~pnora Street with the southerly line of Pacific"-B~r.eet 134,00 : ., At the intersection of the westerly line of.~Onora Street.with the northerly line of Pacific S~reet 134.56 At the inters'ection of the westerly line of Sonora Street with the southerly line of Pacific Street 134,00 At the intersection-of"the..~esterl.~.. Hne of Sonora Street with the northerly line of Oregon Street 131,?0 At the intersection of the westerly line of ~onora Street with the southerly line of Oregon Street '131,10 At the intersection of the easterly line of Sonora ..?-~ · Street with the northerly line of 0regon'StrSet 131,00 "": At the intersec~ion of the easterly line of. ~onor~---.. .... ~. ~:...~.~ .At the intersection of the weste~l'y.' lin~~ 8f' S'0n6~!~ ...... ~"~j.~".~?~? Street with the northerly line of. NileS Street -3- ' ..... ".""""" · ....~.n!.. .. SECTION 4. At the intersection of the westerly.line of Sonora street with the'southerly line of Eiles Street GRADE At the intersection of the easter..iy ·line of Sonora' ":'.~-'!.,.'.'°'!" ,..' .'. Street With the northerly line of..Nit~s Street At the intersection of the easterly line of ~Onora · ·Street with the southerly line of .Niles Street 126.20 At the intersection of the westerly line of So~o..~:'~.'-:~...~=~...:'':" .. Street wit'h the northerly line of Hoover Street '.'~." ': '~ -1~8'.'~ . ,' ,~c?'.- · . At the intersection of the westerly line of ~onora .... ..'~' Street with the southerly ·line of Hoover· Street At ~ point in the southerly line of Niles Street 200 feet westerly from the westerly line of Inyo Street At a point in the northerl~ line of Niles Street 200 feet westerly from the westerly line of Inyo Street ~_ 1~7.~0 At both corners on' the southerly side of the inter. ..... ...~--..~. ...... Section of Niles Street with Inyo Street · ':""~'~:":' '1~6 O0 ~.. · At both corners on the northerly side of' the inter- section of Niles Street with inyo Street At both corners on'the southerly side of the inter.~. section of Oregon Street with Inyo Street 'At both .corner's on the northerly side of the inter- section..~ of Oregon Street with Inyo Street A~ both corners on the southerly side of the inter- section of Pacific Street with Inyo Street At both corners·on the northerly side of the inter- section of Pacifi'c S.treet with Inyo..Street At both corners on the southerly side'of ~he inter- section of Quincy Street with Inyo Street " "":~' At both corners on·the northerly side of the intersec- tion of'Quincy street with Inyo Street At both corners on the southerly ~ide of the inter- section of·Flower Street with Inyo Street At the northwesterly'corner of the intersection of Flower Street with Inyo Street 1 ~6.80 l~V.O0 131.00 ~ 139.~-0 "~.~' 140. S5 145.47 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordin~n.ce. The Oit'y Council hereby deClar-es~-.tha-t~..i~t~~~,~~.?~ irre.spectiv. e of the fact that any on.e or more ef the. sections,. sub- " --4- sections, sentences, clauses·· or ph~as.es be declared unconstitutional or invalid. I HEREBY CERTIFY that th,e foregoi. ng 0rdinance..-was passed and ado ted by the City Council of t~e C~tyof:BakerS'~~ on the ~/~ day. 0f June, 1923, by the following vote: Ayes - Aust~ Baer, Carlisle, Carlock, (lriffith, Habeffelde. Stoner ~,:L':~=::'~:""':"': .........................................................................: ..... $PPR0 VED' this · _ day oCfithe CounCil of the'~· Bakersfield. ·