HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 176ORDINANCE NO./7~ NEW SERI'ES. AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN PRE~ISE~. ANNUISANCE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING' THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE BUILDING INSPEC~ TOR OF THE CITY' OF BAKERSFIELD TO TAKE SUCH ACTION OR PROCEEDINGS NECESSARY TO ABATE THE NUISANCE AS AFOHESAID. · · ~ V.~r;.~.... ~ . . houses without numbers, all situated and loc. at'ed~~tions of Lots 26,' 2V, 28 and 29, Block 142 Kern, i~ the city 6f Baker. afield .-~.. on Eureka Street between Kern and Tulare Streets.have been care- fully investigated by Thos. W. Dupes, Chief BulldinE Inspector of the City of Bakersfield, ...~..,~. SECTION 1. WHEREAS the immediate Preservation of ..the"~public healtH,. of ~n act of the Legislature oZ the State o£ C~liZornia, ·enti. tle~ · "~ ACT TO REGULATE T~E CeNS'eRgCTION, RECO~S~UC..r~Z. ON., ~0VZ~G.',~~.~,' "?-** "9,:' .' ~~ ~S~ A~D 0OO~OZ 0~ ~Z ~]ZSZ8 A~ .~A~'::~''''''''~`''':" .... .,t;~-r. ~Z~88~ ARE ~R~0~ 0~ ~00A~Z~, Z~ Z~0OB~0~A~ ~0~, OZ~ZZS, ~ Z~C0~0~A~Z~ OZ~ZZ8 A~9 O0~Z~S,. A~ ~0 ~BOVZE~' ' ' · ..,./,. -- _ , OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: ..,~.. '... · ...;...... '.'="~'¢~> ..-.._ That the house n~bered 518 ~reka '~et a '~ ' "''''~ · , .-. - 1 - % ~-..:~-' .. .-....... ' .::'. :.:"' '~'. ~f~,~.',....." .- '....:.'~2:~ "'::""' SECTION 2. SECTION 3. .. . houses without numberes situated:' and lo~te:~'..:8~U~5~tions· of lots -... 26, 27, 28, and 29~ Block 142 Kern, in the City O..f, Bakersfield .... on Eureka Street -between Kern and Tulare Streets b~ and 'the same are hereby declared a nuisance. ".."' .]........ ~~,.L..~.~ .. . . · ..- ..., ~ ,;:..~ ~...~E~.= .... · . '.... .... . · That the City Attorney and Building ~Sp..e6-tor_.'.~f the . "' :... :~..,.~. - ,,.~,: . ::~...~-~.. .... · : -~ ~. ,. City of Bakersfietd are hereby authorized and directed to take such· ......'.. ..~ .. · ~-... ...j~-.-. action or proceedings necessary to abate such nuisance. .~:,.~; ... · .... '.~: .:.f.( . :' ....... .....~.:'~.~...~.~ ... ....· .,... -/::..:~ ~ . This Ordinance is designed for the imm.e~l~.tje preServa- tion of the public health, property and. safety and'''~;'''''~'''''' "~/*" ""' declared to be. an emergency measure and shall be in full force and effect immediately upon .its passage. -'.' . · · .~ .... · t'-,._' . .- · '. ! HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoin~ 0rdi."'.~.ce was · - . ~-:~..~....~.'- passed and adopted b:~ the Council of the City of Bak~:i'i'~eld  . '. q.. ' . ~ L... '~. on the ~/~/~da,y of. , 1923, 'by the followin~ Ayes-Austin, Baer, Cm'lisle, Carloci<, Or~,fi~A~h, H,~be,'feld~ Sto~er. ..~:. . . .y. ~.. - . ........~ ......... Clerk of the j~'jheCj~it~~V°fsf~ ' the'City of Bskersfield, ~ day of Co ncm! of~ APPROV this . , 1923, .~