HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1750. D .NAWC.E NSW SER ES. AN ORDINANCE ~YENDING SECTIONS 2 and 3'AND REPEALIRG SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. 18V New Series ·OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. BE. IT OHDAINED BY .THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF.. BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That section 2 of Ordinance No.'l'6V New series regulating public.billiard rooms, public pool rooms, public bowling. alleys and-public shooting.galleries, be and the s:~ms:.ls hereby amended to re~d as follows: "'~' SECTION 2. ..: :-....... No ·license to conduct, manage 'or car~_..on a billlard ~,,! · ~ . .. · '-~.. z:.' .. table or room, pool table or room, or shooting galle~E~.~?S-.hall be issued to any person, firm or corporation, until a permit in writing .. therefore shall have· been ~ranted by the Ctrhy Manage~ of the City of Bakersfield and filed with the City Olerk. No such permiF.hall... be granted except tupon the written.application of the person, firm.;. or corporation desiring·the Same, filed with said C~ty ~anager, stating the place where such billlard table .or room,"N~.o! table or room, or shooting gallery is to be located, and no permit shall be · granted to any person, firm or-cor'~ora~ion to conduct, manage or.. carry on a billiard table or room, which is not established and bei~.~ conducted at the.time this ordinance sha~l take· effect, unless there shall be filed with said City Manager the written 'consent to the granting of said permit, Of the owners or tenants of a majority in frontage of property fronting on both sides of the street on which said establishment is tQ be located between the nearest inter- secting streets. SECTION Z.' That section 3 of Ordinance No. 167 New Series . -. . . .- . .. . . - - .~.. · . .. '=,:ff....... · ;.; .~ .. · . ........ ~ ~........-....i....='.:... :~:.i ........... SECTION 3. regulating public billlard rooms, public po. ol rooms, public bow!ing.·~ alleys and public shooting galleries, 'be and the same is h~reby amended to read as follows: SECTION'3. If'at any time the City Council of the ~ity of Bakersfield finds that any public billlard table or room, pu.b~i~'-" pool table or room or public shooting gallery is not conducted in such a way as may be proper.and necessary for the maintenance of public orde~ or that such a place is not conducted in a lawful and orderly manner or that acts of any character contrary to the proper 'police regulation are permitted or are not prevented therein, the Councii may after notice given to the holder of said permit or his authorized agent, cancel and.revoke said permit and their decision thereon shall be final and conclusive. That section 4 of Ordinance No. 167 New Series regulating public billlard rooms, public pool rooms, public bowling alleys and public shooting galleries, be and the same is hereby expressly repealed. I HEREBY· CERTIFY that the'foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 7i/~'~day.of J~ne, 1923, by the following vote: APPROVED tHis·~/~d~ay. o~. Ayes-Austin Baer, Carlisle. Carlock, Griffith, Haber~elcle, Stoner City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. June 1923. Mayor.~f the Gity'of , · ~'!!L.~'...~!~ ~:...~.,...~.. ~.~...~: ..............~..,...~.~..~..~,.. :,...,~,: .......~..........