HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 190ORDINANCE NO. / ~g) NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND IMPOSING MUN!CIPI~ LICENSES; PRESCRIBiNG'HOW AND BY ~n~O~,~ LICENSES SHALL BE OBT. AIN- ED; MAKING THE VIOLATION HEREOF A MiSD~JEANOR AND PRESCRiBiNG A PENALTY .. THEREFOR~ AND REPEALING ORDINANCES "~. NOS. Z9~,New Series, ll9 New Series, ".":'~" 130 New Series, 132 New Series~ 144 New .... ~'~" Series',-'148- New Series,and"l'80:N~ew Series and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the License Collector of the City of Bakersfield to execute all Licenses provided for herein upon the payment to him of the.license fees as are hereinafter mentioned; provided that no license shall be issued for any business, trade, calling or profession for which a permit iS required, until such permit shall have first been granted. It shall be the duty of the License Collector to comply with all the provisions of this ordinance as the s~me is now or may hereafter be amended. The City A~ditor must prepare and have· printed, blank licenses of all classes mentione~ in this ordinance, in terms of three (3),. six. (8) and twelve (12) months, and for such Shorter terms as are heretnafter authorized. to be issued, with a blank receipt attached thereto for the signature 'of the License ~ollector when s61d. BECTi~TM The said AUditor must keep in his office a ledger in which must~ntered the License Oollector's ·accounts for all licenses delivered· to him, sold or returned unsold. t The License Collector shall pay o.ver to .the City Treasurer each day all .license fees collected by him, and shall take from ~he Ci=~y Treasurer a receipt showing such deposit. The City Auditor shall credit the said. License Collector with .such mondy so deposited. The Li'cense Collector shall also on or before the first day in each quarter file with said Auditor a state- ment :W~.ich contains the ne~es, occupations and places of b~siness of ~ll persons, firms-and corporations, within the City of '- ......Bakersfield., ].iable to pay any license fee under the provisions · ~· Of this ordinance as the s~e is now or may hereafter be amended. SECT~ 5 ...... Every license issued as provided herein shall become null and void at the-expiration of the term-for ~vhich it is issued. SECTION 8. .· All licenses granted under the pro·visions of this ordi- ~---. ~ . , .- · · "'7 ..= . .. nance·'~any sectio~ here~f~ or any amendment hereto, are granted and accepted b~r all parties receiving said·licenses with the express understanding that the Council of the City of Bakers- field may revoke the same at any time if any of the conditions of said license or any of thc terms of this ordinence have been violated, or. if the ·j representations, or they have reas0 n' to' believe that~: .the ho-lder · of such license is an unfit person to be trusted with the privileges granted ~therei'n, or that the ,~.usiness f'or which said license was granted is conducted in such a manner as to be .a~:=~,. ..,.~nenace to the safety of the ~.~ublic. Provided', howe~er.""~!~"~:t' ..~'.. before revoking-any license, as provided herein, the City- ,. Council shall suspend-same, and the privileges· gra.~ted therein, for one week, or until the next reguiar meeting· of said Council, at which time the holder of said Suspended/l~c'ense may appear ~' ~efore said. Council in his own behalf and .~how cause, if any, why said license sbo~ild not be revoked. ·Upon his failure to so appear, or if after such hearing the Council finds there is goodand sufficient Cause for revoking same,.the said license shall be revoked, and the finding of the CoUncil thereupon shall be conclusive. It shall be unla~ful for any person, firm. or corporation to continue in said business, tra~i.e, ·occupation or .pr_qfession for which said license had been issued during such time that same is susp'ended, or after same h~s been revoked. On revocation of·any ~icense no part of the."mOney paid therefor shall be returned, but such license fee shall be forfeited'..to the City of Bakersfield, and the said license returned to the. '-Li6e.nse..Oo!l~ctor. SECTION V. It shall be unlawful'for any person, firm or corporation whether as principal or agent,' owner or employe, to commence, __en~.~_.in~ ..~r~nsact or 9.arry._on, ~.~hi~. the.Gity of Bakersf~e~ld,'' "' any business, trade,.calling, pro~ession or occupation upon which _ ". ~ a ~cense fee is imoosed by 6h~ provisions of this ordinance,..or ......~.. any=.amendment thereto, without first paying.~'Su6H license fee. · ...... - .. ., .~ procuring· a license therefor as"herei.nafter provided. Such ' license v~hen issued shall authorize the party obtaining same.-to transact the business, trade, calling, profession or occupation described therein, in a particular locality within the City of f designated in said license, and for the term ate.ted Bakers· ield, therein. Separate licenses must be obtained for each establish- ment or place of business, or branch thereof, except such estab-' lishments ~'o~ places o~'business as pay a license fee based upon the schedule contained'in.Section '45 Of this ordinance. SECTION 8. Except where otherwise provided, licenses shall be issued quarterly, commencing on the first day of Jahuary, April, July and. October, respectively, of each year, and shall be due and payable on said respective dates, except when b~siness is commenced during a pendin~ quarter, in which event the license for said quarter shall be due and payable whe~ said business is commended and the license therefor issued. Nonthly licenses provided for herein shall be·due and pa-.V.able on the first Say of each ~-~onth. Daily licenses shall be due and payable each day in advance, provided, hove'ever, that pa~vment.may-be-made for any number'of days in advance, ~'~hen application therefor is made. Said daily licenses may be issued at any time and for any number of days. SECTION.~.....· ........... Every license remaining unpaid at the close of the 15th day after whic'h'said license is due, or'a renewal thereo~ is due, ~;hether monthly, quarterly or annually, a penalty of twenty- five per cent (25%) of the amount of said licens, shall be added SECTION 10. thereto and said sum shall be collected and payment ther~.f. enforced in the same manner as other license fees. and payment thereof is enforced;. p~ovided, however, that the word "P~'Z'D" shall for the purpose of this section bs held to mean and include the pa,~nents being in the offlee of the ~icense Collector of the License D&partment of the City of Bakersfield. ~d provided, further,· that in the event .tke fifteenth day shatl fall upon a legal holiday, then in that ~eVenb the fiftee~h da.V ghall be held to mean the next business day·'i~m~iately succeeding such legal h~liday. '~ .'..~!~.~'~f3:. ~. of business and all persons or other persons who' have no fixed place of business shall' have .fastened or attache'd~.."~O...Zl~t.~'~basket pack· or ·vehicle vehicles as licensed by ' 'nance upon their receipt of a ticense as provided in this' Ordinanoe "~. sh~ll-i~ediately fasten or cause to' be tastened securely-~n...~]....]]n...n:~.' tag or plate to be ~rnished by the License Collector, wh~~[ tag or pla~e shall be substantially as follows: TAG NO. EXPIRES (date of expiration) CITY OF BA~.GERSFIELD. provided, that every person using a wheeled vehicle shall be provided with two such tags or plates which must at all times be ...... ~..~ .-f ...... ~ ... .......... ~ _. j~ ~ · . conspicuoasly fastened or po~ted, One on eithe~'.'Sih~ 8~""A~'" vehicle used by .suah person so as such. plate or tag shall be plainly distinguishable whether such vehicle is in motion or not;. and it- is further.. provided, that said t~g nUmber shall be in - figu~es, ~he height Of whi'ch' shall be at least three (3) inches and the date of expiration shall· be in letters and figures, the ~:~'.... height of v~hich shall be at least two.inches, and all·peddlers or ' SECTIOE 11. ,~eques.ted to do .so by any person who may make deman:~i: ~ee. the same, and .any person, firm or corporat.i'.on or peddler who shall · fail and refuse to post or exhibit on demand,' as the case may be, their ~es~ective licenses or ta~ =numbers as provided her_e'~-'~'~["" sh. all in addiriSh to the penalties hereinafter imposed,"'~'e his ~icense revoked as provided. in Section 6 of"thi's Ordinance. It shall be unlawful .for s. ny person, firm or corporation . . 1. to pos.t or exhibit, or permit the ss~ne to be posted or exhibited, ..: any license 'which has expires, or which may have been revoked, .. or to post· or exhibit any li'cense durin~ .any period that such license is suspended, as provided in Section 8 hereof. SECTION 12. The Chief of Police an~ all regular police officers of the City of Bakersfield ·shall have and exercise the foliowinE powers: FIRST: To make arrest for violation of any of ~he provisions of this .ordinance. SECOND: To enter, free of charge, at any time during business h6u~s,.any place of business for which a license is required and .provided, and to demand the exhibition. of such license for the current term, from any person, firm o~ corporation enEaged or employed in the transaction of said business, trade or profession, and if'Such person, firm or corporation shall then and there fail to exhibit such license, such person, firm or corporation shall ......... ~L~":~bJect'to'the-pe'n~ties'-'provided for ,v~'olation-of.this ordinance. THIRD: To enter and inspect, 'during business hours, any place of business for·which a license is granted under the provisions of this qr.dinance, .to see that same is conducted in a s f~awful m~'~:..~.. 1 " '...' . .: .... ~ .p~. · ..... .... -"~.~ '.'.-'o ..... .. L. ~'~L"" -e-. .:. '.-. · .. '..' .....'.'.-: ~?;~.T: '.~:i~!~..~ ...-' ."' ' .....' "~~ '~~~~~~ SECTION 13. SECTION 14. All persons, .firms and corporations to whom licenses have been issued· under the provisioms of thiS' Ordinance, and w_h~ .... as aforesaid secure new licenses in pl'ace of the license held by them which have expired, by applying to the License°.Dollector and paying the amount required, and maldn~ such statement as may' be required under this ordinance., If any section of this ordinance is repealed, the Council may, at its discretion, refund to the holdeP~'~.'any Unexpired license for the business comin~ under such repealed. sec~ion,.a proportionate amount'of the license fee thereon. SECTION 15. For the purpose of this ordinance the follo~in~ words wherever use4 herein shall be held to mean and include as the same ·are·defined i~ this section. any 'lodgin~ room, or place where only~ temporary desk room is used~ 'or where any temporary. expedient is res.orted to for temporary purposes,-as distih~uished-frQm a continUouS-or permanent business' '.-!'=-'--... in. said City. .-... '.....~. j~ ...- -(a) For the purpose of this 'O~dinance a "REGULAR", "ESTAB- LISHED", "PEFd~.'.ANEN~" and "FIXED" place of business, is meant a · permanent Store, offioce or place where business is legally and regularly transacted fr6m month to month, in such manner as a b{~siness of that' nature is generally conducted and wh~re the ~ircumstances show an intention to become an ESTABLISHED, FIXED and continuous part of the regular and legitimate business ~if~ of the-City of Be. kePsfield, and not otherwise, ~d not in therefor, are turned over to and become a.part of the receipts and earnings of ·said merchant, dealer or ·trader, or such exhibit'ion and sale is a part of his said business; provided, that this shall not apply to connnercial travelers or selling agents, selling their goods to merchants~' dealer or ·traders,. ~ther selltng*.~or present or 'future delivery, by sample or otherwise, nor to peddlers, as the same are defined in this ordinance, nor to per.sons selling fruits', vegetables, meat, poultry,'butter, eggs and other products of their own farm or 'dairy, (Co) The term "PEDDLER" shall include every person who carries from-place to "pl'ace in .either a pack, vehicle, basket or other ~j~anCe 'or ~ontrlvance, and offers. to or does .'sell, barter or. exchange any goods, wares and merchandise or books (except '. -. rel~igiou's~--p~btications ,. newspapers- or- pe~ibdicals ); provided, ..~t.~hat persons. furnishing to. retaD1 dealers having an established-.·- '~i'aee of. business in the City of."Bakersfield, to .become a par~ of' · :"sa~d retail dealer's stock in 'trade in 'such place of business, .~ ..... . "a~d'a-producer who 'turni'she& directly and. 'delivers '.any poultry, (b) For the. purrpose of th~s Ordinance the term "ITINERANT " ..... _:. MERCHANT or. VENDOR" 'O'~g~O~d~&, wares and ~erchandise, shal:t~ .... .'-..... :"'~" ' " " ' - ""'~i~'.."'.'[-'. ' ~' mean and include all p s,-both principal and agent, who 'engage: .~!.' erson in a temporary. and transient business in the.Cit~'.o.f..L'/Sak~rsfiel~-~ .'.'."'~ selling goods, wares or merchandise, and who, for ,'t~!e;j-.pUrpose .~;rying on such business hires, leases or. occupies hny. room,.~... building or structure-, lot or premises.for the exhibition-or .. .~...... ...~ ::~ sale of such goods, wares and merchandise,.and the.'p~rson, firm~""--~"".'.-:: or sotpotation so engaged shall not be relieved f~om:'i'the. payment ""~ of any licenSe'fee'which may be required therefor;'f'~.y'.reason ...~' .. ... "> ...~..~.~.~ ..:....- o~ny aSsoblation. tempOrarily with any'local merchant, dealer ':"~'~ · ..... · ~ or ~ader, unless all'sums or the maJ6r portion thereof, received .:'i' sin th od~~{ eggs, 'butter, ~rutt-or 'vegetakle or meat . g.-....-?~'.~.~o~!' "":*~-:-~!..~..'].:-i). - .... .. .' .f' · ..~Z.. . .. shall not be deened a peddler w-i.thin the meaning of this.' ordinance," : """~'" ..-..;:' . ~.~ · ....:'.: ((d)~ nC~)ODS", '~AREBn and "MERCHANDISE" shall .~: - . 'include' ever commodity or article of trade capable of being bought, -'s01d' and exchanged, .. SECTION ..(a), In, all.cases where the amount of license 'to be paid by any person, firm or corporation is based.upon 'the._a!n. ount of' · ~.~ss receipts or sales or business transacted, or u~on..-the number of tables used for' any game, or upon the numbers of rooms ...~....... in any building, or upon the number of vehicles,· or upon the number' of chairs'used, such p~rson, firm or corporatton'.Sha~l on the. ftrs'~ day of July of each year and before any further license issued for said business, to render to the..'!~Oens~ffO.bl'l~c.tor a statement thereof in writing sworn to before some'officer authorized to administer oaths that the facts therein setforth are .true and show the total ~Poss receipts or sales of said · business transacted during'the yea~ immediately ~rior to the making of said statement, or the number.of tables used in any game,' or the number Of rooms in any .building., or the number of vehicles, or the number of chairs used in said business during the year ~iediately prior to-the..making of such statement; Which statement shall determin~ the amount due and payable from · s~id--SUsiness_tO. the City.as a'license fe~ for the ~nsui_____.n~._year,... said total amount or total y~arly license fee due as shown.by said statement 'shall.be divided into and paid in'four equal· shall.· be quarterly payments the first'payment/due and payable the first da~'~f Jui~ of'~ach year~' and'the balance.'shall. be payable 'quarterly thereafter until a new statement' i.s filed as required hereinc. No such Bakersfield, or upon any officer thereof as to the.~,;matters 'there~ · .=..;:¢:;~.-.. in setforth, and the same shall not prejudice the right .of the said ·City to fix the. amount of said' license fee at a higher amount, should· there be reas m to believe that said business ~houid have 'a higher rating than that shown by said.statement,. nor .to · ~,.. .. recover any' amount that may be 'ascertained to ~e due from such ,,-- e--...~ .; person,· firm or"corporation, in addition to the emaun~ shown . . .'... ~.,.-.~ by such statement to be due in case such statement should be found to be incorrect; the License Collector shall, and he is hereby· authorized to fix the amount of said license at a higher ~te. when he-has' reason to believe or evidence that said state- ment is incorrect. Any person, firm or'corporation feeling aggrieved or dissatisfied with' such rating by the"-. License O011ector,' as aforesai~ may appear before the Council at the next regular meeting 't~ereof with proof, if any, Why said license fee should be in accordance with their slaid - statement"and the finding Of .the Council thereon'Shall be conclusive and they shall. direct the License' Collector to issue. said license in accordance with sUch finding. · ~(b) Any new-business hereinafter ~tarted or commenced or '.any businesS. which has not been conducted or operated for'.the period of:one year and for which a license is'required to be paid and a Statement of said-business made as setforth in this ordi- 'nance, said. person, firm or corporation so conducting said · business shall quarterly during the first year said business ~.~S. being operated or conduct'ed re~der to the License CollectOr a statement under oath showing the total :reCeipts or sales of said' buSineSs, or the number of tables used for any game in said · business, or the n,~mber of rooms, in any building being operated' -.in:.'sai.d business., or the number of .vehicle. S...uSed 'in' said busin~'ss~ .. L' "' ~"""'~.""' ":' ' ' ' ': · .'~ 'f" " or the' .numbe~i. Of chai~r~-:~-aed.~:~n said,busineSs, for ~he quarter immediately prior to the issuing or renewal of such license and a like statement shall be made and filed by the person, firm or corporation conducting such business at each quarterly license renewal date during the first year such new business is conducted. That at the end Of the first year ~uch statement shall'be made and a license fee paid as heroinabove provided for in subdivision .(a) of Section 16 of this Ordinance. SECTION SECTION .. All ex-soldiers, saliors or marines~ who have been \ honorable discharged from military or marine .service of the United States, or the Oonfederate States, who are physically unable to obtain a livelihood'by manual labor, and who shall be qualified electors ~of the state· of California, shall be permitted' to vend, hawk and peddle any goods, wares, merchandise, fruits or vegetables (not otherwise.prOhibited by ordinance or law)'in the. Oity of Bakersfield, without paying a license fee therefor, and upon the presentation of his'certificate of discharge to. the License Collector, and showing proof of his i~enti~y as ~ the person named therein, and the further proof of his physical disability, the said CLicense CollectOr, shall and he iS hereby authorized to issue to said honorable discharged soldier, sai~lOr or marine, Said licens~ free of charge, as,'~foresa'id. The amounts necessary to be paid and the rates of license- for hhe busineSS, frade,'callin~ Profession'or occupation· ..... ~.~ , here~n~'t~r named'Shall-b~ ~nd the'same is hereby'fiXed and " est'ablished according to the following sahedule~ and the same shall be paid·by persons, firms and corporations engaged in -'suCh bu~!ness,.trade,.'calling, profession or OccupatiOn, as SECTION AMUS'EMENTS. THEATRES and SH'OWS. .~,-. (a) For every person, firm or corporat'lon engaged in the ~.....? .. "~" business of conducting a theatre at an establishedplace of. business, wholly within a permanent building, constructed for theatrical purposes, the license fee shall be as fol~lbws: If f0P'less than one month, Ten dollars ($10.0~) per day~ if' for-one month, Twenty dSllars ($20.00) ~er month~ If for one year or more a~ the rate of Thirty dollars ($30.00) pep quarter. (b) F~r every person firm or corporation engaged in the business. of conducting an'Open air theatre or t.en~.show wherein vaudeville, comic, dramatic or operatic "productions or -. performances are given, motion pictures shown o~ exhibited, as an independent business .and not as a part of any other'business or entertainment, the license fee shall be the sum of seventy- five dollars'($V8~O0) per day. · (c) For each separate exhibition of.minstrels, opera o~ -concert singers, the l~cense shall be the same as required ~...~A..~ [Or. theatrical pe~form. ances. The provisions' of the above sub- division shall not-apply to exhibitions or entertainments given for the benefit of churches, schools or charitable entertainment~ given bY any fraternal organization of this city, or for enter- tainment under ~he auspices of any bona fide Chautauqua. Assoc~a- '~d) For every person,. firm, association or corporation owning, maintaining, conducting or presenting a carnival in the City of.'Bakersfield,. the following license will be charged and · collected 'in' advance: SECTION 20. One hundred fifty dollars ($180,00). per day, and.:.a~:~_....~.~-., additional fee or charge of Twenty-five dollars ($~5.00~~:'' 'per day for each and every separate show, .att~ac'tion, Or exhibition carried on by such person, firn~association or corpora- tion'conducting such carnival. Said fee of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day to cover each ferris'~Wheel; merry-go-roundt W~ipl or 'any other riding devices. Said fee is also made to cover attractions such as Old Plantation or any other number of freaks or'attractiOns grouped 'under similar headings together with all dancing shows, negro minstrels, so-call.ed girl shows, and other similar attractions· carried by traveling Oarnival. Organizations. For each exhibition for pay of a caravan or menageries, or any collection of animals, circus, or any other acrobatic performance, seventy five dollars ($75.00) for each performance and for each show for ~y of any panorama figures, Jugglers, necro- mancers, magiWians, wire or rope'dancing or sleight' of hand exhibi- tion · or sideshow, and when a separate price is charged each must be considered a separate exhibition, and an exhibition in the day time must be considered one exhibition, and exhibitions -.after dark on the'-sam~ day considered another exhibitions SECTION ~-1. GAMES -- TESTS OF SKILL. For- -each--amusement -game, Or ~'~%~f's'~ill, strength, physical endurance or capacity of any kind whatsoever, not otherwise provided for in this ordinance, and for participation in which a fee is charged or which is conducte~ -13- sum of~ Ten Dollars ($10,00) per month, issued for less than one mort.the' No license to be SECTION MERRY.- GO- ROUNDS. From the owner, manager or lessee of .flyin~U;hor'seS or merry~go-rounds. or Ferris Wheels., the sum .of Five dollars ($5,00.) per day, SHOOTING GALLERIES. SECTION (a) From 'the keeper of a shooting gallery, the sum of Twenty-dollars ($20.00) per quarter. (b) Far'-' each and every slot machine, card machine, contrivance, appliance or mechanical device which pays any coin, slug, or other representative.of value,'excepting such slot or card machines, contrivances, appliances or mechanical devices as are prohibited by Section 330a o'f the'Penal ~ode of the State of California, the sum Of TWo dollars 'and fifty cents ($2,50) .per day., .. SEOTION 24. SECTION · SKATING .RINKS. For the business-of keeping, conducting, managing or' · maintaining a skating.rink, the sum of Twenty-fiVe dollars =.{$25.0.0.) per·quarter. ......... ~ ............... .. .~.. BIIAIARDS, POOL AND .BOWLING. For the. business of'keeping,. conducting, managing Or SECTION 26. .'maintaining bi~ilard' pool or bag~te!]~e tables, or bowling alley~ · --the sum of ~hree dollars ($3.00) per quarter for each billlard, -. pooi o~'bagatel~e table-, or for each bowling alley.or bed. No license shall be granted' for ·less than the current quarter. SHOE SHINING. · '. For the business of keeping.or'Conducting boot-black- · ..'ing or shoe shining parlors or stands, the sum of Five dollars '($5.00)' per quarter.. BARBER SHOPS SECTION For ~he business of keeping~ conduc. ting or maintaining a barber' shop with three chairs or less, the sum Of Five Dollars ($8.00) per quarter; for each .c.hair.. in excess of three chairs the sum of fifty cents ($0.50)-.per quarter, addi tichal. PUBL'I--.C' BATHS. SECTION 28. j -('a) For the business of keeping, maintaining or furnishing steam, Hea~nan or Turkish baths not conducted in connection.with -and as a part Of any other business paying a license fee, under the provisions of this ordinance, or of any other.ordinance amendstory 'thereof or supplemental her~to the .sum of fifteen dollarS' ($15,00) pep quartere '(b) For .the business of keeping, mai~ntaining or furnishing mineral liquid baths, mineral vapor baths, mineral mud. baths 'or a part of any other business-paying a license .fee under the pro- visions of this ordinance, or any other ordinance. emendatory hereof or suppl..emental hereto, the sum of five dollars ($8,00) . per quarter. PHOTOGRAPHERS. SECTION 29.' Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of p~otographing or picture making, or any business connected :~i~rewith, the license fee shall be as follows: (a) From those who have a regular ard~permanent place of business where photographs are made, the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) ~er year. (b) From those who have no regular established place of business but make photographs or sell photographs and chaPge' and ~;~ceive renumeration therefor, the .sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per quarter. (o) From those who peddle tickets to apply in whole or in part payment of photographs or frames by any person, firm or cor- poration who'has not a'fiXed and permanent place of business in the City. of Bakersfield, or from thos soliciting orders for the same,-or for.anything in any way connected with the business of photographs or soliciting orders for frames, or for soliciting orders' for enlarged or retouched photographs, the sum of fifty dollars ($80.00) per quarter or any fractional part thereof. For the purpose of determining What-persons, firms or corporations fall within the purview of the above provision, the ..-.Words."A FIXED, -PERMANENTrPLAOE..OE BUSINESS".are--hereby declared refer and relate only to those persons,.firms and corporations ...' Who have their headquarters permanentiF. established in the City of BakersfieId, and who from each established ·place of business ..;!:.-~.'~;:.:~:~. . .. furnish 'the m~t6rials from which frees and 'other""'thingSv'r~ged to in. foregoi g""' aion are made, " --~6- .. ' ' '~'~"~ .... "" ';:~7: . . ..... ~ ..... ~ .: .. ....· ....... ' '. ....· : .;~c:~. ..- SECTION 30. -BANFatrPT, ASSIGNED OR DAMAGED GOODS~/- ' Every person, firm or corporation who sells, tn'~he Clty '.; of Bakersfield any bankrupt, assigned 'or damage~ goods, wares or merchandise, drugs, Jewelry, dry goods,, bDOts and shoes, clothing, hardware, grocery, furniture or other stock of"merchan- disc, shall pay a license fee of Three Hundred dollars ($300.00) per quarter, payable in advance; provided that this section shall not apply to any stock of goods owned by any person actually conducting a regular place of business in this City, which stock has been damaged by fire, or water, resulting from such fire at his said place of business. SECTION AUCTIONEERS. (is) For the business of acting as an auctioneer, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per quarter; provided, that if the person by whom the auctionssting is done is an itinerant ven- dor of goods, wares or merchandise, temporarily located in this City, he shall pay_a license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per day; provided further, that this section shall not apply to any person selling his own goods, wares or merchandise ' at his regular established, fixed place of business in said City,' {b) No license shall be required 'nfor the selling of any .._g99,ds at B~b!ic sal:e.belongSng to the. United States or to the State of California, or for sale of property by virtue of any process issued by any State or Federal Court, or for the bona · fide sale of household goods at the domicile of the owner there- of. SECTI0S wales, 5e the UNSECURED LOANS.' For the busines's of loaning money at interest on salaries incomes or other unsecu~ed loans,,' the license fee shall sum of one-hundred dollars per quarter. ($100.O0). SECTION SECTION ~4 PAWN BROKERS, JUNE AND SECONDHAND DEALERS. i. ra) For keeping, conducting or carrying on the' business of pawn broker, the sum of fifty dollars (.$50.00) per quarter· (b) For conducting, carrying on or'maintaining ~he business of Junk dealer or Junk collector, the sum of twenty-five 'dollars ($25.00)'per' quarter and for each vehicle for collecting Junk, the sum of ten dollars'· ($10.00) per quarter additional, · (:e) For keeping,· 'conducting or maintaining the business of second-ha~d dealer, the sum of 'twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per quarter. AUTOMOBILE WRECKING. For' keeping, conducting or maintaining an automobile business, where wrecked or damaged automobiles are · . bought and sold,'in whole or in part, the'sum of ($25.00) pe~'-quarter. ITINERANT VENDOES~ tWenty-five SECTION ZS"' 0orn. doctors or chiropodists practicing their business or occupation .othe~ tha~ at.a fixed]place 0f..business, itinerant vendors· carrying'on the business of selling nostrUms,'ointments, d_vugS ormeaical compounds', or..~any ap~lia~=~:e?r~'~he treatment of-disease or.injuries by.'passing-or"soliciting.from house to ,..- ...'...-. .- " : ..-.. . ~.-.'.~7.~ .... · :;;..-.,,~...,::. .....;.,.~ ....... , house, and every itinerant or travei!~g merchant or vendor .o~ goods, wares or merchandise,.using music, speeches, oratory, g~-nmastics, en~ertairnnents, or any particular display,.show or performance or by haranguing crowds in any public hall or d lng, or on-any vacant lot or' premises, or doing any act' calculated to. draw or collect a crowd for the purpose of adver'~ising or · .:..%. .... - .,Zj :,. ,-.. selling his goods', wares or merchandise, shall pay a~'icense fee of. twenty-five dollars ($25.00).per day. 'PEDDLERS. .: SECTION (a) Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance every foot peddler of goods, wares or merchandise shall pay a license fee of-ten dollars ($10.00) per 'day. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this.ordinance, every. peddler of goods, wares· and merchandise using a wheeled vehicle shall pay a license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per daY; provided however,'that for peddlerS'using a wheeled vehicle in selling-fruits, vegetables and Other farm or garden products 'direct to the 'consumer the ticease fee shall be ~ifteen dollars -($1$o. O0) per quarter. SECTION The provisions 'of this section shall not apply to 'any person .selling .fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, eggs' or butter, ~raised o.r produced by ~hemselVe~, 'or for selling foodstuff cooked or prepared by such person or some member of his family,'or for any person peddling minor articles manufactured by himself, or some member'of.his family ·when·the receipts from such peddling.-. do"not'exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00)' p. er month. DYEING AND CLEANING. " .... ,: .=.~;-.:..: .For conducting, carrying-on or maintaining.a d~eing or SECTION cleaning establishment or busineqs,.'.'..they shall p~ .a license .fee · - .:. ,,L~'."' based upon a statement filed by said person, firm or corporation .as. provided by Section 16 of this ordinance and in accordance with the schedule pr6vided in section 48 hereof. .' :j...ji~i:-i.:~'/.!.7'[ .... :" 'For the business of manufaCtUring, selling or-:distr~.buting ice~ the sum of thirty dollars ($30.00) per quarter. RENT CARS, AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE, STAGES. SECTION 39. (a) For'everyperson, firm or corporation conducting, managing, or carrying on the business of running, driving or operating any automobile or motor-prOpelled vehicle for the transportation of passengers for hire, when driven by the owner or a representative of the owner at rates per mile, per trip, per hour, per day, per week or per month, and such vehicle is muted under the direction of such· passenger or passengers, or of such persons hiring the same, and when such vehicle does not 'stand in or-upon any public street, alley or other public place while awaiting employment, for each such vehicle the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per year. (b) For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing j' L or carrying on the business of ·letting the use of an~ ··automobile or .m?torrpropelled vehicle for the transportation of passengers fer... hire, to be driven by the person or persons hiring or renting' the' same, at. rates per mile, per trip, 'per hour,.. per day, per week or" per month, and such vehicle iS routed under the direction of the. person or persons hiring the same-and which such vehicle does not stand in or upon any public Street, alley or other public place while.awaiting employment, for°each such vehicle the sum of fifteen doll ars ($15.00) per year. i ' '~-'..~,~ ' ' ' ' ""' ;~' ~'' (c For every person, firm-or corporation .cond~: 6' managing or carrying on the business of running, driving or operating any automobile or motor-prOpelled vehicle for the trans- · ':" potration of passengers for hire when driven by the. oxner or repre- sentative of the owner at rates per mile, per trip, per hour, per day, per week or-per month, and such vehicle is routed under· the · ~.._.~:... '..~-...-.... direction of such passenger or passengers, or of 'such. persons hiring .~ . TT-.. ~ :, " ' · .;. the same and when such· vehicle stands in or upon any public street, . . alley 'or other public place while awaiting employment, for each sucl~: vehicle the sum of forty dollars ($40.00) per year.' (d) For every person, firm or corporation, conducting, ... managing or carryin~ a stage line 'or stage for the transportation Of passengers for hire~ the sum'of forty dollars ($40.00) per year. DRAYS AND MOTOR TRUCKS. SECTION 40. For every person, firm or corporation keeping, owning, oPerati'ng or running an~vehicle for the transportation of freight or other materials.for hire, whether.the freight or other materials are transported or hauled from a point inside the City Limits of the Oity of Bakersfield to a point outside .said Cit~ o~ from a point outside the City Limits of said Oity..to a point of delivery inside the limits. of said City or. operating entirely within the limits of said City, the license fee shall be as follows: '('a) Eor evefry hors~ drawn vehicle having a carrying capacity. of not over 2000ppounds, the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per year. For every horse drawn vehicle having a capacity over 2000 pounds and not over 4000 pounds'~ fourteen dollars :($~4..00) peryear. .-'.!;~ · =.. (c) For eve.~y horse'draWn Vehicle having a carrying capacity. ',~.~.~=-.over 4000 pounds 'and not over'SO0~ pounds.,.~aixteen dollars (d)' (e)) (f) .. -~.~. '~':Z~.~;~.~.~. of not over SO00 pounds, ten dollars· ($10.00) per year (h) FOr every such motor driven. vehtcle.'hav!ng a-carrying.' capacity of over 2000 pounds but not more than 4000 pounds, eighteen dollars ($18.00)' per year l~or every such motor driven vehicle having a carrying capacity of over 4000 pounds but not more than.'6000 pounds, twenty-two dollars ($22'00) per year. (i) For every such motor driven vehicle having a carrying capacity of over 6000 pounds but not over 8000 pounds,' the sum of thirty dollars ($SO.O0) per year. For eVery'such motor vehicle. driven vehicle having a. carrying capacity of 8000 pounds or over, the s.um of fifty. dollars. ($50.00) 'dollars per year. "'..'~;: ssc .o. 40 B Motor:driven vehicles for the pur;po~e of this · ordinance shall be held to mean and include,-any truck, automobile or Other vehicle'driven or propelled by any. engin~ which vehicle · is.used fo~ the hauling or transporting Of: freight or other materials, or any trailer or vehicle attached thereto which'hauls or transports freight or other materials therein. 8EOTION 40'0 .. '~-""' .' .j '- The word "HIRE" shalI for the 'purp~-se .be held to mean ..'and.. includ'e 'compensatiOn, of ~his ordinance reward or re~enu~,-", · ·SECTION ~0 D ,/ It shall be unlawful.for. any perSoR, fi.m~;.$~...corporation 'to stand, stop or cause to be'..st60d or. Stopped ~y motor-driven vehicle as defined herein upon any street~ .alley.o~ public thorougJafare within said 0ity.~ fo~ the purpoSe-of s0.ii~iting or advertising· for business of hauling or'transpOrting of freight or other materials for .hire, unless a permit to 'stand or stop said vehicle is given and proVided·that said permit to stand or stop said vehicle'shall .not be granted unless such person, firm corporation shall pay to the license department of said 0ity the license fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per annum. SECTION 40 E. No license provided for in said Section 39 end Section 40 A shall b.e issued for a te11~ less than one year from the first day of the current quarter during·which said license is PALMIST AND"'FORTUNE TELLERS. SEOTi0N 41. Every person now engage~ in, or who-n[ay hereafter become engaged in the occupation of practicing the professio~ of palmist, fortune teller, clairvoyant, phrenologist, astrologer or necro- mancer and receiving remuneration therefor,.the sum of three hundred dollars '($300.00) per quarter or any portion. thereof. SECTION 42. Every person, firm or Corporation engaged in the profess- ion of chiropract~c'j Ost~opath, dentiSt~ O'cCuliSt, ~hysicial and surgeon, or physician or surgeon; or attorney at .law.in the City of Bakersfield. shall pay a license fee of twenty-five dollars ($2~.00) per year. Every person,."firm or-corporation engaged ~[ the.business ~[~n of buying, selling Or renting tea State and receiving commissions- · ~hereon'and therefor, or conducting,.maintaining or. Carrying 'on, a real estate b~siness for the purpose of buying,.:s~&~ing or " renting realestate in the City of Bakersfield, sha!l!~:pay a iicense fee of twenty-five dollars (.$25.00) per year. Provided however, that no such person, firm or corpora~.iOm who is duly licensed in any other city of the State of Oalifornia shal!.].be required to pay the license provided for in this section until ..::the ·license of such other city expires or.unless such per-' -'son, firm or corporation maintains an office in the City of Bakers- field. Nothing in·this section contained shall be deemed or construed as applying to any person engaged in any of the pro- lessions or occupations hereinhefore enumerated, solely as an employee. of any other'person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on. Such businesS, occupation or pro~esSion in the City of Bakersfield, in consideration of direct of indirec~ gain or profit, to engage in any employment, or to go to work or be at any time in any. place of employment. The terms "B~SINESS" and "'PROFESSION" as used herein denote'the occupation or calling in which a person, firm or corporation is engaged for profit or to earn 'a livelihood. SECTION Every person engaged in the business as a chiropodist or massour and maintaining.an office in the City of Bakersfield, ...... shall pay a.-lice~seofee of fi~e..dollars ($8~.O0-)-"per quarter. SECTION Every person engaged 'in business as a veterinarian shall _ .,.: .~.~ .~ .r . pay a license fee of ~fiV.e dollars ($S.O0) per quarter. Every person, firm or CorPoratiOn who, at-'a]:fixed "'~' place 'of business having a fixed and permanent headquarters with- in the: Oity Of Bakersfield, sells· or' offers for 'sale, any wares or merchandise, ..except as otherwise. provided in this ordi- nan.ce, either as. principal or agent,. whether. on .commission or · otherwiSe, or whether for present or future delivery', or whether sa. id goods, wares or merchandise are owned by or consigned to said person, firm or corporation, shall pay a license fee 'based "on the amount of business done in accordance. with the 'following .."...' schedule: ("a') Where the average monthly gross receipts and sales are less than $2,000.00, the sum of $8.00 per quarter. (bY Where the average monthly gross receipts and ~ales' are $2.,000.00 and over but under $4,000.00, the sum of $8.00 per quarter. ('c) Where the average monthly'gross receipts and sales · are $4,000.00 and over but under $S,O00.O0, the sum of $12.00 per quarter. .(d) Where the average monthly gross receipts'and sales a~e $'6,000.00 and'over but under $10.O00.O0,'the sum of $20.00 per quarter. ~e). Where the average monthly. gross receipts and sales are $10~O00WO0 and over but under '$14,000.00, the' sum of. $25.00 per quarter. (f) Where the average monthly gross receipts and sales are $14,000.00 and over but Under'$20,O00.O0, the sum of (~g)~: Where the average monthly. gross receipts and sales are $20,000.00 and over but under $30,000.00 the sum of ('h) Where the average monthly 'gross receipts and .sales are $30,000.00 and oyer but under' '$50~:~0e.00,' the.~s~.f.... :... $60,00 per quarter, (i) ..Where the. average monthly gross receipts and . are $50,000,00 and over the stun of".$VS,O0 per quarter, Provide~ howpver, that where any person, fi~m or corpo.~- sale8 rich. carrieS on said business exclusively at wholesale the li'cense"-'...'.~" fee therefor shall be equal in amoun~ to' one-fourth[.j(!/4)'of "the license of that class of which said business would come if same were conducted as a retail businesS, as this section specified, but where said person, firm or corporation conducts bethas retail and wholesale.business on the same premiseS. and desires to take advantage of 'the ~holesale rate, said person, firm'or corporation shall, in making the statement as' provided in Section 16 of this ordinance and upon which said license fee shall be based, segregate the wholesale and retail sales, and said license fee shall there- upon be Paid for ·each such branch. ~or .the purpose of this ordinance a "WHOEESALE EEALER" is defined to be one who sells exclusively to retail dealers; and provided'that any article sold to a consumer direct shall be classified as a retail sale. 'And provided further, that nothing contained or setforth in t~is section, or elsewhere in 'this Ordinance, shall apply to any business coming. within the provisions or the law affecting or relating to interstate commerce, and any person, firm. or corpora-. · tion .engaged in or doing any such'business 'shall not be required to pay any license fee thereof or therefor. SECTION ... Every person~ firm or corporation engaged in conducting, "car. tying'on 0r~mai'ntaining.a plumbing ~usinesS'or plumbing establishment at a.fixed place o~'business., shall pay.a license fee based~pen t~e-statemeD~ filed by such person,'..firm'or'corpora, tion .~overing the'amount of monthly gross' sales ofnm~erials and supplies thereof, whether such sales are included in'any contract work or ind~pendent thereof, as provided in Section 16 of this· 'ordinance and in. accordance with the schedule provided in..~fOn .. 48 hereof together with the prOviso contained therein for sales wholesale'as well as at retail. SECTION 47. LAUNDRIES .' ' (a) Every person, firm or corporation conducting, operating or maintaining a laundry business, other than a hand laundry~ with- in the 'City of Bakersfield, Or soliciting or collecting laundry work not bo be done within said City, or who carries on, conducts or maintains an office towel supply business or who supplies towels for stores, offices or public institutionS, at regular ~ntervals and for stated times, shall pay a license fee based upon the state- ment' filed by said person, firm or corporation, covering the qu'ar- ter next preceding'the date of said statement, as provided in section 16 of thi's ordinance, and in accordance'with the schedule prOvided in Section 48 hereof. (b) Every person, firm or corporation owning, operating or maintaining a hand laundry,' and using in connection therewith'any wagon or other vehicle,.shall pay a license fee of Five dollars ($8.00) per quarter for each such wagon or vehicle use. GARAGES, AUTO REPAIR, MACHINE, PAI~AND .. "' ELECTRIC REPA1R"SHOPS ~ AND~V~LC~N. tZ-i-N G WORES. SECTION 48. Every person, firm or corporation carrying on, conducting, managing or maintaining a pub~ic..garage,'.auto~ile, motorcycle, ..... . ..~.~..~.~.. -. or bicycle repair shop, machine'Shop, ~le~c repair shop, paint '.'i ' i'?' -:~q~ ~' shop, or vu!canixing works, blacksmith shoN and w~lding and brais- "' "' " -..~,=. ~.. :=.i;'-'~. "~'!~' .';....- ....'.. '.. ._..i,.....;.= E'. ...... SECTION 49. ing'establishments, shall pay a license fee based upon the sta~_~emt. filed by such'parson, firm or corporation. co~ering the amount business done as provided in Section 16 of th~s'-ordinanc.... in ~ccordance with the schedule provided in Secti~ 45 hereof.· "' ILLUMINATING -AND FUEL OILS. '.~'.'.-~?~:.-. ~-....~.~. ~.~.~.~. .... ~'~ .~. '~ ~. ~'~ ~.. .... · ""'-~ .~'j.~.L~. · Every person, firm or corporation, who at a fixed place of ..i~ business 'within the City of Bakersfield, sells or.o~fers for sate." either at wholesale or retail, any illuminating. or.'f~'t. oil or other by-product of crude petroleum, and every person, firm or corpora- tion tunning or operating any wagon or other vehicle from which illuminating 'or fuel oil or any other by-product Of crude petroleum is sold or deliveredwithin said City, shall pay a license fee based upon the statement filed by said person, firm or corporation, as provi'ded in Section 16 of this ordinance And in accordance with the schedule provided in Section 46 hereof, together with the proviso contained therein for s~les.at wholesale as well as at retail. SECTION 50. CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SOFT DRINKS. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of keeping, conducting, managing or maintaining a confectionery store, ice cream parlor, cigar store, or stand, soft drink emporium .or.root beer stand, or who at a fixed place of business within the City of Bakersfield, sells or offers for sale, either as principal or agent, any candy, confections, ice cream, cigars, tobacco, soda pop, ginger ale, syphon soda, artificial mineral water or any so-called soft drink or non-intoxicating or non-alcoholic liquors, shall pay a license fee based upon the statement filed by Said per- SECTION 51. SECTION. 52~.-.- 'son, firm o~ corporation, as proV~ided' in sectio'n'.'~..~.½~L~r..th~-~ ordi- next Preceding the' date of said 'Stat~ent and ~n..a .~e With the · schedule as prOVided in section 46 of this ordinance, together.: with the proviso co. ntai'ned therein.for sale at. whpl.esSle as well as' at retail, 'and provided fur~he~. that if' any o~t-he' foregoing articles.' .-. or co~mnodities are sold by and are a part of the ~st.Ock of ~y other '. merchant' or dealer, ~he s~e shall..be included in a~'~Secome a part of the sales and receipts included in the. statement given b~ such merchant or de~er; ~ ",' Provided, however,. that for any 'person, rim or corpora- tion selling or offering for Sale ~y syphon soda, soda water, root beer' or any other so-called soft drink, to whic~ carbonic acid 'Sas is added at the time of said .sale,-the 'rate shall be as provided in section 46 of this ordinance, as aforesaid, but the minim~ license fee thereon ~d ~erefor shall be fifteen dollars ($1~..00) per .quarter, ~d no such .license shall be issued for a period less· than· six months. 'I'CE CREAM WAGONS. For 'every person peddling, vehding,- selling or offering for sale ice cream or ice cream cornucopias 'from'wagons or'other vehicles the·license fee shall·be the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per quarter for each such wagon or vehicle. · Provided, that no license shall be issued under this section except upon the approval of the Health Officer. HOTELS AND' LODGING HOUSES..' (a) For the business of keeping or c.O. nductip~a~ohotel' the .8~ of $S.OO per quarter ........... .(b): For the business of keeping or conducting a hotel or lodging h'.o.~se of twenty. rooms or more but less than thirty-five rooms, the 'sUm of $8.00 per quarter. (c) FOr the business of keeping or conducting a hotel or-lodging house of thirty-five rooms or more, but less .than' fifty rooms, the sum of $12.00 per quarter. (d) For 'the business of keeping .or .condUcting hotel. or lodging house of 'fifty rooms or mote the sum of $15.00 per quarter~ SECTION The license fee for keeping or ConduCting, carrying on, managing or maintaining any business, trade, calling, profession or occupation hereinafter specifically described in this section shall be based upon the average monthly gross receipts and sales thereof or therein, as shown by the statement filed by the person, firm or corporation, carrying on, conducting, keeping, managing or maintaining the respective'trade, eelling, business, profession or occupation, for the quarter, next preceding.the date of said state' ment,' as' provided in section 16 of th~s ordinance,.and in accordance with the schedule proyided in section 45 hereof; said business,. trade, calling~ profession or occupation being specifically descr'ibed as follows: Architects. AbStracting titles of. real estate. Maintaining and publishing a weekly or daily ~ewspaper. Job printing business and soliciting therefor. T~pewriter repai~ Shop or selling t~pewriter'supplies. Keeping· and conducting. an undertaking establishm, ent, .'. ' Carrying on or conducting a c. reamery. Keeping or maintaining a warehouse for the storage of any merchandise or goods or otheri~articles for. profit. .. dale, cafeteria' or eating house. -Public Accoun%ant .' a beauty ·parlOr Conducting, managing or maintaining or hair-dressing establishment "' :;". ....:~'.-"';":7~ ..... .- '.:::.....~-!:.!~:... COnducting or maintaining a merchant of or included. in order work. leeping, 'conducting, mana~;'[ng or maintaining a restaurant, Keeping, conducting, managing or operating any business or eStabli.slnnent for which no express provigiOn has'hereto- fore been made in this ordinance. · · SECTION 54. TAMALE'PARLORS and LUNCH STANDS. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting a tamale parlor or-lunch stand, the license fee shall be the sum'of Two dollars and ~ifty cents ($2.50) per quarter. SECTION The license fee' imposed by this ordinance shall be deemed a debt due the City of Bakersfield from and against .any per-' son,.' firm or corporation who engages in, conducts, carries on or maintains within said City any business, trade, calling, pro~ession or occupation upon which a license is ·imposed herein, without first .having paid such license fee and procured said license according tO the terms and provisions of this' ordinance, and said -. ........ .-person,..f~i_r~. or. corporation shall..be_.~l.i_able.in. a .c.:ivil..action in . the name of' the city of~ak~rsfield as plaintiff in the Police Court of the City o~akersfield, or any Oourt of competent Jurisdiction, for the recovery of the amount' of said license fee, and for the costs of ~uit. .SEOTION 58. = = If any action.brought under or arising ou~"'O-f~[...of t-he provisions of .~!s ordinance, 'or an~ amendment hereto, the fact that a party ~thereto'represented himself or herself.as engaged in business O~ calling for the transactionof which a license is required or that such party exhibiting a sign tndlcatlng such business Or' cal~ing, shall be conclusive evidence of the liability of such party SECTION 57. to pay for a. license, as required by this ordinance. If any section, sub-section, clause~ or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional such deci- sion shall not affect ~he validity of the remaining sections of this ordinance. The'Council hereby declares that it would have passed this' ordinance,.and.each section, sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irreepective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 58~ Any person, firm or corporation vi6!ating any of the provisions of this.ordinance or wilfully non-complying with any of the'terms, requirements'or provisions contained herein, shall be · guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon-convictiOn thereof shall be punishable by a fime not to exceed three hundred ($~00.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in the Gounty Jail for a period not exceeding ninety- days (90), or by'both such .fine and imprisonment. _~ECTION 59. Ordinances Nos. lL92'New Series, 119 New series, 1SO New.Series, lZ2.New Series., 144 New Series, 148 New Series and 180 New Series, relating'to licenses, and' all other'ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict.here**~ at& hereby repe.~l.~ed I HEREBY 'CERTIFY that the foregoing. Ordinance was p ssed T and adopted by the COuncil of the Oity of' Bakersfield,..O~.'i'" ~ day of , 192~, by -the following vote: APPROVED this · day of City Clerk 'and ex-offici'O.:.Olerk of' the Council of the-Oity of 'Bakersfield. . Mayor of the O&ty ~~