HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 183 ORDINANCE NO / ~D .~EW] SERIES. .- --.'.~= .... . aN ORDINANCE ESTABLZ,SHING A CERTAIN RESIDENCE DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF .... '?"'~"'~".'. B:kKERSFIELD, pROHIBITING CERTAIN FACTORIES, V.;ORKS AND BUSINESSES FROM BEING ESTABLISHED, I~.AI~TAINED OR ~ARRIED 0i~ IN SUCH DISTRICT; pROVID- .~.'FOR CERTAIN EXCEPTiOnS TO ....... pROVI. BIORB OF THIS ORDI~ANCE;.~. AI~'D. ORDIlqANCES NOB..~..160 '~ew Series· and' ' · . 166 ~ew Series, and-all other O~di- nances and parts of ordinances conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COU~C iL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, SECTION 1. .~'~' All of tb.e City of Bakersfield is hereby established and declared to be a ·residence' district exceptin~ therefrom those portions ...of tb.e City included within the boundaries of '=~ industri'.~l' district or diatrictS established by this ordinance and within such fire limits as are' now or may be hereafter estiablished.and also excepting such portions of said city 'as may. be 'hereafter exeept.ed by ordinance from the said re s idence .di stri ct. '~ It is' hereby declared to be unlawful. for any person, firm,· co~npany'. or corporation to establish, maintain, or carry 'on within the residence district described in Section i hereof, any ..quarry; stone .crusher; ~'oilin~ mill ;. madi{~ne shop; ~..planing ~.. -. mill;. Carpet beating 'establishment; dye and.. cleaning establish.- soap 'factory; glue ..factory; t.annerlz; .blacksmith shop;...s. lau~'L'.e.:r~.~" house; 'or pl~.c~ for the slaughtering of animals; reductio~'.i':.-/.jj~S~:~. works; pickel fac'~:~'ry~ vinegar works; h0s'pi.~a'ls stables">~,. · liver~ stables;' v/0od yard. s; lu~ber yards; undertaking. establish-> ...f...... .ments; embalming establis~.ents; funeral p.~.r.10r~; public "--g~.rage'~-; 'stores; mercantile establishments; butcher shops; mee~.markets;· vegetable m~rkets; v~holesale houses; .~vareb.,o~S or'other t~siness establisbements. Pro...vided, l~owe~er, the Building 't, nsp~6tor may gra~t a permit to e'sts:bli.sh ..and maintain an electric motor in shy. such'works o'r factory where pov~'er "'~:~<:-!<~b'ther than animal power. is used in the 6peratio~ Of the same and where' a. permit to install and maintain a ste~n boiler or gasoline motor has been granted prior t'o the adoption of this e.',. ",' ':'; but in no case shall a oermit"to .install any electric ~~~ any such place be granted except 'to take the place ~.-. 'of a 'steam boiler or gasoline motor in such place and such permit shall be ~ranted onl.v upon con~-itions 'that suc'h steam boiler or ~asoli.ne motor shall be. removed .from suc]~ place and the use th~reof in such place.'be discontinued and abandoned :=.'~. i~iately u~on .the-'fnstallation of such electric motor; and /' ' ~.'~: . · - · -. . . ~'~'"-i~ n0 case sba~l..a pe~n~it be:' ~ranted to install any'electric motor of ~rea.ter horse'po~ver than the steam boiler or ~asoline motor so to be .removed and ~bandoned; pro~i'Se"d' further that nothin'E in t~is ordi'nance contained to be consteed 'to prevent .~-- · · ~ "' the installation and ~aint'enance of not more than one 'electric ...~.. ~ /", -motor of a capacity of not to exceed five h~S'e'po~ver on any lot . ~ .: o~. pr~ises. .-.-., .' ..i. SECTION 3. " · . -~-~ ~ . .. . ·. ~1... ~....- -... ~, .. . .... _... <'.' .. ~. · to. any of' the businesses o~ places 'herein.. ~e!. now la~v- ..-. . . ' . '- ~. . -.: ~>...., ~. ~j; ~j' ~' '. :' ' ,.. ·.. .. · ... · ~,~.~ 'j~ ... ~ ..-~ 'fUli~"S't'ablished and licensed. therefor· i~-'~-~'e~l:.nCity of Baker. s-' SECTION 4. field. The fgllowing described 'territory shall be~~.~.. L. Same is hereby excepted from the residence district of the City of Bakersfiel~ as heretofore and in Section 1 estab!~,. to-wit: Ail that portion of the City of Bakersfield within the followin~ described ~odndaries; Commencing at ~he intersection of the northerly line of 18th Street 'and easterly line of F Street runn'in~ thence northerly along the easterly line of F Street..to~i:~.-.~soU~herly line of 20th Street; thence easterly a lo.n~ the' southerly line of 2Oth Street. to the easterl'~ line of'G Street;.thence north- erly along the.easterly line of G Stree't to'the Sou'therlyline of 2~nd Street;'.thence easter'ly a long the southerly line of 2Snd Street to the easterly line of H Street; thence northerly along the' easte'rly line Of H S~reet to the 'southerl~ line of 3lst 'Street; thence easterly alon~ the southerl~ line of 3lst street to the easterly.line of the first alley west of Chester Avenue;· thence northerly along said easterly line of the first alley west of Chester Avenue and its extension northerly to its intersection'with. the northerly City. Limits of .the City of Bakersfield; thence easterly 'al'ong said northerly City Limits to a point 12~ ~eet easterly from the easterly line of Chester Avenue; thence southerly alon~ the weSterly·line of the first alley east of Chester Avenue to the southerly' line of Slst Street thence easterly along the southerly line of 31st Street to the westerly line of K Street;~'thence southerly along the westerly line of E. street to the northerly line of ~6th Street; thence easterly on·the northerly line of ~6th Street to the westerly 'line of'L Street,.-' thence sout'herly alon~.-the' westerly line. ~ · .!..~... L~' · east~". of. L Street to the northerly line of R4th Street; ttXe.~-~.~ . ...~.~,~...~.~."~' .~ ~... 'Srly along the northe.fly line of 24~h Street to the Westerly '~"line of ~ Street; t~.ence southerly aion~ the.~westerly line. · .~ ........ , . , · .. "Of N Stree~ to the. southeriy line 'of 2~rd Stree.t; thence easterly '~'.~.""' along the southerly line of ~3rd' Street to the. v~es~erly. line O~ N Street; ~hen6e southerly along the ~esterl~ line of N Street' to the southerly line of ~Oth Street~ thence easterly along th~ southerly line of 20th Street to the. westerly line . of R Street.; thence southerly on the westerly line of R Street to the northerly line of'Truxtun Avenue: thence westerly along the northerly.line of Truxtun Avenue to the 'westerly line of L ~treet; thence. s6utherly along the extensio~of'~the wester. ly line of L Street ~o' the northerly line of 18th Street; thence ea'sterly alon~ the northerly line of 16th Street to the easter- ly line of S Street; thence northerly alon~ said easterly line 'of S Street to a point 120 feet southerly from the'~6u. therly line of Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly on a 'line parallel with. the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the westerly line of i~ion Avenue; thence northerly alone said' westerly line of Union Avenue to the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly along the northerly line'of East Truxtun Avenue to the.easterly line of Sonora Street; 'thence.northerly along said easterly line of ~onora Street to the southerly line of Eureka Street; thence westerly a ~ng the southerly line of Eureka Street and the extension thereof to the westerly line Of union Avenue; thence northerly alon~ the westerly line of Union Ave.hue to the northerly line of 18th Street.:."then'ce westerly' alon~ the no. rtberly line of 18th Street to the easterly bank of -the- Ke.rn ~Isl-and Cana~t; --then,.c~ ~P~herly .atone. ~he -..ea-ster, ty bank of the Kern island Canal;to the southerly line of BOth Street; ...... ~..,. ......thence. easterly alon~.. the'southerly line of 20th S~rea~. to _~= "".' =. ~-: ~- D~:. · easter'ly line of Union Avenue;· the~c..e.nor. t~rly.a'~lOng t'he;~e~st-..' erly line'of ~nion Avenue to the Sout-her.ly-.~iTn'~ dT. ~h~:'~i_'.~s,t-~ ''~ alley lying northerly of Kentucky· Street·; thence easterly along the southerly line of sai'd.altey to a point .~00 feet westerly· ...;.,~.....~. from the westerly line of Kern Street; thence northerly on a l'ine ~00 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly of Kern Street t'o the southerly line of Pacific S.t.reet; thence '. easterly alone said southerly line of Pacific Street' ~'o'a point ~00 feet easterly fron~ the easterly line of Kin~-Street': thence southerly on a line ~00 feet easterly ~om and parallel to the easterly line of King Street to the southerly line of the first ~lley lying northerly of Kentucky Street; thence easterly along the southerly line of Said alley and its extension easterly to the'easterly City Limit-s; thence southerly along the easterly Cit~ Limits to the northerly line of East Truxtun Avenue; thence westerly alon~ the. northerly line of East Truxtun Avenue to ~he westerly line of Owens Street; thence 'soUtherly along the westerly line of Owens Street to the northerly· line of Fremont Stroot; thence westerly along the..north~rly line of Fremont Street to the easterly line of Beale Avenue; ~hence southerly alon~ said easterly line of Beale Avenue to the north- erly'.line of ~u~eka Street: thence westerly alone the northerly line of ~eka Street to the easterly line of Bak'er .S~re~t.; thence southerly alon~ the easterly line o~ Baker Street to ~e s6utherly line of Dolores Street; thence wester'l~: along the southerly 'line of Dolores Street to the easterly. line of Tulare Street; 'thence southerly along the easterly line of Tulare Street to the northerly line of Chico Street; thence westerly along the northerly lihs 8f Chico 'Street to the easterly line of Sonora Street; thence southerly alon~ the easterly line of SECT O S. 'westerly line of s Street; 'th~'n~e~ northerlY. along the westerly line of S Street to the northerly l'ina'..o£.' 14.th Street;.. thence' westerly along the northerly line of 14th Street to a point .......... ~.~--' thence southerly-on a line 13P. feet y n to the easterly line of Chester Avenue to the southerly line of 4th Street; thence westerly al~n~ the southerly line of 4th Street to a point 132 feet westerly from the westerly line of Chester Avenue; thence northerly an a line 132 ~e°e't':'..~.sterly from and parallel to the westerly line of Chester Avenue'to the northerly line of 14th St'feet; thence westerly ~i'~- the no~the.rly line of 14th Street to the westerly line of G Street thence southerly alon~ the westerly line of O Street to the northerly line of California Avenue; thence westerly alon~ the n6rtherly line of California Avenue to the westerly line of Oak Street; thence northerly alon~ the westerly line'of Oak Street to the southerly line .of Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly along the.'southerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the westerly line o'f C Street; thence southerly'along the westerly line of C Street to the southerly line of 16th Street; .thence easterly along the southerly .line of '16th Street to the easterly line of'~'Street~ thence northerly alon~ the easterly line of F Street to the place of beginning. Any person, firm company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this or'dinance, or failing., neglecting or refusin~ to ob~.ain the permit as herein .provided, shall be de..e_~me.d guilt.v of a mi~.d_e..fneanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than fifty dollars ($5~.00) nor more than f~v~' Hdn~l. red d611.a~s ($500-~0~r-~'-o~"by"'km~is~nment'" '-':~" in the ~ounty Jail of Kern county not less than t~y?...~a~... (..~.)~ nor more th~n six months (6), or by b0~h such fine and impri~~~'''''''' ,e- '.- · .-. ""' "' " "'-" SECTION 6. SECTION V. · . . .... .~..~ ....... ..... ,. · . ..-. ~ · ": ... ..' .j:..'. .;. · .':!." ": '. ,: '..~ o or invalid, such decision s>all not affect..~'.~-he-:r~mai~i~g pO.r'~'.":'.'..'~'~:':::.::..~j.~'?' . ..~ ..-.. : .... :~.. ..... . ....~..~[ .,.-~-. :. tion of this ordinance. a~e Ci'~:"0ouncil hereby declares that ':~"~" :"':"' it would have passed this ordinance and each section and sub- section thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections. sentence.s. clauses or p~rases .'.~T,~,... be declares unconstitutional or invalid. ~':"".' " ;.,.~. The provisions of this ordinance shall not' be deem~'~ '..~ to be .no'~ cons't~ued to mean an ordinance abrogating or repeal.· .". .''~ .~;... in~. any .of the provisions set out in OrdinanCe ~o.. 15~' Ne~v Series kno~vn as the "BulldinE Ordinance". but this ordinance .. shall be:' deemed to be a supplement of Ordinance No. 15~ N.e~v · :. ..-~., Series of the City of Bakersfield. .z.~. ..'.: SECTION 8. That Ordinance No. 160 New Series 8f 'the City of .... ~"; Bakersfield establishing a certain residence district w~th~. · .~ .~. . .'.'... '.: · the e.o~porate lin:.i'tS of said city and Ordinance No. ~.:~6 New .., .~..- . . :~' ' .....~'~,.' "",7 '.' ~7.' · Ord'i~ance No. 160 New Series. be and the sam·e. are hereby expressly r~pealed; and ai'i' other ordinance's..'and parts of -- . .'~ ordinances in confIic~ here~'~ith be'zand the ~e. are hereby .. eXo.~essly repealed .... ' ~ "" .--' · · · . / · I. ~EP~BY CERT i~ that the foregoing Ordinance '.,  · .....:~'--- at a regular meeting held on ~he day of ~, 19~ ,' .... by the follovzing vote: : ':"" ....L.' "' "":~'~"" ' A~n~ ~ . -. '.~ '. .-V- City Clerk and ex-officio C.' · . lerk of the ~ouncil of the City of Bakersfield, California. 1923.