HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 199SECTION 1. 'ORDINANCE NO. / .NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF ANY OIL REPRESENTED AS LUBRICATING OIL FO'R. THE CYLINDERS OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES, OR THE SALE OF GASOLINE, AND." PROVIDING FOR THE EXHIBITION OF SIGNS,. LABELS AND DISKS INDiCATING THE BRAND OR TRADE NAIv.[E OF SUCH LUBRICATING OIL AND THE NAME OF THE MANUFA. CTURER OF SUCH GASOLINE AND PROHIBITING THE~ 'FILL- ING OF'TANKS OF MOTOR-PROPELLED. VEI~ICLES WHILE THE ENGINES ARE. IN OPERATION,' AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, follows: ~'~" It shall .be unlawful for any person', firm or corporation t6~"ell~. offer for sale or delivery, or to cause or permit to be' sold, offered for sale or delivered, in the City. of Bakers- field, any oil' represented as lubricating O~i_l 'for the cylinders ..:..of .internAl"cOmbUstion engines, unless there shall be firmly · ,..,.~... ... attached or painted, at or.near the point .of~.outlet from which · ' 'said .oil represen.ted as lubricating oil. for .~he cylinders of in- ~"' ternal 'combUstion engines i.s drawn or poured o~.t for sale or .: ~' . ',' .f' ~ .. '~ .. · delivery, a sign 'or label consisting Of th61"~'ord'. or words, in "- .i~.-~.~' · letters not less .~h~ three (3) inches in hei'ght, comprising the brand or trade n~.e.. of said-lubricat~pg oil~ ..p~Ovided, that when' - 'T" ':" .~said.sign or l~b~l'.is attached to the faucet ~-~'ve-~ve of a tank ~'~" t~Uck or tank w~g~n~ the letters~L~:~.al~· he no~j..'.~ess.th~ three-· ~~ of fifteen· "'~15) gallons., or less~,. the letters shall be not less than one-h~lf. ( 1/2 ) 'inch -in' height, and p'rovi ded'~? tha.t..~ '~i f~' a.ny Of said lubricat..ing"o'i"l shall ha.ve,~no .brand or tr.ade....n....ar~.~:.th~ above ..... required sign or label shall consist of the wo'rds~!"ln.'..letters ...... · .. .. :~:. ....:..-...- .. ....~:h n0t'less than three (3) inches high wit~'t~i'. '~'~ "-.~.-abSve." .. ..... . , -.-.... ~.:: ....-..:.-:-~ ...~ .--~;;...- .......?._.:. ,~ "' :~"' provided, "LUBRICATi'NG OIL,. NO BRAND": and it ~~e be un' . ... . l'awful for any person, firm' or corporation, :.within .~~'.ity .of Bakersfield,' to sell gasoline from any tank, bar're.~' drum, or other 'movable or stationary container, unless tt~ere is securely fastened, in a manner plainly visible to any person ':purchasinT~ such gasoline, a metal disk, twelve (12) inches inr.:~t~.: - ~'~.-~:i~'.~ ~.':" i~!':~:'~!: '.: bearing in letters not-less than one (1) inch in he .......... ~::name' of the firm manufacturing such gasoline; p vided~' "!h~eV~'~, · ro that in case s.uch gasoline is sold from a pump ~ttached to any such container such disk shall' be securely fastened to sai~p. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, fii~m'~--'(~'LLs.orpora_ · ~ . % ,~_... tion to display any sign, label, or other designatin~ik,. which- describes any petroleum or petroleum product not actually g . n i . . I ?..... ." . .~;~.' label upon any container, which label names or d'escrib,~s a petroleums-.7 .. ~...... '~::~,: ...:.~. product not actually contained therein, but of-fer~'d;:;£0:~z..3...sale or '~' sold as such. It' is' hereby declared to be unlawful for any pe~ firm or corporation selling gasoline to fill any tango':--of''any .. _iS_in operati'on., or the li.ghts are burning, · ' .... " 'r' - .... :~ !""'....? .'~:- -~L.':.-. ' .. ' "~. ~i~'~ .'~,_--"~ '~. ".~'~-~.-,~..: '~ used as ~ automobile filling station or public filling station A notice.'.containing the words "NO' 'SMOKING",' "in pia!~(T.'i.etters, not less than four· (4). inches high, shall be displayed in .'.~..,o,:Dspicu- · .. ~ .~... "- 0us' · places .in 'and about every automobile filling station or pub~ lic' filling station. · ~ ~. .. · SECTION 4. Any ·person, firm or corporation violation a-ny of the pro- vi'sions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished·by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail. of Kern County for not more than ninety (90) days~ or by both such fine .and imprisonment. SECTION 5. ~-·. Any persnn, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of .this ordinance shall be deemed guilty.of a se~ate' offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provisions 'of this ordinance is con~nitted, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and · ·.~shall·be ounishable therefor as provided by~his ordinance. SECTION 6. If any section, subsection, clause.or phrase, of this ordins~."Ce iS for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would · have passed this ordinance., and each section,. subsection, sentence, clause .and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, sentences.:. clauses or phrases .~ be declared unconstitutional. ~.. '~. . ..: .....'.Y HEREBY CERTIFY that 'the foregoing Ordinance was. passed .... ' ..... a d i~d by the Council' of the City of Bat~ersfield on the Ayes-Austin, 'B~'er, Carlisle. Carlock, Gri~th, Haberfelde, S~oxier Noes .........~ ..........................................~ .............................................................. Absent ........'-~ .........................................................: ............................... APPRO.VED this '~..~ay of · . ~ ~ity ~l~~r'ekand~o C1 erk of' the....:.:... Council of the City of Bakersfield ':i MAYOR OF THE CITY 0 F ~