HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 198"ORDINANCE NO. , FNEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE NAMING PORTIONS OF 26th '.. .. .b .. IN THE CITY OF BAtCERSFIE~D,' CAIjlFOR~ .... - .... as follows: . SECTION 1. " That the 'prOperty hereinafter described be and the s~e is hereb.y'n~ed' and shall be known and designa~;ed as "26th--STREET~' Said.:propert'y being more particularly described' as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center t~'ne Of Pan~a SlOugh with the northerly line of 26~:ff~treet said northerly line of 26th Street to the"'~rly "li~e of M Street; thence southerly along sai~.easterly line of' lw Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly on a line 82.5 feet .southerly from and parallel ~th the Co.uP:~e. -.. first described herein, as the extension westerYy?~:";~-.~.' the northerly line' of 26th Street, to' the. center."~e of Panama Slough, aforesaid; thence northeasterly along ':' the center line of Panama Slough to the point of be- ginLing. '" ..~.. -:.- ~t~-'-'..' ..T, ' · .-'~-~ '-°:" .u That the property hereinafter described._~"And the same is hereby named and shall be known and designated as "N STREET", SECTION 2. Said property being more particularly described as follows: SECTION Beginning at-a point in the west:erly line of i~ Street where the same 'is intersected by the center line of Panama. Slough and running thence northerly on-a direct extension of said westerly line of' N' .Street to its intersection with the extension-westerly. of the south- erly line of 26th Street; thence· easterly on said exten- sion of the southerly line of 26th Street 82.5 feet; thence southerly on a line 82.5 feet easterly from and parallel with the course first described herein, as the extension northerly of the westerly'line of N Street, to the center line of Panama Slough, aforesaid; thence southerly along the center line of Panama Slough to the point of beginning. ...Z .... -That the p.roperty hereinafte~ .described ~be_and the s.a~m~e · '" · "'~'-...;":~'~"' "":'L..' ~i.""2~:~. ,~:"~:'..~.. is hereby named and shall be k~:~wn' .:.and" designat.e~-a~.j~'O~.-~~T~',,-:.:=-'-;~..' .-:. ........ · .. .... ... .. ...... ,~;:,=-...[..~;- . . :'.:.. -.r, . ,..s~aid property· being more particularly' described .as follows:....... .......... . :~X~' ...' ;- ~ .. ' . ~ ' ' - . · "'v ~:':( ,:.i. '~." "...." ' ' ' ~ ................... .~ ....... ...~,. ~~ ............. · .-:.....-....:..- ' ' . .' ..,.',.;. [ . . . '..:'..;:'-. ......... · --: ....,_ ~-,:~.:.~~"~': ~; d. ~.~,~,.~.}4~._ '....-~ .:~4.{;.~ ~.~; '. :.~"i~;,~qa~'.~~ ';'.~.':~]~.-. :" ,Z;..d-/' (-..q ...~}' '.~'.' SECTkON 4. A .strip of land 82.5 feet in width, the a direct extension northerly, of 0 line 82.5 feet northerly from the southeri. y."~V!l.~'~'~ne.~ 26th Street to the. ~outherly line of that street formerly .k~/~s County Road' N~', That the property hereinafter-described be!~'a-md the same · · '%!~?is hereby named and shall be known and designated ~j!~M. ES STREET", Said property being. more Particularly described as fOllSws:' That portion of that certain street or ~oad formerly known as County Road No. 142, which li~es' southerly · of, adjacent to and parallel with theu~s~ou.therly line of the right of way of the Southern .~P-aCific Company and extends from the southerly line-~'~9th Street to the northerly line of 9.4th Street.." I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordin~~as passed and adopted by the .council of the' City of.Bakersfield, at a regular meeting held on the~dav of November, 19'~, by the'. following vote :' Ayes-Austin, Baer, Carlisle, Carlock, Griffith, Haberfelde..Stoner Noes .........~ .......................................: ....................................................................~ ..... Ab~a.'-r~ .........~ ............................~ ............................................................................... APPR. 0VED this.. "'day o"f C . icio Clerk of the Council of .the City of Bakersfield, California. r192 , ~. · MAYOH. of ~ field, California·