HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 197 . ~. !ff~ ~EW sERiEs° ORDINI~NCE N~ .:~..~.'. · ' '~..._..... ~ . . . · '.:' AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN PREMISES A NUISANCE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING · THE CITY ··ATTORNEY AND THE BUILDING INSPEC- .TOR OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO T~KE SUCH ACTION·OR PROCEEDINGS NECESSARY TO ABATE ·THE NUISANCE AS AFORESAID. WHEREAS, the building ~ituated and located on Lots and 8, Block 208, City of Bakersfield., at the northwest corner of 20th and M Streets,. and the 'building situated and located on Lots 8 and 9, Block 91, ·Kern, at 515 Sumner Street have been · ~'~!'caref~lly investi~ated'.by Thos. W. Dupes, Chief Building Inspec- tot of the City of Bakersfield,.'and =j.==- WHEREAS;.~ the immediate preservation of the public health, O p per y and s.afety require. the passage of this ordinance, and WHEREAS, after such investigation it is found that said 'buildings and premises are maintained in violati.on of the provi- sions of an act of the Legislature of the State of California known and designated-as "State Housing Act·~·Statutes of CalifOrnia of 1923, Chapte~ 386~'approved June 1~, 1923; AND ·WHEREAS, said houses are unsafe, unclean, unsanitary, dangerous to life and unfit to be maintained; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT 0RDAINED BY' THE COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ a's fol~Owsi SECTION 1. That the building situated and located on Lots 8, V and· 8, Block 208, City of Bakersfi'eld,·at the northwest corner of 20th .. and M..Streets, and the building-situated 'and located on Lots 8 and:~'~ Block .9i, Kern, at 515 SUmner Street be' and the same are -'~'- hereby declared a 'nui'sance. SECTION 2. : '.. -. .That the. City Attorney..and Building Inspector of the- ji:' such action or-. pr-oc.'ep~.di'.n. gS nece'..ssary to abate. such nui-sance:. · . · SECTION 3. · . This Ordinance is desi'gn~d'.'~.~ the in~nediate pres~'~a- ti6n of the public health, property and safety and is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing .Srdinance was passed. and adopted· by t.he Council of the City of Bakersfield on the ~ day of Oct'ober,. 1923, by the following vote:. ~ · the MAYOR of AYes-Austin Baer, C~lisle. Carloc4. Orim~, Habeffelde. Stoner A~.nt ...................~ .............· ...................................................~ .............................. City Clerk and. ex-officio Clerk of the City of Bakersfield.