HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 196 'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4, 7, 9-~and .... ~'~-13a, OF ORDINANCE NOt ~8~ NEW SERIES, OF THE CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAiNED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELI~ as'follOws: That· section 4 of Ordinance No. 182 New Series regula- ring the construction, erection and maint..e~me~e.' of billboards Within the City of Bakersfield, be and the same is her.eby amended to read 'as follows': SECTION 4. · it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct or erect any billboard as defined'in Ordinance No. 182 New Series within the City of Bakersfield at a greater height than fifteen feet six inches above the level of the adjoin- in.~!.~'st.reet. ~here the' grade of the .adjoining street or streets has not been established, no billboard or signboard shall be constructed or erected at a greater height than fifteen feet six inches above the' level of the ·ground upon which such billboard is erected.. "The face of every bi.llboard within the fire limits shall b ncombustible material, but the supports and framework of. the same may be of w~od. The base of the billboard shall, in all cases, be. at least twenty-eight inches (28") above the level of the ground at the point where the board is to. be erected. Every, said billboard must be constructed and ...~3~_a...ted in accord-- ..~ ance with the provisions of this ordinance. and'Shall be subject to. t'he approval 'of the Building Inspector; pro-v:ided'.all the fore~oi. ng provisions' shall in' no way interfere with·· any person, ft~r_ht'_Qr__6.drp_ora~ion erecti~' or constructin~ 'a billboard .o'n the' . SECTION· 2. That section V of 'Ordinance No. 182 New.SerieS the construction, erection and maint~fiance of billboards Within the City of B~ersfield, be and-~he s~e is hereby ~ended to rea~ aS follows: .... SECTION 7. No material alteration of any. billboard. or signboard nor removai from One location to another· Shall be made exce~t~p.on a written pemit-~ssued ~ the ~ilding Inspector s City authorizing such al'teration or removal; and such permit shall be~ issued upon application in writing made to such:.Building In- spector by the owner of such billboard' or by the person in charge, possession or co. ntrol thereof, accompanied by a ~lan of the proposed alterations or repairs to be made and a written state- ment covering the proposed removal from one location to another .~- and its reconstruction in the new location, which said alters- tion and repairs or removal shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and the ordinances of the City of Bakersfield.' Where such plans, specifications and location are in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance and are satisfactory to and ap~roved by the Building Inspector, such Building Inspector' shall 'issue a pegnit .therefor; but such any advertising matte . 1 a o . o the ~ramework supporting same. SECTION That section'9 of Ordinance No. 182 New Series regula- ting the construction, erection and. maintenance of billboards within the City of Bakersfield, be and the same ~S~ hereby amended to read as follows: -2- SECTION 9. No surface billboard constructed or erected prior to of such billboard exceeds seventeen (1V) ~eet, nor shall 'such ~ billboard be maintained after such date, .unless":~e]~~ ~ ..... " .. ._.. ...~ :..... '.., :. . ~ -~.. ~:~'~.. ~-. :-.-.-..~ '~,~ ~:~:ff. f..~ ....:~.. SECTION 4. clear· space of at·leaSt twenty-eight (28)'inches.above the leyel of the adjoining street· .If, however, the level of'~he ground·.· where the billboard.or signboard is erected or mainGained is above the level of the street then there must be a clear space of at least ~.wo'. (1) feet between the bo-ttom··or face of the billboard end'the level of the ground at the!~$~int where thee bilib6ard'. is erected' or maintained. That ·subdivision (a) of section 13 of 0rd.inanc.~:~.l:B2 ti er -New 'Series regulating the construc ~n, ectiOn andmaintenance of billboards within the City of Bakersfield,-be and· the same · hereby amended to read as follows:· SECTION 13. (a)' The' fee to be charged for permits issued, for the erection, alteration or construction of billboards shall be ·one · dollar ($1.00) for every five hundred dollars ·($800.00)'va.l'~tion of such billboard or fractional part thereof. An annual ~ shall be charged every person, firm or corporation as ·owner, or in possession, charge or control of any billboard, fOr ~nspection 'of such billboards or signboards which shall be one ($1.00) dollar for each tWenty-five (28) lineal feet·of billboard·, or fractional part thereof. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing 6rdinahce was passed and adopted by the ~ouncil of the City of Bakersfield on the ~'}~ day of October, 1923, by the following vote: Ayes-Austin Baer, Carlisle, Carlock, Grieath, Haberfelde, 8toner Noes....: .............~ ..................................................~ ........................ Absent ~ · -' "'j "-"--'jjj'j." APPROVED this}~ day Ctty:'C . Cerk of the tober, .~1923. . Council of the City of Bakersfield. 'MAYOR d"