HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 207AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL FLECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 5th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1924, IN CER- TAIN TERRITOEY IN THE COUNTY 'OF KERN, AND OONTI~GUOUS TO THE CITY OF BAK~RSFIELD; PROVIDING FOR ~-E HOLE NG OF SUCH ELECTION AND SUBNAITTIN'G TO THE ELECTORS RESID- ING IN SUCH TERRITOHY THE QUES- " TION ~HETHEM SUCH. TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN AND MADE A PART OF SAID CITY OF BA~ERS- FIELD, DESIGNATING SUCH T.ERRtTORY BY THE NAh~E OF "SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. l" ESTABLISHING ~ . ELECTION PRECINCTS AND POLLING' PLACES IN SAID TERRITORY, APPOINT- ING THE OFFICERS OF SUCH ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR T. HE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH SPECIAL ELECTION. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 1Vth day of December, 1923, receive a written petition asking that certain new territory described in said petition be annexed to said City of Bakersfield; and - ~EREAS, Said territory so proposed to be 'annexed to said City of Bakersfield is s ituate.d in the County of Kern, State of California and is contiguous to the City o~akersfield and said petition contains a description of said Territory in words and figures as is hereinafter in this ordinance described; and WHEREAS, said petition is signed by one-fourth (.)md more in number of the qualified electors residing within the aforesaid district as is shown by the registration of voters of the County of Kern, in which county said territory is situated; and -1- . .WHE..REAS, said new territory proposed to be annexed and ·inCorporated in 'and made a part of such municipal corpora- tion does not form any part of any municipal corporation.and it a'ppears that said territory is inhabited and 'that the occupants the.r~Of are bonafide residents of said new .territor.:y;~and WHEEEAS, said petition does not cohta'in a req:u....e.a~' that such new .territory. and the property therein be after such ~nnexation subject to taxation equally with th·e property within the C'ity of Bakersfield, to pay any specified portion of any bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield outstanding at .the date of the f. iling of such petition theretofore, authorized; NOW THEREFORE BE. IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY SECTION 1. OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: · -"That a special election be and. the same is hereby called to be held on Tuesday the-Sth day of February, 19~4, in said new territory hereinbef0re menti6ned and in the aforesaid petition descr-ibed and p~oposed...~ be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, 'for the purpose of submitting to the electors~;'re~idtng in said new territory the question whether Said new'territory as here- inafter described shall be annexed to,'.and incorporated in and made a"part of the City of Bakersfield. That the new territory which is proposed to be annexed to, incorporated in and to be made a part of the City of Bakers- £ield and designated the "SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT N0. l" and the -territory in which such special election is hereby called ands' shal:]~'he_h.e.ld i.s situated in~'_the_ C_ounty~.o'f K_e.~..n,._~ta_te of CalifOrnia and is more particularly bounded and described as fO i'1~.: · : .:'_ Beginnin~ at' the intersectio~ of the south ,i'ine of Palm Street and the west line 'of H Street and running-'thence west along the south line of Palm Street to the west line of A Street; thence south alon~ the west line of A Street to the south line of Brun. dage Lane (Bellevue Road); thence east along the south line of Brundage Lane to the west. line of Kern Island Road; thence south along the west line of Kern Island Road to the south line of Terrace Way; thence east along the so~.th sion southerly of the e e ' .Tract; thence north along said extansion and along the east ·line of Block F to the south line of Brundage Lane; thence 'west along the south line of B~ndage Lane to its intersec'tion with a line 305.28 feet westerly from and parallel wi.th the west line of Chester Avenue; -~a~-o. thence north on said line parallel wi.th the west-line of Chester Avenue, to the south line o'f 4th- Street; thence west along the south line of 4th Street to the west line of H Street; thence north along the.west line of H Street to the south line of Palm Street. and the point of beginning. SECTION That said new territory hereinbefore and in said petition described is hereby designated as "SOUTH BAkeRSFIELD DIS TR~ T NO. l" and'said territory shall be indicated,.. designated and referred to by the name of "South Bakersfield. ~istrict No. l" ~pon the ballots of such territory to the City of Bakersfield is ·submitted to the eleCt_ors of said territory and the mame of "South Bakersfield District_:No.l." whenever used..in'the .notice of said special election hereby called i.n said ~er~itory and in any and all proceedings for the-annexation' of such terri- tory to the City of Bs~ersfield shall 'mek~ and be c6nstrued to' mean the-territory herein~efore.and in s'aid petition described and so proposed by sai eti~ion tO be annexed to said City of.Bakersfield. ..~..'.. That upon the ballot to be used at said special election be ·printed the following proposition: "Shall. South Bakersfield DiStrict No. i be annexed to the City of Bakersfield:' ---YES · · "Shall' South Bakersfield. District No. i be annexed to SECTION tl~e ·City' of 'Bakersfield"-'~:. That 'fox' .the purpose of holding and conducting sa'id sp ec ial . election hereby called, .e~e. voting p.recinct denominated · "South~.'-Bakersfield District· No. 1 AnneXation 'Election PreCinct No. 1" and the place at which the polls will be ·opened in the said new territory heroinbefore 'described and proposed to b e annexed to the City of Bakersfield is hereby established and deA!gnated and the following names of .election 0fficer's there- for."-"- are hereby' appointed to-wit: SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. 1 ANNEXA- TION ELECTION PRECINCT NO.. 1, Comprising of the property more particularly described as follows: '~ Beginning at the intersection of the south line· of Palm Street and the west line of H Street and..~u.~ing thence·west along the south line of Palm Street".~,~the west line of A Street; thence south along the west line of A Street to the south line of Brundage Lane (Bellevue Road); thence east along the south line of Brundage Lane to the west line of Kern Island Road; thence ~ uth along the west line of Kern Island Road to the ~ uth line of Terrace Way;.thence east along the south line of Terrace Way to its i~tersection with the extension southerly of the easterly line of Block } Virginia "' Tract; t~ence north along said extension ~nd al6ng the east line of Block F to the south line of Brundage Lane; thence west along the south line of Brundage Lane to its intersection with a line 305.25 feet westerly from and parallel with the west· line of Chester Avenue; thence north on said line parallel with.the west line of Chester Avenue, to the south line of 4th Street;'thence west along the south line of 4th Street to .the west line of H Street; thence north along the west line Of H Street·to the south line of Pal~ Street andthe point of beginning~ Pelling. Pl'ace;c E. L. Hayes' Garage, Verde Street near D Street. "~UD~:' Mr~.""Ali,ce Budge' ."' JUDGE: Fred W. Hort ~NSPECTOR: Edward T. Willisms. ECT ON 4'.. That the ballots to be used at said special ei.e,otio,n,. the opens'rig and closing of the polls.~.and the holdtng..and"con- ductlng of. such' election shall .be in co~nformity, as near as may be with tl~e laws 'of the State .of Csl if~nia c0n~rnin~ general elections, except as otherwise p. rescribed by .an act of _t.he-Legislature of t'h_.e State of California, entitled,..'. ..... ~....,... Act to provide f'6r the alteration of the boundaries of~-. ;;~ ... ..... .~. and f.o..~.: ~he annexation of territory to municipal corporations, for the incorporation .of such annexed territory in and as a ...~,'~. part ~hereo.f, an~ for the districting government and municipal controI of such' annexed territory," approved June 11, 1913, and ~ ! acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. · The qualified electors residing in said new territory so pro- "posed to be annexed to said City of Bakersfield are hereby directed to vote upon the' question of the annexation of said. territory to said City of Bakersfield by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square after the printed work "YES" on the ballots to be used at said special. election, or by stamping a =~oss '(X) in the voting square after the printed wor~ "NO" · on such ballots. If ah elector shall stamp a cross (X) in ~he ~ting'.square afte~ the printed work "YES", the vote of S~.'.~'elector. shall be counted in favor of the annexation of the' said new'territory to the City of Bakersfield; and if an elector shall'stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the printed work "NO", the vote of said elector shali be Counted against such ~nnexation. SECTION-5.-- That the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said speciall election by publication of a notice thereof in The Daily MidWay Drill_let, a newspaper of general c'irculatio·~, printed and'.publfshed outside of the City of B~kersfiel'd~ printed ~ublished in the County .0f Kern, and such nobtic.? · ~. ...' . shall be published once a week for four (4) succeasive Weeks preceeding such'election, 'Such notice shall distinctly state the date of such special election and ~he 'proposition to be. submitted at such special election, to-wit: ·That· it is proposed to annex t'dL,. incorporate in and'make a part of the Ci'ty. yL..~.f. Bakersfi'eld the aforesaid' territory Sought to be annexed, and shall specifically describe'.the'boundaries thereof, in addition to said description-of said new territory so propbsed to be ...-.-~. annexed to said· City 'of Bakersfield said notice shall d. esign~ .. said new territory aS "SOUTH BAIGERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. 1'"' 'as hereinabove provided~ and there shall be designated notice the election precinct and the place at which the polls will be opened for such election in s'aid new territory as established by this ordinance. In such notice the quali.f..~.e electors residing in said new territory so proposed ~o be annexed s. hall be directed to vote upon the question of such annexation as hereinabove provided. SECTION 6, = That the.proceedings. for the annexation of saidnew. ter- ritory hereinbefore described to the Cityof Bakersfield have been commended, and shall be had and taken under and in accordance with the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Califor'nia, entitled, "An Act to provide for the alterat-ion fo the boundaries of and for the annexation of territory to municipal corporations., for the incorporation of such annexed territory in and as a part thereof, and for the.dtstricting, ..... g.o-.v.er~.nmen_t an..d' ._m~..ni_c~i=~~a_l .control of such m nexed territory," . app.~Oved June ll, 1913, and all acts a~endatory thereof and Supplementary thereto, and no other, which said. act iS designated and referred to as the "Annexation Act of 1913".. I HE~qEBY CERTiF~ t.b. at the foregoing Ordinance was passed " and adopted at a regular. meeting of. Bakersfield· on the ~ y of December, 1923, by. .....'=: following vote: . AyeS-~m~t~, Baer, Carlisle,' Carlock, Griffith, Haber. fe.lde. Stxm~r ....~-....~-~---~-~ ..............................._ APPRO~ this ~'~day of Cit'y C1 er.~~k~~~Cle~~ of the Council of the City of Bakers- field, California. D.,~~~ r · 0~~~ ' · "'~ayor of the Cit kersfie.ld, California'. -7-