HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 205ORDn' CE NO.S ,RI S. ~N-ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICIAL GRADE ON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE VICINI.TY~ OF N AND 28th STREETS IN THE CITY· OF BAKER~FIELD, CALIFORNIA. as follows: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF.BAKERS~IELD, SECT. 1. ~he curb grades. for all points between street inter- sections .or terminat'iOns shall be in a straight line joining the adjacent grades' as hereinafter fixed, except where such line is broken by an intermediate grade, or·by·.an·alley intersection or ·termination; the curb grades for said alley' intersections and'terminations shall'be in a straight ~ine Joining the adjacent grades, as a~oresaid, and'the curb grades for the alley in any block are determined. and hereby fixed by joining with a straight line the grades at the intersections or terminations of the same alley on both sides of such block. SECTION 2.' The. following are the streets and all~ys on which the grades'are hereby established: .. ~6th St~ee't from M Street to Q.Street~ " N Street from 25th Street tp 26th Street, P Street from 25th Street to 26th. Street,'.and the'.'alley's in Blocks lOV, 108, and 109 from 25th Street to ' 26th Street. The figures in the column marked "GRADE" are eievation in feet and hundredths of a foot· above the datum plane as' established .by an ordinanC~ ~ ~he' Ci~* Of Bakersfield,. entitled "" RDINANCE ESTABLISHING A'DA~q .~LANE FOR THE CITY'OF .BAKERSFIF, LD," WhiCh  ."'sejid 'or'~.inanoe is numbered 18, and which fi~Ares .represent. the top 6'f the curb opposite the points~=~h.e-~einafter de. Scribed, to-wit: SECTION ' GRADE The intersection of the westerly.line of N Stree~ with-the.southerly line of 26th Street 96.20 -T.he intersection of. the easterly line of N Street with the southerly line of R6th Street 96.20 The intersection of the extension northerly of the. westerly line of N Street with the northerly '-... ling Qf 2~6_th. Street-. -"'-'.. 96,40 Th~.%ntersection of the extension northerly of ~b~"'ea~terly l'in~ of N Street with the northerly line Of 26th Street 96,40 The intersection of.the westerly line of 0 Street with the northerly line of S6th Street 96,80 The intersection of the easterly line of 0 .-.Street with the northerly line of 26th Street Q6.80 The intersection of the westerly line of P Street with the southerly line of ~6th Street The intersection of the easterly line of P Street with the southerly line of 26th Street The intersection of the.extension northerly of the'weSterly line of P Street with the northerly line of 26th Street The intersection of the extension northerly of the easterly line of P Street with the northerly line of ~6th Street , SECTION 4. 97~00 97,00 97,20 97,10 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to'be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shail not affect the remain~n~ portleas of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declare~ that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section and subsection thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitu- tional or invalid. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by '~e City Council of the Ci'ty'o a~ersfield on the/~ay of December, 1923, by the folldwi~g vote: 'i Ayes-Aus.~in Baer 'Carlisle, Carlock, Griffi~h, Ilaherfeldeo Mtoner Absent ................................................................................ APP FOVED this day /'~NAYOR of the ~ity o if. City lerk and ex-offid.io Clerk of the Council' of the City_'6f Bakers- field, Californl?~ . · ~-'