HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 204ORDINANCE. NO j ~o NEW SERIES .. ' AN ORDINANCE FIXING ·T}DE CO~'PE'NSATION OF ·CERTAIN OFFICERS AND EMPL.OYEES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING ORDINANCES 'NOS. 94 New Series, 108 New Series,' iSV New Series, 138 New · Series, 1.85 New Series and 193 New' Series and.. all ordinances and parts of ordinances amendstory thereof or in conflict herewith. .BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF T}.FE' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That each officer and employee of the City of Bakers- fi'eld Hereinafter named, shall receive and be paid out of the ~treasury of the City of Bakersfield, as and in full compensation for performing the duties of the office, offices and employment to w~ich he or she is or may be appointed or employed, and such. duties as may be hereafter prescribed, the 'amount set opposite the respective office, offices .or· employment,. as-follows: ' MANAGER $ 300 O0 1. CITY .................. 2. CITY MANAGER~S SECRETARY ...... ~ .... · 3.· CHIEF OF THE FIREDDEPARTMENT .......... 4. ASSISTANT FIRE· CHIEF AND FIRE MARSHALL .... 150.00 225. O0 180. O0 5. CAPTAIN OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ........ 1VS.00' 6. LIEUTENANT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ...... 160.00 7. ENGINEER OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ....... 8, '~L~CTRYCI~N OF ...... , DRILL MASTER. QF, TNE, FIRE DEPA~T~'E~T .... · ,. , 160.00 160.00 20.00 10. eHEMICAL DRIVER OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT . . 155,00 11. HOSEMAN of the Fire Department, .. (a) For the first six months in service ..... $ 130.00 (b) For the second six months...~n.servics -'t..,.... 140~00 -. (c) Thereafter ............. . ......~.. .-1'50.00 12 CHIEF OF POLICE 15. ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE ..... - ...... 14. PA.~ROL SERGEANT ................ 250,00 190,00 ' 175.00 15. DE~-ECTIVE ~ 1 ClasS A ' 2. Class ]~ .......... . ........ 5. Class B . ........ · ...... 16. MOTORCYCLE OFFICER, (City to furnish machine) 17. PATROLMAN, (a) For first six months in service ...... (b) For second six months in service ...... (c) Thereafter .............. ... . 170.00 170. O0 160.00 155.00 150100 140.00 150.00 18. DESK SERGEANT (a) For first six months in service ..... (b) For second six months in service ..... (c) Thereafter ................ 19. CITY ATTORNEY ................ ~ 20. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ............ 21. CITY ATTORNE~'S CLERK AND STENOGRAPHER .... . 22. BUILDING ~ND PLUMBING INSPECTOR ........ 150.'00 140.00 150.00 2QO.O0 t00.00 125.00 225.00 23. TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR'and LICENSE COLLECTOR . 185.00 24. DEPUTY TREASURER, DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR and DEPUTY LICENSE COLLECTOR . . . ..... . 2~. OlTY ENGINEER and SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS . . 26. DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER and DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ............... 27. STREET FOREMAN ................ 28. POLICE JUDGE 29. HEALTH OFFICER (including Milk Inspector) . . . 50. DI STRICT NURSE ................ 110.00 225.00 190,00 200.00 200.00 185,00 125.00 .......... 3'1~' AUDITOR'· · "' · · '~ . · ~ ,' · · ,' · · ;-':--,-"~- . .... '-125,.00 "' 32,' CLERK ..................... 100,00 33. DEPUTY CLERK and DEPUTY AUDITOR ........ 130,00 -2- 34 . ·AS SESSOR ......... CHIEF DEPUTY ASSESSOR 36. DEPUTY 'ASSESSOR · .'.. . . ......... 110.00 37. HEAD JANITOR ................. 0 .'. .-.~ . % 38 J~ITOR 120 00 ' 39' POUND MASTER 100 O0 SECTION 2. .. ~i~.' Ordinances Nos 92 New Series , lOB New.:.:..-.8..e"ries, 13V New . "" Series', 185 New Series and 193 New Series, all relating to salaries and all other ordinances amendatory thereof or in..co~flict ·here- with be and'the same are hereby repealed. '-'-~.'-'.' I HEREBY CERTIFY tha~ the foregoing Ordinance was passed and. adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the/V~ay of November, 1923, by the.. following vote: Ayes-Aus in' Baer, Carlisle, CarloCk, Griffith, Haberfelde, Stoner "':,~;'~'~ Noes ............~ ................................................................: ..................................... Absent .............~ .............:- ....................................................................~"-~ y '1 a d ex-officio Olerk of the Council of the City· of Bakers field. APPROVED this/~.~day of ~er, 1~~ MA~OH oj the 'Oity of~