HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 202O DI A CE SERIES. AN ORDINF. d~CE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF BARBER SHOPS,· HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS AND EAT- ING HOUSES AND PROVIDING FOR .THE .. 'i~'~-f'~ METHODS OF SANITATION TO BE · USED THEREIN. "'*". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BtuKERSFIELD, as follows: · BARBER SHOPS. SECTION 1. It shall· be unlawful for any person to·use'any caustic stick or'other preparation used to stop the flow of blood, which shall not have been cleaned and sterilized immediately before using the same. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any towel or other cloth in shaving or shampooing, or in the performance of any other service upon or for any other person in any barber shop, that has previously been.used for any purpose, unless such towel or other cloth shall have been laundered sinC~·such·pre- vious use, and is ih a clean and fresh condition; provided how- ever, that the prOvi'sions of this section shall not apply.to any cl0~h used to cover .the clothing of. any'perSon upon or forT. whom any service is. being performed. .It shall .be unlawful for any person to permit any such last mentioned .cloth to come in contact with the skin of .any person,. ·exCept of ·the.~hands of such person, upon'or fort whom . any 'service. 'is' being. performed. '" ' ~ . .i~' .~-....~.~: ..,...,:... .'... ...... ..... '..-'-~." - :". 7.-L~ "' . '. .~ - ~' ~: .-' .~-'f~'~'~<',:~Ji%~:~"' · "" ' .~ ' ~' SECTION 3. It shall- be. unlawful for any person to fail, refuse or neglect to wear clean wearing apparb~l~vhile such person is engaged in the performance of any service upon or for any other person in any barber shop. SECTtON 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any sponge or powder puff in the performance of any service upon or for any other person in amy barber shop. SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to perform any Service Upon or for any other person in any barber shop unless such person performing such service shall have thoroughly cleansed his hands immediately before performing such service. SECTION 6. It shall be unlawful for any person affected with SECTION 7. pulmonary tuberculosis,. or with any venereal disease, or other communicable, contagious or infectious disease, to work or be employed in or about any barber shop or to perform any service upon .or for any other person in any barber shop; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation so to employ or to permit to be employed, any person so affected, or to cause or permit any such person to perform any service upon or for any other person in any barber shop. It~ shall be.the duty of the Health Officer and the Health Inspector, or officer of the city, and they ar~ hereby empowered to enter any and all barber shops in the City of Bakersfield, and to examine and inspect the same, and to ascertain whether any such barber shop is 'kePt or maintained in a clean and samitary ..m.a~n_n.e__r_o qr_. -cg.n~di.t i.o..n. ..!f._upp_n~ :.s.uch examinat fon an d .inspect ion -of . any such barber ~hop, the Health Officer or any such inspector or officer shall .find' that the same is in an ~nsanitary condition, SECTION 8. he shall by notice in writing, require the owner, manager., ·agent or other person in charge of ~ug]h place to cause the san~' 'tO'-be' clea~ed and 'placed in a sanitary condition within twelve (12) hours after the service of such notice; provided, however, that i~.the. Health Officer or such Inspector or officer shall,.by' any such notice,.require calcimining, painting or white-washing, or repairs to plumbing t0 be done, such notice shall require the same to be ~performed within three (3) days. after the. date of service of such notice. Any person failing to comply with the requirements of any notice given by the said Health Officer or any such Inspector in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be p~nishable as hereinafter provided. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to refuse 'to allow the Said Health Officer or any such Inspector or officer from entering.any barber shop o~ any portion thereof, or to int~r£ere in any manner with the examination or inspection by the said Health Officer or any such I~spector or officer of · any barber Shop, or any portion thereof. SECTION 9. I.t shall be unlawful for any barber to serve in his place'of business any customer who appears to be'suffering from · any contagious or infectious disease, but such person may be so served,' excep~ in eases of quarantine, at the-applicant's own home, provided the implements used be thoroughly sterilized after such·use. SECTION lO. Barber shops and their contents, .furniture,'implements, etc., mus~ be kept scrupulously clean. SECTION 11. : '~'. ........ ~"'~"'kll ~Ols and i~'lement's ~Se~ in the occupation of barbering, such as razors, scissors, 'shaving b~uShed, soap 'and c'~ps,-must be'thoroUghly cleansed immediateiy aFter'-use. SECTION 12 All Water· basins used in 'Or about any barber shop by the barbers or the patrons of said shop shall at all times· kept in a clean and sanitary condition and shall ·be'connected with both hot and c61d running water, with proper draining facilities therefrom, With necessary sewer·connection· so that such basins shall'-be· kept in a sanitary .condition 'at all times, and that all shops shall' have a~ least one water-baSin or-bowl to b~ used in c6nnection with the barber business, and that·. th~rS shall be in such shops one of such bowls so connected with running hot and cold water and ·sewerage within reaching distance of the bai~ber while working at the chair, and for every two barbers so working, there shall be not less than one such bowl. SECTION·IS. A copy of this Ordinance must be kept publicly posted on t he wall of each barber.a~op on a card furnished bY the Health Department. HOTELS, LODGING HOUSES, ETC. SECTION 14. It shall be unlawful fo~ any person, firm or corporation, or any of their agents conducting, operating or ·maintaining a hotel,. apartment house, lodging house, rooming house or other public place where towels are used, to use or permit to be used by any person wit.b. in their confines any towel or cloth used as a· towel, unless such towel or other cloth shall have been laundare~ since a pre- vious use, and is in a clean, sanitary and fresh condition. SECTION 18. It shall be unlawful for any·. p.e~_Sp_·n,~ f..i..r!P o.r..corpora- tion, or any of their agents conducting, operating or maintaining a hotel, apartment house, lodging house, rooming house or other public place where soap on the body is used, ~o· use or permit the same to be used, unless such soap shall not have been used by any other· person. SECTION 16. Every person, firm or COrporation, or any o.f their agents· conducting, operating or maintaining a hotel, apartment·=~!!;¢~ house, lodging house, rooming house or other public place, shall at all· times keep any soap used on· the body in a clean and sanitary receptacle. SECTION 1V. CONST ITUT IONAL ITY. .~ · If any section, sub-section, clause, or phrase of this · Ordinance is for any reason held·to be Unconstitutional such deeision shall not affec't'the validity of the remaining· sections of this ordinance. The ~ouncil hereby declares that it would have·passed this ordinance, and each section, sub-section, sen- tence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, Clauses phrases be·declared unconstitutional. PENALTY. SECTION· 18. Any·person, firm or corporatidn violating any of the p~ovisions of this ~rdinance shall be deemed guil'ty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not ~more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in · the. County Jail of Kern County for a period Of not more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each ·such person, firm or corporation shall'be deemed ~uilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of' any provision of this ordinance is co~mitte&, continued or permitted by such person, firm or C-orpor~t~on, and shall be -punishable therefor as provided in this ordi~ance. I HEREB'~ CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City ·Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the da of y , 192~', by the following vote: Ayes-Austin Baer, Carlisle, Carlock,' Griffith, Haberfelcle. S[oner APPROVED this ~day of ~ 192~. ~AYOR of th'e City o~Bakersfield. C~~ i o Clerk of the Council of the City of. Bakersfield.