HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 220ORDINANCE NO. ~3 NE~EHIES AN ORDINANCE NAMING A PORTION OF 24th STREET IN T!.iE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALI FO RI'4 IA. BE IT ORDAiNED BT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: That the following described property be and the~o same is hereby named and shall be kno~m and designated as 2~.A-th Street, said property being more particularl.v described as f& follows: .. A parcel of land 82.5 feet in width running f~om the U. S. Segregation Line easterly to the S~htherl.v Right of V~ay Line of the Southern Pacific Company; tbe same being a direct extension of 24th Street'shown on"M~ of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, Californi filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, November 25, 1898. Said parcel is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the U. ~. Segregation Line, separating 'the Government land from the Swamp and overflowed land. where the same is interseded by the extension easterly of the southerly line of ~h Street and running thence easterly along said '~xtension to the southerly Right of Way Line of the Southern Pacific Co; thence north-westerly alone said Right of Way Line to its intersection wit~ .the extension easterly of the northerly line of 24th Street; thence westerly along said last nan',ed ex- tension to the U. S. Segregation Line, aforesaid; thence southerly along said U. S. Segregation Line to. the point of beginning. --j'~ I HEHEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting held on the ~day of·March, 1~2~, by the following vote: 'L'. Al~es-Austl,,, Baer, Carlisle, Carlock. Criffith, lldt, erfslde, Stoner Noes .......~ ........................................~ ......................................................... '.:":. Absent- ~ · · . .. : ] ........ --- .:~,.. C'ity"'~'~rk and eX-officio Clerk of' the C.ouncil of the City of Bakersfield, C ali forni a. . ..... ~ .~.~' .....~... _~'APPRO~D tills/7 day of .... ....."'. Iv, aF(~l~, 1924. Ma.vor 'or t~e City of Bakersfield.