HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 218· ORDINANCE NO. ~)~ NEW' SERIES. SECTION 1. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE 'B~INESS OF PAWN BROKERS, SECONDHAND. DEELERS, SECONIPAAND FURNITURE DEALERS, JUNK DEALERS AND JUNK .COLLECTORS; MAKING THE VIOLATION.HEREOF A MISDEMEANOR AND PROVIEK NG'A PENALTY THEREFOR " AND REPEALING ORDINANCE· 'NO. 48 NEW SERIES AND ORDINANCE NO. V9 NEW SERIES AND. ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF (IRDINANCES-IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, DEF!NiTiONS~' -' The following words 'and phrases shall ha the following " .(a) '. '~' "SECONI~AND DEALER" is ·defined to b-e' any p.erson, or "corporation Who carries' ~n ,. conducts, maintains or' 'engag~$s in ~ business of buying or .selling or ..exc~hanging or..otherwise dealing in or acquiring any artic:le. or'thing that has been sold · or.~us~-~.d. before; Provided this definition shall not ~ude the term Junk Deaier, 'Pa~'.B~oker,' Secon'd~hand Dealer in 'aUtomo'biles, Aut..0m0btle .Dealers and Seco~.dhand ~.~niture Dealer aS the. same is ..heroin defined. .- ~" (b) For the purpose of this ordinance .a "~ECONDHAND MIRNI- TURE DEALER"' is 'defined to be any person, .fir?n or corporation deaI.ing in,. buying, selling or. exchanging ·secondhand household furniture or. household goods -~'~,i~.r..L.' provided, however, that this · ml. definition shall not include any person, f~'rm~or 'corporation who handles o.~ deals in secondhsn d household~.f..Urniture or house- hold goods only as an-incident to. his regular i business or one whd conduct's ~or maintains a furnit'u~e store· and whose principal business consists of buying, selling or dealing in new or unused household furniture or household' goods'. . .=~c) FOr the purpose of this Ordinance a i"PAWN .BROKER" is defined tO be any person,' firm or corporation who carries on, 'conducts, maintains or engages in the businesS. of loaning money person' firm for. interest for himself or any other = ., ~.. or corporation, and receiving, goods, wares, or merchandise as ~.a'. pledge or pawn · .in security for the payment of samoa, or who purrChases articles of personal .property and re-sells or agrees to .re-sell such articles to vendors or their assigns at Prices agreed upon at or before the' time of such purchase. . ~·.. ' .. -(d) For the purpose of this ordinance a ~"JU-~K' DE~ER"' is defined .to be any person, firm'or c0rpOr~t~on' who carries on, condu.cts, maintains or engages in the~.bu~nesS.' · of. buy~.'n~, selling~ ....... or otherwise dealing in or acquiring ~~ld bot'tl~s, scraps~ p_ieces of metal, rags, .old rope, or any old' article not t'o be" used in'its former state or condition. (.e) For' the purpose of this ordinance a ;'JUNK. COLLECTOR" is defined~ to be .-any person who goes from ~ouse t~' h~use, or fro~~'' place to place, gathering, collecting, buying, i selling or otherwise dealing i~ or.~acquiring any old bottles, scraps, pieces ..0~ metal, rags, old rope or any old article not to be ~sed in its former state or condition. ' ~. PERMIT. SECTION 2. It sh'all be unlawful .for any person,..firm or' co~..j~*a.~ion to .carry on, conduct, maintain or engag~ 'in~ the business of pawn broker, secondhand dealer., secondhand furniture dealer', Junk dealer or Junk collector, within the City !of.Bakers_ SECTION 3. SECTION 4.' SECTION 5. SECTION 6. field, without having first obtained a"permit from the City Manager Of .the City of Bakersfield to so carry. on,. conduct, maintain or engage in such business. .... ~ny person, firm or corporation 'desiring,'to Obtain· such permit to carry on, conduct, maintain or engage in any business mentioned in Section 1, of this o~dinanCe, ~hall file an appli~.a- tion in writing therefor.i~ in the office of the City Manager of the 'City Council of said· City of Bakersfield, on a blank to be 'provided by said City Manager. ~ 'No permit shall be granted to any person, firm or cor- poration within the. provisions of. this ordinance unless such applicant or applicants shall Have sueh qualificati'ons~ 'and his or their application conforms· to the requirements~ terms and conditions Of this-ordinance,. as provided herein. .-..L' . No permit shall be granted to any person, firm or .corporation within the. provisions' of thi~ ordinance.unless said aPPliCant-°r moral character, shall ha e complied with a-~.l~of 'the~.~State cf california, and'all ordinan6es of the City of Bakersfield~ " ing: Said application 'for a permit. shall contain t'ne follows-' · (1) The particular place including the Street number c~ -the place o~ room where the business of pawn. broker~ secondhand dealer, 'secondhand f~nniture dealer, Junk dealer and Junk collector is to be conducted, maintained or ,carried on. (2) The name of the person or persons who ·shall conduct, -3- maintain. or. carry'on' said bu~ines's, SEOTION .-8~' "' (~') Thet'~'he'&ppli..cant-.,agr..ees that the permit to '-.=. . one. conduct or' 'maintain'=-.~he~'bh~si~es~S .of. pawn.brOker, ]'second- ... -. . .~.] · . - . "-" -- '.."" han. d= dealer, s'ecag. dhand. f{trni~Ur.S deal~r.~....Junk. dea'lei~ o~ Junk .:.]'.. COlleCtOr"m.ay:. be 'r.e~o~'ea~.up~n''the-. recommendati o'n of the Chief Cf"POl~c e'.'Cf :th.e.]city ~f.'~Baker~f. ieid.b~ the'-Council of the Ci.ty. ]gf .B&kersf. ield .-when' gco~ cause is "s.h'own':' ~here~oi~ , .'- : ..- (4)" 'Sa~d a~pii'a'a~ion' 'Shall be.'sworn. to by'th~.-ap'piicant "" "" bS'fOre a person'.authorized by laW~'~o a'dminister oaths · 'iE '.".. ...... SECT'I 7 ' "' ' ' ....... '~; " ON". , : ,.."-'."""' .- '. "" .... " " .... · .:. '. ' '. ]." ..'. '.:..' · ....,- .'] '- :'.'. .: · · . , . :.... . . . "..': .. ] ..'. -..- ". .... .. . '. .'- e, ..... .- · ..:.. .=.. . ....:~ .' · "Ul~on-i'~eceiVing"'SUch 'applicatiOns] the C'ity. Manager shall .../.!.. ...... · .. . ....... .......- = · . '-~. . refe~ .the 's. Lame' to] el~. 'C~ief of' Police fO~'r'-"~es~i~a'tion as' to .----;-- ~the '~.mo~ai"'ci~aracter-, Of' th~ .-app--l'i~nt~/an!d"'as-tO whether or · .- .. ~iot'a. ll .the ' s~ateme~ts in'the aPpliCation are.-'trUe; said Chief · .-' .7'. oft Poiice sha.ll...a-.s..soOn. as praC.tic~l ..file' h'is report .on said · applicatiOn .~th t'he-.City Man~ger-"and the City.Manager shall. · .. .. ..- .... ,-,. .. .'- ......- · . .. .... "' · et"hi.S= 'dis~:etion .'g~.an~-or. refus. e the'applicant' per.mission to ... ... · ... :. P ... :'.~' ~ '.:... ~.... · '. carry '-on, ..conduct, .maintain.· .0r. en~age. in 'said .bdsiness. - .... .-. i .... ....' .. '.'. ' ' . ..-...' .. -. ?... . . . ..~'... ~ .:~ ' : " RE~OCATIbN ~' 'P~MIT ~ ~ ,...... .. . ....~ : ' · i..' ':.. .'. :-' .... :' . ,-. .: · -~- (a) ~,nenever:.it'-'shs. ll.'fappea~ tO s.a.id.f.~:buhcii that sai...d . -. . .'- : .. ..... ..:'. .... . ~..' _...' .... ".' -" .SO/~, 'firth: or' c'Orp'o~-~n'~,to .whom such' permit"'has been gr~nted' " _.. is .C~r.~ying on, conducting"or mai'nt~ining"said busine"Ss.in an .. f.. ':.. ..] improper, it.regular. or ~inl.aWfui.manner.', "~r :that. the per.mit '.for .' .. .' . · .: · .. .]... m... '- i .- '.. '. '. - .. -. ..' .... .......... :-.-.--. .......~-. "~ ....~'..'~..; '..-i'.l.-.=,' '..--'i-" ....~.~'~:~"'>~".".i"~"""' :~' ....~ ""' ......."":' -.. ... ..~ ..i ~ -.. .. .. · · ' ' ...... "' "'-:~] '4 ' · . .j ,,.... .. . . , · "'i" .... ' ".C, i. ~'.: . ' ' ' . .. .,-.... .~:' , . .; ~ .... -' . .. ..- . ': carrying on, con'dUcting or maintaining. saidL business was '~' ~b'tained by..fraudulent' representations,· Such permit, so. granted,. .... . ,~ may '..be. re.voked; provided, -howe~Ver, 'the holder bf said permit .' may~ appear. ·before· the Gouncii in his OWn' b~hal'f at·the t'ime -.' .. fixed by .the .~o~nc'il to '. determin.e~ whether or'. no-t" Said permit · shall b~'~v0ke~di~"'the determination-'of ~h~ CoUncil Shail be' -' . c~nciusi ve a.~ .t~ 'the sufficie'ncy .-of ~.the-'Cha~ges 'plaC~d ~gainst "-.. Said appi'iCan~ fdr the' revocation of'- said" permit; provided· fUr- ..~th.~r., t-hat no". permit.. shall. ~b'e'~evo. ked u~less"notice shal~ have firstL been·· given a'~° least ~'ive"~ays '~"~'e. the~ hearing ~hereof by .depos·i~i'ng 'i~n.'.'.~he united states· ~nail'-a~r-n'otice..di~ectoe'd to sai:d-applicant at ~'~_~, address· given· in the'.applica~ion for-a permit· .as.' hereinbefore provided, .pc stage~ pr~e~a~i~ thereon " .(.~)~ .It.S..Hall "be unlawful for any SUCh'pets.on, firm or corp0. r.'atio.n ..w..ho.$~e pe.rm~'t HaS ' bee~ S0-re'v0ke~, to continue to · ". Carry on., .c. 6fi.'.'d~'ct"'.~.-..maintain 'or engage '.in -SuCh"busin ess 'within the' C'itF'cF-' .B. aker. s~ie!d.until su6h. ti~e as-.sucli.'permit shall· · ' RECORD 0 F PURCHASE', ·TRADE, 'ETC" · ..·.~-.~'a)" ".-Eve~ry..person, 'firm'or co~po.r. at.i-.~n ~who carries 'o."~, con- ..SEOTION'.9~- dA Ct S, .. maint.ainS' '~r e.ngages in the ':bu S"ines s" of-' "' pawn· broker -. secondh~n'd dealer, 'seCondhand ~urnitu~e'~ deal. er, i. Junk dealer,.. Junk..C'ollector,.. under the provisions of 'this·. ordinance shall · ' k~ep a record-~n ·.triplicate, in.a .~6ok"tS...be provided by the '~Police~. Department-of·the City of Baker. s..field,. in" which s~a'll bS~ent'ered in '.the" Engl-i.sh Lang~A_~ge. in ct.ear'~..and' legible -manner,- '- · ' ..... t..h_e name o~ names and descr.ipti~n, as provided in' such book, of ~.al-1-'personS'..fro.m whom any article o~ thing' .whatso~..~.er' is" "" "' ~'~"-" purchased...traded or~'O~therwi'se acqUire~'. the' date -of such .purchas$, ·. -. .. j -. .. .~ /..-~' .-trade-'or. acquisition·,· the name' and descriptio~ of .each such. """ " ~' ~"""~ "' '~ -8'-'- " " :,. .... ".--article~of thing-so purchased, traded or acquired, " ~.' .'-. (-~-.. ·Every· person~ 'firm 'or. corporation other .than a pawn ·broker, s'SCo~and. dealer, "se'~0ndhan.d.. furniture ·dealer·, ·Junk dealer, collector,· ~Vho-a't. his "reguiar.p.!a.ce o'f bUSi~ness trades, or exchanges · .... ~ ~ or-dealS'~in.~Se~C.0ndhand Or' Used household ~furniture or h~usehOld g~ods - YL' as-an 'incident-~'~hi~ regu!ar.'.bu. siness~.. U~der the provisions of ·this .ordinance shal~ 'l~eep a rec0'r~' .in.'triplicate~. in a book to be provided ".j.by. t~e ~Poi'ice Department 'of ' th~ .Oi.~y of.'Bakersfield, in Which shall· be 's~it~red "in the' 'E~glis~..' Language.' '-in ·clear'and' legible"manner'~ the. name ' · ' 0r ~.names ...of,'ai.i persons from· ~h~m.~ ah~o~s~.c0n.dhand 'or ··used gun, piL~tol' . ~' or revolver, "any.' ~ec0ndhand o~ '~sed. musical~ instrument or' any second~ ~' . .haX~d -0r used artIdle o~ ·thing-that· has ~ a factory or .seria-l.' number and~ .a.n,.y.~o0the~. ~ece~.dha~nd ~r.'-'~Sed .ar~'icle' Or th~'ng other than"household · .fUrni'ture 0r' "househ0~d L'~C ' · ds is pUrChased 0r~traded Or otherwise ab. quired., t.h.e .descr-ipt. ion of. the "~ame and:' the.serial. number or factory number. ~., · if 'the same'appears thereon' and '~tie date of 'its purchase or= · aCqui'si.tion and a record must. also be k~pt' .in ~riPiicate,..-written .0r print'ed in the Engl~.sh'L.angU . e,~ in 'a .~'iear and .legi·b~le manner s~owing~'the'name~'~ or ~names .and 'descri.ption .of all persons' to' whom '-.any ·sUch ~'used or 'seCond article or 'used or seconclhand thing is ··sold, · ." trade~ ..'or..o'tHer~.ise' .d&sposed. of~.~L~he"name and-.desCription 'o'f.'each'such article or. th.ins '-~o ..Sold,.. traded or..disp'0.~ued--an.d the' 'date of' said sale, "! '.'(c)" ~EVery persOn,"firm 0~ corpo~.a~ion.-Who cart-ice'on, '-conducts, · .main~aln~. or .engages in ~he bUsineSS .~ 'pawn 'brokerS' secondhand deal,· e...r~' seCondhand furnitur~ dealer, JUNE' deaier,. 'Junk C~llec.tor, under 'th~ pr0v, isio~-'of this~ ordinance-.shall al~o' keep a reco~d'.'in triplicate wr. itten' ~r~printed 'en.~irely i~ the. EngliS~-Language~ in 'a clear and iegible manne'~ showing the name 0~ Haines' and d'e~script~On, as provided hand ··thing is' s. old,- traded,' "or o~herwi'se' d~'sposed. of,~ the name' .and ~es-cr.~Pt~on"of~"each'~.Such article.or thing-.-sO'-'-s~OId, traded.or dlspose~ RECORD'TO BE FILED BY CHIEF QF .POLICE.- ~-ONj-]:O~ ...... . ....... SECT' .. '.The Chief of Police shall file, in Some secure place in hi_s Office, all reports recei~;~'d pursuant to 'the ter~ns Of this ordinance and the same shall be open...~]'to 'inspection only by members .of the 'Police .. .... --.~. . Department' of the 'City .of Bakersfleld, or by other persons upon an order of a court of competent Jurisdiction made 'for that purpose. broker,· "secondhand dealer, secondhand.furniture dealer,' Junk dealer, Junk collector, and every person, firm or co~pgratton other than a pawn broker, secondhand dealer,-secondhand furniture dealer, Junk .dealer, Junk collect- or, who at his regular place .of' business trades,. or exchanges or deals in secondhand or' used hoUSehold furniture or house hold goods as .an incident t to his regular ~usine.sS~ and also the person from err to whom such pur- chase, trade, sale, exchange or transaction is made, and said paper shall 'be delivered 'daily 't0 the Chief. of Police of the. City .of Bakersfield.. One Copy there6:f shall be delivered to the person or persons' ~rOm whom .'.~"~ such ar.t~cle' or thing is purchased, traded Or otherWiSe ~quired, or to . .whom' Such-article Or t.hi~g is sold, traded or Otl!e.'.rw. ise'.disposed of, and · one copy shall be retained 'by said 'paWn brokep,'.iseCondhand dealer~ second- hand furniture dealer, Junk dealer, Junk collector, and every person, firm or corporation O~her than a pawn.broker,. secondhand dealer,. secondhand furniture .dealer, Junk. dealer, Junk collector, who"at his reg~ulaP place _. of business .trades or exchanges .or 'deals in.'secondhand'.0~'used h~use_.'.: hold furni~ure or household 'goods as a~' inci'dent to his regular business, making the aforesaid sale, trade, exchange Or transaC't'lOh. " · (e) -.Such book shall be and remai'n the :pr6~ePty .0f the. City of Bailersfield', but shall be ~retained by said pa~Vnr broker, secondhand dealer, .... ;'.'.-' ':':,7."." -.~--- .. . - secondhafid fu.rniture' dealer, Junk dealer, Junk collect.or, and' every per- · son, firm or corporation other than a pawn broker~ secOndhand dealer,' secondhand furniture'dealer, Junk dealer, .Jun.k=.C.Ollector, who at his. regular place of .business trades, or exchanges or' deals in secondhand or used hSusehOld furniture of household goods- as an in'cident to-his' regular business, filed and .securely kept for inspection. at' 'all t'imes by the Chief of Police or any p~lice officer of the Cit~..of Bakersfield or any peace officer 'of the' County of Kern. .'. SECTION n. ARTICLES WHEN TO .BE SOLD. (.a) All articles or things bought or t~.aded f6r, or in any manner "acquired by..any:sUch'.pawn broker, secondhand dealer, secondhand furniture dealer, Junk'dealer, ~mi Junk collector and no such article.· or thing so purchased,.~'~raded or Otherwise 'acquired by the persons specified in this "ordinance shall be sold, .'eXchanged, ·or-otherwise disposed of within four'teen (14) days .after the date· of purchase', except upon special written permit. 'secured from the Chief of'Police of the City of Bakersfie (b). .All secondhand or used"guns', "piStolS or revolvers,· Secondhand or used' ·musiCal .instrument or any secondhand or used article or thing that haS.:-Ua :faCt0.r...y..~Q~-~s, erial number an~'any other secondhand or Used article or': thing o .her household rniture or ou- ehold'goods ught or traded. for' or in any 'manner acauired' by any person, firm or corporation · " ?. other th~..a .pa~n broker,-se'condhand dealer, .secondhand furniture dealer, "':-.."--~7- ~'Junk dealer,_ ~.Ju~k. ~e-llactor, who at-his regular place of'business trades, : hi- excl~ahg~.~ .OrLd'eals"in Secondhand or. used household. furniture or household goods as an incident to his' .regular business;' ..shall not be · sOld,~.ex..changed, ' Or. others i'Ve dispc sed. of 'within fourteen '( 14 )"-"~t'ays 'after thex date'. ~' Purch~'a"..e'~'except upon spec.ial::':~r'i~ten perm~'t' 'secured from the Chief' Of' POlice of the City 'o"f.Bakersfield,' ARTICLES NOT BTO 'HE 'BOUGHT FROM MINORS~ SECTION 12,. It shall..be Unlawful for.any PaWn'broker, s econ~'and-'- aleale'r, Junk dealer, secondhand furniture dealer .to purchase trahe · for' or' receive 'on any pretext whatsoever~ a~y article or thing from any..minor under'. the age' Of eighteen (18) years,". :ARTI'CLES NOT TO BE SOLD TO' MINORS.. :. ~' . .. . : -..: SECTION 13.' ~.t shall be' unlawful: for any pawn' brSker~ .se.condhand under the age of .eighteen (18) years, any g~n,. pistol, or other .firearmS. dirk, bowie knife, powder, shot, bullets., or any weapon, 6r a~y COmbustible :o~ dangerous material. SECTION.lS DIS INFECTION. OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. .." It' sh.~!:..i-be 'UniaWf~l' fo~...~'ny. pawn?broker, secondhand · 'dealer:: se~o.ndtiand...-fUrnitU~e dealer Junk ~e~er, 'JUnk colle~to~ and eve~ person,: fi'm or "co rpora~ion other ~an a pau broker, ..- ~eem .~and 'de~er~' -~ econ~and .fUrniture .' deal er, ·.Junk· dealer, -J~k .collector,'.'wh'd' at. his re~'lar. ~ce of,business trades, or ex.chan~es or. deals in seconded or used 'household ~rni~u~-or household · g~od~-as an ~cident ~ his ..regUiar business, to s~ll or. exchange [.~ joiner for·sale or' exc~nge' within the City.'-of .B~ersfi eld,. any' second. and '~jniture; be~ding,..carZpets, clothing or books until. ~e Same.' Shall '~ve been· thoro~ly-disi~ect~d,' ' B~ ER ' ' ·" PAWN .' · -" .. ... . · .... . .'. .. ·It·shall-be U-niawf~i for': ~y'.'Pe~S0n,-.'.'flrm or corporation engaged· in~ 'con~cting'.' managing or-..car~yinS..on ~he business of ..... ~ . . .... .. .. . pawn broker. 6.r...~o.r.. any'.fagen.t or .en. plOyee..'of any such. per~'on, firm · or c orpOrati 5~,- to · a:~'~e~t 'a'ny' .'pledge .of, .Or. to '.'loa.n' any' too. hey upon ':: -'personai property or' ~.. Secu ...or-.reC .v~ 'any ~oo~s',] wares., · .. merchandise; or any 'article or :'tbi-n~ 0r 'in.a-ny manner whatsoever t0'~n~a~e .in. or~ cond. t~t ,.any. business between'the hour of's ix'.o~clock " in' the. afternoon. of, ~ny..day and the. hour o~ e~ht O]clock in the ". .:.forenoon' of the f0iloWtnS d.~.~' ~ or at all on' .qunday. · . . .. .. .... ... ., .. ...' ': 'Any person, firm or .ccrp0ra~i'o~..'wh~ condUctS the business "of.'p's~n-broker~ as the same is deffne~ 'l~erein,: 'in-.any room o~ bui'ld- · :' 'v..-"ins w~.eretn. another-' business. is cmducted,. the room,".pIace' or" sp'a~e .' 'where"the' bU'siness 'of pawn broker'is....cond~.'cted shall'be .sep.ar. ate "' ..ahd. in the event 'ti~e' business of pawn broker-is condacted' i'n the .'.' -' .. same room that .f~nother business is conducted," then .the'-space where ~-~" ". t~. b.u'S:.in'ess" 6f..' pawn'broker i'S' Condac~'ed· or' maintained'shall be inclosed .by either a ·permanent partition or-screen or some other SECTION 1V. .SECTION lS. 'and effect at .th~ time said .license'.iS-ya- led for and grabted, ASS G A E. · . ~. (a) '....The p~rmi.t provided f'or' in.'thifs..O~d~nance shall"continue. .. - in force· and.' effect sO ·long as 'the 'hoid~r th.ei~e0f° engages 'in con-' "' ducts 'carri~s"On'or'm~'~n't"ainS "'the' b~SineSS' for-~hich -said'p~it .......... - ...<. :iS~gr-anted~-.at'~he '.-lOcation designated 'herein'-~ ProVided, -however, ' that. ~he' CounCil ma.y at its di'scretidn"consent 'to a .cha~ge in the .'. . .': .. .-. :.-...'.. ~ ' .. ~ ... .'; . .'.- . '.~: . ' .. ,. . -..~' .' .'...' .:. :..'. ... ,'.'-' . .~ . . '. . tO"~nom.same.is sO' sold trans'ferred'.or assigned~ .mUst'apply .for -iO- " · .' suitable material., WEi,ch par.ti~iOn, Screen-Or' other ma~e"~iai"'Shall '.have' a'hei'ght' of at 'leaSt. e~gh.~"'. fee.t. 'and~"'prOvi ded, further, that' ~he' · ~ · .: · ~ , '..!'~ room, place or Space WbS'rein t'he business of'.'p~wn .broker' is con, duCted and duri.ng the..: times .when said' business "of pawn. brqker. is :' .-' required to be c'lo~.ed. shal'l.. have' and l~eep displ'a-yed on the' other · - sid~ of. sai.d partition SCreen or' ot~er suitable mater~al a sign 'bea. r~ng .the following in s. cript iOn, "LOAN OPFI. C ~. CLOSED'.",.. Which. sign Shall be 'in~ 'le%ters of "not .less-th.an.f.Our.(4) inches iL"Height and 's~id 'sign. shail"be:~.'kept in a conspic~ous' place.· · . .~ ... . . .. '. .~ ... · .~.. ... '.. . . - · .... · "..". The!.LL~ennit prov.i ded_.'for-i'n .this ordinance, shall when' issU..ed,"-be..issued for.-a quarter.:'of a year'or the then. remaining ... portion '.~thereof ~or-.qUarters ending on the 'last d.ay: of March-, '~' ~ ' --"... '.' .'i' .'~ .- · :" '.NO-liCenSe"shai'l-.be'.:granted Under' any ordinance of the ..City Of '.Ba~..ersfield .regulating .and impo. S~ng municipal licenses within said '~'t'y: Unless a pe'.rm.~t 'there.fOr "sh. al.1 ha~e been'first 'obtainS.d--as: provided 'in 'this' :ordinanC.e-'a~-d ~sai'd'permit is in ~ul'l' :: ~-""-' :' 'and receive SECTION 20.. ."'.-' "' .... tion to engag~ · in~. 'car.ry cn, permit shall be · in' hi s, ··their or i ~s own name. FOR JUNK-'. BUSINESS,: .NOT · GRANTEb WHEN? U. granted 60 any .persOn· c6nd~ct or. ma:i~taln'a firm ..or. cotpot a-- .'Jun~. buSineSs to be deS'ignated.by 'a~y' ordinance -.':. .. loca~ed'.=Within"thA. t ·portiOn of the:~city'..set.apart or of' the City of Bakersfield as the · ' "' '.:if -any. sect i.o'n. :sub Lsect ion-, '. ~'entence ~ c la~s.~ '. ... - · . 1. . . .: ~ :.. '.~ - . . ':,': ,. ".'.. . . ' .~ · . .' ,. ' . . ' '~.. ~.. '.' .. :. ". .- · .... ,- or..ph~ase' or th.i.S ordin..anc~ is .for an_y' reason held to '.be. unconsti- .. .... tuttonai or invalid, such.~ decision. Shall not affect t.~e 'remaining ~ :' .= . ', . ' .. . '~ .' ~' .- .. '.~, ' ~ - . : .p0rt. i/_ons of thi's ordinan.c.e~ '.The'City. Cou~.:~'he~'e~y. deClareS ~.' -that' it wCY!'d~.have p"aSs~d this.ordi'nanbe and e:.ach"~section and · ... .... -. . . .,~ 7~..~.'..,~' ~ . · .: "" '.: subsection thereof.. ir~'e~pectiVe"'of :.~h'~ fact tl~t~ any .one or · ' ' "' ' ' """'i'" ..' ' · ':'. ' ' "' "' ~' ' ' .... ' ' ' "' .... . .'. .. ..... . f .' .. · :": . .' ':more :of .'the sectionS, · sub-se~tTk0ns, ~"~entence~e ,':~cla~ses ~r · ' ' '.' ."' .." L-:" phr~aseS be .deClared 'unconeti'tU~'i-o~'ai .' or- 'inv~li~t', ""' j"-"'-':.'. -: ..... . '- .~.~ · · . REPEALIN"G ORDINANCES' .- ISEOTION' 22.. "' -- -' ". .-' :" -.- '--." '::.'....~ :.' i..~..:~_.:~Fr~._ O~dinan'ce 'jNo...48'NEW .s'eri~s regulating the busins ss · 'o.: ~..'..~"of..Pa.~wn b~6ke.rs..~. S'.ec~.and dealers., Jun~ dea-iers. i.and Junk 'U. '~ 'c0'ile~t0rs, ~'nd .Ordinance. No. :Vg"NeW.~Seriee "s~ending Ordinance-- .. No.. ~8 New Series, and aI1 ·other .ordinances' andparts of ordinances- .... i=n.. · . · · "-~.' L ..'- con~l~'~t 'hereWith be. and ~he same· are h~reby.' expressly· · :'i: . ' . · ..." ~. '. ".~- . . . . . .. . . · -." .'- .'.--.'! -' 'repeal ed'~ ! ' · ' ..... : .... .. .. . · .- i'. · '.. ... · · · .. '~" .. PENALTY · · "' ' ' =: s .cTION: " ' ...... · ...... · '..~-. ~ .~-~- --:--:-~-:~ .........~. ~ .....'-~. · '~i .......~-=-- -... ......... : " .'. .'. Any per·son,. firm"or cc~rpo/~ation..~iolating any".o'~ the .. provtsiens.°of' 'this."6rdinance shall be dee~n~d..~.'ilty of a permit, PERMIT meanor, andL ~pbn....e.o.'nviction' thereo.f shall be punished by '~ fine not. exceeding three hundred dollars ($300';00)..'or-by impriSofi- .~nt i~. the' CoUnty Jail.fo'r 'a term not exceedin~ n~net~'."'rgO) · days, yor..by both such fine and-imprisonment ' 'I ~I~ER~BY 'CERTIFY' ~hat' the fOregOing Ordinance .was passed "and ad0.p~ed: by the"OounCii of .the City. of Bakersfield on the Ayes-AuStin, Baer, Carlisle. Carlock, (IriSh, na~,~a,, Stoner - .'Noes..~..: ...... ~ ......................j .............: .............: .................~l .................... · Abs.en't:'-'~ "" ' '--'.[~-"~"'V': ........ " '.. .. "(. [... [ .... · ·City . . . Clerk of · the CoUncil ~'f the .Cit~-c~ Bakers·- 'fi'e'ld., 'California... 'APPROVED ·this ~';]. day Mayor of. the City-of Bakersfield, California.. ' '