HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2110RDiNANC . NO.S .RIES. AN ORDINANCE RESCINDING, VACATING AND SETTi~G ASIDE ALL ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE CiTY COUNCIL AND CITY CLERK IN THE ~rATTER OF THE 'ANNEXATION 0F. CERTAIN TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO T~E CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD AND REPEALING 0RDIN,~NCE N0. 207 NEW SERIES 0F THE CITY OF BAKERS- ·FIELD, CALIF0 ~iA. WHEREAS, the City Council on·the 17th day of December, 1923", received a w. ritten petition asking tt~at the territory de·sCribed in said petition be annexed to the City of Bak ersfield; .- AND. ~@IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 24th day of December, 1923 pursuance to said. petition and in accor~Jance with the Annexation· Act of 1913, did pass an ordinance being Ordinance No. 20V New Series of the City of Bakersfield wherein end whereby a special election was called to be held on the 5th day of February, 1924, in the territory referred to and'described in said petition and in said ordinance it was provided for the holding of said special election in accords~nce wi.th said law as to whether or not such territory known and designated as South Bakersfield District No. I shall be anne~.'ed to the said Cit~ of Bakersfield and said ordinance further provid.~d for the appointment of the officers of such election and for the publication of said '~ .......-~ s'~e'Siai"el'~'ti~~ n0t~e; AND'WHEREAS, said ordinance ·provided that the Clerk shall give notice of said special election by publication of said notice in The 'Daily Midway Driller, a newspaper of general circulation, printed .and published outside of the city of B~dcersfield but in the County of Kern, for four successive weeks next succeeding said special election; AND WHEREAS,~, in the Publication of said noti.ce certain' typographical errors have occun~e.~ and said notice provides that said election shall be'held on the 8th day of February, 19~3 instead and.. in place of February 8th, 19R4, and certain other. typographical errors appear in said' notice and it 'is .deemed advisable by the City Council to abandon the proceedings taken by this council since the filing of said petition and to begin anew the necessary steps for the calling of said. special election in pursuance to'. said petition; NO~'v THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: That the previous acts take~ by-this Council on the 24th day of December, 19~3 calling and fixing the 8th day of February, 19~4 as' the date for holding the special election for the annexation to the City of Bakersfield that ter~it·o~.~ desi.~.nated in Ordinance No. 20V New Series adopted on the ~4th day of December, 19~'3, as South Bakersfield District No. 1, be and ~he s~e are hereby 'rescinded, vacated and set aside and said Ordinance No. ~07 .~ew Series so adopted on the 24th day of December, 19R3, be and the s~e is hereby r~ealed and the Clerk is hereby ordered. and directed to discontinue the publication of said notice calling said special election now being published in The Daily Nidway Driller, and all acts taken by the Clerk and the Council be and the 'same are hereby vacated, rescinded and set' aside and are ~d-ec'~ared of no for'ce 'and effect. I H~EBY CERTI~ that the fetegoing O~inance was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held on the/~day of January, 19~4, by the follow ing vote: CitY/~~Cle~ficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakers- MAYOR of the City. of~ -3-