HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 227~RDI NANCE N0. ~ NEW SERI F~. AN 0RnrNANCEA~ENDING SECTION 11 and SECTION 41 0F.~0RDINANCE N0. 122 NEW SERIES 0F THE CITY OF BAKERSFXELD 'AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 221 NEW SERIES AND ALL OTHER 0RDIN- ~NCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH. SECTION 1. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL 0F THE CIi~' OF BAKERSFIE~D, as follows: ~" ..~.L. That section 11 of Ordinance No. 122 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, regulating traffic upon the public streets of said'City, be and the same is hereby amended to rea~'as follows: PARKING - LIMITED. · SECTION !l.' ~ It shall-be unlawful for '..the operator or driver of any mote'nor other yShi~le~o park same between the HoUrs of nine o'clock A.M. and five o'cYock P~M. on'any street within the ~si~ess district as defined in Section i of Ordinance No. New Series, for a longer perio~ than two (2) hours; provided, however, that this.shall nOt'apply to rent. cars and automobile stages holding a Permit from the City of Bakersfield, and sta~.~...~ned at a regular stand, so designated upon the curbing. ~ECTION 2. That section 41 of Ordinance No. 122 New. Series of the City of Bakersfield regulating traffic upon the public streets of said City, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ALLEYS SOUTH and NORTH OF 19th STREET. (a) it'shall be unlawful for any~"person, firm or corporation to sta.nd, or cause or permit to be left standing any automobile or other vehicle on the north side of the first alley south of 19th Street, known and designated as Wall Stree't, between the~'~ easterly property line of H Street and the westerly'prope ine '~pf L Street. -1- (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to stand, or cause, or permit to be left standing any automobile or other vehicle on the north side of the first alley north of 19th Street,.between the easterly property line of H Street and the westerly property line of L Street. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm o~i~rporation to stand, or cause, or permit to be left standing, any automobile or other vehicle on the north side of the first alley north of 20th Street,.between the easterly property line of I Stree'[~ and the westerly property line of Chester Avenue. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or .corporat'ion- to stand, or cause or permit to be left standing any automobile' or'other vehicle on either side of the first alley east of Ohester Avenue between the northerly propSr~y line ~f 20th Street and the southerly property line of 21st Street'.' ... Provided, however, that the provisions of subdivisi6ns a, b, c, a~d d of this section shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation whose place of business abuts, adjoins or opens upon-said alleys, .during such times as may be necessary for the loading and unloading of goods, wares.and merchandise. (e) it Shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to stand, cause or permit to be left standing, any automobile or Other vehicle on-the south side of the alleys as heretofore mentioned in section 41 for a longer period than two hours, provided all vehicles left standing or stopped on the south side.of.said alleys shall~n.~not be left standing so that the right hand side of said vehicle is a distance greater'than eighteen (18) inches from the south curb line of'sa~d'~lle~- ...... ~ ................. I HEREBy CERTIFY that the foregoing' Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting on the/~ . of May, 1924, by the following,vote~ Ayes-AnSi, ]~aer, Carlisle~ Carlock, Gr~'fiRh, II~,/~dde. ~tOner · ." · ' ' ' G ~o~o G~P~ o~ field. ~ ' .- /}~ · .