HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 226ORDINANCE NO. ~ NEW SERI~R'' AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NOn. 1 TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. · ·- WHEREAS, on the 17th day. of December, 1923, a petition' was presented to the Council of the Oity Of Bakersfield, asking that 'certain new territory therein described be annexed to the · ··City of Bakersfield, and that an election be called and held in said new territory upon the question-whether said new territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of the City Of 'B ersfield; an~ --~.-~ WHEREAS, said Council of the City of Bakersfield did thereafter, pursuant to said petition by Ordinance No. 222 New Series call a special election in'said new territory upon the question set forth ~n said petition, and did cause ~otice thereof to ~e given and published'at least once a week for four weeks prior ·to the day fixed for said election in ·The Dail~.·i~idway Driller, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Kern County, and did designate· said new territcPy by the name of "SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO...l"; and WHEREAS, ~id special election.. vas pursuant to' said notice held in said territory on the ~'Sthday of. Ma~,. 1924, the question SO submitted to the-eleC~Or~..r.esi~i~g in Said t.er~!to~y, as requested .?~in. said petition and set forth in said notice, was whether said · new·territory be annexed to, incorporated.in and'made a part of "~·the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, said Oouncil Of the City of Bakersfield did-, thereafter, to-wit: on the 12th day of-Nay, 1924, canvass the r~Sturns .of said special election held on the said 6th day of May, 19~'and declare the result thereon in words and ~igures as follows, to-nit: WHEREAS, THE canvass of the returns of the' votes ·cast at the special annexation election held on Tuesday, May 8th, 19~4, in certain outside territory more particularly described in Ordin- ance No. ~22 New Series, .and in the notice of said e~l'ection and designated in said Ordinance and' Notice as "'SOUTH .BARESFIELD DI~RICT NO. l" having been complsted by the Council; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLVED ~ND DETEREINED by the Council as follows: ~.~ That the whole number of votes cast at said annexation · election in ~he outside territory proposed to be annexed to the City .of Bakersfield, and designated aS "SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT · .NO. l", the total number of Votes cast ther.e~n in favor of .. ~'annexation an~.ithe' total number of votes cast against annexation upon the proposition, to-wit: · "' .~ "Shall South Bakersf..i'eld District No. 1 be annexed to 4~e .City of Bakersfield?" are as follows, to-wit: The total number of votes cas$ in said outside territory - ..-~= ...... proposed to be../=annexed to the-City of Bakersfield, and designated as SouthfBakersfield District No. I at said election was "The total number of VOtes cast in said territory in fa.~or of such· annexation was 199. .=.~- The total number of votes cast in said.terr~tory against 'such annexation =~wa.s -i~"" That. the .necessary majority of the votes cast in said outside te-.r-..-~itory required by law to be cast ~asfin'm-~avdr of said annexation; and SECTION 1. WHEREAS, The act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An act to provide for the alteration of the boundaries of and for the annexation of territory to municipal corporations-, for the incorporation of such annexed territory in and as a part thereof, and for the districtleg, government and municipal control of such annexed territory," approved June 11, 1913, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary'thereto, under which these annexation proceedings were comeneed and taken, as requested in aaid petition, provides that if it shall appear from the canvass of the returns of the election held in the terri- tory proposed to be annexed, that a majority of all votes cask. is in favor of annexation, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, may, by ordinance, approve such annexation, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNC I~ OF THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD DO ORDAIN as follows: That the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of the following described unincorporated territory, designated as SOUTH BAERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. i, under the provisions of that certain act of the Legislature of the State of 'California,' entitled, "Art act to provide for the alteration of the boundaries of and for the annexation of territory to municipal corporations, for the.incorporation of such annexed territory in and as a part thereof, and for the distrioting, government and municipal control of such annexed territory," approved June llth, 1913, and all acts amendstory thereof and supplementary thereto, and pursuant to proceedings heretofore had and taken and the election held in s'a~' ~outh Bakersfield District No. l'on the 6th day of May, 1924, as set forth above, be, and the same is hereby, ratified, confirmed and approved; which said ter.ritory, designated as South Bakers- fiei~'District No. 1 contiguous to the City of Bakersfield, and is situated in the County of Kern, State of California, and is more particularly bounded and described as follows:· SECTION 2. o... Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Palm Street and the west line of H Street and running thence west-along the south line of Palm Street to the west line of A Street; thence south along the west line of A Street to the south line of Brundage Lane (Bellerue Road); thence east along the south line of Brundage Lane to the west line of Kern Island Road; thence south along the west line of Kern. Island Road to the south line of Terrace Way; thence east along the south line of Terrace Way to its intersection with the extension southerly of the easterly line of Block F Virginia Tract; thence north along said extension and along the east. line of Block-F to the south line of Brundage Lane; thence west along the south'line of Brundage Lane to its'intersection with a line 305.25 feet westerly from the ~ine~ae~Ie~ with the west line of Chester Avenue;-thence north on said 'line parallel with the west line of Chester Avenue to the south line of Fourth Street; thence west along the south line of'Fourth Street to the west line of H Street; thence north along the west line of H Street to the south line of Palm Street and the point of beginning. ~ That the Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield shall forthwith, upon the taking effect of this ordinance, make and certify, under the seal Of the City of Bakersfield, and transmit to the Secretary of State of the State of California, a copy of this ordinance, giving the date of its passage, to- gether with a copy of the record of the canvass of the returns' of said election held in said South Bakersfield District No. l, and a statement showing the date of such election, the time and result of the canvass of the returns of such election, and con- taining the descrip~ion of said territory.- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield by the unanimous vote of all the members of said Council p~esent, there being not less thankmembers present, at its meeting'0~ May ~, 1~2~. APPBOVED this /~ day of Cte:...':~- · · the Council of the City of Bake~~.. MAYOR of the City of. Bakersfield.,V. ..