HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 223ORDINANCE NO. 22aNEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 6th DAY OF MAY, 1924, IN CERTAIN 'TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY OF KERN A/qD CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: pROVIDING FOR THE · }[OLDING OF SUCH ELECTION· AND SUB- N:iTTiNG TO THE ELECTORS RESIDING ",.IN:.EUCH TERRITORY THE QUESTION · ~HETtIER SUCH TERRITORY' SHALL BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN AND NAADE A 'PA~T OF SAID CITY· OF BAKERS- FIELD, DESIGNATING SUCH TERRITORY' BY' THE NAI~';E OF "SOUT)~ BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. 2," ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS AND POL(,ING PLACES IN SAID TERRITORY,· APPOINT- ING OFFICERS OF SUCH ELECTION AND PROVIDING. 'FOR THE PUBLICATION OF.' N'gi'ICE OF SUC~I SPECIAL ELECTION. W~ER~AS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the ~Y!Vth. day Of ~eCember, 1923, receive a'written petition aski'n~'that'certain new territory described in said petition be annexed·to. said City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, said Werri~ory so ·proposed to be annexed to said City of Bakersfield is situated in the County of Kern, State of California and is conti~ous to the City of'Bakersfield and said. petition contains a description of said territory in words and figures as is hereinafter in this ordinance describe~; and WHEREAS, said·petition is si~ned by o~elfourth (~) and. more in number of the qualified electors residi~ with·in the aforesaid district as is shown by the registration.Of voters O~ the ~ounty of Kern, in which ~ounty said territory is si'tuated; and . WHEREAS, 's:aid new territory proposed to be ·annexed. tO. and incorporated in and. made a part of such ~=unicipal cor- poration does 'not fOr~n any part of any municipal corporation'=iand it appears· that said territory is inhabited and. that· the occupants SECTION· 1.. SECTION 2 thereof are bona fide residents of said new ·territory; and WHEREAS, said· petition does not contain a request that such new territory and the property therein be after such annexation subject to taxation ~qually with the property within the City of BakerSfield,..to pay any specified portion.of· any 'bOnded'.indebtedness of the City o.f Bakersfield· outstanding at. "the.. date of the filin~ o.f such petition theretofore authorized; NOW' THE~E~DRE BE IT ORDAI'NED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'TT OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: That .a special· election be and tbe ssme is b. ereby called to be held on Tuesday the 6th'day of ~ay, 1924, in said new territory hereinbefo~e mentioned and'in the ~foresaid pe- tition described and proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, for the purpose of submitting t~ the electors residing in'said new territory the question whether said new territory as hereinafter described'shall be annexed to..'and incorporated. in and made a part of the City of Bakersfield. That the new territory which_ is proposed ·to'be annexed .to, incorporated in and to be made a pa~,t of the City of Bakersfield and desi'gnated the "SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. 2".and the territory inkwhich such special election is hereby called s.nd shall' be ~eld. is ··situated in the County of Kern, State of' C~lifornia and is ~ore particularly bounded and. described as follows: " Beginnin~ at the southeast corner of the intersection of Brunda~e Lane with Un'ion Avenue and running' thence west along the south line of Bru~dage ~ane to its .. int~rsection with a line 305.25 feet westerly from ........... ~A-nd parallel~wi'~.%~e=~es~.l-i.~e.~.o~ ,Che.s~-e~--A~v-e~ue~ ........... thence'-inor.th'on said· line parallel with the west line of' Chester Avenue to the south'line of 4th. Street; thence east along the south. line of 4th Street to the east line of Union AVenue; thence south along.the east line of ~nion Avenue to the south line of Brund. age .~ane and th~ point of beginning. Ths't said new' territory her~ij~.before and in said .... . ~, '~ ;~.- .... .L """' ' ..";.,:r .; :'. · ':.-'-i.(:J~. ,.':..-:: :..~ ~ . ,, ~ _~j ",.......:.: . petition. described is hereby designated "'SOUTH BAKERSFIELD·' DISTRICT ~0, 2" and said territory shall be indicated, destg- .nated and referred to by the name of "South B~kersfield District No,' 2" upon the ballots to t~ used at said special election .at which such annexation of such terribory. to the City of Bakers- field is submitted to the electors Of said territory and the name of. "South Bakersfield District No, 2" whenever used in the notice of .said special election hereby c.~.lled in said· territory and in any and all proceedings for the annexation of such· terri- tory' t'o the City of Bakersfield shal]. mean and. be construed· to mean the territory hereinbefOre and in said. ~etition described and so proposed by said petition to .be annexed to said City of Bake rs f i el d, That upon the ballot to be used at said special elec- tion and. in addition to. the other notices required by law there shall be printed ..the following proposition: "Shall South. Bakersfield District No, 2 be annexed to ~/. the City of Bakersfield" YES "Shall South. Bakersfield. District ~o, ~ be annexed to ~he City. of Bakersfield" NO, · That. for .the purpose of holdin~ and conductinE said special election hereby .called; one vo~ing precinct 'denominated '-'-South Bakersfield District No, ~ Annexation Ele6tion Precinct .~No, l" and the place at which the polls will be opened in the said new territory hereinb~fore described and proposed. to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield is hereby ·established and designated.and the followin~r names or election officers 'therefore are hereby app~'nted.. 'toewit: SOUTH BAKERSFiELD DISTRICT ~0. 2 AN~EXATICN ELECTit:N PRECINCT NO. 1. Comprising of the property more. ~articularly described as follows: of Brundage Lane with Union Avenue n u west along the south line of .Bru~dage Lane to its -~ ....... interse n with a line 305.25 fee esterly from and parallel with the west line of Chester Avenue; thence north on said line parallel with the west line of Chester Avenue to the south line of 4th Street; tPence east along the south line of 4th Street'to the east line of Union Avenue; thence south along the east line of Union Ave~-.~o. the sout~ line of Brund. age ~ane and the point 'of beginni~.'- POLLI'NG PLACE: - Hick'S Cabin, 111 Chester Avenue. JUDGE: JUDGE: iN SPECTOR: Madge Smith. Joseph M. Ross. Homer A. Hicks. SECTION 4. That. the ballots to be used at said. special election, the openin~ and clo'~ing of t~e polls and the holdin~ and con- duct..in~ of. such election shall be in.conformity, as near as may be with the-lew. s of the State of California 'concerning. general elections except as otherwise prescribed 'by s.n act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled~. "An act to provide for the alteration o~ the ~'oundaries of and for the annexation of territory to municipal.corporations, for the incorporation. of such annexed territory in and as a part thereof, and for the 'districting government and municipal control of such annexedytSrritory," approved June ll, '1913, and. all acts amenda- tory thereof and supplementary thereto. The qualiEied 'electors residing in said new territory so proposed. to be annexed to said City of'Bakers~ietd are hereby directed ~o vote upon th.e..question of the annexation of said territory tol said City of Bs. kersfield by stampin~ a'cross (x) in the voting scuare after the printed word "YES" On.tbe ballots to be used at said special election, or by stamping a cross '(X) in the voting souare after t~e printed wo.~d "NO" on such hallots. If an elector shall st~mp a~;~=c~'c~'s (X) in the voting square'after the printed word "YES". t~e vote .. of such elector shall be counted in favor of the annexation SECTION 5. SECTION of the said new te.rritory t.o the City of. Bakersfield; and if an elector shall stan~p a cross· (X) in the votin~ square after the printed word. "NO" the-'.vo.te'of s~'.id elector shall be counted · a.~ainst such annexation. The City Clerk is hereby di're·cted to ,~ive notice of said special election by p~blica~ion of a notice thereof in The Daily Midw. ay Driller,. a newspaper of ~eneral circulation, printed and.published outside of ~e City-of BakerSfield, and. printed and published in the County· of ·Kern·, and such notice shall be published once a week for four (4) successive weeks p?~ed.edin~ such election. Such notice shall distinctl~ state the date of. such. special electi m.. and'the pr0~,osition to be submitted at such specia·l ·election, to-wit:· That it is'proDosed to annex. to. incor- porate in and M.~ake a part of the City of Bakersfield the. aforesaid territory sought to be annexed, and shall specifically describe .... ~. the bo,~ndaries the~eof~ in addition to said description of said new territory so propos.ed to be s. nnexed to said Cit'.V of . Bakersfield said notice sbal! desi.~nate said new territory "S~a'~h BAhEHS'PiELD DiSTkiCT NO. P-" as hereinabove ?provi:ded.; and. there shall be designated in said. notice the election'precinct and 'the place at wb. ich the polls will'be op..ened for such election in said new territory as establish, ed by this ordinance. In such .! notice the ~.ualified electors residing in said new territory 'so pro~.?psed to be annexed shall be directed to vote upon the ~uestion of su. ch annexation as herein. above provided. That' the proceedings for' the annexation of said new .... v..~ ......... · .- .... territory hereinbefore" des'dri'~d'-~6 t'~ Ci~ of'Ba~:erS~ielS~ ha~e been commenced, and.:~-~Sball be had and ~a~en under and in accordance with the provisions of' an act of the Legislature of tb'e State 'of California, entitled,~ "An act to provide for the 'i alteration boundaries .of and for annexation of .- 'territory' tO municipal corporations~ for. ~.he--.incorporatlon 'of such ·annexed territory· in and as a part thereof, and for ~he' districting, ~overnment and municipal control of such annexed terri'tory," approved June ll, 1913,'and.all acts amendatory:.there~ and supplementary thereto, and no other, which ~aid[ act is .desi~. hated'and referred to .as the "Annexation Act of 1913." I HEREBY CER'Y. IFY that the fore.~oin.~ Ordinance was- passed and adopted at a reEular meeting of the Council of the C'i~ty of' Bakersfield, on the3/~ay. of~- 1924 by the Ayes-Austin, Baer, Carlisle. Carlock, O~ifllth, __';a~__a~fd'~, Stoner '. Noes ...........' ' . . '. 'GitYj/ler~iCio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, Cslifornia. APPROVED this 3//~ day of ~ , 19~4.- Mayor of the ~ity of Bskersfield, California. -6-