HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 222ORDINANCE NO. 222 NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE ·HELD ON THE 8th DAY OF ~iAY, 1924, IN CERTAIN TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY' OF KERN, AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF SUCH ELECTION AND- SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS RESID- ING IN SUCH TERRITORY THE QUESTION- WHETHER SUCH TERRITORY' SHALL BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN AND MADE A PART OF ~AID CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, DESIGNATING SUCH TERRITORY BY THE NANiE OF "SOUTH BAKERSFIE~,D DISTRICT N0. l," ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES IN SAID TERRITORY, APPOINT~ ING'THE OFFICERS OF' SUCT'~. ELECTION AND PROViDI'NG FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCP SPECIAL ELECTION.' ~EREAS, the council of the City of·Bakers·field did on the.17~h day of December,. 1923, '~eceive a written petition asking that certain new territory de'scribed in ~aid petition be annexed.to said City of 'Bakersfield; and WHEHEAS, said territory so pr6posed to be annexed ~o said City of Bakersfield is situated in the County.of Kern, State of California and is contiguous to the City of BakerSfield and said petition contains a descriptt. on of said territory in words and figures as is h'ereinafter in this ordinsnce described; and - WHEREAS, ~aid petition is sig~ed by one-fourth (,) and. mo~e in number of the qualified electors residing within the aforesaid district as is shown by 'the registration of voters of the County of Kern, in which county said territory is situated;'and · · WHEREAS, said new territ0~y proposed to be annexed to and incorporated in and made a .par~.0f such municipal'corpora- tion does not form any part of any.municipal corporat~.on:.and i~ appears that said ter~.tory is .inh~bited and..that' the occupants thereof are' bona fide residents of said new territory; an~d' ~ WHEREAS, said petition does not contain a .reqUest that such 'new territory and the property therein be after' 'such an~'~xation Sub.iect to taxation equally wit.b the property within. the City of Bakersfield, to pay any specified portion of any bonded i~debtedness of the City of Bakersfield outstanding at the date of the filin_~ of such petition theret0fore au~'~ized; NOW THEREFORE BE IT .ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1 .... ~.. · --' That a special election be and'the same is bePeby.called to be held on Tuesday the 6th day of May, 1924~.in said ~ew terri- ..tory'hereinbefore mentioned and in ~he aforesaid petitiOn'described and proposed to be annexed to the. City of Bakersfield,.-for-the purpose of submitting, to" the electors residir~g in said ~eW' t.e~itory / the question whether said new territory as b.ereinafter des'cribed shall be annexed to, and incorpoLrated in and. made a .pa~rt 'of the City of. Bakersfield, :~., That the new territ6ry which is proposed to be annexed to, incorporated in and to be made a part. of the City of Bakers- field and designated the "'SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO, l" and the territo'ry in which such Special election is hereby called and shall be held is situated in the'~ounty of Kern, State of Cal- ifo.r~xi'~'~and is more pa~'ticularly-bounded' and deSCribed as fo=].lows: SECTION 2." Beginning at the intersection of the south. line of Palm Street and the west line of H Street and run~,in~ thence west along the south line of Palm Street to the west line of A Street; thence'south along the west line of A Street to the south line 'of B~undage ~ane (Bellevue Road); thence east along the south line of Brundage .Lane to. the west line of'Kern-Island Road; thence south along the west line of Kern Island Road to the south line of Terrace Way; thence east ~ong the south. line· of Terrace Way to its intersection with the extension southerly of the easterly line· of Block F Virginia Tract; thence 'north along said extension and along the -east line of Block F to the south line of Brundage Lane; thence west along the south line of Brundage Lane to its intersection with a line 308.28 .feet west- erly from and parallel with. the west line~of Chester Avenue; thence north on said line parallel *ith the west line of Chester Avenue, to the soubh'line of 4th Street; thence west along the south line of 4th Street to the.west line of H Street; thence north alon~'the west line of H Street to the south line of Paln"'Street and the point of beginning. That said new territory hereinbefore and in sai'd petition described is hereby designated as "SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. l" and said territory shs. ll .be indicated, designated and '. referred to by the name of "SOUTH· BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. l"Q upon the ballots 8f such territory to the City of Bakers·field as submitted to the electors of said territory and the name of "SOUTH BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT ~0. l" whenever used in the notice of said special election hereby called in said ~errit'ory and in any and. all proceedings for the annexation of such terri- tory to the City of Bakersfield. shall mean a~d be construed to mean the territory hereinbefore and in said petition described and, so proposed by said petition to be annexed to said City of Bakersfield. That upon the ballot to b~ used at said special election and in addition to the other notices required by .law there shall be printed the following· .proposition: "Shall South Bakersfield District-No. i be annexed to the City of Bakersfield" ................ .-YES · "SHall'South Bakersfield District No. I be annexed to the City of Bakersfield" ...... NO · -3- SECTION That for the purpose of holding and condncting said special election hereby called, one voting precinct denominated "South Bakersfield District No. 1 Annexation Election. Precinct No.'l" and the place at which the polls will be o~ened in the said new territory hereinbefore described and ~roposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield is hereby established and designated and. the following names of election officers therefor are hereby appointed, to-wit: SOUT~ BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. 1 ANNEXATION ELECTION PRECINCT NO. l- Comprising of the property more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Palm Street and the west line of H Street and running thence west ~ong the south line of Palm Street.to the west line of A Street; thence south along the west line of A.Street to the south line of Brundage Lane (Bellevue) Road); thence east along the south. line of Brundage Lane to the west line of Kern Island.Road; thence south along ths west line of Kern Island ~oad to the south. line of Terrace Way; thence east along the Soutb ~ine of Terrace Way to its intersection with the extension southerly of the easterly line of Block F Virginia Tract; thence north alon~ said extension and along the east line of ~lock F to the south. line of Br~nd~·ge Lane; thence west along the sou~h line of Brunda~e Lane to its intersection with a line S08.28 feet westerly from and parallel with the'west line of Chester Avenue;'thence north on said line 'parallel with the west line Chester Avenue, to the south line of ~th Street.; thence .west along the south line of ~th Street to the west. line of H Street; thence north along the west lihe of H Street to the south line of Palm Street and the point of beginni.ng. "~ ..~-Poll~ng Pl. ace; - E. L. Hayes Garage, Verde Street, near D. Street. JUDGE: Oma S. Clemens ·JUDGE: INSPECTOR: Flora Cortl. Josephine W. Davis, -4- "' .~.C~ION 4.. ~ That the ballots to be' used at said special election, the ..-Open".-i'ng and closing of the po].ls and the holdin.~ and con, du. cting Of suc~.~TM election shall be .in conformity, -as ·near as may. be witl~'.the ·laws of the State of California concerning general electibns, except as otherwise 'prescribed by an act of :~.he L~gislature of the State of Cal. ifornia.. entitled, "an Act to' provide for the alt'eration of the boundaries of and for the annexation of ~erritory to municipal corporations, for the incOrpQ~ation of such annexed territory in and as a part .thereo.~:~ and for the districting government and municipal cont'rol of such annexed territory," approVed June Ii, 1913, and all acts amenda- '~Py thereof and supplementary thereto. The qualified-electors residing in said new territgry so propoSed'to be annexed'to said City..of 'Bakersfield are. hereby'directed to vote upon the question of the...~annexation of said territory to said City of Bakersfield by stamping a cross (X) in the voting' square after the. printed word "YE.,S" on the ballots to be used at said special election. ~=or by s~s~nping a' cross (X') in the voting squs. re after theeprinted word"'NO"'on such ballots. If an elector shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the printed word "YES", the.vote of suc~ elector shall be counted in favor of the annexation of t~e said new territory to the City of Bakersfield; and if an elector shall~'Stamp a cross'(X) in the votin~ square after the printed word "NO", tb.e vote of Said elector shall be counted against such annexation. .- SECTION 5. That the Ci~-y Clerk is hereby direct'ed to g.ive notice of said special election by publication of a notice thereof.in The Daily Midway' Driller, a.newspaper of ~.eneral circulation, printed an~ published.in' bh~ ~oun. ty of Kern. and such notice shall -5- SECTION 6. be published once a week for four (4).successive weeks preceding such election. Such notice shall distinctly state the da~e of'such special election and the proposition to be submitted at such special election, to-wit: That it is pro- posed.to annex to,.'incOrporate in and make a part'of the City of Bakersfield the aforesaid territory ~ou~ht 'to be annexed, and shall.specifically describe the boundaries thereof. in addition to said.description of said new territory so proposed to 'be annexed to said City of Baksrsfield said notice shall' designate said new territory as "SOUTH B~K'ERSFIELD DISTRICT NO. l" as hereinabove prqvided, and there shall be designated in said notice the election precinct'and the place. at which the polls wil'l be opened for such election in said new territory as established by this ordinance. Ifi such notice the qUali- fied electors residing in said new' territory so proposed to be annexed shall be directed to vote upon the 'question of such annexation as hereinabove provided. That the proceedings for the annexation Of said new territory he~'.einbefore described ~o ~h.e City of Bakersfield bav~ be~p commended, and. shall be had and taken under and in accordance with the provisions of an'act of the Legislature of the State o£ CaliforF~ia. entitled, "An tct to provide fo'r the alteration of the boundaries of and for the annexation d~f terri- tory to municipal corporations, for the .incorporation of such annexed territory in and as a part. thereof, ~nd for the dis- ~ricting, government and municipal control of such annexed ~erritory," approved June ll. 191~, and all acts amendatory t thereof and supplementary thereto, and no other, which said act is designated and referred to as the "Annexation Act of 1913." -8- I HEMEBY CERTIFY that the fore~oin~ Ordinance was 'passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the ~,'~ ~ b~"' C"ty of Ba~e~sfield. on the ay of ., 19~4, the follo~in~ vote: " -A~es-Austin, B~r, CarlHe, ~o~, Gri~th, IT2,|~,M~le. S~ner · Noes ...................................: ..........................~ .....................·' Abs~nt'.~ ." - ~ . .. .. " Cit cio Clerk of the CoUnCil of the City of Bakersfield, California.. -'7-'