HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 238ORDINANCE NO.~D~NEW SERIES. .~N ORDINANCE N_~j~,~iING SONORA ST-~EET, IN T~tE CiTY OF B~_KERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE iT OHDAiNED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTIO~ 1. That the hereinafter described property be and the ssane is hereby nsaned and shall be known and designated as "SONORA STNEET": (a) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Union Avenue 88.86 feet northerly from the north- erly line of California Avenue and running thence north 29° OV' 80" east ~4.98 feet to a point in the southerly line of Broad Street; thence north V3° 82' 80" west along said southerly line of Broad Street 1V.68 feet to th~ easterly line of Union Avenue; thence south O0 0~' ~0" west along the easterly line of Union A~enue ~8.4~ feet to the point of beginning. (b) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Union Avenue ~3.40 feet northerly from the northerly line of California Avenue and running thence north B9° OV' 80" east S83.~1 feet to the southerly line of Alpine Street; thence south V~° 8~' 50" east along said southerly line of Alpine Street 10.29 feet to"the westerly line of Sonora Street; thence south 18° OV' lO' west along the westerly line of Sonora Street ~lO.VO feet: thence south ~9° 07' 50" west 9.88 feet to thS northerly line of Broad Street; thence north V3 ~' 80' west 89.~1 feet to the westerly line of Union Avenue; thence north O0° 02' ZO" east 48.84 feet along said easterly line of Union Avenue to the point of beginning. ---oOo--- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was pa~sed Council of the City of Bakersfield on the and adopted by the day of~, 1924, by the following vote: Ayes-Auetin, Baer, ~t~gl~, Carlock, Gri~th, Haber~elde. Stoner ....... .............................. · APPROVED this day of City Clerk 'and ex-.officio-Clerk-of the Council of the Cit~j of Bakersfield. i~AYOR of the City of Bakersfield.