HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 260AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON PUBLIC STREETS OF.. THE CITY OF BA~-ERSFIELD AND REPEALING ALL OHDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAIEED BY THE COUNCIL OF T~..CITy, OF' BAKERS_. FIELD, as follows: BEaTION 1. I ARTICLE I: De'finit ions. · ~Wnenever'in this ordinance the ~6110wing ·~·e~s are used, they shall have the meanings respectively ascribed· to them in this section: ....:...~:' Street. Every way set apart for public travel except alley- ways, bridle paths and foot paths. ROadway. That portion of a street between the reg~arly established curb lines. SideWalk. That portion of a street ·between the curb...~..n..es·and the adjacent property lines. Intersectipn. The area embraced within the prolongation of the property lines of two or more streets which Join at an angle, whether or'not one such street crosses the·other. .~ Crosswalk. That·portion of the roadway included with.~n' the safe~y zone. That marked portion of a roadway reserved for' the exclusive use of pedestrians. LoadinR Zone. That space .adjacent to a curb reserved for the ex- clusive use o~ vehicles.during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials. ...... ~eh~j~~'' Every "deVi'Ce or anlmal by which-any person· or property is or may b. e transported or drawn upon a street, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon rails. For the pur- pose of this·ordinance a bicycle shall be deemed a vehicle. Street Car, Every device traveling exclusively upon'rails.when upon or crossing a street other than devices propelled by steam, Pedestrian, Any person afoot, Operator, Any person who is in actual Physical control of a vehicle or Street.car, Traffic. Pedestrians, vehicles anct street cars, either ' or. together, while using any street for purposes of travel, ~.- ..... Business District, The territory contiguous to a stre~ when fifty per cent (50%) or more of the frontage thereon for a d~s. tance=.'of three hundred (300) feet or more is occupied by building"'~.~' ..use for retail or wholesale business; also any territory contiguous to a street which is immediately adjacent to or a continuation of a street within a business district when such territory is so desig- nated by the City Manager, Right of _W.ay. The privilege of the immediate use of the street. Park. To stand a vehicle for a period of time gr~eater ·--than is reasonably necessary for the actual loading or unloading~!0f persons or materials. ~ Official WarninK and Direction Signs and Signals. All warning and direction signs and signals not inconsistent with this ordinance heretofore or hereafter placed or erected under 'is by authority of the City Council. SECTION ARTICLE II: Authority of Police Traffic Signs and Signals Obedience to Police. Officers of the Police Department Are here- b~. a~~ed. ~o direct-all ~ffic by means of visible or audible signal, and it shall be unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to comply with any lawful order, signal or direction of a traffic or police officer. It shall be unlawful for any person other t. han a traffic or police officer to direct or attempt to direct traffic. -- 2 e~ SECTION 3. Si'gns. The City Council shall determine and designate the character of all official warning and direction signs and signals. Subject ·to this selection, the City Nanager is her. eby authorized, and as to those· signs required hereunder it shall. be his .place and maintain or cause to be placed 'and maintained all offi- ciai warning and direction signs and signals. All signs ~horized and required hereunder for a particular purpose ahall be uniform. No· provision of this ordinance for which signs are required' shall be enforceable against the alleged violator if at the time and place of the alleged violation the sign herein re- .~.uired is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. SECTION ~. Obedience to Traffic Signs. It shall be unlawful for any opera- top or· p~destrian to disobey the instructions of any mechanical electrical traffic signal, traffic sign or marks upon the street placed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. No public utility or department in this city shall erect or place any barrier or sign unless of a type first. appP0Vea' by the City Nanager. It shall be unlawful for any operator .. pedestrian to disobey the instructions of any barrier or sign approved, as above provided, erected or placed .by a public utility or by any department of this city. SECTION 5. · Traffic Stop and Go Signal Legend. Whenever traffic at any in~er- section iS regulated by a stop and go mechanical or electrical signal, the following colors may be used, and none other, and tho_s_e_.colors herein authorized shall indicate as follows: Red~ except in flashing signals, requires t~at traffic shall stop and remain standing. .Green requires that traffic shall move and continue in motion, except when stopped for the purpose of avoidi.ng. an accident or in the event of other emergency or when stopped at the command of a Polic officer. ~. ~ .......... ' ..... "~ Amber shall indicate preparation. for a .change in the directi'on of .~.. intersectio~ until a green or ".~C~O" signal is.shoE,,. Bells, The ringing of a bell in 'change in the direction of traffic movement, ~en~suo" sodded-no traffic shall enter the intersection until 'a "~" signal is Sho~. SECTION 6. '. ~e City Manager Required. to. Establish. ~rosswalks. '~e City Mana- ger is hereby' authorized and req~red to establish ~d maintain and to designate upon the surface of the r~dway by appropriate devices, marks or white lines crosswalks approximately equal in width to the adjacent sidewalk at all intersectLions where in his opinion there ~s p~ticular danger to pedestrians crossing the ~oadway. '~hen ·crosswalks are established ~d maintained out-. side a'business district, the City Manager shall mark in white and maintain along the surface of the roadway an arrow not less than twelve (12) inches wide' in the s~ft and not less than ~hirty (30) feet long, pointing in the directlon of such crosswalk, together with the word SLOW in block letters not less th~ twenty-fo~-(24) inches high wit~ not less than four (4) inch stroke one hundred (100) feet.distant from each crosswalk so established. SECTION V. Display of Unauthorized Signs Prohibited. It shall be mlawful.' for any person to place or maintain or to display any device, other th~ ~ official warning or direction sign or signal erected unde~"dompetent--a~ther~-y, .upOn or in ~iew o~ ~.'nstreet,. which .p~. ports to be, or is an imitation of, or resthies, an official warn- ing or direction sign or signal, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic or 'the actions of operators, ~d any such pro- hibited. device shall be a public 'nuisance, ~d the City Manager may remove it, or cause it to b~"rem~O~ed, without notice....'~.~. It shall be unlawful for any person t'.~"'~'.'~lfully 'de- face, injure, move or interfere with any official warning or direc- tion sign or signal. SECTION 8. Police and Fire Vehicles F~xempt from Certain Rules. 'The provi- sions'of this ordinance regulating the movement, parking and stand- ing of vehicles shall not apply to emergency vehicles of the police or sheriff's office or of the fire department or of a public utility while the driver of any su'ch vehicle is engaged in the necessary performance of public emergency duties. ARTICLE III: Pedestrians. SECTION 9. ' Pedes_trian's Ri~h.t of Way at Intersections. (a) It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle or street car to drive into any crosswalk which is marked as provided in Section 6 of this ordinance, while there is in such crosswalk upon the half of the roadway upon which such vehicle is traveling any pedestrian engaged in crossing the roadway until such pedes- trian shall have passed beyond the path of said vehicle. (~. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to drive into any unmarked crosswalk while there is in such crosswalk upon the half of the roadway upon which such vehicle is traveling any pedestrian engaged in crossing the roadway until suchpedes- trian shall have passed beyond the path of said vehicle, when the pedestrian shall indicate his intention to cross by 'a timely and continuous warning by holding up his hand plam out toward approach- ing tra-ffi'c. -"--' . .... ~ .~_- ...... (c) The operator of a vehicle shall stop before entering any Crosswalk when any ·otE~r vehicle proceeding in'-the same direction is stopped at such crosswalk. a traffic stop and go signal,; a._t Which intersections ~h~ mut~:~~'~·'··b' .~ights of pedestrians and operators of vehicl'es shall be exercised under the direction of the officer or traffic signa".i-.~.~ o. Pedestrian' s Limited Right to Use of Roadway, When wit~'~'~a busi~· ness district, no pedestrian shall cross a roadw~.a.y..··O.ther than by a crosswalk, ~..I k.. Outside of business district no pedestr~an··s~all. cross a roadway other than by a route at right angles to .~the curb.· and when crossing at any place other than a crosswalk~sH~il·· y~'eld ~the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway, .~..~I~./'....'.. ·. 2. ~.~-~ .. ~... i.~'.,'~:,~ . .~ It shall be unlawful for any pedestrian t~nd or walk in any roadway other than in a safety zone or .... .oss~alk, pro- vided tha~ this provision shall not be'construed to prevent t..?.:..~..~!~../..~. necessary use of a roadway by a pedestrian., h....~!~. It shall be unlawful for any person to stand in a roadway for the purpose of or while soliciting- a ride f'.~. the -- ..... k .' ' operator of any private' vehi'cle, SECTION ll, Pedestrians to Obey Si~Qnals, At intersections where traffic is .' '.T:' directed by a traffic or polic~ officer or by a traffic stop '~'.a...~ go si~gnal, it shall be '~lawful for any pedestrian to cross the ....~.j roadway other than ~ith released traffic, -.j':.'.~o..~. , SECTION 12, Pedestrians Btandin~ on Sidewalks, In any business ·district it' shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to s top or to stand on the sidewalk, except as near as is physically possible to the build~ ing line or the curb line, · ..... ~ ........................ ............ J ~- . ~ ~. -~...-~ ......... -- ........... . . . . .. ARTICLE IV: RUles for Driving .. SECTION 13., Method of ADDroach for Left Turn, The operator of a vehicle in- tending to turn to the left at an intersection or into an alley - 6 - or driveway shalI approach the POint of turning in the lines of traffic next to the center of the roadway. Method of TurninN to Left at Intersections. The operator of a -vehicle in turning left at an intersection shall pass to the right of the center of the intersection before turning, except that where markers have been placed upon the intersection boundary lines to be crossed by the vehicle, the operator shall pass to the right of such markers. SECTION· 15. Location of Turning Markers. The City Manager is hereby authorized, and as to those intersections mentioned in parsgrab (1) of this section it shall be his duty, to place or cause to be placed turn- ing markers in in~ersections as follows: (1) Within intersections where the average roadway width is less than sixty (60) feet and in lnteresections where streets meet at other than right angles and in intersections where onestreet terminates in another, a marker shall be placed at every intersec- tion of the medial.line of each street with the prolongation of the property lines of the intersecting street. (2) Intersections other than those mentioned in paragraph (1) may be marked as provided in paragraph (1), or a single marker may be placed within such-intersection at the intersection of the medial lfnes of the intersecting streets. SECTION 16. MethOd of Approach _for Right Turn~ The operator of a vehicle in- tending to turn to the right at an intersection or into an alley or driveway shall approach the point of turning in the line of traffic nearest the right-hand edge or curb of the street. SECTION'IT. ........ Drivi'M'~F-rom .Alleys. Th~ operator of a vehicle.-smerging.£rom.an... alley, driveway or garage shall s top such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk. -.7 - Vehicles· Shall Not Be Driven On Sidewalk. The' ope.~at'~.i~',.-.;a.. vehicle Shal. 1. ..not drive within any sidewalk area except' at .a per- manant or temporary driveway.. SECTION 19.. -' .' Baule~ard Stops. The following streets and parts 'of"Streets are hereby declared-to constitute boulevards for 'the purpose of this· section~ t0Lwit.: 19th Street, Chester Avenue and 'B.~..Street. Every operator.of a vehicle or street car traversifig any street .intersecting' any boulevard shall stop such vehicle or street car at "'~:'~he place where' such street meets the nearest property line of the boulevard before entering such boulevard, provided the '.property line is clearly ~arked or signposted as require~ in this 'or~ nance. The. City ManageJr is hereby authorized and required to place and mainta....n:...~:..or cause t.o be placed and maintained in the street, appro-.. priate signs or 'devices or marks' upon the roadway upon each and every street entering or crossing a 'boulevard, such signs,'devices or marks to bear the word "STOP" or the words "BOULEVARD STOP" in such ·position and ·~ith letters of a size to be clearly legible from a distance of fifty (50) feet along.the street entering the boule- .varde SEOTION ~0. " Followin~ Fire-ApDaratus Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for the . operator of any vehicle, other than one on official business, to fo.llow any. fire apparatus traveling in response to a fire 'alarm -closer .than one block or to park any vehicle within the blocI¢-where. fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a fire'alarm. SECTION 21. Crossing. Fire Hose. No street car or vehicle shallbe driven over. any unprotected hose of the Fire Department when laid down on. 'any~'street,'private'd'r~v~way o~ street car t~'~'~"~'~:~d at any'. fire or alarm of fire, without the conssnt of the Fire Chief or the assistant.in Command.' SECTION· 22. " Bicy_cle Ridinn Re~stricted. It shall"be unlawful upon any sidewalk. The tidier of a., bicycle. 'upon a ·roadway shalj1 ride as nearly as practicable within £iv.e.. r(SY). feet-.. of .t~e-~..~i~t-hand curb or edge of the ·roadway exce.pt when passing a stan~ng or ..other vehicle or m~ing a left-hand turn at' an intersection'~'~' SECTION 23. Ridinz on H~dle Bars P~ohi~ited. It shall be ~law~l fop the operator of any bicycle or motorcycle when upon a street to carry any other person upon the bar, handle o~ tank of any such vehicle or fo~ any person to so ride upon any ~ch 'vehicle. ": SECTION· ~4. Unlawful to Drive ~uEh ~neral Procession. 'It shall be unlawful for t~e operator .of any vehicle to drive between the vehicles cOm- prising .a funeral procession, provided ~at such vehicles ~e con- · spicuously so designated. SECTION ClinEing to Movin~ Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for. any person traveling upon any bicycle, motorcycle or any toy vehicle to cling to or .attach himself or his vehicle to any other moving vehicle or street car upon any roadway. SECTION ~6. Use of. Coasters, Roller..Skates and Similar. Devices Restricted. It shall be uhlawful for any person upon roller skates or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy. vehicle or' similar· device to go · upon any ·~id~wa·ik in business district as .defined herein or upon 'any roadway or street in the City of Bakersfield, ARTICLE V: Stopping, Standing and Parking SECTION 2~. Stop~in~ Prohibited in S~ecified. Places. It ~hall be unlawful ~for the oper~'~'~' of 'a vehicle to stop s~ch veh'iCle' iH~"a'h~ Of. the places except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance With the direction of a .police officer or traffic sign or Signal: · (1) In an intersection; (2) In a Crosswalk; (~) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or W~'thin twenty (~0) feet of a point on the curb immedia·~ely opposite the end of a safety zone; '/(4) Within thirty (~0) feet of an intersecting roadway ex- cept busses at a designated bus stop. Upom all streets within any business district the City Manager shall designate the provisions of parag~B (S) and (4) of this section bY placing and maintaining?~red paint or other red material upon the entire curb surface within such areas omitt~n g 'l'amy crosswalk area or by placing and maintaining appropriate signs directing that the stopping of vehicles is prohibited. SECTION ~8. Standin~ for ~oadin~ Only in Certain.Places. ~'~) It shall be ·unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop said vehicle for a period of. time..lo~g:~r than iS necessary for'the loading or unloading of passengers cr materials, provided ~'that the loading or unloading of passengers shall not consume more than three (3) minutes,nor the loading or unloading of materials more than twenty (20) minutes in any of the foilowing places: 1." At any curb where the grade of the street exceeds twelve In any alley; ~- · In any "loading zone"; At any curb within twenty-fi~e (28) feet of the entrance to any hospital; ~. At any curb within fifty (80) feet Of the entrance to any pol ice" statio n; ~.. e.~.'.~'.'At any curb within fifteen (lS) f~eet of a fire plug; 7~ ....... In any marked bus stop. (b) The City Manager shall determine the location of "load- ing zones" and shall mark by appropriate signs or as specifically required here~n those· places where standing ~Or,~=.~'~din~~ only permitted hnder this-section, subject to the fe~ing requirements - 10 -~ and limitations: Bus stops shall be designated by appropriate signs at those places determined by the City Manager except that a bus stop shall not exceed fifty (80) feet in length and shall not be placed adJa- cemt to a safety zone at a street car stop;. Every loading zone, also that portion of every curb reserved for loading only by paragraphs 4, 5' and 6 of Subdivision (a) of this section shall be designated by yellow paint or other yellow material upon the entire curb surface therein with the words "LOADING ONLY" in black letters thereon; Within any business district not more than one-half of the .._ total curb length in any one block may be set apart as a loading zone. SECTION 29, ParkinK Time Limited in Specified Places. The.operator of a vehicle shall not park such vehicle for longer than two (2) hours within any business dis't~ict between the hours of nine (9) A. ~. and five (8) P. '~. of any day except Sunday and subject to the special re- strictions imposed by Sections ~V and ~8. Signs shall be erected and maintained not more than one hundred fifty (180) feet apart in each block designating the provisions of this section. SECTION Early Mornin~ Parkin~ Limited. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park said vehicle on any street for a period-of time longer than one (1) hour between the hours of two (~) A. M. and four (4) A.~. of any day. SECTION 31. Standin~ or Parkin~ Close to Curb. The operator of a vehicle shall not stop..,~ .s~tand or.p.ark Such vehicle in a rOadway..O. th~r' tha.n. pa. rallel with the curb and with the two right-hand wheels of the vehicle with- in one (1) foot of the regularly established curb line, except that upon those streets which have been marked for angle parking, as provided in this section, vehicles shall be parked at the angle to the curb indicated by such marks, :.-: ...,~ , l! - T~e City ~:anager is .hereby authorized to determine upon"what streets angle parking shall be permitted and to indicate 'such places by the p~inting of white lines upon the surface o~ the roadway to indicate the proper angle for 'parking, provided that such lines shall not be placed upon, nor ~h~l~a~g!e..~.a~.~lJ~.E be per- mitted upon , ...any street where such p~king would diminish the' width· of the r~dway available for trave~ to less than twenty (20) feet, no~ upon ~y street whe~ ~ere is less t~ thirty (30) feet be-. tween the curb and ~e nearest rail of any street car track, nor upon ~ny. street which is a continuation of or part of a county trunk line ~l~way o~ a state. hi~way. ~be City M~ager is he~by authorized to prohibit the '~rking of vehidles, p~vi~ed appropriate signs are placed and maintained to give notice thereof, on one side of a street in any block where angle parking is permitted on the opposite side of the street in such block. SECTION 32. ' Parkin~ Vehicles For Sa~e. It shall be unlaw~l for the operator of ~y vehicle to park upon any s tre~:t any vehicle upon which ~ere is a "For Sale" sign, or to park upon any street any vehicle for the p~pose of displaying it for sale, or to park ~y vehicle upon any street in any business district from which said vehicle mer- chandise is being sold', SECTION VehiCles for Hire and T~i'cabs. All *ehicleS for hire snd taxi.- cabs shall be restricted as to p~king and operation as provided in Ordinance No. 173, New Series of the City of Bakersfield, as adopted by the Council on the 28th day of June, 1923. · ARTICLE VI: ...... ,,. Street Cars SECTION 34. ~lhen Vehicles Not To Be Driven on Street Car Tracks. It shall be unlawful for the operator of. any vehicle proceeding upon any street car t~acks in front of a street car to fail to remove said vehicle - 12 - from said· tracks as...soOn..as .prac~i<Cable· after signal frO~':'t~a~.'."'~:"."'...~. operator of said ~treet. c~.''i~ "'. '~ SECTION· 35. Street CaP Speed. It shall be UnlawfUl for the street cap to drive said street .~.caP at a speed exc~$~i~ the follow- ing: · (1) Fifteen (.15) miles pe~ hour .- "' ~'~?-~..~-~-~ ·..f · ...~.~2~ j.~.': :.-.- -~.c... (a) In a business district; ~"="" ~ " ~.;' (b) ~en passing ~chools while per~on~ are entering , lea~ng the grounds; '=~-~ =.. (c) When traversing any railway grade cr~'ssing; (d) '~en'tPaversing curves where the' operator does not have an unobst~cted view along ~e tracks for a . . -. ~A.: .- ..- . . · .' ' ~ two hundred (200) fee~; ...... ...~"/~'.~.~i'. (2) i per hour in a residence di~~- (S) ElSewhe~ thirty-five (SS) miles pep ho~. SECTION Boarding or Ali~tin~ From Stree~ Cars o~ ~ehicles. .It s unlawful for ~y pepsin to board or allot from a street vehicle while said" street car or vehicle is in motion.. SECTION ~7'. ..... Ridin~ o~ Car Steps. ~i~ 'shall be unlawful 'for~.$ny pe gA to ride' upon the fender or running bo~d' of any. street' c~ or vehi-cle. SECTION ~8-. ~ Railway Trains and strpet Cars Not to Block Strpetsj~.~T~==....~.hall be unlawful for the operator of any ste~, interurban or street way train o~ car to operate the s~e in such a"mamer as.to p the use of any street for p~poses of travel fop a period of time longer th~ five (5) minutes. '~'~..~.'~- ~TiCE VII: SECTION ~9. ' " ~ Penalty. Any person violating any of ..the provisiqo~·..0f' .·t ordinance, or any rule ~r regulation made by the City· Manager pursuant thereto, shall be guilty"'of a'misdeme.ane~~ viction thereof ..sha!l .be pu,.ni~hed .for the fir. st offenCe by a fine not to exceed Fifty ($50.00') Dollars, or by im..pris. Onment in 'the · County jail for not more than five (5) days; for a second violation within a Period of o~e~..(I) year by a fine not. to exceed One Hundred ($100.00.) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the 'County jail for not more than ten (lO) days, or by both such fine and' imprisonment; for 'va .third and each 'additional offense committed within one (1) year by a' fine not exceeding Five Hundred ($500.00) ·dollars, or by 'im- prisonment in the-C~unty Jail for a period riot .'to-exceed six (6) months, or .by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 40. DispoSition of Fines and Forfeitures. All fines or forfeitures collected upon'.cgnviction or upon the forefeiture of bail of any person charged wi~h 'a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall· be paid 'into the' city treasury and deposited into a special fund, v~hich is hereby created', to bS 'known-as the"Street Improvement Fund." There may be appropriated out of said fund such moneys as .from time to time may be authorized by 'the Council. for the purchase and maintenance of traf.L ic signs, signals~ lights, and paint marks necessary to designate the provisions of this or- dinance, and the balance of said fund shall ,be used exclt{sively in the cOnstructiOn, maintenance and' improvement of public streets · within this city. ' SECTION 41. E~fect of Ordinance. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance· is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of -..the..-remal-ning --portions.-of this ordi-nancev:- -' -The- City--Counc-it -hereby. - declares that it would· have passed this Ordinance and each 'section, sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub-sections, .sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 42. Repeal. Ordinance No. 122, New Series of this city is hereby repealed, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict.with' or inconsistent .with the provisions of this ordinance ar'e hereby reprealed, except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or'punishment of any person for any act done or com- mitted in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this. ordinance. -- -o0o .... I HEHEBYGERTIFY·that the foregoing Ordinance was regularly .introduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the /~day of December, 1928, by the following vote: .. ~:yes: Be[n, ,l~~~e, Carlock, OriEith, Martin, Stoner . oes: ...... City ~lerk and ex-officio' Clerk of the Council of the City. of Bakersfield. AP 'RO-~E _, i /~day of Dec er ~AAYO~ O~ the City of Baker~fie~dm~ ' ' 1928.