HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 269 · ../.1' BE-IT. RESOLVED, that whereas, there-has been duly, · ·~·=l ··· · a ... 'i~.:.~.d legally annexed to and made a part of and incorporated regul fly 'in the' City:'of Bakersfield the fglloWing described property, said property beingmore particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point_ in the .southerly line ~f 4th Street ..... is int sectedby th ~s~tension outhe' ly of the center line'of e erly. along 'the southerly erly line of Union Avenue; thence southerly along the easterly· line of Union Avenue to the southerly line. of Brundage Lane' thence westerly along the southerly line of Brundage LAne to the point of intersection with the' extension southerly of the said center line..of I S tee; thence northerly'along the extension southerly of.the said center line Of I Street to the southerly line of .~4th Street and the point of beginning. '.'..- That said property was annexed to and incorporated in the City of Bakersfield in accordance with an act of the Legisla- ture of the State of California, entitled,."An'act to provide for the al%.eration of the b6Undaries of and for the annexation of terri- tory to municiPal'corPorati°ns, for the incO~p'oration of such annexed territoryin and as a part thereof,.and for.th6' districting, govern- ment and municipal control of such annexed' territory," approved '~'~June llth, 1913, and all acts amendstory thereof and supplemental thereto:; " AND WHEREAS, the above mentioned act of the Legisla' ture requires the Council Of the City of Bakersfield, by ordinance, t~ alter the boundaries of the ward of the City of Bakersfield .so. as ~o inciu~e suCH'annexed territory 'in' one or more.---Wa-rds; .... -"' AND WHEREAS it is desired that the above property be included within·the boundaries of Ward Number:Seven as the same adjoins said Ward;' N'~W THEREFORE, BE IT' 0RDAINED 'THAT TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BA...~.._SFIELD DOL.~ HEREBY alter the'former 'boundaries. of ~ardU.. particularly described., and do hereby fix a~d determine that .the.- ". '.'.~ .'.; "":'...? boundaries of ;~ard.. Number seven of t~e City 'of BakerSfield' shatl...be. ~:~.-!~Z" as follows: .' .. · .Beginning at a point in the center line of Chester Avenue where the same is.,~mtersected.hy the center line of Truxtun · Avenue and running thence southerly along' th~ center line of Chester Avenue.to. the center line.of 4th S~eet;.thence westerly aiong the center line of 4th Street to the exten- sion southerly o~ the center line of I Street; thence south-. erly along· the;eXtension southerly'of the cen~e~!~lne of I Street to the southerly line of Brundage Lane; thence. east- erly along the southerly line of. Brundage. Lane tO".~e center line of Union Avenue; thence northerly along .,th.e-~.center line ..... :'~' of Union Avenue to the ·center line of Truxtun'Ave~e; thence · ':"... westerly along·the center line of Truxtun Avenue'~!.~:~'!"~the center ":" line of Chester Avenue and the point of beginning. ~.' ..... o0o ..... I ~I~REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was regul. arly introduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting.thereof, held on the/~,~t. day of ~une, 1926, by the following vote: AVe: Bsin, Benson, Cerlisle, Carlock, Grielth, Martin, Stoaer lqoes: .......~ .... A~ent:- ' ..... City Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APP OVED thai ~J~ y f ~une, 1926, MAYOR of the ~/~ty ofd2a:~sfield.