HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 273J AN ORDINANCE LEVYING UPON THLE ASSESSED VALUATION OF. THE TAXABLE PROPERTY ,T-N THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; A RATE .OF TAXATION · UPON EACH HUNDRED DOLLARS OF VALUATION n.... mR THE nSCAL YeAR BEGINNING JLY leT, ~"-.. · 1926, AND E~mING J. UNE SOTH, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as foll-ows -.. .,. · SECTION 1. -- -.. That-there i.s hereby le-v. ied a tax of one. ($1.00) dollar on' each one hundred dollars ($100.00)' of the assessed valuation of all taxable prope~ty·'in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, 'State of California) for municipal expenses of the Municipal Govern- ment q~aid.Oity (e~cepting as hereinafter mentioned) during the fiscal year beginning with the first day of Ju~y, 1926' and ending ,..,~.~ith the thirtieth day of June, 192V. SECTION ~. That there is hereby levied a tax of ten' (~0) cents on each on~ ~undred .($100.00) dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable. property within the City of'Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of Califdrnia, for Parks and Playgrounds.' SECTION 3. ..: .That there is hereby levied a tax of one (~I[) cent on each one hundred ($100..00i' dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of'Bakersfield, ·County of Kern, · . .'~,'. - . State of California, for interest amd sinking fund on Street Improve- merit Bonds issued under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. SECTION 4. That there. is hereby levied a tax of four (;04) cents on, each one hundred ($100,00) dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of Bakersfield., County of Kern, State of California,.for interest and sinking ~und on 1912 Sewer , . . .~" ~l.-~"" =o.. ~ .. , ... . -.~.-...,. - SECTION 5, That there is hereby levied a tax of three (.03) cents each o.ne hundred ($100.00) dollars of the assessed valuation of · -.,... ~:..... .' .....~..~::).:..~ .: .. ,.; ;-:..:~. ·.. .... .,. '...:,.... ....... ... :-.. ::.~..~,~ .. .... ....~....f' · ~... :~.;~? .. ? .~. ~. :. Hall Bonds. SECTION 8. That there is hereby levied a tax of one all. taxable proporty within the G.~y of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, for interest and.sinking fund 'on the. 1912 City ::- ~ ~:~ .' · .. ~..r.. . ...... .: .,~.U,. ~.' - .'~V~!5) cents on each one hundred ($100.00) dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the"C~t~..0f Bakersfield, County Of Kern,..State of California, for interest and sinking fund on the 1912 Fire Department Bonds.. SECTION That..there is hereby levied a tax of. one.half (.005) cent on each'One hundred ($100oO0)"dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City '0f Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of Califomia~ for interest and sinking fund on the 1912 Library SECTION 8. .That there is hereby levied a tax of two (.02) cents on each o~"hundred ($100.00) dollars of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of Bakersfield, which was known ~d ~esignated as the City of Bakersfield prior to the consolidation of said City and Town of Kern, for interest and .sinking fund on Sewer · Bond Number One. ...... o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing 0rdinancewas passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the f;~ day of ~ugust, 1926, by the following vote: ..... Cit .... o Clerk~' of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. AP~ED th s ~/~ day of -..~ugust M~YOH oI.f the Ci~~ersfield. · '.-..-': ;' "".j"'.:-:' .:."":'::.('!-. .... 1926.