HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 271ORDINANCE NOL~ 77/ HEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DISCHARBE OF SMOKE, SOOT, ASHES AND CINDERS FROM FLUES, CHIMNEYS AND SMOKESTACKS, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT ORDAI~D BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, 'as follows: SECTION l~ That for the purpose of regulating the discharge of smoke frOm flues, chimneys or smokestacks, or from any other structures or appliances from which smoke is discharged, and for the purpose of determining by a'comparison the degree of darkness of smoke so dis- charged, a color scale for the measurement thereof is hereby adopted, as follows: A white card not.less than five by eight inches in size shall be marked with black lines c~os~ing each other at right angles, Each such line shall be one millimeter in width and such lines shall be so placed that white spaces nine millimeters square shall remain between such lines. When a test is being made such card shall be placed at a distance of not more than fifty-five (58) feet and not less thanforty-five (45) feet from the observer and as nearly in line a~ possible between the eyes of the observer and the smoke con- cerning which the test is being made. SECTION 2. It' shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to cause, permit or allow any smoke of a greater. degree of darkness than the card described in Section 1 hereof when such card is placed at the said distance from the person observing such smoke, to issue or to be discharged from any flue, chimney or smokestack, or from any other structure or appliance used~the discharge of smoke, or from which .smo~e is discharg~, or_from any ~orkS,.~ant or .faq~gry, for a period longer than or for periods aggregating more than five minutes in any one hour 'of the day or night. For the purpose of this section a workS, plant or factory ........ shall be deemed to include all buildings and appliances, and all · flues, chimneys and smokestai~ks connected therewith~. and all struc- tures and appliances from which smoke is discharged~ located upon a~y parcel of land which is held; used or occupied in. one body, whether the. same contains·one '-'or more lots Or tracts of land, if such build- ings, structures, and appliances and such flues, chimneys and Smoke- s'~s are o~med 'or. used, or are intended to be used by the same '.p~son, firm or corporation in or about the ~onduct of any business or occupation. SECT~0N 3' It.Shall'be= unlawful foF. any person, firm or corporation ~L·~:-~.~c ause, permit or allow soot, ashes or cinders. to issue or to be discharged from any flue, chimney or smokestack,-or from any other structure or appliance. SECTION 4. If .any flue, chimney, smokestack or other structure or · appliance shall become so filled with soot as to become a menace to adjacent property~ it shall be the. duty of the person, firm or cor- poration owning or using such flue, chimney, smokestack or ·other structure or applianc?, to cause the same to be thoroughly cleaned, and it shall·be unlawful for any such person,.·firm or corporation to fail, ~e'fuse·or neglect so to do·. Each such person, firm or corporation' shall be deemed guilty Of a separate offense f·~'every day during which ·such f allure, refusal or neglect continues and shall be punish-" able therefor as provided by this ordinance. SECTION The Building Inspector, his assistants or deputies'and the Chief of the Fire Department, his assistants or deputies of the City of Bakersfield,' are hereby authorized to enter, during reasonable hours, upon any premises upon which is located any flue, chimney or smokestack, or any other structure or appliance from which' any-'smoke, 'soot;~"ash'es-or'-cinders ~shall be dis-charged,' fo'r-'tl~e purpo-se of making an examination as to the cause of the discharge of such smoke, Soot, ashes or cinders, and for .the purpose of ascertaining the kind or .charactem of fuel used, and the manner of using the same,and any other fact or facts ance with or violation of this ordinance..· SECTION 6. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of. a misdemem or and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not mo~e than two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars, Or by imprisonment in the County Jail of Kern County, for a period of not more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ..... o0o ...... I HEHEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was intro- duced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at the regular meeting thereof held on the ~4~ day·of July, 1926, by the following vote: · Ayes: Baln Benson, Carlisle, Carlock, Gritlith, Martin, Stoner ~ Oe-~: ...........~ .... Absent: ................... C Clerk of t~e Council of the City of Bakersfield. An RO "D this ~t day of July ,,~~,,_ ., 1926. MAYOR '~f~tj~. "