HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 281ORDINANCE N0. , NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE' N0. 18S, NEW SERIES, SECTION 2, OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, .·..CAL- IFORNIA. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF ·THE. CITY 0F BAKERS- FIELD, as ~ollows': SECTION 1. That section 2 of Ordinance No: 183, New. Series, of the City of Bakersfield, entitled "An ordinance .estab.~iShing a ak . certain residence district in the City of B ersfield,~rohibit- ing certain factories, works and businesses from being es~ab- .. .L' lished~ maintained or carried on in such district; providing for certain exceptions tO the provisions of this 'ordinance, and pro- viding a penalty for violation of the pro~isi·ons hereof, and re- pealing Ordinances Nos. 160,New Series an~ 168, New SerieS, and all other ordinance. s and parts' of ordinances in conflict herewith~''· be and the same is hereby mended to read as It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation to establish, maintain, ·or carry on 'within the. residence district described in Section i hereof, any quarry; stone crusher; rolling mill; machine shop; .planing mill; carpet beating establishment; dye and cleaning establish- ment, laundry; public laundry; wash house; fireworks factory; soap factory; glue factory; tannery; blacksmith shop; slaughter house; or place for the slaughtering of animals; reduction works; pickel factory; vinegar works; hospitals; stablesS livery stables; wood yards; lumber yards; undertaking establishments; embalming establishments; funeral parlors; public garages; stores; mercantile ....... establishments; butcher shops; meat markets; vegetable ·markets; wholesale'houses; warehouses;.·apaPtm~nt houses;· fiats or other business establishments. Provided, however, the Building Inspec- tot may grant a permit to' establish and maintain an ele6tric motor in any such works or factory where power other than· animal power is used in the operation of the same-andWhere a permit to install and maintain a steam boiler or gasoline motor has been granted prior to the adoption of this ordinance; but in no case shall a permit to install any electric motor in any.such place be granted except to take the place of a steam boiler or gasoline motor'in such place and such permit shall be granted only upon conditions that such steam boiler or gasoline motor shall be moved from such place and the use thereof in such place be dis- continued and abandoned immediately upon the installation of such electric motor; and in no case shallca permit be granted to install any electric motor of greater horsepower than the stem boiler or gasoline motor so to be removed and abandoned; provided further that nothing in this ordinance contained to be construed to prevent the installation and maintenance of not more than one electric motor of a capacity of not to exceed five horsepower on any lot or premises. -o0o ....... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the ~-.~~ day of October, 1926, by the following vote: Ayes: Bain, ]~tsm~, Carlisle, Caz]ock, Gritth, Martin. 8~oner Noes: ..........~ A ~ent: ~ .............. APP OVED this ~ day of October, .... ~eld. City erk of the · -'Council .of the. City*'.of Bakersfield. 1926.