HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 299 ORDINANCE' N0. An Ordinance 0reating the Office of 0ity id Electrician, prescribin~-~is ~uties; Prov - ing for the Issuing of Electrical Permits, ~ and Inspections, and Fixing the Fees therefor; Providing for Licenses, Certificates of Com- petency, Regulating the Installation, Arrange- ment, Alteration, RePair, Maintemance and Operation of Electric Wiring, and Electric ." Appliances; and providing a Penalty for Viola- tion of this Ordinance; and Repealing Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: \ Section 1. Qualifications of Oi__~Electrician. There is hereby created' and established the office of City Electrician.. The person chosen to fill the office of City Electrician shall be a competent electrician of good moral char- acter, and shall have had at leas~ four years experience as a Journeyman in the practice of his ~rade as electrician, or two years training in a recognized college of electrical engineering, and in addition thereto two'years of practical experience in el- ectrical construction, shall be well versed in approved methods of electric construction for safety to life and property, the statutes of the State of California relating to electrical work, the rules and regulations issued by the In~lstrial Accident Commission of the State of California under authority of the statutes, the National Electrical Code, as approved by the American Engineering Standards Committee, other installation and safety ~rules and standards approved by the .American Engineering Standards Committee and rules of the Board of Fire-~mdsrwriters of the Pacific. Section 2. AppOintment of City Electrician- The Building Inspector and such assistants as are from time to time appointedby the City Manager shall have exclusive supervision and control of the office of City Electrician, and said Building Inspector shall be considered as the City Electrician. - 1- Section 3. Permits No .alterations or additions shall be made in existing wiring, nor shall any wiring for the placing of any electric lights, power or heating devices, or any apparatus Which operates with a voltage between any two points of more than 25, or which generates, transmits, transforms or utilizes more than 50 watts, nor shall any alterations be made in any wiring system after final inspection, without first notifying the City Electrician and securing a permit therefor, except minor repair work such as repairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuses, changing lamp sockets and receptacles, taping bare Joints, and repair- ing drop cords. Applications for such permits, describing such work, shall be made in writing by the person, firm or corpora- tion installing same and permit when issued shall be to such applicant. This paragraph shall not apply to maintenance and repairs on the ~remises of a person, firm or corporation regu- larly employing Journeymen electricians for that purpose. Each application shall state the location by street and house number, and where possible the block and lot numbers where such work is to be done; the permit issued shall be valid only for the location so stated and unless work is started with- in 30 days afte~ issuance, the permit shall become null and void. Each application shall be accomnanied by. drawings or blueprints, as required by the City Electrician, which shall 'show the load at each outlet, type of outlet,' wire and conduit sizes, distances, number of wires in conduit, location of every switch, panel board, tablet board and/or switch board and as nearly as possible, the manner in which wires are to be installed. Each applicant shall also at time of filing such application for a permit deposit with s aid Building Department one hundred dollars ($100.00), in addition to furnishing said faithful performance bond heroin provided, which $100.00 shall be.retained by said department until the Certificate of Approval shall have been issued by the inspector, and then if any sums are owing to the department for any cause by said permittee such sums shall be deducted from said $100.00 and balance re- turned to said depositor, otherwise the whole $100.00 shall be returned. Any person, firm or corporation, such as industrial ~es~a~lishments and hotels, regularly employing one or more Journeymen electricians for the purpose of installation, altera- tion, maintenance and/or repairs on his or their own premises, shall pay a - 2 - fee Of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the. City Electrician .and obtain a certificate of registration for such Journeymen electri- cians, stating their names and addresses. Said permit shall be valid for five years. In case of a change in personnel a fee of five dollars ($5.00)'shall be paid to the City Treasurer for each change. S~id person, firm or corporation shall make quarterly reports covering all installations, additions and alterations paying fees in a~cordance ~ith this ordinance, shall have all work done in accordance with this ordinance, and shall permit such in- spection by the City Electrician as said City Electrician shall deem necessary. Section 4. Inspection- Upon the completion of the wiring, in or on any building, or structure of any nature, or tent, or premises, the person, firm 'or corporation installing same s~all notify the City Electrician in writing, who shall inspect the installation, and if it is found to be fully in compliance with this ordinance, he shall issue, as provided heroin, a certificate of inspection or approval tag, authorizing connection to-the electrical service and the energizing of the installation. All wires which are to be hidden from view shall be inspected before concealment and any person, firm or corporation installing such wires shall notify the City Electrician to make the required..in'spection before such wires are concealed, and shall not conceal same nor allow same to be concealed until permission has been obtained from the City Electrician in writing- ~'Perm~ssion to cover work to be concealed shall be on a blue tag attached to Work in a suitable place, and which shall show the date, location, ~.'~ that such permission has been granted, and signature of the inspector. ""Final approval 'of the wiring or any instal'I~tio~"~xcept" that of fixtures, or other devices customarily or~eq~en~ly installed under separate contract, shall be by means of a white tag attached · to the work in a suitable place and showing the date, location, approval and signature of the' inspector. Approval of fixtures, signs and/or any.apparatus used with electric lamps or other form of'electrical lighting or other devices customarily or frequently installed under separate contract, shall be by means of a white tag attached to the work in a suitable place and showing the date, location, approval and signature of the inspector. Upon completion and approval of a Job there shall be a white tag attached to the service switch, granting permission to the power company or other serving agency to connect the installation for use. ~ere there are no service drop wires,' none shall be run without this tag or special white tag being at the service switch. This tag shall show the date, location, approval, permission and signature of the inspector. Where approval is withheld a red tag showing date, location, defects in th~ work, and signature of the inspector shall be attached to the work in a suitable place. All defects shall be correcte~ within 10 days after inspection and notification, or within other reasonable time as allowed by the City Electrician. No person, firr~or corporation, or branch or department of any city or other politigal.subdivision, shall furnish electrical service, or connect, or cause, or allow connection to be made, or other equipment over which electricity may be conducted~. or electrical energy'dissipated or utilized, to any source or wires or other equip- ment already connected to a source, or to any distributing system of electrical energy, until said wires or other equipment shall have been inspectedby the City Electrician and said certificate of in- spection or tag shall have been issued. Providing, however, that the City Electrician may give temporary permission to furnish electric current to, or the use · 'of the"ele~tric"current,.through any wires or'other equipment for a length of time not exceeding 30 days, if it appears to the City Electrician that such wires, etc. may safeiF'be used, and that there .4- exists an urgent necessity for such use and special permission. In this case a Special tag shall be attached to a suitable place on the work and shall show the datS, location, such special appro- val, date of expiration of such permission, and signature of in- spector- Section 5. Right of Access. Said City Electrician shall have the right, d~ring reason- able hours, to enter any building in the discharge of his official duties, or for the purpose of making any inspection or test of the installation of electric wiring, electric devices and/or electrical material contained therein. Section 6. Re-Inspection. The City Electrician periodically may make a thorough re-inspection of the installation in or on buildings and/or premises, of all electric wiring, electric devices and electric material now installed or that may be hereafter installed, within the City of Bakersfield, and when the installation of any such wiring, devices and/or material is found to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition, the person, firm, corporation or political subdivision owning, using or operating the same shall be notified in writing and shall make the necessary changes or repairs required to place such wir- ing, devices and material in a safe condition and h~ve such work completed within fifteen days, or other reasonable periQd specified by the City Electrician in said notice, and shall pay such fees as are required by this ordinance. The City Electrician is hereby em- powered to disconnect or order the discontinuance of electrical service to such wiring, devices and/or material so found to be defectively installed, until the installation of such wiring, devices and material has been made safe as directed by the City Electrician, 'and'any person, firm or' corporation cr'~'poIitical subd~ivision order- ed to discontinue such electrical service shall do so within 24 hours, and shall not re-connect or allow it to be re-connected - 5 - · until. notified to do so by the City Electrician, providing, however, that no re-inspection shall be made in any dwelling house, while the same is occupied as a dwelling, without the consent of the oocu- pant thereof. No person or persons shall hinder or prevent the City Electrician or his deputies from making any electrical inspec- tion except in. dwelling houses. The City Electrician shall make monthly inspections of all theatres and motion picture houses, and if the electrical. equipment is in safe operating condition, shall issue an approval notice. No theatre or motion picture house shall operate for more than 10 days without said approval notice. Section 7. Fees. The City Electrician shall collect from any person, firm, corporation, or political subdivision, to whom a permit has been granted for doing electrical work, the following fees, at the t~me the permit is granted, to-wit: No permit will be issued for less than one dollar ($1.00) For each radio inspection ......... 1.00 For outlets and sockets at which current is used or controled, which are installed at a distance of not ex- ceeding 18 inches from each other: i to 5 outlets and sockets 1.O0 6 to 10 outlets and sockets- 1.50 ll to.20 outlets and sockets 2.00 21 to 30 outlets and sockets .............. 2.50 31 to 50 outlets and sockets ........ 3.00 Each additional 25 outlets and sockets, or fraction thereof ......... 1.00 For outlets at which current is used or controlled which are installed at a distance exceeding 18 inches from each other: I to 5 outlets .... 1.O0 6 to l0 outlets - 1.50 ll to 20 outlets -- 2.00 21 to 30 outlets ........... 2.50 31 to 50 outlets - 3.00 Each additional 25 outlets or fraction thereof--j--- 1.00 For fixtures or sockets which are installed at~a distance.exceeding 18 inches from each other: I to 5 fixtures ........ 1.O0 6 to l0 fixtures 1.50 ll to 20 fixtures ......................... r ......... 2.00 21 to 30 fixtures. 2.50 31 to 50 fixtures 3.00 Each additional 25 fixtures or fraction thereof ..... 1.O0 2H.P. For each motor of not more than i H.P.- --- 1.00 For each motor more than I H. P. and not exceeding 1.50 For each motor of more than 2 H. P. and. not exceed- - 6 - ing 3 tI. P.--- _ 2.00 For each motor of more than 3 H. P. and not exceed- ing 8 H.P. .... -- 2.50 For each'motor of more than 5 H. P. and not exceed- ing V! 2H. P. -- 3.00 For each motor .of more than V.[ H. P and not exceed- 2 · tng 10 H · P, ....... _ ............... 4. O0 For each motor more than 10 H. P. and not exceed- ing 15 H.P. -4.50 For each motor of .more than 15 H. P.- ....... 5.00" Ceiling fans. (Les~ than ¼ H.P. each.) ............. .50 For each generator, each kva capacity shall be con- sidered as one H. P. in a motor. For each elevator installation ....... --V.50 For each motor-generator set the fee charged shall be 50% greater than for the motor alone. For each moving of motors and/or generators upon which a final certificate has formerly been issued by the City Electrician, a fee of 75% of the former fee shall be charged. For each temporary motor, the same fee as for moving. For each mercury arc and"equipment ........ 1.00 For each mercury arc lamp and equipment ............ 1.00 For each projection machine,'dissolver,' etc.~--~---l.50 For each range or heater installation 1.00, For working lights in buildings in the course of construction or undergoing repairs,or where temporary light- ing is to be used: lO0 lamps or less .......... 1.50 lO1 lamps and not over 300 ......................... l~V5 301 lamps and not over 600 ................ 2.00 601 lamps and not over lO00 3.00 lOO1 lamps and over., each (two mills) .... .002 For electric sign - lO lamps or less --1.00 For electric sign - ll lamps and not over 25 lamps-2.00 'For electric sign - 26 lamps and not over 80 lamps-2.50 For electric sign - each additional lamp in excess of 50 lamps, each .......... . ................................... 02 For electric sign - luminous gas type - with i to 4 transformers. --1.00 For electric sign - luminous gas type - with 5 or more transformers, per transformer---.-- -- .25 For electric welder, per kw ...... 25 For rectifier, per.'.kw. .25 For each inspection made necessary by defective workmanship or materials ---1.00 For each'inspection trip made necessary by failu're to solder properly, to ream properly conduit ends, use the proper type of wire connections, and/or properly tape joints in wires,' or due to splice in conduit- .5.00 For the inspection of any electrical equipment for which no fee is hereln prescribe~, there shall be'charged a fee per hour of ............. 2.00 Upon failure to make application and take out a permit by the second work day after commencing work, the per- mit shall be -~.00 and the inspection fee shall be twice the regular amount. No permit shall be issued to any firm, person, cor- poration or-political subdivision unless~all fees'due are paid in full. Failure to take out a permit and pay the fees there- for within 72 hours after commencing work shall be deemed prima facie evidence of violation of the provisions of this ordinance. - V- Section 8. General Construction Requirements. Except as provided otherwise herein, all installations whereby electrical energy is to be dissipated or utilized shall be in strict conformity with the provisions of statutes of the | State of'California, the rules and regulations of the Industrial 'Accident Commission of the State of California, under.authority of the state statutes governing industrial installations, with the rules and regulations of the Commission of Immigration and Housing of the State of California, and with. the most approved methods of construc- tion for safety to life and property. The regulations as laid down in the National Electrical Code, as approved by the American Engin-- eering Standards Committee, other installation and safety regula- tions approved by the American Engineering Standards Committee, and the rules and regulations of the Board of Fire-Underw~'iters of the Pacific shall be prime facie evidence of such most'approved methods. In event of any conflict or inconsistency between any requiremen~',f'--herein given ...o~'prescribed and any requirement.- of and law, order, rules or regulations of the State of California concerning the same matter and. applying to the case under considera- tion, t~at requirement which, in the opinion of the 'City Electrician, prescribes and establishes the higher standard of safety for life and property shall take precedence and be complied with. Where the use of another fixture, device. or method of construction or installation is desired, at variance with those presc'ribed in this ordinance, specifications and details shall b$ furnished the City Electrician for examination and approval. If the proposed fixture, device or method of construction or installation is according to the latest regulations and standard methods as laid do-~n in the National Electrical Code of the National-Board of Fire Underwri'ters,-as'a-~v~d-by~--tH~-~A~i.c~ff· Engineering Standards Committee, and/or in the National Electrical Safety Code, as approved by the American Engineering Standards - 8 - Committee; and if to the complete satisfaction of the City Elec- trician, the proposed fixture, device or method of construction or installation is substantially the equivalent of any fixture,. device or method of construction or installation described~in this ordinance, then the 0ity Electrician may permit it~.~ use but said permit shall be in writing. Section 9. Approved Materials. When there are obtainable for any given purpose, materials, fittings, devices, or appliances that have been examined b}- a properly qualified and authorized body and approved, listed, and/or labeled as conforming to the standards of the United States Bureau of Standards, or other similar institution of recognized standing, then only shall !such be sold and/oF used. Such approval is always for a particular use and such approval.and label does not mean that the materials, et cetera, may be used indiscriminately but only for the purpose for which approved. For good cause, or when public interest may require, or pending approval, the City E~ectrician may waive, by writing in advance, the requirements of this section but such waiver shall apply only to the one particular installation, and shall not set a precedent as to further use. Old or used material shall not be used in any work with- out the written approval obtained in advance from.the City Elec- trician, Section 10, Alterations and Additions to Existing York, Additions, or extensions to, and alterations and renewals of existing installations shall be made in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. In loca$ions where metal Covered.. work is required, but the existing installation was lawfully in- stalled knOb-and tube work,. the knob ~nd t~be t~pe..of instal%ation may be used, provided such addition or extension does not exceed ten (10) feet. - 9 -. Section 11. 0~tside York. No open wiring requiring more than one set of knobs or insulators shall be installed on outside of building except as permitted elsewhere herein.. All Pole line construction and conductors over build- ings .shall compl~ with the rules and regulations'of the Railroad Commission of the State'of Qalifornia.. Section '12. Contractor's Bond. Nq person, firm or corporation shall engage in.the busi- ness of selling electrical supplies from a permanent'place of business and/or of contracting installations, alterations and/or · repairs for any purpose whatsoever without first having procured a license therefo~. and having deposited with the said City Electrician an undertaking or bond in'the penal sum of twenty five hundred dollars ($2500.00) to the City of Bakersfield, exe- cuted by a competent surety company, said bond to be approved by the said City Attorne~° and to be to the satisfaction of the said City Electrician. The condition of said bond shall be that the principal shall faithfully perform all work entered upon or contracted for in_conformity with the terms and provisions of this ordinance as the same is now, or may be hereafter amended~ and all other ordinances of the City of Bakersfield. Also that the principal shall without additional charge remedy any defect due to~ulty workmanship, incorrect construc- tion and/or defective or unapproved material, devices, appliances, and the like, installed, furnished, or'used by the said principal or his agent or employee, to the satisfaction of the City Electri- cian within 15 days after notice thereof is given to the said principal by said City Electrician. ~'~ Also"'that the sai~'principal and surety company-express- ly agree that the City of Bakersfield may for itself or for the use and benefit of any person injured or damaged by reason of the --lO - failure of the said principal'to comply with the provisions of the said bond, sue and maintain an action at law on the said bond in any court having Jurisdiction thereof. · Section 12a. In the event of a violation by the principal of any of the terms or conditions of this ordinance or other ordinances of the City of Bakersfield, the City Electrician may require an additional surety bond from the said principa~ in such amount as is deemed necessary by the City Electrician, with like con- ditions of the former surety bond furnished by said principal in such .an amount. as the said City Electrician shall deem necessary, not exceeding twenty five hundred dollars ($2600.00) Section 13. License. It shall be unlawful for a person, firm.or corporation to sell or offer for 'sale any electrical supplies from any per- manent place of business in the City of Bakersfield, or for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of contract- ing, installing, altering or repairing of electrical supplies or electrical· wiring in the City of Bakersfield, without securing a license therefor~.~aid. license fee shall be the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year. Section 14. Master Electrician. That for the purpose of this ordinance a Master Elec- trician shall be held to mean and include any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of installing, altering, or repairing electric wiring directly or through an employee or agent. ..... ~.. "..'. ~. Jqurneyman Electrician A Journeyman Electrician shall for the purpose of this ordinance be held to mean and include any person (other than an apprentice engaged i-n-learning the e-lectrical trade, or-an elec- trician's helper) who performs electrical work.or does.electric wi. ring without having obtained a Master Electrician's License, and - ll - ~vho has a certificate of competency as 'herein provided. There is hereby created a board of examiners of Master Electricians and Journeyman Electricf~ns, which shall consist of the City Electrician, two Master Electricians and two Journey- man Electricians, holding certificates of competency, appointed for one year by the City Manager. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of installing, altering or repairing electric wiring, as Master Electrician, for any purpose whatsoever, in the City of Bakersfield, without first having procured a license there- for as heroin provided. No person shall engage in, or~labor at, the trade of electrician, without first having obtained a 'certificate of com- petency from the City Electrician, and'such certificate of com- petency shall be' issued after a satisfac$ory examination by the Board of EXaminers, provided, however, that a temporary permit shall be immediately issued to an applicant which temporary permit shall entitle the holder thereof to do electrical work. Such temporary permit shall be revoked as soon as the holder.thereof has been accorded an apportunity of appearing before the. examining board for examination.. Should the holder of a temporary permit fail, neglect, or refuse, upon proper written notification, to appear before the examining board the temporary permit shall be at once revoked and cannot be renewed except by a majority vote of the examining board. ApplicationS'for examination shall be made to the Board of Examiners, who shall examine such applicant at such time and place, not more than ~0 days following the date of filing the application, as it shall designate, as to his qualifications and competency to engage in the business of, or to labor at the .trade of, installing electric wiring, alterations or repairs. The examination shall be practical and elementary in.character but sufficiently strict to test. the qualifications of the appli- cant. Licenses and certificates of competency shall not be ~ransferable and shall cover work installed by the hol~er thereof · only. Any license or certificate of competency granted may be revoked by the Board of Examiners if the licensee or holder of cartificate of competency violates any'ordinance or law relat~ ing to installation of electric wiring, or electric materials, or is responsible for any electrical installation which is a hazard to life and/or property. When a license or certificate - 12 - of competency is revoked, a new license or certificate of compet- ency shall not be granted to the holder of same for a period of at least 30 days. " S~ction 15. Records of permits and inspections. The EleCtrical Inspector shall keep complete records of all permits issued and inspections made, and other official work performed under the provisions of this ordinance. He shall be provided with the necessary clerical help to carry out the provisions of this section. Section 16. Payments t__o City The City Electrician shall pay all moneys collected by him to the City Treasure'~. Section 1V. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation either 'as owner,' architect~ contractor, artis'an 'or otherwise, to'do, or cause, or permit to be done,-any electrical wiring or any installing of electrical apparatus or fixtures in such manner that the same shall not conform to all the provisions of this ordinance. Section 18. It shall be unla~,~ul for any person, firm or corporation to use or permit or cause 'to be used, any electrical apparatus, or fixtures, when said apparatus or fixtures, or the installation of same, does not conform to all the requirements of this ordinance. Section 19. Services - Conduit. All permanent conductors between the metering equipment and the aerial or underground service wires shall be installed in a conduit of a trade size equal to or greater than 3/4 inch. All service conduit and fittings installed on the exter- ior of any building, or underground, shall be galvanized or sherardized and..a.ll Joints made water tight. The outer end shall not project more than 6 inches beyond the finished wall or.caves, or 18 inches beyond the last point of support, and where the con- - 13 - '\ duit. enters the wall or a meter box, it shall be so installed that water will not enter around it. All service conduits on one and two story commercial buildings shall terminste at the top of fire wall, at right angle to the nSarest pole, but in no case to bete'Ss' than the required heigh$ for services. Ade- quate provisions shall be made for landing of service eompany,s drops on dwellings. ~ere conduit is on the exterior of the building having a plastered exterior finish the conduit shall be installed either after the last coat of plaster has hardened or shall be rigidly supported by galvanized metal pieces that hold it away from the sheeting or metal lath, so as to permit the required thickness of plaster to be spread. The conduit shall not be wholly or partly embedded in the paster. The ir~ner end of the service condu~t shall enter and be secured to the service case or metal gutter connecting thereto, except that where the switch is installed on a switchboard having ex- posed busbars on the back, the conduit may terminate at-the back of the board. Service conductors shall be in lead covered cable v~erever the service conduit is so installed as to be able to hold moistmre Section 20. Services - Character. All single phaselighting load of less that 2750 watts as determined under Sec. 3, shall be served by not less than two No. lO wires. Greater loads than 2750 watts shall be served by 3 wires. Where an installation has been wired and arranged.for three' wire service, no two wire energy supply or two wire service shall be connected thereto without the written approval obtained in advance from the City Electrician. All neutral conductors shall be grounded and ground conductors shall be brougl~in the bottom of the entrance switch, and installed in conduit. Ground clamps shall not'be P~a~ed lower than 12 inches from the earth. Driven grounds for service conduits and service conductors will not be approved unless water pipes are at a distance of more than 50 feet. - 14 - No service conductors shall be paralleled except under unusual conditions when the City Electrician may give permission in advance.in writing, When such permission is granted the con- ductors paralleled in each phase or polarity shall be as near the same resistance and conductivity as possible and shall terminate in the same lug or bus, Section 21, Services - Demand Factor, ..In determining the total connected load each branch cir- cuit shall be considered as carrying the total.wattage which is permitted by this ordinance to be connected to such circuit, .... Power factor of heating and lighting loads .shall be assumed as 100 per cent, Demand factors as follows may be used without special permission: Dom6sti.&..Ranges: 1 to.2 ............. , .......... !00~ 3 to 6 largest range 100% 'all others ..... '65~ ? to 10 largest range 100~, all others .... 50~ 10 or more --~-,~ ....................... 50~ Lighting 'circuits in apartment houses - number of circuits, 1 to 5 ........ . .... 100~ 6 to 10 ................................... 90% 11 to 15 ............................. '~--'- 80~ 16 to 20 ..... _ ..........75~ 21 to 25 ............................... ',----VO% 26 to 30 ............ ., .....65Ji 31 to 35 ..................... "'----. 60 36 or more .............. , ......50% Lighting circuits i~ other locations: Clothing Manufacturing Plants ............. 90~ Department Stores ................ 90~ Foundties ................... Public Garages ............... . Eospitals ........ . ....... 60~ Hotels .................................... Machine Shops .............. . ......... Genera.1 Manufacturing Plants .............. Office Buildings .......... -- 80~ Packing Houses ............................ 80~ Printing Establishments .................. - 80~ Tanneries ................................. Theatres ...... ...................... 100~' Schools .................................... Churches ...... ~'-:-.--_ ..... ................ '-.~--lO0~-.. Stores (General) .......................... 100~ Restaurants-? ...... . ........... lOCK -Xf at any time after the equipment is in operation it shall be found that it is necessary to overfuse the conductors. - 15 - in order to carry the maximum demand, the conductors shall be re- .placed with large enough ones to carry the demand without over- fusing. Service conductors supplying a number of motors shall be of sufficient capacity to carry the starting current .of the largest unit in addition to the full load running currents of all others. Section 22. Services -.Number and Location of Meters. Not more than one lighting service, one emergency lighting service, one power service, and one heating service shall be run to or into any one building. If two or more of these classes, except emergency lighting, are supplied from the secondaries of the same transformers it is preferable that they be combined in one service, even though they are metered separately, provided however that four wire services shall not be installed unless written permission is obtained in advance. .Where practicable, the services shall terminate in the same general location~ and shall the meters/be grouped. Where both A. O. and D. C. services are desired the above shall be extended to allow the several classes of each kind. Buildings grouped as in so called courts shall have only one overhead connection from the distribution lines to the group. Meters shall be protected from the weather, and shall be ~hstalled not'less than 2 feet or more than 6½ feet above the ~round or floor. Wherever posible they, with the service switches, shall be on an .outside wall in a built-in cabinet so arranged that the door will normally remain closed, and shall have a catch to hold same closed. Hinges shall be used and not hangars. Meter Boxes installed in or on masonry constructed walls shall be of sheet metal construction not less than #18 gauge. Larger boxes shall be of heavier material. - le - Section 23. Branch Lighting Circuits. On a two wire branch circut~..~'and on each side of a three wire branch circuit, the number. of utility outlets shall not exceed twelve; the number of sockets 'not more than sixteen; and the total connected load shall not exceed 1000 watts, except as otherwise pro- vided herein. Each Plug receptacle connected to a circuit shall be considered as requiring 150 watts, except in the dining room, break- fast room or nook, bath room, kitchen and back porch, 0r other places where washing or ironing may be done, in whic~ places. each appliance outlet shall be considered as requiring 600 watts unless connected to' a special appliance circuit as provided herein. For determining the sizes of services, feeders and sub-feeders and the wiring of circuits each outlet shall be considered as follows: Ceiling Outlets, Reception Hall ................. 160 watts each. " " Parlor ...... --- 200 watts each. " " Library ................. 150 watts each. " " Living Room ........ 200 watts each. " " Dining Room ........ 200 watts each. Xn rooms having a floor area in excess.of 200 sq. f.t. the foregoing shai~.be increased to 1 watt per sq. ft. floor area. Ceiling Outlets, Breakfast Room ................. .V8 wabts each. " " Kitchen ........................ V8 watts each. " " Bedroom .............. ~-~100 watts each. " " Bathroom ....................... ~ watts each. Screened or sleeping porch .............. 76 watts each. Closets in dwellings ............................ 2~ watts each. All 'other outlets except as provided· herein .... ~ 60 watts each. | 100 watt allowance for garage to be made on house circuit and brought out of house for garage feed. In rooms having more than one ceiling outlet,' each outlet shall be rated at 3/4 the rating given above. ~ere there are only bracket lighting outlets in a room, these shall be rated at not less than 60 watts each and their total not less than the rating of a ceilingomtlet for that room. Under no condition shall more than 3 appliance outlets be connected to any 2 wire or either side of a 3 wire circuit except as heroin provided. A~ least one appliance outlet in each shall be installed in the living room, dining room, breakfast room, nook and kitchen and near an ironing board. No screw base receptacle shall be installed within 5 feet of the floor. and each duplex receptacle shall be considered as two receptacles. An appliance circuit of #12 wire may be used, in which case the fuses shall be 20 ampere capacity and not more than 8 receptacles to a two wire circuit.or on each side of a 3 wire cir- cuitsmay be installed. xA~ere there are appliance circuits, the first two wire circuitsshall be considered as requiring 1500 watts and the first three wire circuit as requiring 2500 watts, each addition two wire circuit as requiring 1000 watts, and each addi- tional three wire circuit as requiring 2000 watts'. Stores shall be wired as requiring the minimum of one watt per sq. ft. of floor area in sales rooms, display rooms, offices, etc., and ½ watt per sq. ft. floor area in storage rooms, stock rooms, toilets, dressing rooms, passage ways, halls, etc. Show windows having 50 sq. ft. or less shall be wired as requiring a minimum of 15 watts per sq. ft. floor area, and those having a greater area, of 10 watts per sq. ft. floor area. In addition to the above, circuit capacity shall be pro- .V. ~'vided for signs and/or other exterior lighting. ~ere no show window lighting is provided, an extra circuit shall be run to an outlet Just back of each show window location and fuse location provided for each circuit on the panelboard. for Signs of 1000 watts or less shall be wired/with #14 wire. Signs of more than 1000 watts and less than 1501 watts shall be wired for with #12 wire. By special permission of the electrical inspector, a total load of not more than 4000 watts may be connected on a two wire or on each side of a three wire branch lighting circuit, sub- Ject to the following conditions: The sockets and receptacles on the 4000 watt circuit shall be so located that they are not easily or conveniently ac- - 18 - cessible for the attachment thereto of flexible cords. The cir- cuit shall supply only sockets or receptacles of the Mogul type which shall not have fiber or paper lining. No Mogul socket shall be considered as requiring less than 300 watts. The circuit shall be protected by fuses of no greater capacity than 40 amperes at 125 volts or less, or 20 amperes at 126 to 250 volts. Not more than 8 sockets 'shall be installed on a two wire or on either side of a three wire circuit. The circuit conductors shall have a safe carrying capacity for the total connected load. Wires not smaller than #12 shall be used for taps for wiring fixtures and sockets, end such taps shall not exceed 3 feet in 'length. Section. 24. Conduit. Within the fire zones #1 and #2, all wires installed in or on any building or structure, and used for the purpose of con- ducting electricity, shall be enclosed in approved rigid conduit or metal moulding, except as follows: (a) Radio wires. (b) For installation in locations where excessive mois- ture, fumes, or corrosive vapors exist or where this type of con- struction is impracticable. In these cases permission shall be obtained in advance in writing from the City Electrician. (c) For installation of open wiring in buildings in pro- cess of construction or in installations of open wiring used in the lighting of exhibitions, fairs, celebrations, and similar dis- plays of a temporary (nOt more than 60.days) nature, and (d) For installation in central and substations when such w~res carry a voltage that renders their installation in con- duit impracticable. All commercial, manufacturing and storage plac'es outside of fire zones shall be wired in conduit or metal. All buildings requi'ring emergency lighting shall be '~ired as though in fire zones #1 and #2. (See emergency lighting Sec. 29) The use of armored cable will be approved where it is im- practicable to install rigid conduit, but in no case shall it be used for power installations or services. Section 25. General. All con~duit and metal cable shall be secured to boxes, - 19 - cabinets, plates, etc., by means of one locknut inside and. one out- side of boxes, etc., or by other approved means. All cutou'~s and panelboards shall be of the dead fron~ type. 'Installations requiring mo~e than two circuits shall be equipped with standard approved cabinets. Allzswitches shall be the totally enclosed, externally operated type. No wood moulding or cleat work shall be installed. The use of 3 inch boxes will ba..approved for open surface work, decorative°lighting and in locations where space is limited and the use of the 4 inch box is impracticable. Section All motor wiring shall be installed in conduit. Disconnect switch shall be placed on the.line side of each motor of more than { H..P. or compensator, and within sight of and not more ~han 10 feet distant. All sub-feeds shall be installed in conduit. All wiring under floors shall be installed in conduit. All wiring in walls, floors and ceiling of that part of a dwelling that is to house an automobile'shall be ~nstalled in conduit. All knob and tube wiring where permitted, shall be bushed through Joists, studs and rafters. Wires shall be x~u~'~-in straight lines end all turns made a~ right angles. All outlet boxes installed in partitions shall be 1½" deep. All wires placed in parti~ions of ~ess than { inches in width shall be enclosed in flexible tubing or conduit. On installations where more than t~o wires are placed be- tween two studs, all wires must be enclosed in flexible tubing or conduit. Dwellings are not to be wired knob and tube until all patti- tions, fire stops, and plumbing..is-ins-ta~led an~ roof.is on. Three wire branch lighting circuits will not be approved in dwellings or apartment houses. - A coat of fire resistive compound shall be applied to all taped Joints. Flexible tubing shall be securely fastened in outlet boxes, switch boxes, Junction boxes, and cabinets with approved fasteners. Outlet boxes located within 5 feet horizonatlly or 8 feet vertically of conducting floors or other grounded surfaces, shall be permanently and effectively grounded. Outlet and Junction boxes installed on unfinished ceilings shall be flush with ceiling line. 'Not more than the following number of wires shall pass into or out of an outlet or pull box: Size Shape m''' 3~'' Octagonal 1'' °' 4" - x or round 1~". x 4" Square 1~" x 4 11/16" SqUare 1/8" x 4 11/16" 'Square Number of Wires. 9 V 5.. 4 10 8 6 5- 12 10 8 6 16 13 10 8 4 20 16 12 10 6 In any box not mentioned 2 cubic inches shall be provided for each #1~!wire and proportioni~tely more for larger sizes ~ef wire as th~ area of the cross section of the wire and the insulation. Where a box is used with an extension ring, 3 cubic inches shall be provided for each #14 wire and proportionately more for larger sizes of wire as the area of the cross section of Wire and insulation, and one or more of the conduits brought into the extension ring, should it be desired to increase the number of wires allowed by its use. Where more than one size wire is run into or out of a .box, the size of the largest size wire in the box shall be taken as the'size of every Wire in that box. The table of wire cross sectional areas given in the Electrical Safety 0rder~-of the Industrial Accident Con~isston shall be u~ed in determining the box size as provided herein. Section 2V. FixtUre Outlets and Fixtures. '- Each outlet for fixture shall be provided with fixture stud fastened to the box by mem s of stove boIts or other approved methods. - 21 - Section 28. Key sockets located within 5 feet horizontally or 8 feet vertically of conducting floors or other conducting objects, shall be constmlcted of l~rcelain or other suitable insulating material. Keyless sockets so located shall be controlled by wall switches, by ceiling pull switches with insulated chain or cord, or by pendant switches constxnActed of porcelain or other suitable insulating mat- erial, provided, however, that brass shell key sockets and brass shell pendant switches will be permitted in such locations if the shells are permanently and effectively grounded. In closets, the lighting Outlet shall be over the door. All fixtures except ceiling pans, plaster rings and simi- lar devices, where it is manifestly impracticable, shall be provided with slip canopies. Fixture supports shall in all cases be of ade- quate mechanical strength and security. All fixtures shall be supported from the outlet box studs or equivalent fittings or by metal straps fastened to Studs, or lugs in the boxes except in old work (fished in Jobs) where brackets may be supported by suitable wood screws screwed into laths or by metal straps screwed to laths with fixtures attached to straps by machine screws or supported by wooden base blocks, at ·least 3/4 inch thick, securely screwed to laths. Where the fixture is a special type which cannot be supported except by ·wood screws, they may be used if permission is obtained in advance in writing. %~here Straps are used, fixtures shall be fastened to them by machine screws, stove boits. or other approved method- Drop cord or .lamp cord commonly called "~reen and yellow drop cord" shall not be sold or used where a greater length than 3 feet is desired and shall not be used for the support of more than one socket with its.~ reflector equipment. It shall not be used for the support of sockets fitted with enclosing globes or bowls unless the equipment is first submitted for examins. rich and approved as to weight, construction and method of support. Radio Installations. '~en a mast is used for the support of the aerial conduo- -22- tore, it shall be constructed of suitable material and shall have strength adequate for the stresses to which it will be CubJeered. When the height of the mast is 20 feet or more, the strength shall be the equivalent of that of a straight-grained clear Oregon pine timber with a cross section of 3" x 3".. All household appliances, devices,.plugs, radio parts, etc. sold within the city limits shall comply with the provisions of Sec..-9 of this Ordinance.· Each mast, except those which are self supporting·, used for the support of aerial conductors, shall be guyed in a strong and durable manner. The minimum size ~uy wire which may be used for this purpose shall be #12 B. & S. gauge. Guy wires shall be constructed of a metal which will not corrode excessively under the prevailing atmospheric conditionsA There shall be inserted in each guy wire at least two standard'strain insulators of a suitable type (pOrcelain cleats, such as those used in house wiring, will not be approved for this purpoa'e), one placed near the point of attachmen~ to the mast, and one at a distance of not less than 8 feet above the ground or surface under the guy wire, but in no case at a greater distance than 40 feet from the point of anchorage. No section of a guy wire shall exceed 40 feet between insulators. The point of anchorage of guy wires should be at as great a distance as is practicable from the base of the mast. The number and strength of the guy wires will, of course, be governed by the height of the mast, the length and weight of the aerial conductors, the force of the winds, and the .natureof the surface over which the aerial conductors are suspended. The aerial shall not be suspended over light, power or signal w.ires nor where it might fall across a rail- road or public highway, except when written permission has been grant- ed in advance by the City Electrician. No definite requirements can be given for the strength of She conductors and supports since the strength required will vary with the conditions in each case. The aerial should, where possible, be so placed that'it will not. pass over other wires, but when this cannot be avoided, the conductors and supports should be of a great- er strengt~ than would otherwise be required. in no case shall the aerial conductors be placed over conductors of ~500 volts or more ex- cept by special permission obtained in writing and in.advance from the City' Electrician. ' The object of this section is to require such arrangement and constracti~n of aerial conductors and their Supports that no undue hazard will result; but it is not the intent to so restrict the installation that the progress and development of the science will be retarded. The City Electrician shall establish methods to be'followed in any particular case. Storage battery leads and other wires of the set shall not be runiunder carpets or against inflammable materials. Section 29. Emergency Circuits. Emergency circuits shall be provided for all theatres, churches, ~chools, hospitals, sanitariums, hotels and apartment houses as defined by the state housing 'act, and office buildings over two stories in height, and other places where people congre- gate, wher~ it is necessary to have emergency light, such as lodge rooms, etc. There are several satisfactory methods for obtaining emergency iighting service. Before installing the emergency circuits this matter. shall be discussed with the City Electrician, who will i~sue a permit for.the most practicable and reliable method fox the particular ~nstallation. The following are the possible sources for reliable emer- gency lighting in the order given. (a) A service from a serving agency other than that supply- .ing the general lighting service. (b) Storage batteries floating on the line and having the lighting capacity tO carry all the emergency/circuits for 8 hours, if they are properly maintained. However, if approval has been obtained in - 24 - advance in writing, less capacity of batteries may be installed where a circuit is used having a double~hrow switch in the office or foyer, connecting the general lights to;the emergency lighting system, if the general lighting system is arranged ~o carry 100% of the entire lighting load. Under this condition the main switch of the general.lighting system shall be locked or sealed and fused to 150% of the entire lighting load and the generator shall have sufficient capacity to carry the entire lighting load and in addi- tion, completely recharge storage battsry in 8 hours while carry- ing this load. Under no condition shall this battery have less capacity than is necessary to carry emergency lights for 2 hours after automatically dropping any other load and without diminishing the lights in the auidotium below ¼ ft. candle at the end of the 2 hour period. (c) A separate service from the same agency supplying the general lighting servic_e, provided the supply line from which the emergency lighting service is fed is run as an independent feeder and is fed from a separate generating bus or storage battery. (d) A separate service from the s.ame agency supplying the general lighting service provided the supply line from which the · emergency lighting service is fed is run as an independen~ feeder, even though it is fed from the same generating bus. (e) In theatres of 300 seat capacity or less, when per- mission has been obtainedwin writing in advance, the. supply may'be taken from the street side of the general lighting main switch. (f) ~here the source of supply is an isolated plant lo- cated in the building, an auxiliary service of electricity of suffi- cient capacity to supply ~1 emergency lights shall be obtained from some outside source, or a suitable storage battery installed upon the premises and properly maintained .shall be considered the equivalent of such source. (g) Where it is not possible to have separate and distinct - 25 - services for the emergency lighting ·load and all other .load in theatres or other places having emergency lighting, if i't is de- sired.to measure the entire electrical consumption with one meter, the service switches and fuses shall be installed as follOWs: (1) An approved main service switch and cutouts shall be placed at the nearest readily accessible&to the.entx~neB of..the service and within the building, and shall be enclosed in an appro~ ved cabinet with door kept seaurely locked or sealed. (9) From the switch the service shall pass through the metering equipment and then branch to two approved switches and cutouts: First: A service. switch and cutouts located as required for accessibility, controlling the emergency lights and enclosed in an approved metal cabinet with cover fastened on by bolts or machine screws, or an approved totally enclosed, exter- nally operated switch and cutouts with handle kept securely locked or sealed, and plainly marked to indicate that they control the emergency lights. -' Seconds An app~oved switch and cutouts controlling the entire house lighting load' except the emergency lights,' · ' .(3) Where the system of using conduit and the switch boxes, instead of a wiring gutter~ to make an "iron-clad" installa- tion is used, the service shall pass through the switch box control~-- ing the emergency lighting and then to the other switch box. (4) Main service switch and cu~.outs shall have a capacity of and be fused to 150~ of the combined capacities of the service cutout. Service switch and emergency circuit switch shall be of a capacity to correspond to their respective ~use capacities. (h) In an installation made as described in Par. (g), the service switch shall be used for all purposes required of a main switch on the usual installation. (i) All fuses shall be enclosed in approved cabinets. Section 30. Filling and Service Stations...."~''. Gasoline filling service.stations shall be considered as g~rages storing more than three cars and shall be wired aceordingly·~'~ Section 31,.Responsibility. This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lesse~ the~responsibility or liability of any party owning, controlling, operating or installing any electric wiring, electric devices and/or electric material for damages to person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the City be held as assum- ing any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized here- in, or certificate of inspection issued as heroin provided. Section 32. Saving Clause. The City EleCtrician is hereby empowered to make inter- pretations of this Ordinance and rules and regulations mentioned in Section 8 , wherever there is a question as to materials, or methods, or manner in which the material shall be installed. Said interpretations shall be in writing and' shall be final as to that class of installation. Section 33. Constitutionality. If any section, sub-section, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be Unconstitutional such de- cision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that' it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 34. Penalty. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- -visions'. ofo. this ordinance ·shall be deemed guilty. of a_misdem~ano~ and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars - 27 - ($500.00), or by imprisonment in~..city Jail for a period of not less than ten (lO) days, nor more than three hundred and sixty (360) days, or by both such fine and .imprisonment. Every person, firm or corporation violating amy of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day or'portion thereof during which such violation continues and shall be punishable therefor as herein provided. Section 35. Repealing Ordinances. That ordinance~ Numbe~.154 ',:~,..:~.' ~ew Series of the City of Bakersfield, be and the same~me hereby expressly repealed, and any and all other ordinances, or parts of ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance,. are hereby expressly repealed. ---000-" I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was regu- larly introduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on'the/7~ay of October, 1927, by the following vote: Ayez: ~, Carlisle, (3arlock, Corbett, 3olinson, Msr~in, S~,ner ......................... ~ ~~a~~C City Clerk lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APP this / ' y of.October, 1927~