HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 292ORDINANCE NO. ~7/, NE~t .SERIES · AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE' N0. 260, NEW SERIES, SECTION BY ADDING A NEW SUBDIVISION THERETO T0 BE KNOWN AS SUBDIVISION (5)- .. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF BAKERS- PIETY), as follows: SECTION. 1. That Ordinance No. 280, New Series, of the City of Bakersfield,.. entiTY'led, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON PUBLIC STREETS '0F THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING ALL 0RDNAN'CES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH," be and the same is hereby mended '.b...y"addtng a new subdivision go Section 2V, to be numbered and known as Subdivision (5), to read aS follows: SECTION STOPPING pROHIBITED IN SPECIFIED PLACES. It shall be u~'laW~ul for the operator of a vehicle to stop such vehicle in any of the following places except when necessary to avoid con- - flict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a ..~ traffic sign or signal: · t' (5) On the north side of alleys running easterly and westerly and on the west side of alleys running northerly and · '~t~'~' southerly through Blocks in the City of Bakersfield- SECTION 2 · · "' That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance · ·?-· ~· be and the same are hereby expressly-repealed. ....... o0o .... / I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was · ~.fpassed and adopted by-~the Council of the City of Bakersfield on :~-' ' ~t Z~o "e,~~~c~ "' 1927, by the following vote: ..... the -~ -.f- -. Axes: .~ C~r~[, ,t ohnson~ ~_~Jn, S~ner. ~da rk · t is / of the · .APPr6~ City OIer~ and of , 19P._V. ouncil of the .City o'f-BakerSfield'