HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 306.... ~. ,.~ ' - ; :'.'~.'y. "". ' ' .: '. '.::~:""'..." ~,' ...'" . .,' ·..~'....i, ;,:..'~7~. · '.. '. ' . :.:~'~ of B~ersfield', en~ftle~ "An ordinance Crea~ing.~e..'Office · . . . :.~7:~":~"" . .....~:: f of C'i~y ~ectrician, P e c~ibing his Du$ies; Provi.~-~or the ..... · ...-.· . . · ... '.. .~..~ ~,. . .' ,. :.v :' ' "(':"':':'~: ' ' ~'~ Fees. therefor; Providing for Licenses, Cer~ifi~.~'e.s of Compe~en'cy, "' ~- .. ',.. . . . ~. ,. -.: -... Re~la~ing. ~he Installation, Arrangement, Alteration, Repair., Main- : tensrice ~d Opera.CiSn 'of Electric Wiring, and Electric. Appliances; and Providing 'a Penalty for ViolatiOn of ~hi.s Ordinance;. an~ He- "' pealing Ordinances and' P~s. of OrdinanCes in ..c:onf!fct Herewith.", ". be and' ~he .same is here~ amended'. ~o read as follows: -, SECTION 13, License.' It shall be unlawful' for any .persOn, firm or 'corporation to engage in the business Of contrac.ting,/installing, altering repairing of electrical supplies or elec~rieal wiring in the .City of Bakersfield without securing a license. therefor, ---oOo--- I. HEREB~ C"'.RTIFx that the.foregoing'Ordinance was .passed and.adopted b~ the.CoUncil of the City of Bakersfield on .the day of ~anUa~, 19~8, ~ the following vOte:c.' Aye. s: ,~encon,'~, C~,z!ock, Corbett, .Johnson, M~, g: .... -. ... Council 'of the City of Bakersfield. :" .... APPROVED this ~- of ~anuary, 1928. . . ~.... ,~.. q. '.. -