HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 305 as follows .. SECTION 1. OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA.':".' = !'.Y': """~?~' i:i~;''''" """;~' . ... ~. . :... --.j '~ . ..... .'. ~!.. .,:' '. IT 0RnAIXfSO SY C0UNCIt 0F That Section 55, Subdivision 1, Section 63.'and Section V4 of Ordinance No. 30 New Series entitled, "An Ordinance pro..~i. ding for the Assesament of property in the City of Bakersfield a~he Bakers- field School District; for the Levying of Taxes thereon.,' ~nd for the Collection of the same; and Repealing Ordinance No. 298", be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: .." SECTION 1. That the taxes on all personal property secured by real prop- erty, and one-half of the taxes on all real property, will be due and payable on the third Monday in October, and will be delinquent on the first Monday in December next thereafter, at five o'clock P. M., and that unless paid prior thereto, ten per cent will-be added to the amount thereof, and that if said one-half be not paid before the last Monday in April next, at five o'clock P. M. an additional five per cent will be added thereto. That the remaining one-half of the taxes on all real property will be payable on and after the second Monday in' January next and will be delinquent on the last Monday in April, next thereafter, at five o'clock P. M., and that unless paid prior thereto, five per cent will be added to the amount thereof. SECTION 63- On the first Monday in December of each year, at five o'clock P. M., all taxes then unpaid, except the last installment of the real property taxes, are. d.e. linquent, and thereafter-the tax co.-.llector must collect for .the use of the City,. an additional ten per cent thereon; provided, that if they be not paid before the last Monday in April next succeeding, at five o~clock P. M. he shall collect an additional five · ;~... :j..j.' ' T; : . . o .' .. 'j" .... ~,.'~ .. "-. ~...'~..~-.~/ ~. .: ..q .. !;.. · · .. . . .. .. . . · !.;...t . ..: . · ..;,,.~..,'(;' · · ' ' ' "..' .:' °~. ' '." ::-:' ,. f : ~:. ': ......k[.~ i.. "...' '~: ".') · '-. "-'. '.?".. '-.:."'.' .<~:"' ',...' .'~ "':','L' ":( ..: .: ,.':: ,'. ~ ..'~?':.:"~:!:""~, ~:."~""?" : ' "?i=lric!.Otclock P. M-, all unpaid· portiod of the remaining one-~"r'~··'~"~f ~e '::"=~'~es on ell real pPopeP~ ts delinquent, end ther.=ee~te~ 't'h~ · r .i . .. oe~Sr~toP.mst collect fop ~he use of the GirT, am' additional fi~e'L'.. "' '='~'F~:<'~"' "' an7 'real pe~'nt thereon; p~ovided, that the entire t~ in 'b,' ' ' '='~"' may be paid st the time the first installment, e a . .e .p[o.~=~ded~' is "2.= . ., due end payable; end provided further that the taxes on ~.~'l~:-j~.p~rsonsl ... property unsecuPed by reel property shall be due and payable imediste- ly after the assessment of said personal property is made, SECTION V4, The Tax Go].lector must collect, in addition to the taxes due on the delinquent list, together with the penalties for delinquency, one dollar on each lot, piece, or tract of land separately assessed and on.each assessment of personal property which shall be paid to the City and ~e placed to the'credit of the general fund. SECTION 2. Ths. t Ordinance No. lV2 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 74 OF 0RDBIANCE N0. 30 NEW SERIE~ OF THE CITY OF BAKESFIELD, CALIFORNIA", be. and the same is here- by expressly repealea. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted ~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the/~day of January, 1928, by the following vote: Ayes:'B~tson, Carlisle, Carlock, Corbett, Johnson, MP.l-tin, S.toner N~,es: .....~ .. Absent:/~ ~'./~L~ · . "' ........... ' ......... b'ity 'Ol~'~~ Clerk of the Council of the C'~ty of Bakersfield. API~QV~.n ,. / ~ay of January, 1928. " f ld.