HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 304 limits. districts within the 'City of Bakersfiel~::":~::!"to be known. a~..'. ....... .:. "' '~..~L ~'... """ ." · '.~-~f"~ea~gnated 'as Fire Limits District Number i ~';~ire Limits Dis- ::~,. ~,~:. :~ · . :~...,~.- . .' . . .. t~:Number 2. SECTION 2. ."' The exterior boundaries of the territory comprising Fire Limits District No. l, .are hereby established~ designated' and fixed Beginning at a point on the southerly line of' Twentieth Street at the northeast corner of Block 226 in' the City of Bakers- field a~' shown..on the .map of said dity· .filed f..or.'. reco.rd .in .the office of the County Recorder, of Kern County, 'November 25th,' 1898; thence ~esterly along the southerly line of Twentieth 'Street to the'west- erly line of N Street, thence northerly along said westerly'line of N Street to.the southerly line of.Twenty-third Street; thence westerly along said southerly line of said Twenty-third Street to the westerly line of the'~irst alley east of Chester Avenue; thence .northerly. along said westerly·line of said alley t6 the southerly line o'f Thirty-first' Street, 'thence wes'terly along ~aid southerly line of Thirty-first Street to the easterly lin~ of the first alley".. West. of CheSter Avenue, thence southerly along said easterly line of said alley to the .southerly line of Twenty-third Stree. t, thence o~ ~e t ~ o t easterly line of I 'Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of I Stree6 a ·distance of 1S2 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the southerly line of Twenty-third Street 'to the easterly line of H Street; ·thence· southerly'along .said ea'a~erly.. iine."'of H .'Street "". "'..~'~.~- · · "~":",~;'Z;:" . · · ':.'t"!i f'j'-'L ' ....:.' .......".'.. ""~:~'~V.:," · ' · ..... ' ' ' ' line of G Street, thence southerly along said · . . · . . . . - . ,' .' . ..;. '. '...;~;..-'].~ :;~ '.....: .... -~:~.~,~%..: ',.~ tree.~ to the southerly line· of Twentieth'Stree.~.u.'~E~h~.~., 'We~.~:~' '~:~:v'~.".' ..[',""' . s . ' . '. · . · .. . off Street, thence ~outhe~ly along. s.a'id easter!~ "' to the no~the~l~ line of Eighteenth street,. ~hence eas',t""':;"~U~.~.'~on~-'." :.' .' :: :,?~j:~;":.:-: .. . th~ ~'~'te~i:""" ""'~e:.,o~ '.".'. "..'.':"~. ,,. .. · G 2t~eet, thence southerly alon~ said e-asterl~ ...'..~,." ,..' ':" . ' ..,..' .".].:.... to the north'ert~ line of Seventeenth Street, thence ea~e'rl~ 'along " .. '. .:~.. said northerl,~ line 'of Seventeenth Street to the'eaSterky line .of H Street, thence southerly along said easterlZ l'ine. of.H. Street to tt~e northerly line of Fourteenth Street; thence...easterly al..~g said northerly line of. Fou'rteenth Street· to the westerly line of 'L Street, 'thence northerly along said westerly line of L Street to' the north'erly 'line of .the first alley south of Eighteenth Stre~et; .." thence easterly along s.~id northerl7 '~line .of said alley to the westerly line of. R Stree.t:~ thence northe.fly along s~id westerly line of R Street' and R .Street produced t'o the point of beginning. " Provided, however, that the hereinafter described portions of' the' above district shall b.e excepted from the fire".limits, toewit.: (A) 'Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Lot 1'9, Block 126, as said lot and block are shown on the above designated ~map', and running. ~hence westerly along the .soUtherly line of skid lot.19 a distance of 30.feet; thence'northerly. at right angles to the last described line a distance of'23 feet; thence easterly on a line 23 feet northerly from and·parallel·to the northerly line of, "..' said Lot' 19 a distance of 30 feet; thence southerly along'.t~'e east= . '....." erly line of said lot 19 a di'stance. of 23 feet'tO'the'point of. be-.. ' (B) Beginning at'a point· in the easterly ·line o'f Lot 4, BlOck 286',' as said lot and block ~re shown on the' above ·designated map, dis tant 74 feet 's'outherly-from...t~e... so.u'.t,h~.r~.?. 'li.n.e ". of .Seventeenth " " -s' · · '-~""" " ';. ' ' '.'-:. ' ,.'.]:'::-~:.':':.~!..(::~i~!: ;~':' ,.~:i: !.-"" ' .. .. .. :. .... · · " ...' .-.."-..' . :.:,:..-..'-.' ,.' -;..~:':.i. ,...' :,.~. .'.-..: ..~,..-,.~:si-~'~".':'.'.;:?.'~!!i':i"'~'~":~%i TM · '.... :"" .' ....:: ""~,' '.--" ....'. ':-.'.'.~,: ,,~ ,. :'.:1 :. ':" ~2#"2:~.!a,~.:-· -i~-:~'~ '~".~ '.'-":~-~:'-"' z.~ z~ig~'~.."'r::.' "'.':_~.:~ Street and running ·thence east erly on. a line. .~. erly line of Seventeenth Street a distance of l0 feet. '-.th~'.n6'e' j~..X southerly on a line· parallel to the easterly line of ~'~.~.L~. ~ot~.4 distance of 30 feet; thence westerly on a line· of':·lO~ ·~eet south-' e~,~.~..~-from and parallel to the southerly·iine 'of~"Se.vehteenth Street a distance of ~5 feet; thence nor·ther'ly· on a line of 15 feet West- erly from 'and parallel .to the 'easterly" ·line of said· Lot ~'~. ·distance of S0 feet; thence easterly on a line parallel t.o the soberly iine of Seve~t'eenth Street· tb the point-of '.beginnin~! ~ ':.~...~.~-~... SECTION 5. '~"' '~''~ The exterior boundaries of the territo.ry..i.c0mprising Fire Limits District ..Nu~..ber .2, are hereby establishe~" designated and fixed as follows:· .. .. · " Be inning at a' point in the westerly line· of King Street at its intersection with the first alle.~i south q.£~'.L'Gr'ove Street in. t.h.a.t 'Dart· of 6he City of Bakersfield formerly ·called Kern', as the "i.~:~ ' ' ~same appears on the map of Kern filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern· CoU,nty, April 10, 1893; thence~ norther.ly along said westerly line of .King street to the southerl~· ·l~.e~ of Jac'kson ·Street;·,·· thence W~'~ter.~y. along ·said southerly line of J'a.cks..0n Street to a point ~00 feet east from .the easterly line 'of. Baker Street; thence · e~· a line parallel to the said easte~-ly line of Baker Stre'et to the southerly line of Lake Street; thence westerly.alOng ·said south..- erly ·line of Lake street ~o a point ~00 feet west from the wester- 1,+. line of Baker Street·; thence on· a line parallel· to said west- eriy. line of Baker Street to the southerly line·of Jackson Street; thence westerly a.long said southerly line .o'f JaCkson S~'reet to the easterly line of Tulare Street; thence· southerl.~ along. the· said easterly line of Tulare Street to the northerly lihe. of. said firs~t · : line .of said alley to the point of beglnning.~ .'" · ..the fire limits of the .City of Bakersfield Shal.!~i.:~:."govern4~.d'.;'~ :...::.. . ·.. . . · .~. '..,!~ .. , . .' .~!:i.;:~.?:.: ...... ".: ..i.,~.,[:. -. ....-;,. ..... sEcTioN 5. ' ''i'.' ""'::" .... ...~ · . .'~°Q~:. ' ' . '. ~-n '.""' .~ . ..~ .... · 0rdina~ce No', leo New Series and 0rd~.c:.e...~o, i33 'New .:~ .. ~..... ~..~.. . Series 'of the City of Bakersfield, 'and all ot~']j~'r~inan.ces and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith· be ~'~'the same are hereby expressly repealed. ---600--- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoin-g ·Ordinance was ·passed and adopted by the Council of the City· of Bakersfield on the/~f~t day of December,. 1927, by the following vote: .' .. Ayes: Benson Carlisle, Carlock, Cotbert, johnson, Natfia,.Stoner Al~ent: ..................~. - ' · APPROVED this ay of December, 1927 Ci lerk of 'the, Council of the City of' Bak. er'sfield.