HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3470EDINANCE N0.34V NEW SERIES. AN 0P~DINAI~CE ~v, ENDING SECTIONS 41, 50, 55, 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, V1 and 109, AND EEPEALING SECTION 54 OF 0RDIi~ANCE N0.30 NR~: SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAK- ERaFIELD. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'lY OF BAKE~SFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That Sections 41, 50, 55, 60, 63, ~5, 66, 68, 69, V1 and 109 of Ordinance No. 30 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, be amended to read as follows: SECTION 41. Whenever property has .been sold to the City for ts.~es and remains unredeemed upon each sabsequent assessment, the Assessor shall enter upon the assessment book or roll, immediate- ly after the description of the property, the fact that said prop- erty has been sold for taxes and the date of such sale. Upon ~ll bills or statements of or for taxes accruing on said property sub- sequent to the date of said sale and prior to the redemption of said property or the execution to the City of a deed therefor, shall be distinctly and legibly written, printed or stamped, the words "Sold Cit" to the y and also the date of such sale. SECTION 50. On or before the first day of October, the City Auditor must deliver the corrected assessment book or roll to the City Tax Collector, with an affidavit attached thereto andby him subscribed as follows: "I, , Auditor of the City of Bakers- field, do swear that I received the assessment book or roll of the tax- able property of the City of Bakersfield from the Clerk of the Council of said City, with his affidavit thereto affixed and that I have corrected it and made it conform to the requirements of said City Council sitting as a Board of Equalization; that I have reckoned and computed the respective s~s due as taxes, and have added up the columns of valuations, taxes and acreage, as required by the Charter and ordinances of the City of Bakersfield, and that the book or roll to which this affidavit is affixed is the true assessment book or roll of said City, made in the manner prescribed by said Charter ~:!~and ordinances. SECTION 55. On or before the d'ay when taxes are payable the tax collect- or must publish a notice specifying: 1. That the taxes on all personal property secured by real property and one-half of the taxes on all real property will be due on the first day of 'Noveraber, and will be delinauent on the fifth day of December next thereafter, at five o~clock P. ~:~., and that unless paid prior thereto ten per cent will be added to the s~nount thereof, and that if ss.id one-half be not paid before the twentieth day in April, next, at five o'clock P. ~'-'., an additional five per cent will be added thereto. That the remaining one-half of the taxes on all real property will be payable on and after the twentieth day of January next, and will be delinauent on the twenti- eth day in April next thereafter, at five o'clock P. }.,i., and that unless paid prior thereto, five per cent will be added to the amount thereof. 2. That all taxes may be paid at the time the first in- stallment, as herein provided, is due and payable. 5. The times and places at which payment of taxes may be made. The tax collector may fix a date in advance of the due date when payments may be made. SECTION 80. On or before the first dsy of e~.ch month, the tax collect- or must settle with the Auditor for all F.~oneys collected for the City, and pay the same to the City. Treasurer, and on the same day must deliver to and file in the office of the City Auditor a state- -2- ment under oath, showing: 1. An itemized ac~ount of all his transactions and receipts since the last settlement. 2. That all money collected by him as tax collector has been paid to the City Treasurer. SECTION 63. On the fifth day of December of each year, at five o'clock P. E., all taxes then unpaid, except the last installment of the real property taxes, are delinquent, and thereafter the tax collector must collect for the use of the City, an additional ten per ~ent thereon; provided, that if they be not paid before the twentieth day of April next succeeding, at five o'clock P. ~. he shall collect an additional five per cent thereon. On the twentieth day of April of each year, at five o'clock P. N., all unpaid portion of the remaining one-half of the taxes on all real property is delinquent, and thereafter the tax collector must. collect for the use of the City, an additional five per cent there, on; provided, that the entire tax on any real property may be paid at bhe time the first installment, as above provided, is due and payable; and provided further that the taxes on all personal prop- erty unsecured by real property shall be due and payable immediate- ly after the assessment of said personal property is made. SECTION 65. On or before the tenth day of Nay of each year, the tax coll'ector must attend at the office of the Auditor with the ~ssessment book or roll, having all items of taxes and penalties collected, marked "paid" and at the same time he shall deliver to the Auditor a complete .delincuent list of all persons and property then owing taxes. SECTION 88. In the list so delivered must be set dovm in numerical or alphabetical order all matters and things contained in the -3- assess~nent book or roll 'and relating to delinquent persons or property, with the number of each person's assessment. SECTION 88. After settlement with the Tax Collector, as prescribed in the preceding section, the Auditor must charge the Tax Collector then acting with the amount of taxes, penalties and costs due on the delinquent tax list and within ten days thereafter deliver the list, duly certified, to such Tax Collector. · SEDTION 89. On or before the eighth day of June of each year, the Tax Collector must publish the delin~Guent list, which must con- tain the names of the persons and a description of the property delinquent and the amount of taxes, penalties and costs due, opposite each name and description, with the taxes due on personal property; the taxes due the Bakersfield School District added to the taxes on real estate where the real estate is liable therefor, or the several taxes are due from the same person; provided, how- ever, that before publication of said list the Ts.x Collector and Auditor shall jointly arrange said list in such manner that said publication shall designate in some particular manner the property contained in said list which was sold to the City five or more years previous under the provisions of Section V5 of this ordinance, on which the taxes remain unpaid, or which property has not been redeemed or the sale the-,~eof cancelled, and of which property the City of Bakers field would otherwise be entitled to a deed after a lapse of five years from said previous sale. SECTION V1°. The delin.':uent list shall be published twice in the official newspaper, or a supplement thereto, the second of which publications shall be not less than fourteen days from the date of the first pub- lication. Notification shall also be given, by maili.ng to each per- son shown on the delinquent list a Notice of Delinquency, provided, theft a failure of the Tax Collector to give such notice by mailing or of the person addressed to receive same shall not affect the juris- diction of the Tax Collector to proceed with the sale to the City. SECTION 109. In all cases where real estate has been sold, or may here- after be sold, for delinauent taxes to the city, and the city has not disposed of same, the person whose real estate has been or may hereafter be so~d, his hei~r~s, executors, administrators, or other successors in interest, shall at any time after the same has been sold to the city and before the city shall have disposed of the same, have the right to redeem such real property by paying to the treasurer of the City of Bakersfield the amount of taxes, penalties and costs due thereon at the tiEe of said sale, with interest on the aggregate amount of said ta~es penalties and costs at the rate of seven per cent per annum; and also all taxes that were a lien upon said real estate at the time said taxes became delinquent; and also all unpaid taxes of every description assessed against t~e property by the City for each year since the sale; or, if not so assessed then upon the value of the property as assessed in the year nearest the time of such redemption, with interest from the first day of July following each of said years, respectively, at the same rate, to the time of redemption; and also all costs and expenses of such redemption, and penalties as follows, to-wit: Ten per cent (10%) if redeemed within one year from July 1st of the year of sale; Twenty per cent (20%) if redeemed within two years there- from; Thirty per cent (30%) if redeemed within three years therefrom; Forty per cent (40%) if redeemed within four years there- Fifty per cent (~0:'~} ~ ~deemed within five or any greater from; n.umber of years therefrom. -5- The penalty shall be co~?~puted upon the amount .of each' year's taxes in like manner, reckoning from July i following the date when the lands would have been sold for the taxes of that year, if there had been no previous sales thereof. The City Auditor shall, on the application of the person desiring to redeem, make an estimate of the amount to be paid, and shall give him duplicate certific~.tes of the amount, specifying the several amounts thereof, which certificates shall be delivered to the City Treasurer, together with the mc,ney, and the treasurer shall give duplicate receipts, written or indorsed upon said certificates, to the redemptioner, who shall deliver one of said receipts to the City Auditor. The City Treasurer shall settle for the moneys received as for other City moneys. Upon.~.the payment of the money specified in said certificate, and the giving of the receipts as aforesaid by the Treasure~ and Auditor, any deed or certificate of sale that may have been made to the City shall become null and void, and all right, title and interest acquired by the City, under and by virtue of the tax sale, shall cease and detersnine. Upon consurmnation of the redemption, the City Auditor shall report same to the Tax Collect- or, and County Recorder, whereupon the Recorder shall note on the margin of the certificate of sale or deed, if issued, the fact of such redemptic~, date thereof and by whom redeemed. The receipts of the City Treasurer and Auditor may be recorded in the Recorder's office of the .County of Kern, in the book of deeds and the record- ing the~-eof shall have the ~same effect ss that of a deed of reconvey- ance of the interest conveyed. by such deed or certificate of sale. SECTION ~. That Section 54 of Ordinance No. 30 New Series, of the City of Bakersfield, be and the Same is hereby expressly repealed. ' - .... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Gouncil of the ~ity of Bakersfield on the ~ ~" day of ~ , 1930, by the following vote: Ayes. T~..~,,, Carlocl~, Corbett, Heac]en, Johnson, Martin, Waiters '~~'~ · C 1 e rk of 'the ~ity Co~mcil of the City of Bakers field. APPROVED this ~~day of , 1930. ~R of the City of Bakersfield.