HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 356ORDINANCE N0. D~'~ NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 32 AND 38 OF ORDINANCE 153 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIEID, AND ADDING TWO SECTIONS THERETO TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION 32-A, AND SEC TION 38 -A. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAEEI{SFIELD, as follows: ~.~/ SECTION 1. That Section 32 of Ordinance No. 153 New Series, commonly known as the Plumbing Ordinance, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 32. Sewer. All house sewers hereafter constructed shall be ei.ther cast iron pipe, vitrified clay pipe or cement concrete pipe, of good quality, not less than four inches (4") in diameter; a house sewer is that portion of the drainage system that extends from the main sewer or other place of sewage disposal to a point not less than three feet outside of the foundation wall. A cleanout fitting shall be placed in the house sewer as to be accessible at intervals not greater than one-hundred feet along such sewer. It shall be unlawful to do any act or thing which may impede or obstruct the flow of any house sewer or interfere with the free discharge or ventilation thereof, or clog up any appurtenance thereof. Roof or surface water shall not be permitted to enter the City sewer. SECTI ON 2. That a section to be known as Section 32-A be added to Ordinance No. 153 New Series, said section to read as follows: SECTION 32-A. Sewer C~n~s-truction. 1. Vitrified Clay Pipe. (a) All vitrified clay pipes shall be first quality, vitri- lied, salt-glazed sewer pipe, sound and well burned throughout their entire thickness. -1- (b) The pipe must be smooth and its interior surface must be thoroughly glazed. (c) All pipe shall have circular corrugations on the inside of the socket for its entire depth, and also on the outside of the spigot end for the corresponding length. 2. Cement Concrete Pipe. Concrete pipe shall be bell and spigot type, mach~'~e made and manufactured of materials equal in quality to class "A" concrete as specified herein. The maximum size of coarse aggregate used shall be not greater than one-half (-~ · ~) the thickness of the shell of the pipe. The concrete shall be dense, tough and homogeneous in character. All pipes shall be bell and spigot pipes, with sockets true, · circular and concentric, witb the bore of the pipe. All sockets must be of sufficient diameter to receive to the full depth the spigot end of the next following pipe or special, without any chipping whatever of either, and also to leave an annular space as specified in the following table. Lengths. The length of all sizes of straight pipe, exclus- ive of socket, shall be three (3) feet excepting for pipe of four (4) inches and six (8) inches diameter, which shall be two (2) feet. "Y" and "T" branches shall be two and one-half (2!) s feet in length, except for pipe of six (6) inches in diameter, which shall be two (2) feet. 3. Requirements. Concrete pipe and vitrified clay pipe shall not absorb moisture in excess of eight per cent (8%) of its dry weight, and shall show no leakage when subjected to sn internal hydrostatic pressure test of 18 pounds per square inch for 18 minutes. It shall produce a clear metallic ring when placed on end and tapped with a light hammer. The thickness of the barrel, the depth of the socket and the average crushing strength for sand bearing in pounds per lineal foot, shall be as set forth in ~he following table: -2- Thickness Depth qf Size of Barrel Socket Crushing Strength 4" 9/16" 2" 1430 6" 5/8" 2" "'jY::':" ..... 8" 3/4" 2 ~'' The thickness of the barrel shall not be less than the mensions set forth in the above table by more than one-sixteenth ~..'. inch (1/16") for pipe twelve inches (12") or less in di~. The depth of the socket shall not be more than one-quarter inch scant of the dimensions set forth in the above table. .~!T~ .. 4. Imperfections. The following imperfections in a pipe or special will be considered injurious and cause for rejection: · ,.~...~... (a) When the bore or socket of the pipe varies f~a true circle more than three (3) per cent of its normal diameter. (b) When a pipe or special designed to be .'s.traight exh~i.ta. a deviation of more than three-eighths (3/8") of an inch from a '~'~ straight line. -..'. (c) A single crack in the body of the pipe, extending~' through the entire thickness regardless of the extent of such crack. (d) A single fire crack which extends throug~h one_half of the thickness and over three (3) inches long. (e) Two or more first cracks in the body of the p'pe of a less length than three (3) inches and extending through one-half.. of the thickness. Any fire crack which is more than one-sixteenth!~ '(1/16) of an inch wide at its widest point. (f) A piece broken from the spigot end deeper ~'the socket or longer than one-third (1/3) of the diameter of the pipe,=. or a piece broken from the bell end if .the fracture extends into t~ body of the pipe, or is longer than one-third (1/3) of the diamter of the pipe. ...." (g) Two or more bre~k's in the socket or spigot unless they -3- can be placed in the upper half of the sewer. (h) Lumps, blisters or flakes on the interior surface of a pipe or special. SECTION 3. That Section 38 of Ordinance No. 153 New ~eries be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 36. Joints for Clay and Cement Concrete Pipe. Joint with joint compound shall be made in the following maD_u e r: The pipe shall be well centered with a gasket of loose dr~y oakum (unprepared), jute, or other approved caulking material, so placed as to prevent any of the Jointing material flowing through into the pipe and leaving a clear space of not less than the following, for 4" pipe 1-~'' 6" ,; for pipe 13/4"; for 8" pipe 13/4", between the gasket and the outer end of the socket. In wet trenches the pouring of the jointing material shall follow the caulking of the gasket as rapidly as possible in order to prevent the caulking material from swelling and filling a portion of the space. After the pipe has been laid in place and caulked a runner shall be placed around the pipe and the ends of the runner clamped, leaving an opening at the top of the pipe slightly off center and sufficiently large to permit the compound to be poured. The space shall then be completely filled by pouring in the pipe joint compound, as specified herein, that has a temperature of not less than three hundred fifty (350) degrees Fahrenheit, and which will readily flow to all parts of the annular space to be filled, and shall contain no cooled lumps or inequalities in the consistency of the heated. liquid. The runner shall not be removed until at least fifteen (15) minutes after the joint has been poured. Alternate sections may be run on the bank When pipe is 2! feet or less in length, not more than three (3) lengths shall be Joined in one section. When pipe is 3 feet in length, not more than two (2) lengths shall be joined in one section. -4- Where Joints are ~un on the bank by standing pipe in verti- cal position a runner will not be required but the pipe shall be care- fully centered. After joints have been run in this manner the pipe shall not be moved for thirty minutes thereafter. The vessel used for pouring shall always contain.enough of the liquid compound to fill a complete joint at one running. The vessel used for heating the compound s~all contain enough material for running several joints. The compound shall be so prepared that when heated less than two hundred fifty (280) degrees Fahrenheit, and poured, it will adhere firmly to the surface of the dry pipe, or when heated to not less than three hundred fifty (350) degrees Fahrenheit, and poured, it will adhere firmly to the surface of the pipe even though this sur- face shall be submerged in water below the springing line of the The flexibility of the compound shall be such that after a pipe has been run and cooled the pipe may be deflected at least five (5) degrees from line or grade, in which condition the compound, in the joint, shall show no signs of cracking, checking or breaking away from the surface. The asphaltic cement shall be an air refined asphalt made from asphalt base petroleum, and shall be such that: 1. At least 99% is soluble in Carbon Tetrachloride or Carbon Bisulphide. 2. At least 60% is soluble in 86 degrees gasoline. 3. Its penetration when tested at a temperature of VV degrees Fahrenheit with a No. ~. needle in a New York Testing Laboratory pente- trometer under a weight of 100 grams applied for five seconds is between 20 degrees and 30 degrees. 4. Its melting point as determined by the Ball and Ring method is not less than 148 degrees F. 5. Its ductility at VV degrees F. when determined on a sample, one square centimeter in cross-section at the rate of 8 cm. per minute is not less than 80 cm. · .,~ 6. Its loss on heating of 50 grams at 325 degrees F. for five -5- .. _'k" ~'.~.~"~. hours is not more than 2%. V. Its penetration after heating as above is not less than 60% of its original penetration. SECTION 4. That a section to be known as Section 36-A be added to Ordinance No. 153 New Series, said section to read as follows: SECTION 36-A. House Drain Test. House drains, before being aDproved and accepted by the Plumbing Inspector must be tested with a head of water of not less than twelve feet. SECTION 5. If any section, sub-section, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ord- inance. The Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitU- tional. ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the ~O~ day of October, 1930, by the following vote: ASSENT, ........~ ................................. City C Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. ..- o f Oc er 1930. ke rs fi eld