HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 376ORDINANCE N0.D~ NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE A~'/ENDING SECTION 17 OF ORDINANCE N0. 548 NEW SERIES BY ADDING THERETO A SUBDIVISION TO BE KNOWN AS SUBDIVISION 57. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, as follows: SECTI ON 1. ' .... That Section ·lV of Ordinance No. 548 New Series of the City of Bakers field be amended by adding thereto a subdi- vision to be known as Subdivision 57, to read as follows: 57. Wrestling and Boxing. Any person, firm, corporation, club or association con- ducting wrestling and/or boxing contests within the limits of the City of Bakersfield shall pay to the License Collector of the City of Bakersfield, the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars for each such con- test or e~hibition; provided, however, that said license fee shall cover any and all of said contest or exhibition conducted in any given six ( 8 ) hour period. Before said license shall be issued satisfactory evidence shall be presented to the City Manager of the City of Bakersfield that the applicant has complied with the Boxing and Wrestling Commission Act of the State of California, and is duly qualified to hold such an exhibition. SECTION 2. A1]. ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakers field on the FL~2~ day of February, 1932, by the following vote: AYEs, ~ BODEN, CARLOCK, HERDEN, JOHNSON, MAR'fiN, WALTER& NOES, ""'~4~1A/ ABSENT, APPROVED this ~day of February, 1932~, MAYOR Cit io Clerk Of the Council of the City· of Bakersfield...~.= ..... ~.~...:.