HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 400ORDINANCE N0.~0 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE ~.~,~ENDING SUBSECTION 41 OF SEC- TION 1V OF ORDINANCE NO. 391 NE~V SERIES OF ~HE CITY OF BAKeFIELD. BE IT O~AIN~ BY ~ COUNCIL OF THE CI~ OF B~- FIEf, as follows: SECTION 1. That Subsection ~1 of Section 1V of Ordin~ce No. ~1 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, entitled "~ OEINANCE E~LATING ~D IMPOS ~G >A~ICIPAL LICENSES; D~CRIBING HOW ~D BY W~OM LICENSES ~D PEH~ITS SH~L BE OBTAINED; MAKING A VIOLATION EREOF A I~iISDR'R~OR, ~D PESCRIBING A PENAL~ ~E~OR, ~D E- PEALING O~INANCE NO. S~8 N~ SERIES ~D ALL ~END~NTS TERETO, AND ALL O~IEH O~INANCES OR PARPS OF OHDIN~CES IN CONFLICT ERE- WITH" be md the s~e is hereby amended to read as follows: ~1. Wrestling ~d Boxing - ~y person, fi~, corporation, club or association conducting ~estling snd/or boxing c mtests within the limits of the City of Bakersfield shal~ pay to the License Collector of the City of Bakersfield the s~ of thirty ($~0.00) dollars per qu~ter. Provided, however, in the event said contests are held in a theatre building, operating as such ~d paying a license therefor, the license for said contests shall ~ five ($8.00) dollars per quarter in addition to the license paid for maintaining and operating said theatre. ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and sdopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 2Oth day of February, 19S~, by the following vote: AYF. k BEHSON, BODEH, CARLOC~ HEADEN, aOHNIO~ MA81"IH, WALTER5 .~PPROVED this 20th day of February, 19SS. MAYOR of'the Clty of Bakersfield C ' tyC~~eP~l oiClerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield. the