HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 405EZeRG CY ORDNANCE NO.4Z _ V SERZm AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. ~98 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS there exists in the City of Bakersfield an un- sanitary condition as to ~he removal of garbage, and that unsanitary conditions exist making it necessary and advisable to correct cer- tain conditions in order that the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Bakersfield be preserved, and that a contract may be entered into at an early date for the removal of said garbage, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 396 New Series of the City of Bakers field entitled "AN ORDINANCE EEGULATING THE COLLEC- TION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE, GARBAGE AND RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, FIXING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR SUCH COLLECTION, AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ENTERING INTO OF A CONTRACT WITH SOME PERSON, FIRM, CORPORATION OR ASSOCIATION FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE, GARBAGE AND RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, AND FIXING TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH CONTRACT SHALL BE LET, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDIN- ANCE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH" be and the same is hereby mended to read as follows: SECTION 4:'. RATES FOR COLLECTION (a) Single Households. For the service of collecting all refuse, garbage or rubbish ordinarily produced in and about the household, but not including dead animals, or the refuse from the construction, demolition or alteration of buildings, each separate household having refuse containers shall not be required to pay more than the following rates: -1- Quantity Per Collection Rates Per Month for the Following Number of Collections Weekly 1 2 30 gallons or less ...... . $ .40 .75 31 to 40 gallons ....... .. .45 .90 41 to 50 gallons ....... .. .50 1.05 51 to 60 gallons......... .60 1.20 3 6 1.00 1.80 1.25 2.25 1.45 2.70 1.VO 3.15 Where the regular accumulation of garbage exceeds sixty (60) ~allons per collection the excess garbage shall be removed at the rate of ten (10) cents.for each ten (10) gallons or frac- tion thereof, for one collection each week; for more frequent collections the rate shall increase at the same ratio as set forth in the above schedule. The above schedule of rates for collection and removal of garbage shall include the collection, removal and disposal of rubbish where the accumulation of said rubbish does not exceed one (1) barrel of fifty (50) gallons capacity per collection. (b) Business Places or Establishments - For the service of collecting all garbage and rubbish ordinarily'produced in and about business places or establishments, but not including dead animals, or the refuse from the construction, demolition or alteration of buildings, each separate business place or establishment having refuse containers shall not be required to paymore than the following rates: Quantity Per Col lec tion Less ~han 10 gallons..... Rates Per~ Month for the Following Number of Collections Weekly $.45 .90 1.20 2.15 2.45 The above schedule of rates for collection and removal of garbage shall include the collection, removal and disposal of rub- bish where the accumulation of said rubbish does not exceed thirty (30) cubic feet per collection. Where the regular'accumulation of rubbish per collection exceeds thirty (30) cubic feet the excess rubbish shall be removed and the charge for said excess shall not exceed the following rates: Quantity Per Collection For each 15 cubic feet over 30 cubic feet or fraction thereof ...... . Rates Per Month for the Following Number of Collections Weekly 1 2 3 6 '7 $.45 .65 .90 1.55 1.80 P.ro.~ided, however, where the regular garbage accumula- tion exceeds ten (10) gallons or more per day at any place of business or e.~tablishment (said garbage to have a fluid content nqt:.:~-~0 exceed 25%), it shall be removed free of charge by the Collector and shall be deemed of sufficient value to compensate the Collector in full for the removal of rubbish, not exceeding 30 cubic feet per collection. For said garbage the Collector must furnish the necessary containers, and said containers shall meet all requirements of the Health Department as to steriliza- tion and sanitation. Said Collector shall remove garbage and rubbish from places now used for the purpose of storing such garbage and rubbish,. or from such place as may be designated by the City Health Office. r, and shall not remove garbage and rubbish from hotels and restaure__~_ts between the hours of 10:30 P. M. 'and 6 A. M. Provided, further, that apartments and tenements not producing ten (10) gallons of garbage per day shall in that case for the service of collecting all refuse, garbage and/or rubbish ordinarily produced in and about apart~nents and tenements, the rates for the whole apartment house or tenement payable in one fee, pay the following fees: 1. For five (5) or less apartments the rate shall not exceed one dollar and thirty-five cents per month for two collec- tions per week. 2. For more than five (5) apartments the rate for each apartment shall not exceed twenty-five cents (25~) per month for two collections per week, forty cents (40~) per month for three (3) collections per week, an~°sixty-five cents (65~) per month for six (6) collections per week. (c) Office Buildings. Places of Business - For the regular collection, r. emoval and disposal of rubbish from any office building using a common container or from any premis- es or place of business producing said refuse (excepting those premises for which rates are hereinabove specified) the rate per month for said collection shall not exceed the following: Collections Per Week ~uantity Per Collection 5 or less cu.ft..... .... . ..... 6 to 15 cu. ft. ............. .. 16 to 30 cu. ft... ............ . For each 15 cu. ft. over 30 cu.ft. or fraction thereof.. ...... ...... (d) Decaying Vegetable Matters - 1 2 3 6 $.90 1.35 1.80 1.35 2.25 2.90 4.50 1.80 3.15 4.05 6.30 .45 .65 .90 1.55 For the collection of decaying vegetable matter in lots of less t~an two (2) tons the rate shall be twenty (20) cents ps r one hundred (100) pounds, with a minimum charge of one ($1.00) dollar; and in lots of more than two (2) tons the rate shall be ten (10) cents per hundred (100) pounds. (e) Irregular Collections - For the occasional or irregular collection of refuse for which rates are not hereinbefore fixed the refUse collector shall be entitled to charge at the rate of one dollar and thirty-five cents ($1.35) per cubic yard with a minimum charge of sixty-five cents (65~). It shall be the duty of the refuse collector to make such collections upon being properly notified. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure within the meaning of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, State of California, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, ~afe.t~ aXxd. wel.fare, and shall take effect i~mAediately, SECTION All ordinances or parts of ordinances in c mflic t herewith are hereby expressly repealed. ..... o0o ..... I HEEEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of ~he City of Bakersfield on the/~day of May, 193~, by the following vote: RYES~ BODEN, GIST, 14RR'I'~N, S!4~TH, SOLLERS, WALTERS, W~LSOII City o Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this/~day of May, 1933. YOR of the City of Bakersfield.