HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 416ORDINANCE NO.~-/~ NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE REQUIRlq~G PERSONS CONVICTED OF CERTAIN CRIMES WHO SHALL COME INTO OR BE WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO REG- ISTER IN THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF SAID CITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,. as follows: SEC TI ON 1. Every person who has been convicted in any Federal Court, or the court of any state within ten years prior to the effective date of this ordinance, of the crime of counterfeiting, grand theft, grand larceny, embezzlement, forgery, obtaining money by false pre- tenses, obtaining property by false pretenses, burglary, felonious assault, robbery, arson, murder, kidnapping, extortion, violation of any law prohibiting the carrying of deadly weapons, taking or enticing any person for the purpose of obtaining ransom, or viola- tion of any provision of any National or State law relating to the possession, sale or transportation of any narcotic, who comes into the City of Bakers field from any point outside of said city, whether in transit through said city or otherwise, and every such person who at the time this ordinance becomes effective is resid- ing or is present wi ~in said city, whether in transit through said city or otherwise, shall report to the Chief of Police of said city within fc~ty-eight (48) hours after his arrival within the boundaries of said city, and shall fUrnish to such Chief of Police in a written Statement signed by such person, the true name of such person and each other name or alias by which such person is or has been known, a full and complete description of himself, the name. of each crime hereinabove in this section enumerated of which he shall have been convicted, together wi~h the name of t~ place where each such crime was committed, the name under which he was convicted, and the date of the conviction thereof; the name, if any, and the location of each prison, reformatory or other penal institu- tion in which he shall have been confined as punishment therefor, together with the location or address of his residence, stopping place, or living quarters in said city, and each one thereof, if any, or the address or location of his intended residence, stopping place, or living quarters therein, and each one thereof, with a descrip- tion of the character of each such place, whether an hotel, apart- ment house, dwelling house, or otherwise, giving the street number thereof, if any, or such description of the address or location thereof as will so identify the same as to make it possible of lo- cation, and the length of time for which he expects or intends to reside within the boundaries of said city. At the time of furnishing such information, such person shall be photographed and finger-printed by such Chief of Police, and said photograph and finger-prints shall be made a part of the permsnent record herein provided for. SECTION 2. Every person residing within the incorporated limits of said city at the time this ordinance becomes effective, who has been convicted within such ten year period, in any such court, of any crime in Section I hereof enumerated, shall within forty-eight (48) hours from and after the effective date hereof furnish to said Chief of Police, in a written statement signed by such person, all of the information required to be furnished under the provisions of said Section i hereof, to~ther with the photographs and finger- prints h~reinbefore provided for. SECTION 3. In the event that any person specified in Section i or Section 2 hereof shall change any such place of residence, stopping place or living quarters to any new or different place or places within said incorporated territoryof the City of Bakersfield other than any place last shown in such report to said Chief of Police, -2- he shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after the making of such change, notify said Chief of Police, in a written and s-..~.ed state- ment, of such change of address and shall furnish in such written statement to said Chief of Police his new address, 'and each one thereof. It shall be unlawful for any person required by any pro- vision of this ordinance to furnish any such report, to furnish in such report any false or fictitious address, or any address other than a true address or intended address, or to furnish in making any such report any false, untrue, or misleading information or statement relating to any information required by any provision of this ordinance to be made or furnished. SECTION 4. Said Chief of Police shall cause to be made a permanent record of all information, photographs and finger prints required by the provisions of this ordinance to befurnished to or by him, and to forthwith furnish a copy of said records, photographs and finger prints to the Bureau of Identification of Kern County; and said records, photographs and finger prints shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of any peace officer having juris- diction within the limits of said City. SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful for any person required by any pro- vision of this ordinance to furnish any such report or information to fail,' neglect Or refuse to make such report or to furnish such information, photographs or finger prints, or to fail, neglect or refuse to render or furnish the same wi~in the time hereinbefore prescribed, or to fail, neglect or refuse to furnish to said Chief of Police within such time any information, photograph or finger prints required to be furnished by any provision of this ordin- ance, or to furnish any false, untrue, or misleading information or statement relating to any information required by any provision of this ordinance to be made or furnished. SECTION 6. - Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall -3- be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall' be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the county Jail for a period of not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each separate day, or any portion thereof, during which any violation ~f this ordinance occurs or continues, and each failure, neglect, or refusal to make any such report or to furnish any such information, photograph or finger prints during each or any day or portion thereof, from and after the expiration of the time speci- lied in this ordinance within which such report must be made, or such information, photograph or finger prints furnished, shall be deemed to constitute a separate violation hereof, and a separate offense hereunder, and upon conviction th~ refor each such violation shall be punishable as here in provided. SECTION I ' All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 23rd day of October, 1933, by the following vote: AYES.- BOT).F.N, G;ST, MRRT~N, SMITH, SOLLEAS, WALTERS, W/I,SON ~OSE~':NT:~ ......... lerk and Ex-0f .erk of the City C '~/~ Council of the City of Bakers field~, APPROVE by me ~,s~/~~d/ay of October, f the City of Bakers field. 1933.