HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 428ORDINANCE NO.Y'/-)"i~' NEW SERIES' AN 0MDINANCE Ai.jEkD!NG ORDINANCE N0. 391 NEW SERIES OF TE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY AIrlENDING SUBDIVISION 5 OF SECTION 1V OF SAID ORDINANCE, AND BY ADDING THERETO SUBDIViSiONS 8A AND 36A TO SECTION 17 OF SAID ORDIi'IAi.ICE. BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TT-IE CITY OF BAKERSFIFLD, as follows: SECTION 1. That Subdivision 5 of Section 17 of Ordinance No. 391 New Series of the City of Bakersfield entitled "fAN 0RDI_NANCE REG- ULATIiTG AND Ii'.!POSII~G LiUNICIPAL. LICENSES; DESCRIBING HOW AND BY ?~lI0i.i LICE.~SYS ~.~.TD PER.~.i!TS .~.:I~LL E~ 0BTAIDX'ED; ,~.IAKi~..'G .~ VIOLATION HEREOF A I.~IISD~.'I~ZANOR, AND PRESCRIFIiIC.- A PENALTY THEREFOR, AND RE- PEALING ORDINAi,TCE N0. 346 NEU SERIES AND ALL Aiv":ENDME~fS THERETO, fiND P.LL 0TITER 0RDINAi~CES 0R P~kRTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON~fiICT HERE'VITH" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 5. Barber Shops - For every person conducting, carrying on or managing a barber shop containing one chair, the sum of :ii;2.50 per quarter; where the shop contains more than one chair, the sum of $.50 per quarter for each additio~.s.1 chair kept in said shop, whether used continuously or not. SECTION 2. That a subdi~ision to be known as Subdivision 6A be added to Section 17 of 0rdi~..a.r..ce No. 391 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, to read n.s follows: 6A. Beauty ShoDs - For every person conducting, carrying on or manacling a beauty parlor, manicure parlom,, or massage parlor where facial massage, fomentations, electric or magnetic treatment or alcoho..l~ rubs are admi~..iste~ed, tl~e sum of $2.50 per quarter for one operator, and the stun of ~'' ~.50 per quarter for each additional operator; pro- vided, further, that the hol~er of a license to conduct a barber shop shall not be entitled to engage in said business without paying the full fee herein set out. ..:.. ..... ;:.--..'.~il .. ... ..~ ~.~.' ,~'.. ~. ~.~- ..~.. L-:~-~'.~ .... SECTION 3. That a subdivision to be kno~wn as Subdivision 36A be addsd to Section 1V of Ordinance No. 391 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, to read as follows: 36A. Stock-Brokers. For every person conducting, carrying on or managing a stock or produce exchange, where orders may be placed by telegraph or otherwise, for the purchase or sale of stocks, securities, grain, oil, meat, coffee, cotton, or other commodities, or where a call board is maintained giving or quoting prices of any such article sold, the sum of :~40.00 per quarte~, or $160.00 per annum. SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby expressly repealed, ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTi~ tb.~t the fc~ego'!ng 0r~inance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the ~ day of March, 1934, by the following vote: RYES, 6ODEN, GIST, STEMOH, S!4[TH, SOLL. ERS, WRLTERS,~r~'LSOH City C erk of Council of the City of Bakersfield. APFROVED by me this ~day of ~'~arch, 1934. AYOR of the City of Bakersfield the