HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 427ORDINANCE NO.~__~ NEW S.~RIES AN OHDIN~NCE CREAT.TNG THE OF- FICE OF CO~.'~ISSIO~-~ER OF PUB- LIC UTILITIES AND FRANCHISES, PRESCRi'..BING HIS DUTIES AND FIXING HIS COL~PENSATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY TI~ COUNCIL OF TE~ CITY OF BA~HSF!ELD, as follows: SECTION 1. The office of Commissioner of Public Utilities and Fran- chises of the City of Bakersfield is hereby established and created. SECT~0N 2. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and Franchises to check, inspect and examine all fixtures, appliances, motors, equipments, or devices by which any electric e.nergy, gas, water, gasoline, oil, or other cormi~odity o~ service that is or may be purchased, used, delivered to, acquired or cons~nned by the City of Bakersfield; to inspect, examine and scrutinize all contracts, rate agreements, rate regulations, ordinances, orders, or other arrangements relating to the purchase, delivery, acquisition, or consumption of all commodities and services furnished the City of Bakersfield by any and all public utilities; to inquire into, in- vestigate and ascertain the facts relating to the existence, status, condition, term and any other fact or condition relating to the franchises of the various public utilities doing business in said city and/or serving said city or its inhabitants, or using the streets, alleys, highways or other ways of said city; to investigate and ascertain the facts as to whether the city is receiving or has received the proper rates and/or returns from each and every public ~°'utility exercising a franchise within the City of Bakersfield, to ex- amine the records, accounts, bills a~'~d other claims for payment by the city for charges, rates or demands for any commodity or service fur- nished; to make a study and comparison of rates, charges and demands, and returns of franchises of public utilities serving this city with the rates, charges, demands and returns of franchises of other cities; and to keep a complete record of his work, and m~ke his findings thereon, to- gether with his recommendations, and to report the same to the Council of the City of Bakersfield from time to time as he may -. deem advisable, or as required by the Council. SECTION 3. The salary or compensation of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and Franchises shall be the sum ($/~'~. ) dollars per month for perfor~ning the duties of his office. SECTION 4. If any section, sub-section, clause, or phrase of this ord- inance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainin~:r sections of this ord- inance. The Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. ..... oOo ..... I HEREBY CEA~T~FY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a re~ular meeting thereof held On the~~.day of ~ , 1934, by the following vote: City e o Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. , 1934.