HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 439 ORDINANCE N0. I~E,W SERIES AtT 0~DINANCE FIXING THE COTEPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AI.TD ~L0~S 0P EE CITY 0~ B~RSFIED ~ EKING 0~- I~CES N0S. 398 hmW SER]ES, 399 EW SERIES, 412 E%V SERIES, 413 Ie%V SERIES, 414 E%V SERIES ~ 420 }~V SERIES 0P EE CITY 0~ B~E]]8FIEI~, ~ ~L 0~IN~ICES ~ P~TS 0~ 0RDI}L~OE8 ~EATORY EEE0~ 0R IN CONFLICT HEEY~E. BE IT OYU)IlF~ BY ~.LE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. Th..at each officer ~nd employee of the City of Bakers- field hereinafter named, s]~-all receive and be paid out of the tre~sury of the City of Bs.kersfield, as and in full monthly com- pensation for perfo~'ming the duties of the office, offices and emplo}~aent to ~bich he or she is or may be ap~3ointed or er~ployed, o. nd such duties as may be hereafter prescribed, the s.mount set opposite the respective office, offices or employment, as follows: 10. 11. CiTY ;.~'~TAGE~' S 8r.-.CnETARY, .., .............. ~ ........ $~8~, 00 CHIEF OF ~E FIP~ D~.ARTI. E~T .................... ...$27~.00 D~UTY CHIEF OF '~E FIRE D~LRT}~T ................ $20~.00 FIRST ASSIST~'~!T FIP~E CPrIEF ......................... $19~. 00 SEC03~ ASSiSTI~T FI:~ CHIEF ~'J~ DRILL ~STER ....... $18~.00 CHIEF ~CHf~vIO OF EE FIE D~'MSNT .............. ~;180.00 DHI~R OF EE FIP~ D~Tk~NT ..................... . $15~. 00 INSPECTOR OF EE FIE D~TET ................ . .. $~.00 !IOSE,~I 0F 'i~ FIPj~ D~ARTT,~!T: For the seco'cd ye~.r in service ............... 1~ .00 ,., %T. ere~.fter ................................. 18. 20. 21. 22. RADIO TECHTvICIA1,T ............................. 23 · ATTORneY ..................................... 2a.. ASSXSTAX~'T ATTO~'.rEY ........................... 2.~. CLEPX IN OFI?ICE OF ATTOIiNEY ~2~D POLICE DEPT. . 26. DTSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ....................... 27. FiE~-T ~.SBIST_AP.~T IF. SPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ....... 28. SF, COI. FD ASSISTAFT IhvSP]ECTOR OF BUILDINGS ..... . 29. 30. TELEPHO~'E OPERATOR ................................ $107 o ~0 CHIEF OF POLICE ................. · ............. '. ,. · · $27~. 00 ~'~SSISTA!'T CHIEF OF rOL!CE ......................... $19~. O0 LIEUTEE~UIT OF POLICE .............................. $17~. 00 8L~I~T3~!~TT O2 BUreAU OF IDETTIFICATION ........ $17~. 00 ~16 = O0 DETECTI~ ......................................... .- ,. ~ s~-m~T ..................................... $~ 6 ~. o o ]IOTORCYCLE OFFICER ................................ $160.00 PATROH~: Grade 1 ..................................... $1~0.00 Grade 3 .................................... ..... ~ ~o. co ..... $~ 9o. co ..... 09o,oo ..... ..... $z7~. co. ..... .....$~7~,oo TREASURER, T~ COLLECTOR ~ LICi~ISE OO~ECTOR .... $2~0.00 ~UTY TP~U~SU~R, D~UTY T~ COLLECTOR ~ DE- PUTY LICenSE COLLECTOR ............................ $13~. 00 ..... $27~. co ..... ..... $m 9o, co ..... ...,.$~85.oo 61 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 43. SECTION DISTRICT NURSE .................................. , .. $110. O0 CLERK A}.rD AUDITOR .................................. $290.00 DF~UTY CLERK :-*,I.~D DEPUTY AUDITOR ........... . ........ $145,00 ASSE880R ................ ' ................... ' ........ $262. O0 ASS SSO ......... ...........................$13 . E An TOa .......................................35. oo 00iEIIBSIOLrER O1~ PUBLIC UTILITIES Zj~.U) FRANCHISES:,..$150,00 POUkvDI{AST;ZR .................... , ................... $105. O0 8E~;ER FARM C~d~ETAKER ............................... $100,00 TIn, st each of the employees working under the classificstions hercin~fter nsmed shall receive ce ~'~4 in full dedly comnensation for performing the work of his or her position or employment, to v~ich he or she i~ or m~y hereafter be sol~pointed, the ~nount set opposite the respective classifications of s=~loyment, s.s follows: 12, 16. Oui,~EON LI~OR~R .... , ............... ,..., .. $4.50 S.v. CILI,~ _v,,~.~o~ ........................-. ;',)~. 75 ~. O0 TRUCK 1)Ril..r31. Z!, . . . , . , . · , ..........., .... · · · ',~, · T~.iCTOE 933.711~.T0~ (30 horsepower) ......... $~,00 TItACTOli OP~!L&TOR (60 horsepower) ......... $,~. 50 ROLL~]R OPEP~TOR ........................ · · $5, O0 eRADEn OpEm~TOR ........ ,, ........... ,,, ,. $~, 00 MOTOR S~'~EPER OPER~ ....................TOR.- $5- 2.~ ;~I!TT:~INER OP.~.I~,~TOR ............ · · · · ....· · $5- 25 PAVT~:~NT ~2nAI R1DL~T .............. , ....· · · · $5- 25 ..-~Z18CTRICIt~T ........ , ................. ,... $6,00 .......................... $6.25 17 · CIT/~i i?: TY~T ....... .......................... .................. .. ...... $4. ~0 II:SPECTOR DP~FT ~:~ .... Junior Sent or. ........................... Junior ............................. $6.00 Senior.. .......................... $7.00 CL~P~I ~unior ............................. ~4.~0 3e~,ior..... ....................... $5.00 STENOG:~k1~IER Yunior ........ . ................... ~. ~O Ben, or ......................... ...~F~.00 'l~zle per diem v..~e, ges listed above ~tre bs. sed on the customary eigdo. t hour ~:zcrking ds.y ~.nd. ~.~en less time is worked per day the be the pro rata of the ?:'.~cunts listed above. e~aounts paid shall 8.,~CTI 0)T 3 · Or0. in-s.nce No ~9~ ~T?,~.,, ~eries, 0rd.inance ~-~o ~ ,c · D~9 New Series, 0r~iinanoo Eo.4.12 ~Tew ~eries, Crdina.nce No. ~13 ~ew Series, Ordi- nance No. 414 )Te~'t Series 8.rid Ordinance No. ~20 New Series of the 0ity of Bckcrsfield, and ctll oti'~ur ordir. ances ~.mendatory t!~ereof or in conflict herevzith be and the sine are l~ereby e~rescly repealed. ..... o0o I E~Y CERTIF~ that the foregoing Ordinance was passed s, nd adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the l]th day of August, l~B4, lzy the following vote: Z~~C City b~er ~erk of the Ccuncil of the City of Bakersfield. ~PROVED th' 13tlA .c.,y of August, 1934. ~ "f t~"~ity of BakersField.