HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 437 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE N0.~ NEW SERIES ~ AN EE~RGENCY ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SUPPLY AND CHARACTER OF WATER FOR DOMESTIC AND 0TEER PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, PROVIDING FORHEARINGS ON PETITIONS, PROVID- ING A PENALTYFOR VIOLATIONHEREOF, DECLARING TEE EMERGENCY OF THIS ORDINANCE AND PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL TAKE EFFECT ON AND AFTER JUNE 4, 1934. WHEREAS, the welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Bakersfield requires the passage of an emergency ordinance regulat- ing the supply and character of water for domestic and other pur- poses in the City of Bakersfield, NOW BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF BAKERS- FIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation fur- nishing water for domestic and/or other uses to the City of Bakersfield and its inhabitants to supply pure, clean and wholesome water in quanti- ties sufficient for the service to which the user is entitled, and to extend its mains to other or additional sources of water supply if and when its present sources are inadequate, insufficient, unclean or un- suitable for the needs of its patrons in the City of Bakersfield, and to keep its distributive system reasonably free from obstruction and foreign matters or substances, and to supply water to its patrons in sufficient quantities and under sufficient pressure for all ordinary and proper uses. SECTION 2. Sources of water supply, reservoirs, tanks or other storage and pumping facilities shall be kept sanitary and to be open to the inspection at any and all times of the City Manager and Commissioner of Public Utilities and Franchises. Any person, firm or corporation furnishing such water shall make tests as to the purity of water, including bacteriological analysis, mineral, and organic contents at its own expense when requested to do so by the City Manager and Commissioner of Public Utilities and Franchises, and at their re4 quest furnish to said city a certified copy thereofe -1- SECTION 3. If and when any such person, firm or corporation furnish- ing water for domestic and/or other uses to the inhabitants of the City of Bakersfield shall, in the opinion of the City Manager and the Commissioner of Public Utilities and Franchises, fail to co~piy with each and all of the conditions set out in Sections I aid 2 hereof, then and in that event they shall petition the Council of the City of Bakersfield to take action requiring the correction thereof. Whereupon, the City Council may, in its discretion, issue an order to show cause against the person, firm or corporation supply- ing water for domestic and/or other uses to the inhabitants of the City of Bakersfield requiring such person, firm or corporation at a definite time or place to show cause if any he or it may have why he or it should not be compelled to comply with and correct the con- ditions set out in said petition. The City Council shall cause notice of said order to show cause to be served on said person, firm or cor- poration at least five (5) days before the hearing thereof. At the time set for said hearing or at any time to which the same may be adjourned the Council may proceed to hear evidence as to the facts and conditions set out in said petition, and to pass upon the same. If said Council shall find that the allegations are tPue and that the conditions should be remedied, then said person, firm or corporation so furnishing said water shall by order of the Council remedy the defect within a time to be specified by the Coun- cil in its said order. 8ECTION It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation furnishing said water to fail or refuse to comply with the order of said Council, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each and every day which it shall fail to comply with said oPder, each and every day being a separate and distinct Offense. ~ECTION This ordinance is declared to be an emergency ordinance within the meaning of Section 24 of the Charter of th~ 'Clty of Bakersfield, State of California, and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health and shall take effect on and after June 4, 1954. The facts constituting such emergency are as follows: Due to the unsatisfactory condition of the domestic water supply of a portion of the city, and due to the emergency existing, it is deemed essential that the condition be corrected at once in order that the public health and public welfare of the citizens be 'protected. SECTION 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. ......... 000 .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance 'was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 29th day of May, 1934, by the following vote: .- RYES, BODEN, GZST, SXEMON, St, AFt'H, SOLLERS, WALTEP,8, W'~..SON NOES: ~ Cl ~io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this 29th day of May, 1934. o~te~ h Bakers field.