HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 436O INANCE NO. S RI .S AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 391 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSBIELD BY AMENDING SECTION 8, BY AMENDING SUBDIVISION 3.2 OF SEC- TION 18. BY ADDING THERETO SUBDIVISIONS l-A, l-B, 2-]~, AND 16-A TO SECTION 1V, AND BY A~:RENDING SUBDIVISIONS l, 8, 24, 29, 30, 33 AND 40 OF SECTION 1V, BY ~.~iENDING SECTION 18, AND BY ADDING SECTION 18-B AND SECTION 18-~ TO SAID ORDINANCE, AND REPEALING ALL OHDIN- ANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE- V. rlTH. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 8 of Ordinance No. 391 New Series of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby mended to read as follows: SECTION 8. ANNUAL, QUARTERLY, MONTHLY AND DAILY LICENSES. Except where otherwise provided licenses shall be issued quarterly, commencing on the first day of January, April, July and October, respectively, each year, and shall be due and payable on said respective dates, except when. business is commenced during a pending quarter, in which event the license for said quarter shall be due and payable when said business is commenced, provided that in the event business is commenced after the 15th day of the second month of a quarter, the license fee shall be one-half (4) of the quarterly mount, unless otherwise specifically provided for, and the license therefor issued, and shall terminate at the end of the quarter so designated so that the next quarter shall commence on either the first day of January, April, July or October, respectively, of each year. Monthly licenses provided for herein shall be due and payable on the first day of each month. Daily licenses shall be due and payable each day in advance, provided, however, that payment may be made for any number of days in advance, when application therefor is made. Said daily license my be issued at any time and for any number of days. -1- SECTION 2. That Subdivision 32 of Section 16 of Ordinance No. 391 New Series be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 32. Profession - Profession shall be held to mean and include vocations, depending upon the knowledge, ability, and effort of individuals, and not concerned with the furnishing of amusement,' goods, or merchandise to the general public. SECTION 3. That Section 1V of'Ordinance No. 391 New Series be and the same is hereby mended to include the following subsections: 1-A Appraiser - Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the profession of Appraiser in the City of Bakersfield shall pay'a license fee of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year in advance~ provided, however, that any person licensed to practice law or any real estate broker or salesm~n who has paid a license fee hereunder shall be exempt f~om paying a further fee as an appraiser. 1-B. Architect - Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the profession of Architect in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license fee of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year in advance. 2-A. Auditor a~d/or Accountant. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the profession of Auditor and/or Accountant in 'the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license fee of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year in advance. 18-A. Milk Wagons. For every person delivering milk, buttermilk and/or cream from wagons or other vehicles, the license fee shall be Three ($3.00) Dollars per quarter for each vehicle so used, payable in advance~ provided, however, that if such person's gross sales, as set forth in a sworn statement, are under one hundred ($100.00) dollars per month, no license fee shall be required. SECTION 4. That the following subsections of Section 1V of Ordinance No. 391 EeW'Series be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: 1. Attorney-at-Law - Every person or firm engaged in the profession of Attorney- at-Law and maintaining an office in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license fee of Fifteen ($16.00) Dollars per year in advance. 8. Chiropodist and/or Masseur - Every person or firm engaged in the profession of Chiropodist and/or Masseur and maintaining an office in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license fee of Fifteen ($16.00) Dollars per year in ad- vance. 24. Medicinal and Dental Professions - Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the prof- ession of chiropractic, osteopath, dentist, optometrist, optician, oculist, physician and surgeon, or physician or surgeon, and maintaining an office in the City of Bakersfield, shall pay a license fee of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year in advance. 29. Private Detective - Every person engaged in the profession of detective in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license fee of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year, payable in advance. 30. Real Estate - Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of buying, selling or renting real estate and receiving commissions thereon and therefor, or 'conducting, maintaining, or carrying on the profession of engaging in a real estate business for the pur- pose of buying, selling or renting real estate in the City of Bak- ersfield, shall pay a license fee of Fi£teen ($15.00) Dollars per year in advance~ provided, however, that no such person, firm or corporation who is duly license~in any other city of the State of California shall be required to pay the license provided for in.,'~this section until the license of such other city expires or unless such person, firm or corporation maintains an office in t~e City of Bakers-· field. For the business of keeping or conducting boot-blacking or shoe shining parlors or stands, the sum of one dollar 'and fifty cents ($1.50) per quarter, payable in advance. 40. Veterinarian - Every person engaged in the business or profession of veterinarian in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license fee of Fifteen ($16.00) Dollars per year in advance. SECTION 6. The Section 18 of Ordinance No. 391 New Series be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 18. Every person, firm or corporation who, at a fixed place of business, having a fixed and permanent headquarters within the City of Bakersfield, who keeps, conducts, carries on, manages, or main- tains any business, trade, calling, occupation, or who sells or offers for sale any goods, wares or merchandise, either as principal or agent, whether on commission or otherwise, whether for present or future delivery or whether said goods, wares or merchandise are owned by or'consigned to said person, firm or corporation, except as ~therwise provided for in this ordinance, shall pay a license fee based on the gross amount of monthly receipts and sales in accordance with the following schedule: Average Monthly Gross Receipts and Sales Not g $ 000 ' 3 O0 quarter exceedin 1, ....-.-..-...........-. ~ . per More than Sl,O00 and not exceeding .82~000 .. ~ 6~00 per quarter More than 82,000 and not exceeding S4,000 .~ $ 8.00 per quarter More than 84,000 and not exceeding 86,000 .. ~12.00 per quarter More than 86,000 and not exceeding~SlO,O00 .. 820.00 per quarter More thanSlO,O00 and not exceedi~SlS,O00 .. 82~.00 per quarter More th~SiS,O00 and not exceeding~20,O00 .. B3S.O0 per quarter Mo~e t~n820,O00 and not exceedi~S30,O00 .. S48.00 per quarte~ More t~nS30~O00 and not exceeding$SO,O00., 880,00 per quarte~ t so,ooo . ....--..--................ vs.oo Provided, however, that where any person, firm or corpora- tion carries on said business exclusively at wholesale the license fee therefor shall be equal in amount to one-half (,)'Of the license fee of that class of which said business would come if same were conducted as a retail business, as this section specified;provid~i'~~''' however, that in no case 'will the license fee be less than Five ($5.00) Dollars per quarter. Where said person, firm or corporation conducts both a retail and wholesale business on the same premises and desires to take advantage of the wholesale rate, such person, firm or cor- poration shall, in making the statement as provided in Section 19 of this ordinance and upon which said license fee shall be based, segregate the wholesale and retail sales, and said license fee shall thereupon be paid for each such branch. And provided, further, that nothing contained or set forth in this ~ection, or elsewhere in this ordinance, shall apply to any business coming.within the provisions of the law affecting or relating to inter-state commerce, and any person, firm or corporation engaged in doing any such business shall not be required to pay any license fee thereof or therefor. SECTION 6. That a section to be known as Section 18-A be added to Ordinance No. 391 New Series, said section to read as follows: SECTION 18-B License Fees for Professions - Every person, firm or corporation engaged in a profession not otherwise provided for in this ordinance and maintaining an office in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license fee of Fif- teen ($15.00) Dollars per year in advance. SECTION V. That a section to be known as Section 18-B be added to Ordinance No. 391 New Series, said section to read as follows: SECTION 18-~. Additional Persons in One Office - Every person, firm or corporation engaged in a profession shall pay a license fee for each and evez-y office or location; provided, however, that whenever two or more persons ar~L~aged in practicing a profession at one place of businesS~ license fee of Twenty-Five ($25.00) Dollars per year shall be paid for the first two persons, and Ten ($10.00) Dollars for each addi- tional ~firmat said place of business. SECTION 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 29th day of May, 1934, by the following vote: ABSENT, City lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROV~D by me this 29th day of May, 1934. MAYOR O~f ' the~Ci ty~f Baker s field.