HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 458 eORDINANCE NO.~ NEW SE~S AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PARK COMMISSION, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT x~BERS THEREOF, FIXING TEE TERM OF O~ICE OF ITS MEMBERS AND IRESCRIBING ITS DUTIES. 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 LEGAL DsrpARTMKNT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIT. OF THE CITY OY BAKERSFIEIAD, as follow s: SECTI ON 1 · A Park Conmission is hereby created, consisting of five members, of which the Park Commissioner and Park Foremare shall be ex-officio members. SECTION 2. Three manbets of the Commission, other t~an the ex- officio members, shall be appointed by the Park Commissioner, with the approval of the City Manager, one of whom shall be appointed for a term of one year, one ~r a term of two years, and one for a term of three' years, and thereafter as said respect- ive terse expire, the successor thereof shall he appointed for a term of three years. Should a vacancy occur at any time, the vacancy shall be filled by appoin~ne~t for the unexpired term in the same ma~e r as above set out. SEOTI ON 8. Any citizen of the United States who fias been a resi- dent of the City of Bakersf~eld for more than one year immediatel,~ preceding his appointment n~y be appointed on said Commission, including lm'rsons who my then hold some ether office of said city. SECTION 4. All manbets of said Commission shall serve without compmsat ion as s~ch Commissi onere. SECTION 5. Said Commission shall have power to organize and elect its officers fr~n the members thereof; provided, however,.· that it may elect a Secretary who my or may not be a member of said Commission, whose duty it shall be to keep the minutes of Three members of the Commission shall constitute its proceedings. a quOtare, em1 eq 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *" 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 There shall be one regular meetin~ in each cale.~tr month at a time and place to be filed by a resolut ion of said Commission, or upon failure so to do, upon notice from the ]?resident, Special meetings may be called by the ]?resident or three members of said ~ommission to be held at any time or place within said City upon giving notice thereof either oral or written s~fftole~t time in advance to travel the necessary distance by automobile, ~ECTION 6~ It shall be the duty of said Commission to advise the ]?ark Commissioner and City Manager of the City of Balmrsfield ways and me&us to better maintain the trees, shrubs and plants within the lmxblic parks, streets and ether public places within the City of t~ersfield, and to make such recommendations in connection therewith as it may deem advisable concernin~ the care, maintenance, preservation, t~rowth, protection, varieties to be grown, trimmin~, .plantin~ and cultivatic~n of said trees, vinest shrubs, plants and lawns now growiz~ or which may hereafter be planted or grown In any txzblic place, ....... 000 ..... ~ I ~w~w.~.~ OERTIFI that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of t~ersfield on Gay of xprn, lgss. AYE~ BODEH, GIST, SI'EMON, SMrrH, SOLLERB, WALTER~,WII,JOtl .................. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............ Clerk cto Clerk of 0! ty and the Council of the City of ~akersfield 30 A]?i~OVED by. me this ~ day of April, 19S5, 32 R of ~ City of ~rsfl~ LEGAL DEPARTMEN~ ~ CITY Or BAKERSFIELD